HOW TO SEEK FOR A DIVINE DIRECTION | Apostle Joshua Selman Sermon

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[Music] hallelujah proverbs 16 verse 25 please we have to really really rush tonight proverbs 16 verse 25 i welcome everyone inside and outside may the lord bless you he brought you to change you he will give you what money cannot buy in the name of jesus christ hallelujah proverbs 16 can we read together do we have amplified amplified peace [Music] thank you jesus christ [Music] let's read together one to read [Music] one more time there is a way that seems right to a man and appears straight before him but the end of it is the way of death help us tonight in the name of jesus open our eyes to the things of the spirit empower us by light in the name of jesus christ hallelujah um i began to think and meditate on the things that i'll be sharing and the lord began to reveal to me how that if we stay on course please listen if we stay on course with spiritual things and the things we are hearing the things we are listening to the lord again began to give me an assurance that there is a height he is taking us in the spirit and that that height will not come in one day but that line up online precept upon precept if we will be faithful enough to allow the light of god to finish its work in our lives you know one of the things that we suffer a lot in the body of christ is impatient everyone's impatient we want everything to happen [Music] we want anointing sharp sharp we want inside sharp sharp we want to have all the revelations of the kingdom you want to listen to all the coin on your messages and receive all of the invitations at once you want all of the prosperity and the blessings to just come at once except for the fact that that's not how spiritual things work hallelujah god does not throw people up he licks people and is a process when he lifts you he sustains you by knowledge hallelujah praise the lord so it's not just enough to be lifted you will calm down but when he raises you up and then he keeps you in a place of stability no power in existence can bring you down hallelujah one of the things that i really thought about [Music] i thought about a lot of things but one of them that struck a chord in my spirit and that would be the foundation of our teaching tonight i'll be very brief and then we pray you know over the last few weeks i've been challenging our convictions praise alone those of us who have been consistent for a while you know that i have been probing our ideologies to examine the foundation of the things that we believe and why we believe them transformation is a product of replacing your old ideologies with another that is new that is sustainable and is able to take you to the place where god wants you to go it's not enough that we have a prophetic destiny in christ it's not even enough that we know that we have a prophetic destiny in christ like the lovely lady there shared that she knew that there was a place there was a a prophetic destiny for her life but knowing its brothers and sisters is not enough you must know how to get there and what it takes to get there and then you must commit yourself and this is one of the major problems with the body of christ we teach a lot about where we are going and where god is taking us and the fact that there are many prophetic things reserved for us and that is not a lie except for the fact that if believers are not equipped and shown how to live where they are to that prophetic destiny they will be frustrated with time the bible says hope that is deferred can make the heart wary hallelujah and so our job in this place is not only to reveal to you that there is a prophetic destiny for every single one of us in christ that there is an agenda of the spirit that there is an intention in the heart of god for the nations and for us as individuals but to guide us through the spiritual principles that will transit and transform us to that plane and if you subject yourself to these teachings listen to me listen to me if you subject yourself to the truth you are receiving here and you open up yourself holy holy the bible says how that joshua followed the lord only was it the lord holy not half-hearted there are many of us who um we love the lord but [Music] we are not really convinced about spiritual things hallelujah so our perception about spiritual things are just on the average you are not extreme you are not fanatic enough about your belief of spiritual things so you can bend when you share anything else but the bible says be steadfast be immovable hallelujah you must be rooted in something listen let me tell you something if you ever hear a teaching gear and you doubt it's reality then don't keep quiet about it probe what you've heard and if you think it is not consistent with the word of god throw it away do not entertain anything in your heart you do not believe hallelujah there are many of us that have believed the teachings of men of god for the purpose of solidarity not because it is a revelation we plan to apply hallelujah probably there are many of us that believe some of the things that we share in this place simply because you are a walker and you have to believe it is that true if you were left all to yourself you would not agree with some of those things why deceive yourself take away anything your spirit does not agree with and you must embrace something that is strong enough for you to be audacious about are you getting my point there is no point standing for nothing if you don't believe in prosperity don't behave and pretend like you believe it probe its reality until you are convicted for or against it if you do not believe in the anointing and the ministry of the holy spirit see it's a dangerous thing to follow the crowd whereas your conviction about that reality is not strong because in the end of it you will not get any results are you hearing what i'm saying very important so it's not enough to sit under this anointing and listen to the word of god the question is are you convinced that the truths that are brought are true enough for you to believe and hold on to that in the secret place where no one is watching you you know that this is still my conviction hallelujah i say this because there are many of us in the past maybe three four five years your spiritual life has not been stable it's been a journey like a pendulum right now you are even confused and you don't know what you believe again i heard a lady send me a text and said honestly since i graduated let me tell you sincerely i went to a church and i'm serving under that church and i've sat under that teaching for three two three months or thereabouts and right now i don't even know what i should believe again if that becomes your testimony you will be angry in the future because your lot will be the same as those who never knew the truth in the first place there are certain things you must be able to believe that you can hold and know that i will die believing this truth the terrorists we have in this country they are convinced about an ideology and as ambitious and unrealistic as barbaric and sarcastic as those ideologies are they sit down and they believe that the ideologies will come to pass and the wrong people give towards those ideologies people give their lives towards those ideologies what do you believe what can you stand for about god about your life about your destiny have you seen the reason why many of us never experience the reality of god's life we just hop around anything that looks like the truth so you travel back home and you share something else and then you stop praying in tongues and you say this thing based on what i've had now i'm not really sure it doesn't make sense let me stop and then you come back and you are refired and then you are praying and then tomorrow is easy for you to bribe [Music] and then later on you say kite i need to repent where do you stand see the bible says i wish that thou art hot or cold you are neither hot nor cold you are lukewarm he said as a result i will spew you out you must stand for something you must stand for an ideology you must stand for a dimension of truth it's like marriage you cannot marry every woman is that true you cannot marry every man so you see a pretty lady right now and say where have you been if i saw you i would not ask rose out and then the next thing you see another person and say you see that's how many of us are there is a lot of spiritual heraldry and at the end of it we were infected with all kinds of viruses nothing stands [Music] so you used to pray out fast but you heard something and right now you don't even see a need for it then you hear another message and you are now confused so believers are swinging like pendleton [Music] if your life must move forward you must be able to convince yourself by the ministry of the holy spirit listen let me tell you something i have seen people who have had the privilege to be changed and transformed by now in their lives and i am shocked to see that nothing has moved in their life are you getting my point when we began to pursue the things of god years ago some of these people were also seemingly committed to the things of god but right now the equation is still zero they have not been able to stand for something true there are pastors today that you cannot write a theme about your ministry you don't even know what to call of the ministry so within two weeks they say we are a healing ministry and later on they hear another hot message and they say our focus now is holiness and then later on they say our people cannot be poor and and and and make heaven so we're focused where do you stand [Music] hallelujah are you hearing what i'm saying and many of us have been victims like that you've had to throw away certain notebooks and jottings that you did because you had something that made them useless and now you are looking for it you cannot find it because what you have held on to is not working listen we're going to pray in one minute and you're going to pray and say lord let me not pretend this thing help me to stand for something real help me to stand for something through lift your voice and pray inside and outside pray for one minute i'm communicating towards a burden of the spirit you must stand for something that you know that you are convinced about do you believe in divine hell is it a reality to you do you believe in the supernatural power of god [Music] what has changed in the last two weeks about what you believe was it supposed to change what has not changed about your life why has it not changed go ahead and pray lord i refuse to be hot today and call tomorrow i refuse to doubt my conviction i remain immovable i remain steadfast pray this is why many of us never experience spiritual progress we hold on to truths today and we throw them again tomorrow only to repeat the journey of our lives there are things i will never believe i will never believe them there are things i will never stop believing there are things i'm open to change about because there are higher heights there are things i have found that are true go ahead and pray what have you found ask the lord to probe the foundations of your ideology there's no need pretending it it's possible that you're here yet you do not believe in things like the baptism of the holy spirit yet you do not even believe in the supernatural power of god it is a dangerous thing to be in a place it is a dangerous thing