How To Sell - Sales Technique To Convince A Couple To Buy From You

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so they would literally fight in front of me it was very uncomfortable for me because the guy wanted to take action but the lady didn't that it was not fully into it you you only successfully allowed your spouse allows you to be this is a perfect case study of that in real life right but with this one the wife was talking him out so whenever you are dealing with a couple it's actually not easy to close because you're dealing with two parties right and there's a lot of underneath issues that they may not talk about so the way i like to do it when we're closing couple put the pressure on both of them not on you you know anna i know that's what raphael wants what do you want what do you want how do you feel about this decision does he try the things in the past that didn't work but how is it going to be different this time and what are your thoughts well you know he tried to things in the past it didn't work out and this and money and hey you know what well anna i think he's gotta just she's got some some good good points there right what what what what do you have to say about that how can you assure her so let let them close each other i just sit back and ask questions right so are we 100 comfortable both of you guys right not 99 95 percent 100 comfortable so you can move forward and they say yes both say yes then you go so even when they say yes you still do a confirmation close with the wife and husband now they're on the same page now you can move forward it's tricky it's not the product it's the the two prospects that they have emotional issues that they cannot make the decision on the product it's not the product the product is just a trigger of something that's been going on in the relationship for a long time who is the boss who is in charge who has the money like all those things it just this thing triggers that it's never about the what we're selling so you're dealing with a couple same thing by the way if you're talking to uh partners like business partners [Music] do the same thing because usually one is in one is more the in charge maybe the detail one is visionary whatever it might be yeah so let's say one is a visionary one is a uh integrator detail numbers kind of guy yeah you know that's that's what that's what john wants to do he wants to build this big company and take this risk and and invest in this and michael what are your thoughts the cfo what are your thoughts i mean that's that's a big investment yeah i don't know i'm not i'm not even comfortable with that john is always the crazy risk taker and all that yeah i know i know but what would you be comfortable with oh i i would start with just five you just go back and forth i mean john you're the risk taker you're the visionary you take charge and make it happen but isn't it nice to have someone like michael kind of look over the numbers to to minimize some of the risk right so maybe both of you could give me a number so i won't buy it from both what you want is when you finish the phone call they both say good things about you before the global crisis you hear objections like i need to think about it it costs us too much well maybe send me some more information or i need to talk to my business partner or talk to my spouse so you hear all these objections traditional sales techniques simply don't work anymore what is required is a new way a revolutionary approach to sales this challenge is designed for one thing and one thing only to make more sales this challenge is for sales professionals and business owners who are sick and tired of chasing prospects and getting rejected or you're already doing quite well in your sales career or in your business but you know deep down if you just make a few minor tweaks your results will skyrocket then this challenge is for you every single tool every single bonus every single training is designed to help you to elevate your sales game so click on the link and take advantage of the more sales challenge today and i will see you on the other side you
Channel: Dan Lok
Views: 7,398
Rating: 4.8223939 out of 5
Keywords: how to sell - sales technique to convince a couple to buy from you, how to sell more, how to close more deals, how to close more sales, how to close more sales deals, how to close more sales over the phone, sales, sales motivation, sales techniques, sales training, close more sales, dan lok sales, business, dan lok 2021, entrepreneurship, success
Id: j0_-x7QVlAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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