How To Sell on Ebay - Complete Guide

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hi this is dr. class here now some of you might have some items around the home that you have thought about selling on ebay but wasn't sure on how to do that and I thought about doing this video to show you a step-by-step and how easy it is to put that item on eBay auction it off and hopefully in the process you'll make some money so let's get started to get started I'm on website right now now if you're new to eBay you do need to sign up for a new account if you have an account already go ahead and sign in to my eBay and on the top right hand corner you see this my eBay click on that and then they'll ask you to sign in or log into the account the other thing you'll need is to also sign up for a PayPal account almost all the transactions the money transactions that you deal with on eBay goes through PayPal it's a very smooth and easy process the PayPal will be linked to your bank account so they can transfer money in and out of PayPal very easily it's very important that you understand the fees that eBay would charge you if you are buying something off eBay the buyer does not need to pay any fees at all however if you're gonna be selling an item on eBay there are two main fees that will charge you now this page you're looking at you can google it it's very easy to find just Google eBay fees and you'll find a page like this now on this page you'll find two different type of basic fees one of them is called the insertion fee this insertion fee is basically what they'll charge you to list the item on the eBay regardless it sells or not they will charge you for that fee now the fee for this is not that high usually starts at about 35 cents per auction and then depending on what options you add like say if you want to ad buy it now then the options will add more cost to the insertion fee the other fee that you need to understand is the final value fee the final value fee is gonna be charged when the item sells now if it does not sell then there is no final value fee the fee for this is gonna be ten percent of the total sale so that's the item itself plus the shipping charge and that's a total again 10% of the total selling price one last fee that you also have to pay is if you're gonna be using PayPal there is also a fee for the transaction and you can google that information and find out how much it is I believe is about three percent of the transaction that's how much they charge you now that you're ready to sell something on eBay what I recommend is to get onto eBay comm website and do a quick search for the item you're selling so for example I'm planning to sell a children's gaming device called the Leapster Explorer and you want to have a look at what are the prices that other people are selling this item at because remember regardless you sell the item or not they would charge you an assertion fee so let's say the item is going for around say twenty ten to twenty dollars and if you list your item at $50 or $60 then obviously the chance of you selling your items and be very very slim so do take the time to do a quick research on the exact item that you have and find out what is the fair market value for the item that you want to sell the next thing is to take a lot of good photos of the item you're selling on eBay and this step is very important because presentation is everything I noticed a lot of people who sell stuff on eBay they take a blurry picture or just one picture and expect people to be very impressed with what they're gonna be getting now every time I sell something on eBay I organize all the items if it comes with the original boss I show them that it does come with it also any accessories that come with it and as you can see I have my DSLR camera and that's what I'll be using to take some very clear and detailed pictures and I've just simply placed everything in a room here actually is my kid's playroom and placed it on the carpet surface here because it's a nice clear background and then I will take some close-up pictures of the actual device if it's an electronic device power it on take pictures of it show people that it is functioning show people that the LCD screen is not broken so these are all the little things that you can do to make sure that your option listing is going to be better than the other guys that's trying to sell the same item after taking your photos and uploading it to your computer now we'll get onto website here and click on the sell button here to begin listing our auction item this is a new screen they've added as you can see there are two options you can sell it by myself or sell it for me I'm gonna do sell it myself click on this box here go ahead and enter the description or the model number or name of your item that you want to sell and then no search for the categories that this device fall under and for me this is gonna be an educational electronic learning toy learning system select that and click continue here in the title box enter a title that people will see when they search for your item below that is subtitle now I'm not going to be using that because that's an extra 50 cents for the insertion fee below that is condition select new or used you can add additional information for the condition of the unit below that is add photos click on that and now you can select different photos to upload to ebay you can select up to a maximum of 12 photos once the pictures are uploaded you can actually move each of these pictures to different spots right here and that will be the order that the people will see these pictures when they scroll through one by one the very first picture that you see on the left side can be used as a thumbnail picture for your option so here I'm gonna be using this picture right here and moving it over here and I might delete this one here now you can click on finish and these are the pictures that will be shown in your eBay listing now right below the pictures you'll see this gallery plus 35 cents click on that and they'll display a large photo in your auction and I'll be using the first photo that you see on the left side right here scroll down and there's some information and enter for the specific item you don't have to enter this section so let's keep on going here in the detail section typically I'll enter the details of the item in this section also the condition if there are some things that that buyer need to know such as if there are scratches on the unit or if there are damages to the unit or if there's something that is not working you really want to be honest in this section because you don't want to sell an item only to have that person later on dispute it with eBay and want a refund and also if you have any requirements for shipping or payment also you enter into this detail section so I've just finished typing in the details of the item now we'll scroll down to the pricing section so if you want to you can start off your auction at a very low price to attract more people but if there's a minimum price you want to sell it at then you may want to list that as the minimum price that you want to start the auction at so for this item I'm gonna say $16 and if you want to you can also do a Buy It Now price again it would cost you additional fees to do that then you can choose the duration of the option one day 3 days 5 days 7 days or even 10 days now I'm going to choose 5 days for this one the next section is the shipping here you can select either a flat rate or you can choose to calculate depending on the buyer location I'll be using a flat rate also here the service you can select US PS or FedEx whichever you want to use now this flat rate you can actually specify how much you want to charge for the flat rate shipping I'll leave this at nine dollars down here there's a section here called create edit exclusion list you want to click on this the exclude shipping locations will allow