to be in a place just for the ceremony of it proximity is not the same as connectivity that you are close to an anointing that you are close to a revelation does not mean it will become part of your life hallelujah hallelujah there are many of us that are very ashamed about what we believe we cannot stand in the public because we are ashamed of the the stigmatizations and the mockery probably or the loneliness that such revelations can bring into our lives that you are ashamed to tell people that you made a commitment that no man will sleep with you until you are married and that commitment you are so ashamed of it is that true to an extent that when you hear people talking and they say how about you so who is for this weekend you just laugh and then you feel to say no no no i this is not my ideology it is so embarrassing because you are ashamed of the persecution that can come hallelujah every great man is fanatic about something and if you must ever experience greatness especially in the spirit you must have something you are convinced about and you must allow the holy spirit to prove your convictions very interesting scripture the bible says can we have that scripture again [Music] there is a way that what seems right [Music] seems right unto a man and appears straight the road is not straight but based on what the man is seeing it is a straight rule hallelujah like a drunkard when a drunkard takes eight bottles of beer he can see this door right here [Music] is that true based on his perspective the door is here and he will go convincingly now whether or not his right will be shown shortly praise the lord he can see a gutter and according to what his eyes is seen he's seen a staircase right and he reaches to that gutter and with every sense of conviction he will attempt to climb only to find out that the light he saw was darkness now the bible says that there is a way that seems right many people have different ideas in the body of christ in the secular environment across our territories we have our ideas about the path to success we have our ideas about the way to know god more is that true we have our ideas about ministry how we should be we have our ideas about marriage we have our ideas about prosperity we have our ideas about the will of god about rapture about the coming of christ about satan so we live in a society where we have ideas in the body of christ for instance we have different ideas about god different ideas about the realities of the kingdom and these different ideas and perspectives have shaped our doctrines and our convictions hallelujah in the secular environment we have different ideas about jobs about our work there are those who believe that walking is an insult is that true there are those who believe if you are not walking you are not yet a man or a woman you are still a child we have all kinds of ideologies but the bible says there is what a way it sinks right onto a man but in the end look at it the dangerous part of it is that it is in the end that you will know whether you are right or wrong you see why it is dangerous imagine brothers and sisters that you took a 10 hour journey or 12 hour journey to lagos and you followed the wrong rule and after 12 hours you meet us a military man on the road and he says where are you really going and he says sir the truth is lagos you are at the other side of this nation so it will take you at least 24 hours 12 hours to retrace your step back to the beginning and hope you don't make another mistake are you getting what i'm saying everything looks the same it is time that shows what is true and what is formed when you plant a crop both the grass and the real plants all look the same in most cases but when you allow time it will show the difference all of us right now are here we can jump i am successful all the holy spirit is working with me the life of god is in me i'm committed to the kingdom i'm an ambassador we're all speaking the same thing but time will prove those whose convictions are sincere genuine and solid and those who are just following the crowd in the name of meetings or koinonia or ministry there is a way one of the things that intrigued me i remember then when i was in secondary school you know we wanted to make it so much every subject that we had to study we took it very seriously and i did find art and one of the things that that surprised me very much in fine arts was a topic that our art teacher taught us called perspectives right perspectives it was a very interesting subject for me because when we were being taught that um blessing we were taught that there are many ways of seeing the same thing is that true and they call it what perspectives so when we were giving assignments they will tell us from so social perspective draw this building praise the lord there were certain informations that if you stood from that perspective they must be represented in your drawing is that true and i enjoyed it so much but then i got to find out that that mindset was not just in fine art alone but that it was a revelation that was applicable in life perspectives everyone's a perspective that it matters your interpretation of life and everything around you is dependent on the perspective you are seeing things from are you getting my point now if we ask an artist to stand on one side of this building and draw outside we may just think that koinonia is a meeting that occurs outside is that true based on what the artist is drawing that was the information that his eyes would pick he may never have the opportunity to draw that there is a feedback here and then when we ask someone to stand from this viewpoint and draw it my goodness you would think cause has been held in a stadium perspective so it is possible please listen to me that a man can stand from a plane and see life and believe that that is all there is to life are you getting my point and be so convinced about your perspective that you will argue with any other person that is seen from any other perspective it's one of the biggest problems with the body of christ and so a man of god can stand from one perspective and look at life and all he sees is prosperity and success and increase are you getting me and a good life and a great life and from his perspective that is all there is to the christian experience are you getting me and then the christians in places like iraq and iran and the israelis will stand from a perspective and see that the life of faith is a commitment where you pledge your life and pledge your blood it can cost you your life this is their perspective are you getting what i'm saying and to them it may not interest them so much when you are teaching this guy here is teaching i have come that you may have life is that true and have life more abundantly i refuse to be sick i refuse to be poor whereas another person looking at the same truth from another perspective begins to speak and say for me to leave is christ and to die is king if it will cost me my life so be it yet another person looks at each year and he sees ancestral courses and he sees yokes and bondages and based on his perspective he seen that life is a serious warfare before you are born and until the day you get to heaven there is a fight and this is his perspective now the trouble starts hear me when we begin to believe that our perspectives about spiritual reality is the ultimate perspective you see where errol begins to come in when we do not realize that the best that any man can be is an effective member of the body hallelujah and so i'm here this is the perspective of sin and now i look at the person in iraq and i said this guy does not have faith if he had faith guns and bullets would not enter his body whereas there are all kinds of security men taking care of me here are you getting me i live in a house that is secured digitally and these guys here are speaking and say lord help these people not to be kana let them not miss heaven let them know that heaven is more than tea and bread yet we are all supposed to be believers and then there are others watch this that this is not even the object they are looking at they are looking at something else are you getting my point now they are not even looking at the perfect law of liberty they are looking at something entirely different and from what they are seeing they fish out all sorts of doctrines so they are not even here they are not even here they are not even here if not different dimensions of the same truth this is what the bible calls another gospel [Music] are you getting my point i marvel that year soon drawn into another gospel [Music] and all of those people will come together under an umbrella called christianity we believe we are worshiping god we believe there are all kinds of christian sects for instance in this country these are not true there are generally acceptable sect there are controversial sects there are other sects that people say this one is not even an issue of controversy for everybody when they say feel your form christian or non-christian we all strike christians and the bible says there is a way everybody said there is a way now the trouble is everyone is being taught and fed by one or more of these avenues and it is important that you get to a point in your life this is why you find out have you seen a family where they have five members and all of them attend different ministries and different churches have you seen the commotion that happens there during things like fasting and prayer or or maybe christmas or new year or something everyone comes with his perspective why are you spending 20 000 naira on clothes somebody said because jesus died for me he didn't die to make me suffer and the other person is saying oh you oh boy who taught you this and the other person is saying continue the day there is no food to eat my doctrine will make sense and this other person is now speaking and saying you guys are not pressing into the things of god you you are religious you you are canada we are spiritual we are always walking with angels there is fasting and prayer are you not seeing that jesus is coming soon there is global evangelization souls must be won you are talking about clothes and all this confusion are happening in the same house the bible calls it a great house but in a great house there are what not only vessels there are there are many they are all vessels but the bible says there are many vessels and god did not hide it from us he said some are unto unknown but some vessels although they are vessels the truth of the matter is that they are unto dishonor he said they are vessels of clay it starts from there the first vessel is what clay vessels were clean something made them that way they have refused to transit they believe that that clay is gold and that is their conviction but the bible says there are vessels of wood they have moved from that realm of clay to being wood when fire comes it can bond them and they can become ashes or at least they are vessels of wood and then the bible says there are vessels of silver and then there are vessels of gold are you not are you seeing now that in the body of christ vessels are not the same it is called a great house the bible gives us the parable of ten virgins they are all virgins meaning they have been spotless is that true so he's not talking about believers and unbelievers he was talking about people in the same food but he said five were wise so it's possible to be a foolish veggie five were