How To Sell ANYTHING! | Affiliate Marketing Tips

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you want to know the key to making huge amounts of money online it's bonuses [Music] hey welcome back to another five minute friday i'm jono armstrong and it'd be great if you could just like this video subscribe and hit the bell button before we get into it now you can sell literally anything even complete garbage with good value bonuses now an example of this is a review that i did a couple of weeks ago which is called docuprofits right and i'll actually link this video down below because it's interesting i needed to promote this product because the vendor of this product was called he's called sean josiah he's a pretty big vendor and he's got a huge email list and i was launching my own product which is called the opel system a few days later so i needed to reciprocate so that i could get him to promote my product the only problem was docky profits was absolute garbage it was a crap product it was the ultimate shiny object it was totally unhelpful right so i was in a bit of a dilemma how do i sell a product that is obviously unhelpful that my subscribers are not going to get any kind of genuine value from it's a complete bunch of crap but at the same time i need to sell it to in order to get sean to reciprocate for my launch what did i do i put together a really good value bonus bundle and i told my subscribers inside of this video look this video is sorry this this product is total garbage but if you pick up this product here's what i have for you and i sold them my bonuses which were incredible i sold them early access to my upcoming product i saw i i had a bunch of other bonuses anyway go and watch my docky profits review to go and see the bonuses that i had now as a result this ended up making me some decent money if i go into my affiliate stats here right and i just go back the last 30 days because this was within the last 30 days all right so you can see here docuprofits i did 133 sales it made me over 1300 and this is pretty contradictory to my review video if you go and watch it i outright say this product is a bunch of crap don't buy it but if you do want to buy it here's what i have for you and the only reason why i was able to make this thirteen hundred dollars is because i sold my bonuses because my bonuses were way more valuable than the actual product itself and that goes to prove that you can sell anything as long as you have good value bonuses now the reason why i'm telling you this is because this is especially helpful when it comes to launch jacking i mean the example i gave to you was a crap product but there's actually a lot of good products out there that people genuinely want to buy and all they need is a little push over the edge and you can do that again through bonuses you see what happens when you're launch jacking you have all of these affiliates right all of these affiliates who have huge email lists and they're emailing all of their subscribers and they're telling them about this awesome product right they give them the product name but since they're just sending them an email there's no real details about what the product looks like what the members area looks like how it works how it can benefit them because all they're doing is sending out just a one email with not that much information inside of it so what ends up happening is these subscribers they like the sound of the product but they're still curious they still want more information so what do they do they head over to youtube and they go and look for reviews on this product so all you need to do is make your review video rank it on youtube and get these eyeballs on your video and then when you start talking about your bonuses that's when you start to seal in the deal because you say okay i've got bonus number one bonus number two and a bonus number three bonus number four these are all yours completely free when you pick them up from the link underneath my video so these subscribers they're already interested in what they've heard from these affiliates these email marketers they just want more information you give them that information inside of your video and you give them some irresistible bonuses that is going to seal the deal and that's what's going to put the money in your pocket now you can do this with good products obviously you can do this with bad products as i've showed you in this example you can even do this with physical products from a place like amazon amazon has an affiliate program right so if you have a product that you've recently bought from amazon like maybe a dishwasher or some i don't know if they sell dishwashers on amazon maybe a laptop then you can make a review of this laptop that you've recently bought you can have your amazon affiliate link underneath and you can say okay if you pick up this product from me i'm gonna give you this quick start guide that i've personally made that's gonna show you how to set up your laptop and all the hidden features in your laptop nobody else is doing that on amazon they're just straight up reviewing the product they're not giving away any bonuses and that can and that's going to make sure that people looking for these reviews and watching all of these regular reviews where people don't give any bonuses they probably already know what the product does now but then they come across your review and you're giving them something additional for free of course they're going to buy this from you rather than somebody else and that's the power of bonuses you can use it for digital products you can sell physical products through amazon you can even sell things like property using bonuses right let's say that you have an old farm that's kind of disintegrating or whatever and the barns disintegrating and stuff like that you could and this might sound a bit far-fetched but you could give away two free cows to the person who wants to buy it something that's going to sweeten the deal just a little bit and push those people over the edge to buy it from you so i hope you found this video helpful i hope you'll put into action the stuff that i've shown you and thanks for watching i'll see you in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Jono Armstrong
Views: 391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affiliate marketing, how to sell affiliate, how to sell affiliate products
Id: oiLO55PybYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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