you to select which country that you do not ship the item to and if you want to mainly ship only the item to say Canada and us here you can select all the location that you don't want the ship to and then those people located in those places will not be allowed to bid on your item once you select all the items that you want to exclude then click on apply now you see the excluded shipping locations and below that the package details you don't need to enter this if you're doing a flat rate shipping scroll down so near the bottom of the page you'll see the fees that eBay will charge you this is the insertion fee when you're ready go ahead and click on continue this next page will give you a summary of all the charges gallery plus is 35 cents no subtitle no bull title so the total is only 35 cents scroll down to the bottom and you see a check box here for automatically realist this item up to two times if it doesn't sell so for this one insertion fee if the item does not sell the first time you can set it to relist it automatically and they'll allow you to have a maximum of three listing for this one item now you can also manually relist the item at whatever time you want to so it's up to you if you want to check this but you don't have to I'll go ahead and click on the list your item here you see the message congratulations your item has been listed and here's the item that will be shown on eBay to check the status of the items you're selling go to my ebay scroll down to the active selling section if you want to know how many people have looked at your option and if there are any bids on it then you want to pay attention to the numbers on the right side here so for example this one 13 tells me that they're 113 people that looked at the item and nine people have saved it in their watchlist this five here is the actual number of bids on this item and the highest fit so far is $26 and time left are 13 minutes left this item has been listed for about seven days and after 13 minutes from now then the option will end whereas if you look at the next one here 55 people have looked at it for people saved in their watch list of no bids on it and there's 53 minutes left on the auction after the option ends and if the items did sell you can look at it by going to my eBay and go to the sold section here as you can see I have several items listed telling me that they're sold now the highest bidder or the winning bidder will get an email letting them know that they need to pay for the item if you want you can also click on these send voice button right here on the right and I'll send them an email reminding them that they need to pay for the item once the item is paid you see this button here that tells you to print the shipping label and also you'll notice that there's a dollar sign that's in bold that tells you that the item has been paid of course if you want to double check you can always log into your PayPal account and make sure you see the balance when you're ready to ship the item click on the print shipping label it takes you to the ebay purchase and print USPS postage page here you'll need to enter the weight and the dimension of the box and select the service that you want to ship this out on on the left side of the screen this is the ship to and the ship from address and it's Auto populated now I'm not showing you because of privacy reasons but next thing is to select the service you want right here you can click on the drop down menu to select different services you want or if you want you can click on the compare delivery services but before you click on that you want to enter the weight of that box and the item you're shipping once you enter that then go ahead and click on the compare delivery services this page will give you a comparison of all the different services available and the cost for each one of them now you don't want to just pick the cheapest one because depending on the weight and the size of the box that you're shipping some of these service might not apply to you so for example the box I'm shipping I can use party male medium flat rate box or the party mail large flat rate box or the party mail package 1 to 3 days or the parcel select two to nine days package now anything that says flat rate box here on the left these will be shipped in the USPS flat rate box that they have at the post office so you don't want to use your own box you can just pick up these free boxes available at your local postal office and then these are the costs which is flat rate costs for these items if you want to use your own box then you can select one of these be the party mail or Parcel select so if you want to know if your box meets the criteria they set for each of these service as you can see here there's a description here for party male 1 2 3 days package now that's a criteria for this party male 1 2 3 days package every one of these service will have different dimensions and weight limit so you want to check that before you select that service once you have chosen the service you want at the bottom right hand corner click on a safe here you see the postage cost displayed over here I do recommend you going through the eBay USPS page to print and purchase your postage because if you look on the right side you see there's an ebay discount for buying the postage online and I'm saving three dollars and 59 cents if you were to walk in to USPS postal office you'll be paying 1425 but because I'm doing this online via the eBay website I only pay 10 dollars and 66 cents before you purchase the postage there are a couple of options you can select do you add the signature confirmation you can add insurance so there are a couple of options you can add here but for me I just typically stick with the tracking information which is free and then I'll go ahead and click on the purchase postage right here after you've purchased the postage the next thing you need to do is print the label so right here there's a button here for you to print the label after the auction ends and you've sold the item carefully box it up so that doesn't get damaged during shipping now if you're gonna be using USPS flat-rate shipping you can pick up the free boxes from the post office put it in here put in the bubble wrap or popcorn whatever you have to protect the item here I have the label printed and here's my box now this just printed on a regular piece of paper you can buy special labels that you print on and then you just stick it on but for me I'll just print it on a and a half by 11 sheet of paper I'll cut out this shipping label and tape it on to the box one thing I want to mention is that if you're gonna be printing this at home is to use a laser printer because with inkjet printer if the label gets wet the lettering and all the print elf is gonna start smearing so that's one recommendation I really want to emphasize is to make sure that you have good print out on the label so that it gets to your destination without any problem I've placed the label onto the box and what you want to do is place packing tape around the four edges of that label but USPS don't recommend you to tape over any of the barcode so their scanners don't have any problem scanning it now the only thing you need to do is drop this off at your USPS postal office and get it shipped out I hope this video was helpful for those people who wants to sell some stuff on eBay and make some extra money and if you have any questions leave a comment below have you liked the video please subscribe thank you
Channel: dial2fast
Views: 1,456,361
Rating: 4.876966 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, sell, list, auction, how-to, sell on ebay, list auction, sell online, craigslist, how to sell, digital scale, shipping scale, shipping label, tracking, winning bid, commission, listing, paypal
Id: llD8L3uNk5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2015
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