wise and the other five were what foolish what was the wisdom five took extra oil the other five were complacent with what they did they didn't press for more and a time came when what they had was not sufficient enough to sustain them then the bible talks about the prodigal son it was not called the prodigal servant he was called the prodigal son so this was a family affair is that true but still in the same family the young man said i'm tired i want my inheritance and they gave it to him and he went out and landed with peace hallelujah and when he came back the father received him and the elder brother was angry and was about to make the same mistake he said i've been in this house not even one realm they have not caught anything for me and the father said all that i have is yours if someone follow me tonight there is a way i have i have probed and i i do this all the time my convictions and my ideologies it is going to be a catastrophic thing brothers and sisters if at the end of our journey you suddenly find out that praying in tongues is really wrong imagine that at the end of your journey then you find out that jesus is truly not lord ah for instance you now say jesus calm down ah calm down you have cheated me come and explain to me i didn't enjoy the world i didn't do anything for you and only to find out but that's the level at which some of us are going right now because our convictions are not strong we even get to a point where the hour we saw this christianity thing is not a lie hallelujah [Music] there is a way that seems right it seems right it seems accurate it seems like the way there are many books that have been written in the body of christ all trying to describe how to do ministry all trying to describe how to be a success in life all trying to describe how to walk in the anointing is that not true oh goodness there are thousands and probably millions of books that try to teach on the anointing and there are many people who have read it and truly entered the anointing there are others who read it and entered something else there are others who read it and nothing happened lift your hands and say lord reveal the truth to me please say lord reveal the truth to me jesus said it this way i am the way not any prophet not any apostle not any teacher not any pastor i am the way you follow men you will follow a lot of things are you hearing what i'm saying if all you want to do in your life is to follow apostle joshua sermon you are going to be in big trouble i am the way i am the truth in fact to put it this way let every man man of god man of man politicians let every man be a liar but let god alone that means if you build your life hear me if you build your ministry around a man you are in for shock i've said this thing again and again and again this is even the secret of increasing ministry if i be lifted up i tell you if you see any ministry that god is honoring with his presence with signs and wonders multiplied people and all of that jesus has been glorified in that ministry if i be lifted up i will draw all men to myself there is something you can hear that will make you a failure in life no matter how nice it sounds there is something you can hear no matter how ugly it sounds it will make you a wonder in life there is something you will share that will add to your spiritual confusion in life there is something you share that will truly bring you to a place of rest the bible says be careful how you hear and tonight the lord is bringing a word he said there is a way there is a way that seems right there are many of us who have held onto doctrines and teachings that we believe are true hallelujah we believe we are so convinced we've argued it that this is the truth act please acts chapter 18 acts chapter 18 let's read from verse 15 let me show you something a very interesting man in the bible acts chapter 18 [Music] the lord is talking to us tonight because we're a man of destiny [Music] acts chapter 18 let's start from verse 24 verse 24 look at this interesting story brothers and sisters acts chapter 18 verse 24 look up please and a certain jew named what apollos born at alexandria he was an eloquent man so there is no doubt that he was eloquent and mighty in what are you is that in your bible that man was mighty meaning he was a man of god he came to ephesus and when when you for many of us who have read the book of ephesians you know that ephesians theologically said to contain the highest church truth ephesus is not where you come and talk dragons verse 26 okay 25 now he said this man was instructed in the way of the lord hold on that means somebody taught him something is that true he was instructed in the way of the lord and he was being threatened in spirit according to what he had been taught he spoke and thought diligently of the things of the lord what was the limitation he knew only the baptism of john so the entire scope of his eloquence and his spiritual argument as powerful as they were they were only centered around the baptism was he a fake man of god you see that your pastors your leaders there are many churches and ministries that we may think they are not seeing certain results maybe because they are not genuine they are genuine it's just that their perspectives this guy was eloquent all that he was taught he got a one in it but getting a one in one course or getting a one course does not make you a graduate verse 26 and he began to speak boldly in the synagogue who when now one day he was in a meeting just like carinonia that's why his brothers and sisters is part of the reason why i prepare and pray and fast because i realize that when i stand on this stage is a privileged position not everybody is deaf spiritually pastors never forget this when you stand there are times you are speaking and somebody is just looking this is the situation the guy had been called a great man like women of god are we just returned from a trip in kuga and he was a great great great one so according to that perspective i met people there who came down on their knees joshua salman i've been wanting to see you finally i get to see you yes it says whom when acryla and priscilla had that means he stumbled into a meeting in a church when it was there to shine as usual on that faithful day there were two strange men called aquila and christina and they kept quiet worshipped him sang and the guy was he came up and he began to speak when aquila and priscilla had they said wow this guy has great potentials but there is so much you do not know how do you feel when someone tells you that embarrassing right if you ever feel embarrassed get set for stunted growth are you getting my point now the bible says when they heard what happened they took him like a boy ah amazing see come this is this is apollos smart guy ton shot guy this guy has been preaching divine healing is possible blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and true true one had they got healed one headache this and that happened and one day he entered the meeting where he saw a pillar and priscilla and while he was talking you see the beautiful thing about them is they did not condemn him maybe if i was the one i would have looked at him and say look at what these guys say you are just disturbing people they appreciated his impact if you ever let your revelation make you turn down on other people you are not growing you are a child these guys understood so much when they looked at him the bible says they took him everybody said they took him they said gentleman your message was powerful we were so blessed but if there is just a few things you add you will be amazed and then they carry him and what happened they expounded to him the way of god more so it's not like the guy did not try but there were areas of lapses areas of excesses areas where his eye had not seen when they took him what happened they expounded they said all right there is the baptism of john but did you know that pentecost happened the guy said no the person who taught me did not teach me that probably the person who taught him taught him as alpha maybe he was one of the scribes the scribes are the suspects in this teaching maybe they taught him and they say look moses is our father and this is all we have been taught follow me tonight there is a very serious journey now let's look at what happened verse 27 now the guy had become acquainted with the truth more perfectly when he was disposed to pass through akaya the brethren wrote exhorting the disciples to receive him who when he was come he helped them much which are believed to grace how did he help them next verse for he might heavily convince the jews and publicly showing by scriptures that jesus was the anointed that path was not taught him but when the guy had it she became a wonder could it be that you can be better than the way you are now if only you open up your spirit to say there is more than what i have been taught are you hearing what i'm saying who is god speaking to in this place tonight nobody say your pastor did not try don't let your revelation make you insult the people who are who did be brothers and sisters that you were taught about spiritual growth but you were not taught about the principles of wealth in the kingdom and that other part you were not taught is punishing your christian experience and if you will open up yourself to embrace that dimension you will find out that your christian experience will become richer and more complete what if you were taught that it is just all about success and prosperity and greatness and you have never come to a point where they taught you that the christian race is a cross that you can carry and that there are times that you will need to stand alone are you hearing me that there are times that if need be you may have to die for your convictions if you open your heart to that dimension then you can enjoy the blessings of god buy all the flashy cars buy great houses but they never take your place because you know that you are a born servant your christian experience becomes more perfect are you getting me what if you have been taught that the only devil you have is the devil in your mind there is no real devil anywhere there are no demons anywhere that's true what if you have been taught that the only reason why things are not working is because you don't have faith and all of a sudden you hear a perspective that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and wickedness spiritual wickedness and you embrace the perspective you become a prosperous committed strong and vibrant christian it makes your christian experience richer are you hearing what i'm saying and it is for discuss ephesians chapter 4 please verse 10 it is on account of this completion listen please that he that descended is the same also that ascended far from above the heavens verse 10 verse 11. [Music] and some and some and some perspectives he gave unto them he engraved his body with gifts listen to me reveal perspectives to them there are many apostles and prophets who cannot pastor a church they can host a convention they can lift wheelchairs but they do not have the heart of a shepherd are you getting what i'm saying that is a dimension that is resident within a person in terms of office not just me i know we just have all the names mixed up what i mean in terms of office there are many apostles and prophets that are just after signs and wonders are you getting me the ability to stay with a congregation and teach them kill them make them equipped and relevant go to the kingdom and society is not there if you want a miracle meeting where you come and in minutes wheelchairs are flying up there are people like that there are prophets who can come when you are confused in your life just locate them you are not going to hear any revelation i traveled somewhere and while i was there it was a conference and there were lots of prophets there hallelujah and i was amazed to see how these guys their understanding of the world was so little you know how an ostrich is so big but the brain is so tiny not it's not an insult i'm just saying that was how much their word capacity was but my goodness my goodness these people these people zeroed down the prophetic it was almost prophecy but at will i've had the opportunity to prophesy and speak over people but i'm not called into the prophetic office the grace to be able to prophesy is the privilege that the scope of the apostolic ministry affords you so for me i know that to prophesy it must happen with fasting and prayer it's not a gift for me i don't look at you now except i'm lying you see that it is to tell a lie it's a very simple thing i can just say you there are things going wrong with your life of course that's a very easy way to life hallelujah so if ever the prophetic gift must be activated in me it's on the strength of much prayer and fasting and my fellowship with the holy spirit it's not a luxury for me that's why the few times it comes i cherish it sincerely he gave on to some apostles he gave unto some prophets he gave unto some evangelist he gave on to some pastors he gave on to some teachers so that though the full picture verse 12. why did he give all these things for what the bible says apollos was shown the way of the kingdom more perfectly and the bible says these diversities are given for the perfecting of the same command so that their the saints will do the work of the ministry to the end that verse 13 till we come into the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the son of god unto a perfect man and unto the measure of the statue let me tell you something every man of god that truly knows god knows that the best he can deliver is only a dimension of god and he's not embarrassed by that reality that's why i get you never there are some things you'll never hear in calinonia here oh god of course oh god of joshua salman arrives for me i'm not saying ministries that's a god of this god of that this there's anything wrong i'm just saying that if if you don't take care that turns from becoming calling upon the name of the lord to idolatry are you getting what i'm saying there are believers in the body of christ today they have seen the truth they have seen it they know that this is truth but their commitment towards the perspectives they have had will never afford them the opportunity like apollos to be humble the bible says there is a way that cement right it's amazing that there are still christians today that believe that only based on their fasting and prayer and growing up spiritually they will have enough money to fund a ministry they will have enough money to fund tv programs buy bosses buy all of this and carry the gospel that's the perspective they've been trained they have it that way and they have refused to embrace the ministry of people like jeanette copeland bishop yeah and who again dr mcmurdock and all of these people gifts in the body of christ that revealed the wisdom of god they have rejected the ministry the trouble is the bible says at the end let's have that scripture again at the end it will tell on you there are ministries for instance who love god but they have no desire for excellence in fact their interpretation of excellence is canality is that true you ever buy a suit that fits you you are of the world they don't know that oh you can buy a good shared size so the man of god does not cheer and then you don't know why they are rejecting your programs on air you go on you say okay let me go and maybe do not miss tv this people don't listen let me go on this let me go on that any television station they throw you away correct gospel but you have forgotten that there are all kinds of people who are watching you is that true what perspective about god have you rejected bless you what perspective about the truth of god's word have you rejected there are people today for instance who will never listen to bishop davido hedico's teachings never ever there are people today who will never listen to papaya adeboye's message as great as he is they just look and say this is basic i'm looking for strong meat not milk are you guessing that now there are people who never listen to olukoya's message for instance dr olukoya i'm not ready for all of these things there are many people who will never listen to wf kumui's message said please it doesn't matter i don't want this there are many people who will never listen to maybe some of their missed message say please i'm not a businessman this ads we have come for serious there are there are there are yokes to break the dimension you probably may be neglecting is the area that has stopped you from being perfected so occasionally god grants us access there are people who have rejected the ministry of prophets is that true the moment you are called prophet femi or whatever just a prophet what even if he's your brother they don't say no way i hate prophets prophets of the devil they are liars it's not all about this and that and the guy is confused for three years a decision that can be revealed to him in five minutes are you getting my point the guy is confused ministry is not working nothing is working and he does not know what is wrong occasionally he may go for meetings where he will see other great prophets what is the lord saying no no no no no there are people who hate the apostolic ministry because they think that it's all about manifestation i used to be criticized years ago and it was so much you know then now i've grown praise god now i sleep over those things then it used to bother me people say is it all about manifestation huh can't you teach a quiet word and people share the grace and get up and go most people fall around god is a god of order what is all this disorderliness in the body of christ and for me was a very serious thing and they were good people very genuine very good people and it bothered me i said oh lord stop this stop it huh stop it let me even stay in one place and just mind my business and share and then i would prepare a nice message and come and i will not even use it he gave gifts in the body for the corporate perfecting listen if you believe that your church or your ministry or koinonia will reveal the full span and the full scope of all that god is let me tell you you are already in error are you getting my point you are already in big error that is already the spirit of error no matter how great koinonia is the advantage of the apostolic ministry is because of the administrative nature of that spirit you float between graces so that you can supervise the the accurate dispensing of those graces so god affords you the opportunity to step into various offices like a master key but even in that it is not enough to be able to bring the perfection in the body of christ i know many great and anointed ministries they cannot remember the last time an altar call was made in that ministry a genuine altar call yet we criticize people like ea deborah that even if he ministers to only three of you he must make an altar call baba will say before we continue i believe that there are some people here who need to rededicate their lives even if it is in their pastor's meeting pastors he ordained by himself i don't trust what would have happened to you so if there is need for fresh commitment there are great ministries like that of the man of god bilia connie somewhere in goku in benue a pure teaching ministry people come from all over the world and sit under that teaching anointing and get blessed billy graham it was said that there were no miracles in his crusade to carry a wheelchair just comfort the person that he's going to heaven because when he came for billy grahams who said immediately began and he was not he was not sorry for it it was never recorded that he fasted once and said lord why where is the power it's not like he did not understand revival he just knew that he was well i don't know where we get to heaven we'll find out the other side of that equation i know the evangelistic ministry is supposed to be a charismatic ministry that comes with signs and wonders but for whatever reason it did not happen yet stadiums were jammed with people and they were harvests of genuine salvation many of these ministers today were products of his meeting the question i have this is not even really what i want to share tonight but i just want to talk about it what dimension of the kingdom have you rejected there are many of us who have been taught probably by our men of god don't listen to social persons messages don't listen to social suppression throw it away and you have done so to your own detriment if you say devotional and it's not written by my pastor i won't read it it was written by maybe one great man he studied theology he's a provost in a theological college he said and you just throw it whereas there was light you would have found here that would change your life forever see let me tell you part of the knowledge that i have now was because of the advantage of the anglican seminary we were taught spiritual growth and we we were taught a course called honesty morality and conscience i will say it forever i'm a product apparently god knew that he had called me to the apostolic ministry and he gave me the dimension the opportunity to touch many ministries i've taught many ministries see that in the seminary it was where i learned genuine morality when they tell you morality see this is how we were trained come let's save time because i really want to talk about something else listen the way we were trained and tell me if i offend this brother and it doesn't matter who is right or who is wrong even if it is in the main road you will kneel down kneel down i will lay my hands on you and ask the lord to forgive you and then stand up i will kneel down too yes it doesn't matter who is right or who is wrong you will lay your hands praise the lord you will lay your hands on me and you ask the lord to forgive me it doesn't matter what the case it has died we were taught that if you buy maybe chinchilla perform or something on the street no matter how hungry you are even if you are dying you must find the nearest place and close place and sit down with dignity and eat like a human being not an animal that's how we were trained listen to me i didn't receive they did not teach us on the baptism of the holy spirit but brothers and sisters part of these virtues are you getting me is what has kept us to be disciplined today oh they didn't tolerate nonsense my goodness if meeting if you are supposed to pray from so so so time i remember then we had to climb the apostles creed so long as your father brought you dear you must learn it whatever you believe is your cup of tea whether you're a christian you're a non-christian we have to learn it and then the man that was my first experience with you know writing and documenting um teachings that some i i sit down with god and i write something he prepared a quiet time manual by himself and we were all considering the same book so if they ask you where will you say act 16 they know you have not been you have not been following because if you are following we are supposed to be in acts chapter 14 how did you get to 16 meaning you just guessed and your punishment for that whole day is you are going to study the word of god and you are going to cram a lot of scriptures are you getting my point we had one scripture per month that we this memory you see it's not just that okay the holy ghost hands came on me i'm sorry to say it but if i were born and bred a pentecostal pure pentecostal maybe i would have been a tout by now i say it with all humility because we came to backgrounds that forced us are you getting my point you don't come home by six up at seven and just bounce you know they will ask you a question my father said if you are under my roof and i'm the one responsible for the food you must abide by the rules if you think you are old enough prove it by going to build your own house and then you can live as long as you want to thank god for such parents some of us who are planning to be light-hearted at our children slap me when you want to you you will see what they will become brothers and sisters we were trained in that environment we used to wear cassock that was our sunday wear real cat sock and we went like angels when it was time for evangelism we we felt godly we felt holy it kept us you use a vulgar what they are calling your parents we thought he was playing he did it many times you use a vulgar what all these rubbish words no you are going home time for inspection you don't wash well and iron your clothes they taught us what we know as oral english but the american version you understand what i'm saying oh yeah let me use that word yes we were taught we were taught because they didn't trust the way we were all speaking everybody was coming with all kinds of accents from everywhere and i said look we teach you a central way of speaking smart don't come with whatever kind of drop it and speak good english and then we were taught cursive writing we would be studying brother since it was a small school and the principle will play worship songs that was my first encounter with darling jack as we're busy studying there's powerful worship saturating everywhere that's how we had the privilege to be trained and molded properly praise god if somebody comes to the school and blesses you with anything no matter how old you think you are you must tell the principal about it that on behalf of the school they gave you hundred naira and he just said thank you and you just took it no way no way listen listen listen let me tell you something i'm talking about perspectives of god are you getting my point this was a great perspective of god then this was how we used to greet good morning sir that's how you breathe look all this i'm not you go home straight there you are you are living it's not an issue of call you know how the bible says it rebuke one then call another elf you are going home from the first day yeah you would have to anybody of not just those who are older than you if you are too greed now you will bend down no matter how tall you are not not bend down like this no bend down very well take your time and then if you did something wrong before they flog you they will tell you the offense and what the bible says about what you have done don't think the biblical statement will exempt the flogging when they finish they'll tell you on account of this and in view of what i've explained to you do you now see that this vlogging is necessated i'm serious i am very very serious koinonia plans to have a school in the future this is the exact curriculum be happy to bring your children i guarantee you [Applause] yes yes we observe siesta whether you want to sleep or not they brought a medical doctor who taught us the benefits once his time go and if you cannot you have to lie down fed is good for your body what have you learned what have you learned what perspective have you rejected i don't know where that man is i only encountered him for one year but my plan in fact i see i planned the disabled that i was going to look for him anywhere i'm waiting the gift i wanted to buy is too small i want to maybe something like buy a car or build a house this is the kind of gift you give a man for molding your life like that we were taught to say thank you you don't say thank you they will whip the devil out of you even if it is your right you don't say thank you they will whip you you are rebellious you will go home with a letter tight and the reason is that you are being a hindrance to the spiritual progress of other people have you ever seen a man that strict and yet so loving we were taught that a woman who is not your wife if you don't take care is dangerous we were taught that so all these mindsets people have all these boyfriend and girlfriend think people i never got into those things we were advised from day one jesus is coming there is heaven there is hell they listed all the people that will not make heaven and they told i'm serious about it they told us very seriously sex before marriage is wrong say it and we said it and it entered our brains if you see a lady aside from brotherly love and kindness it ends there any spirit suggesting any other thing you drive it far from you the question i'm asking you is what perspective have you not been taught that has been us has refused perfection from finding expression there are probably some of us bless you who you grew up under a man who loved god and loved women dangerously god and women occupy almost the same position is that true i love god though but these sons of these daughters of israel daughters of zion and that mindset rubbed off on some of us we are loving god but you find out that it's like a cancer are you saying what i'm saying like a cancer is still eating us you love god but that women dimension so god cannot commit a great ministry to you when i traveled they told me about a great prophet of god mighty prophet i had the opportunity to see that guy very short guy my goodness look that guy solved the spiritual calculus of prophecy ah no no see what the things you see on tv i tell you is kindergarten i saw prophecy plus plus but another man of god that i stayed with began to talk to me and he said there is just one limitation to this man's life women as prophetic as he is he will never be able to pick from the victims of his speech the spirit where jezebel is coming women probably i tell you the truth that guy has not been exposed to certain teachings see it's not about the word is the impartation and the perspective he tells your spirit to there are many of us who have probably never had a message on sin as i am it's evil sounding strange to some of us now never had a message on sin and end if you see a tape sin just throw it and say god forbid this is not for me just listen no god forbid you are ever on your television set and you see men of god like w f music change our channel please change it very quickly we are trying to grow we don't want anybody to you see that and we endorse it as spiritual maturity i am telling you tonight if we are not careful the church will lose on so many perspectives praise the lord i remember i went to minister i think it was with ik we traveled two years or so ago why were ministers i didn't know that the church hates music like this going on when you are preaching you know to be set in the atmosphere i will reveal my dark sayings upon the heart the man of god said you know he wanted to come and introduce me and i think ike also had started playing the keyboard man said when i'm on stage everywhere be become silent because the word of god is about to come and i said lord are we going to do this now i don't know how god did it that day but god still glorified himself everybody say perspectives say perspectives you need to open yourself to other perspectives that are available in the body now please let me balance something look at me as a pastor you are responsible for the primary spiritual feeding of your people pastor there does not just mean pastoral office as a shepherd or a leader are you getting my point you cannot allow your sheep to just be victims of any doctrine and any theology it is irresponsible it's the same thing as having children and leaving your gate open and you see one man coming to talk to your daughter and say where you are when you are done please come inside one day you will see how again just run away based on what the person was telling her is that true but at the same time there is this attitude i've seen in the body of christ that needs correction this ownership attitude have you seen that kind of thing is dangerous if you're a pastor here or a man of god in ministry and you are involved in it stop it this overprotection of people where did you go to i went to a conference where in ibadan which man of god did you go to listen to so you are trying to say what i'm giving you it's not enough it's called insecurity it's called insecurity so we men of god sometimes have stopped believers from receiving other dimensions that are resident in god are you getting what i'm saying where are you going i'm going for a dance a dance program there are some ladies that are into dancing they love god what kind of dance that's where in the church you are going to watch dance this is how all of you have become corrupt whereas these people have been fasting and praying for days and say lord to this ministry affect somebody so you carry that mindset that everybody you see dancing is a devil yet david danced yet it was because herod's daughter danced that the head of john the baptist went are you following what i'm saying i will never i have made this vow under god i will never rob any one of us of the opportunity to hear the truth for those of us in school of ministry you know how many videos we have watched so far from different gifts in the body representing different perspectives there are dimensions god did not give me i will never try to struggle it's amazing it's amazing brothers and sisters there are people in this city because of doctrinal issues they may never call for miracle service to be healed if it is not my man of god that prays for me to be healed i rather die like that have you seen people like that oh how sad shouldn't be it shouldn't be everybody say kingdom shouted kingdom this is the mindset you must have as a believer not just church maintain your loyalty and sincerity because you must be committed and plant a day that are planted in the house of god you should become the greatest fanatic over the work that god has given you and the ministry has given you to serve however realize this that there are different perspectives the question you have been asking for years god has anointed a man to answer it you have refused to listen there are people who criticize me today and will never listen to my teachings they have seen me in dreams laying hands on them they got up in the morning and casted me away and they are sitting and their families are dying probably some of you are like that even as you are standing right now you must embrace what the spirit of god is doing in the body of christ you must embrace what the spirit of god is doing in the body of christ and the way you do that is by celebrating what he's doing across the the life see let me tell you if you find yourself being initiated into this ministry of criticism to see somebody like our daddy now and then you begin to talk against him and criticize him and say a lot of things in a bit to proof spirituality i'm telling you the diagnosis you are a child i've had the opportunity to hear young people like myself preach and have been amazed at the arrogance which which they spoke with it scared me scared me in the way that i said ah and then it's amazing because in all sincerity some of these ministries it's not even maybe membership no it's not membership it's not prosperity it's not even healing it's not even demonstration of the anointing you are averaging everything yet you are standing audaciously to talk about people if you are involved in that hear me now repent there is a way it seems right to you but god is speaking to you that the end thereof are the ways of death are you getting what i'm saying there are many of you who have criticized prayer ministries you see people praying and you look and say it's not all about prayer prayer prayer prayer shut up you are speaking based on the perspective you have seen you see believers gather around and they are praying and you are speaking castigating people say it's not all about prayers all about the word of god could it be that there is something you are not seeing there are others who look at ministers that come maybe people like somebody and me and the rest and you just feel these guys are not as hot as i want what authority do you have what result has your life produced to end you the right see archbishop benson idahosa said something he said never talk about a man of god until you have done twice what he has done i share ministers criticize crowd and it says not about crowd they are talking to 12 people if you are so anointed does god not want your voice to be hard we are going to the nations where are the nations he said they are coming you are failing on a principle there are lots of ministries people will come and sit down and they are sweating it is killing them but the word of god is coming it's not because funds are not available it's not because they've stopped selling easy limitations there are many ministries who are people who are so rich but the devil is destroying their lives there are all kinds of scandals from one scandal to another but they will not tap into the true spirit of holiness open our eyes see you must diligently open yourself to the perspective that you see lacking in your spiritual life are you getting my point if you find out that you are not prayerful go and get messages of archbishop duncan williams let him impact this it will come oh yes it will land on you for sure you find out that there is lack of excellence in your life go and look for messages by people like matt you hashimolo samadayami and add that touch of excellence to your spirituality you think you're a lazy man of god you quote every scripture wrongly but the power of god still moves you are theologically wrong your presentation on stage is wrong you know nothing about homiletics you do not have the accurate understanding of the presentation of the gospel go and find some of the pastors in our orthodox churches that spent decades in bible schools getting masters and phd and sit down let them tell you a little about church history let them tell you a little about homiletics let it add to what you have they may not be able to heal your sick body but they can add a touch that will take your ministry to the next level is somebody hearing what god is saying don't sit down there tied up and say it has to be this way it is my way the jawbone of an earth has never been a weapon of war has it ever been a weapon of war never but when situation came he was able to design something now and he used the jawbone of an earth if he was waiting for knife he would have died there who told you knife is the only weapon they use for war have you found out that there is a god who can put power upon the jawbone of an earth that's why there are many of you once you see the anointing oil or maybe you see somebody come with water like this and say please pray on it for me now i say now these abductions of demons who told you who told you is the doctrine of demons is it what you were taught or is this what god revealed to you somebody now comes and says i see an angel who says witchcraft god never does it is to the word for the way of the lord is the way of wheat i choose the way of the lord matthew 15 this is our time always flies did you know i've not even touched what i want to teach tonight well we just pray even if we pray from here at least you got something matthew 15 verse 1 matthew 15 please listeria [Music] matthew 15 [Music] and jesus came to the scribes and the pharisees which were of jerusalem then came to jesus sorry describe some prophecy spiritual of jerusalem saying verse two let's hurry up just keep running it like that why do your disciples try transgress what question what is the tradition of the elders why do your disciples do things differently they are introducing a perspective we are not used to we have a tradition a way things are done we don't believe in the laying on of hands we don't believe that the power of god can come under someone why do your disciples transgress the traditions of men for they wash not their hands when they eat bread next verse [Music] but he answered and said why do ye also transgress what by god is asking you a question which will you choose to uphold to transgress the traditions of men you are in a place and the lord is asking you lay hands on this deep body and you say no kai i'm not i'm not used to it i'm not saying one be a rebel in your church that's not what i'm saying but you are in your house they've never seen the layman of hand and god is saying go ahead and do it if you don't lay hands and repeat the spirit of death someone will die and you transgress please let's go back you transgress the commandment of god so that you will keep your tradition next verse [Music] for god commanded saying honor thy father and mother and she that crosses father and mother let him die the death [Music] next verse but he said whosoever shall say to his father or his mother it is a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me versus and honor not his father and his mother he shall be free those have ye made the commandment of god of non-effect you can make the power of god the word of god the reality of spiritual things of non-effect by tradition [Music] would you rather pray in tongues or be accepted among your friends who have said this there's nothing praying in tongues is just dragons it's just rubbish but something in your spirit tells you there is a higher spiritual experience it may not be your fault you were not taught but now that you have heard the word it puts pressure on you to make a decision whether or not to embrace that which is spiritual or remain in the traditions of men [Music] change is one thing that people hardly subscribe to it's a difficult thing to change because we love things happening as usual we love things happening normally let it be happening the way i have always known it and the moment i see another perspective then it is not of god it is based on this that the ministry of what we call criticisms and all of that stem up it is not done this way it is not done this way i've even had preachers who preach that putin a stage put in a little place like this to honor the man of god and get his channel everybody is one before god and in those churches when the pastor comes he can sit anywhere once it's time for someone he can come out it is lack of excellence yet it may not be embraced as thoughts it may be damned spirituality god is speaking to you could it be that if you embrace a dimension of god you would have passed the interview you entered the interview as a man of god not as an employable person praise the lord you didn't dress well because you felt the holy ghost with me and you entered the people were looking at you [Music] man young man keep quiet i can't keep quiet this is what i believe because you were not taught the principles of excellence you call this spirituality but you've lost your job because of it you were not taught diligence that a christian is also an agent of national transformation and time to walk in the office you are fasting and praying and you are not doing anything you left your job undone when it was time to promote you you saw yourself being promoted in the spirit physically they demoted you because you are not adding to the advancement of the group are you getting what i'm saying and there are people who just sit down and feel i know all the principles i know the principles of business expertise i understand the psychology of communication until somebody fires an arrow from your village and you wake up and one leg cannot move and that's the day you are supposed to report to be promoted then you know that there is more to life than psychology and philosophy i'm telling you the truth when satan comes he finds the dimension you are ignored in god that becomes his access point in your life so there are anointed but broke believers there are broke there are rich but carnal believers who are going to hell there are anointed believers with no character because they've been taught is all about the anointing once the anointing is rebuilding people must come so you can be sleeping around you are anointed and you know we convince ourselves that because you indulge yourself in all kinds of things and you come back and see the hand of god it convinces you that god is with you you do not know that it is a dimension of god's message speaking to you samson said i will arrive as before and all of a sudden we that he's here he said you have been weighed all kings in the balance god waste mano he won't wear you in one day he will keep weighing you you'll be that's why you see a flourishing ministry when just try out at once four years ago this man was a great man everywhere but now the lamb stand has been taken let me tell you god can take away the candlestick of men and give others read your bible he took away the talent from the man who had one and gave another person may god not take your position and give another saul was still in the palace whereas the mantle had left him many churches have been stunted they are they are at the verge of the next season of their lives i was listening to a man of god and i had a revelation that blew my head it was on youtube i don't even know him just me just getting for the first time and this guy shared something that scattered my head and it was at a season in my life where i needed that exact kind of wisdom i used to struggle in my life trying to get approval from everybody when i started out every time people said things that were bad about me i felt so bad and i i went out of my way to try to do everything to people i could borrow money to give somebody else so that you eat food with it and run into problems i could go that far because people made me look like god sent you to us and then i listened to an apostle of wisdom doctor mike budock and he taught on certain mistakes he made when he started ministry he said never try to do to people what only god can do to them deliverance that was it i learned how to sleep soundly because i didn't used to sleep i said how can my sheep be awake i mean i'm awake now i read now that i am the good shepherd that i am is jesus christ brothers and sisters when it's time to walk i walk when it's time to sleep i sleep it is the keeper of israel that does not sleep no slumber i am part of the fold of israel [Music] are you saying now i probably i don't know maybe i would have died by now that was part of the wisdom that made us to fix counselling sessions just once it was getting too much everybody would call that every time i became a receptionist hundreds of phone calls like every 30 minutes someone is calling and the person can cry for 50. i was wearing out literally and then the lord said why don't you put something like that some of you are in that thing right now you are you are owing everybody and you didn't do anything with the money because you want to be a good person visitors came to your house you went and borrowed ten thousand naira to buy them spaghetti you bought them books you went to jordan bookstore board books i want you to be spiritual now you are in trouble and the people have turned their back and they are insulting you because you want a good name is someone learning something here there are many of us you are spiritual but if only you learned that it is part of wisdom to delay gratification until god blesses you take life easy no no i will embrace every dimension that is relevant for the purpose that god has anointed and brought me in the earth there are vessels there are dimensions in the spirit i want to be blessed and prosperous i don't want to be a struggling man of god i don't want calinonia to be a struggling ministry at the same time i don't want to be a carnal man of god i want to walk in true holiness and righteousness before the god of my salvation i want to walk spiritually alive i want to be at the cutting edge of what god is doing i don't want to go out be extinct spiritually because i do not sustain the present truth of what the holy spirit is communicating and so i open myself in the spirit to all of the dimensions that are possible this is what calinonia is all about opening us up to the dimensions of the spirit that are available for us maybe we'll take it another time i actually plan on talking about divine direction very very important ah can i just run through what i wrote like a note would that be okay because i know that someone needs this message divine direction i'll just read it like a lecture i'm sorry about it okay we have time to look at it again i love you too much it's pinching me i don't want us to just go like that i know that you've gotten something but i just want to be able to bring in what we have prayed and prepared to fulfill your assignment in life you need divine guidance oh this is very important you need divine guidance no man outgrows the need to be guided no man no matter how spiritual you are you can never outgrow the need to be guided by god only a fool in his heart will say there is no god confusion i wrote here is part of the limitation of mankind i was to share with us the need to seek spiritual direction defined direction in our lives divine direction [Music] very very important proverbs 16 verse 25 very quickly 16 25 everybody say confusion look up please there are many of us right now that if a prophet a genuine prophet of god would enter here right now and have a one-on-one session with us and say by the grace of god i will talk with you one-on-one and let's hear what god has to say about your life i guarantee you that even if you say night did you many of us wait because you say lord you must speak to me many of our prayer requests during miracle service is not necessarily about sickness but about divine direction is that true we want to be guided towards marriage you want to know what is the next thing some of us are ministry right now you don't even know the next step some of us probably are finished you want to know am i still going to be in zarya am i going to go somewhere [Music] is that the scripture what did i say proverbs what oh no no sam sorry psalm 37 verse 23 i'm sorry psalm 37 verse 23 we need divine direction in our lives you can see a great destiny brothers and sisters listen to me inside and outside there are many of us right now what you need to see the next dimension of your christian experience and to see the next dimension of your progress in life is divine direction let's read it one to read the steps of a good man awards orders the steps the word good man there's the word righteous man too the steps of a good man are ordered by the lord shout order my steps say it order my steps god is speaking to us honestly i wish i had time to walk this thing because i really came that's the thing about passion you keep talking and talking and there is almost no time i really plan to teach seriously on this because many of us right now we are in a straight between you are ready to enter a relationship but you need divine direction [Music] you are ready to get married but you need to find direction as a gentleman you want to start putting structures to your life but you need divine direction and let me tell you something it is terrible to be found in a place where god's anointing has not gone before you you will suffer you will struggle nothing will work when you are in the geography when you are in your assigned place everything is commanded to work for you dear why do we need divine direction our decisions in life are based on the information we have and our current level of exposure [Music] this is one of the reasons why we need divine direction our decisions in life are usually based on the information we have and our current level of exposure which many times is limited i need divine direction because if god does not direct me i can sit down and believe this is the prophetic destiny of koinonia i can look out and say wow there's a crowd inside and outside i'm comfortable i'm comfortable it's okay nothing more whereas god's idea got mandated upon my life is the nations are you getting what i'm saying abraham had about 316 or so men but his prophetic destiny was the entire earth our decisions are limited our informations are limited and we make decisions based on those information let me tell you something your decisions and your perspective about life can be wrong that's why you need divine direction you need divine direction jesus said something very interesting um in luke chapter 11 let's look at luke chapter 11 from verse 34 to 36 jesus was speaking about light he said be sure that your light is not darkness that means you can be looking and you can be thinking that you are walking in illumination whereas you are walking in darkness the light of the body is the eye therefore when thy eye is single the whole body is full of light but when thy eyes evil your body is also full of darkness satisfied there's a warning for us everyone read want to read thank you therefore that the light which is indeed be not that that means you can be making decision based on a truth you think you know whereas is from hallelujah [Music] for instance i will never marry a man who is rich who is not rich for instance i will never marry a broke man i don't want to suffer that's a life that you have you think it is light whereas when you allow god to help you you will see that is darkness what if you marry the rich man and he becomes poor two years after your marriage as poor as you would have run away before the marriage what is the same thing are you saying that i will only marry a lady who can climb some one one night it's a mindset you think it's life whereas it is that so we make a lot of decisions in our lives i will never get a job that gives me twenty thousand there is a job for you to start out and say god forbid i'm bigger than twenty thousand if i cannot start with 250 000 except i'm not a christian seven years there's no job the highest you have seen is 30 000 whereas if you were faithful one of your customers would have come and you would have left that place it was the test of faithfulness you've never held 50 000 of your own yet you talk about 250 000 as if it's five mindsets so we need divine decisions that can be higher than what we would have decided for ourselves jeremiah 1 verse 11 to 12 we need divine direction because our perceptions about life can be wrong moreover the word of the lord came to me saying jeremiah wrote cs dao and i said i see the road of an almond tree ben said his thou has well seen that means you can see wrongly he said for i will hasten my word that you have now seen that means your speed in life is also based on your perception you don't see wrongly you will not move fast in life but the bible says the steps of a good man are ordered by the lord very quickly [Music] what does it take to receive divine direction from god i really feel sad i'm just doing a lecture i'm so sorry our time is gone and i want us to pray number one requirements to be divinely directed by god number one you must admit that you are limited you must admit you must break your pride and admit that you are limited [Music] it is not listen is not an insult look up please i want to teach you this about life please and please do not be embarrassed when you find out you do not know everything are you hearing me do not even if you are a celebrity do not be embarrassed that you do not know everything every time i see a daddy come and see down here i am very humbled by his humility brothers and sisters this is a professor the brightest and the finest in his field yet our daddy will come and sit down quietly and you see him jotting down and a small boy like me his son is just talking he's like i'm talking to my father and he's writing how many of us can have that humility are you hearing what i'm saying you must admit that you are limited no matter how prophetic you think you are no matter how apostolic you think you are many times when i cry before god i say lord help this small boy if you don't help me i will make a lot of decisions that are foolish and stupid that's how i cry before god i'm not insulting myself i know it's the truth [Music] and i say lord send your word send me the word of the lord how many of us here can admit that i am great but i am limited if i depend on my strength alone i will mix intelligent and foolish decisions if you depend on your ability to choose a wife you will choose nonsense if you depend on your ability to choose a job you may choose rubbish it may look nice but that is the road of petition if you choose where you want to stay by yourself you say i want to stay in lagos or abuja my tama or somewhere dear somewhere peaceful i don't want some of you already laughing but god is saying that's not my path for you you're saying i take authority over it [Music] you really think it would have been my desire to be doing ministry in zarya how about gentlemen i know what god has put in me oh it's not pride it's right for me i'm not where i should be but i'm not where i used to be you think i don't want to be in a place where my grace will be or not where after a sermon a man of god would drop a cheek somewhere as a man of god this is a little seal of your apostleship you think i would not want a place where they will buy suit and members who just come and build a house for me or buy me a private jet but you see listen it is not of him that willing it is not of him that's running if you cannot wait for god to direct you i'll never forget i was rejoicing the year we're about to prepare for koinonia to start i was so happy because i was saying lord say my assignment now is over let me run and find something very useful and do let me go and open up a very big ministry somewhere big business somewhere let me just enjoy my life and then god summoned a meeting at once and when i went i almost fainted the day god told me those were my reaction it was like about god how about god and i've come to a point where i don't give god if god says stay in zarya forever i stay in zarya forever i honor great men of god like apostle john suleiman look at the place look at the kind of anointing that man of god has and look at where he is look at where his international headquarters is there are some decisions people take when you look you know god spoke to them the devil will never come and tell you that kind of decision even you you know it's god that spoke praise the lord but there are many of us we will never admit that we are limited we like judging things i want him in a ministry that um is this and that and that and that and god is saying this is not the path say i want a healing ministry god said you are not called into a hilly medicine say but that's what is raining that i want to talk to god says you are an evangelist you will not have a church you say so how will i get the cast and the houses god to say you just preach say lord i need a base for my ministry there must be a church you open a church and all the trouble in your life comes from that church say divine direction number two if you want divine direction in your life you must engage in the ministry of prayer there is no direction without prayer please listen to me prayer is a mighty weapon that positions you for divine direction when you pray god directs you through certain ways these are some topics under prayer now it is prayer that will open you up to any other way that god will lead you please take what i'm saying seriously it doesn't matter how else it is prayer that will open the door when you pray the first way god can direct you is through light from scripture psalm 119 verse 105. just write it it's a lecture so that we don't have to go there psalm 119 verse 105 thy word oh god is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path hebrews chapter 1 says god who in sun dry times and diverse manners so god speaks in diverse manners but in this last days he has chosen to focus on speaking to us through his son hallelujah so god speaks to men how in diverse manners but in these last days that his primary means of communication is through his son who which is the word the word of god [Music] number two when you pray you will hear the voice of the spirit isaiah 30 verse 21 he says you shall hear a voice from behind saying this is the way walking in it [Music] the direct voice of the spirit either audibly or speaking to you through your spirit man [Music] ah i wish i had time to walk this john 16 verse 13 also it says when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth guide you guide you the third way when you engage in prayer you will receive divine encounters dreams visions revelatory experiences there are lots of instances in scripture where god used divine encounters to bring revelations to people especially dreams and visions genesis 41 verse 1 to 7 we see that the prophetic destiny of egypt they were forewarned genesis 41. don't turn there just write it please verse one to seven it was the pharaoh who had a dream about the period of plenty and the period of luck and it helped them to prepare in exodus chapter 3 verse 2-3 moses had an encounter that revealed to him his prophetic destiny as a deliverer it is one way god speaks and directs men [Music] first kings chapter 3 from verse 4 to 15 first kings chapter 3 from verse 4 to 15 after solomon loved the lord and he offered a thousand bond offerings the bible says god came to him in a dream and he received an impartation and god gave him certain revelations about the spirit of understanding that would walk in him to rule israel in acts chapter 9 and acts chapter 10 they all record the conversion of paul remember it was a divine encounter paul had a vision where he saw jesus christ and then he became blind but even in his blindness the bible says he went to the house of judas and paul was praying while he was praying he saw um um who was ananias in a dream in a vision coming because that's what god told ananias he said brother saul he's in the house he prayed and behold he have seen you in a vision so you can see how encounters connected men to their prophetic destiny the fourth way god will give you divine direction and guidance in your life is through spiritual authorities fathers mentors deacons and elders as we have it in our various and then the aged ones too elderly people not just elders in church men who have had the advantage of age in their lives but my focus here is fatherhood and mentorship one great platform to receive spiritual direction you can be struggling over a thing for years and you meet a man and in five minutes he supplies wisdom to your life hallelujah wisdom to your life i'll never forget one of our boss of prostitutes i met him one time and we got talking and i was sharing with him about something and while i was talking to me it was a big mountain i was sharing and was just looking at me and after i finished saying it just left do this do this do that and that was the end of it it's amazing that what is a mountain to you somebody has been matching that mountain for many years hallelujah it's amazing that we go through challenges in our lives and you thinking to overwhelm you i've said it again and again even with the little opportunity that god has given for ministry and counselling when i talk to people they come with seemingly mountains of challenges and while they are talking i'm just looking at them and wondering is this it this is what you call a mountain and i just tell them do this do that and that's the end of it one of my great friends was struggling in ministry things were tied down honestly things were really really tied down and he came and met me said man of god what is the way out what do i need to do this you know this there's no opening there's no door opening in ministry and i just told him this is what god is saying abc xyz and that was how his ministry opened up in very strange ways a great man many of you know him he's called bishop bennett jordan he has a son called man i said jordan they are great prophets but he used to he used to keep a certain kind of hair and it seemed like it his ministry was not received because people doubted him because of the way he dressed the way he looked and the way he carried out his prophetic ministry but genuine man of god fabulously wonderful man of god and one day mike mudra called him and said i want to have a meeting with you he said if you are just a b c d in your life i think you will be an extremely great man of god and he listened and the moment he took those steps brothers and sisters it was another dimension wisdom the last way that god can direct you is through the prophetic ministry the prophetic ministry both the prophetic office and revelatory gifts of prophecy i'll dwell here for two minutes and we'll pray [Music] in first samuel write the scriptures the encounter between saul and samwell was through the prophetic ministry direction came for his destiny through the prophetic ministry first samuel chapter 10 from verse one to seven it was when saul met the prophet that his life was altered forever i'm not talking of all these prophet prophet things that we have around there are many people who say they are prophets let me tell you the truth they are not prophets they have revelatory gifts the prophetic office has an anointing you never meet a true prophet of god or one who is anointed to function in dimensions of the prophetic he must not be called a prophet it could be called an apostle like like apostle john susan a man or he could even be called a pastor but that he has that potent prophetic dimension you will never meet him and your life will remain the same i tell you the truth in second kings chapter 8 from verse 7 to 15 i want us to read that one second kings chapter eight guys don't project it until i ask us to do so so that our time is gone i mean this project this one now second kings eighth verse seven to fifteen is that an interesting story between prophet elijah the king of syria called ben hadad and one boy called hazael who later became king let me show you how that god can speak over the prophetic destiny of a man and bring direction to your life through the prophetic let's read it very quickly elisha came to bed to damascus and bernhard the king of syria was sick and it was told him saying the man of god is come here next verse and the king said unto hasael hazel was his boy like his servant take a present in thy hand she was good not to go meet a man of god empty handed and go meet the man of god and inquire of the lord so how do you inquire of the lord through the ministry of the prophets too are you saying that inquire of the lord saying shall i recover from this disease i want to know so that i can put my house in order next verse please so hazard well hold on hazael never knew that he was going to encounter prophecy in his life hazel went to meet the man of god and took a present with him even of every good thing of damascus 40 camels burdened and came and stood before him and said thy son ben other king of syria has sent me to be saying shall i recover from this disease now watch this verse 10. and elijah said unto him go and say unto the man of god thou mayer certainly recover he said how be it let me tell you the truth i'm just saying that so that the king will not kill you the truth of the information is the king is going to die how be it the lord has shown me that it shall surely die next was watch this i wish i had time i would have acted the drama and he settled his countenance after speaking to him the prophet just found his face and started crying and hazel said what is wrong the bible says he settled his countenance steadfastly until he was ashamed and the man of god went why did he whip next verse and have health said why we passed my lord and he answered because i know the evil that thou will do unto the children of israel they are strongholds shall doubt set on fire and their young men will thusly with the sword and that will dash their children and rip up their women with child prophecy revealing to a man the mistakes that he's going to make in his life the next verse and hazard said but what is thy servant a dog that he should do this great thing and elijah answered the lord has shown me that you are the king i came as a point but by prophecy god is showing that you will be king but i'm telling you now when you become king correct your mistakes this is what i'm seeing through prophecy correct it you are going to be so carried away by royalty you see how prophecy is powerful and you can just look and say you are going to marry i'm joking you are going to marry a man of god but as you get married i see that you can be very materialistic start praying about it you see the power of prophecy revealing things to us in our lives [Music] or be careful i see an expansion coming but i see that pride can take over your life that's god's speaking instead of arguing i say god me you go back and say lord i align with prophecy second king six verse 25 down to the end tells us about the famine in samaria and how the word of the lord came to a genuine prophetic ministry and in 24 hours it ended for mine second kings chapter 6 from verse 25 to the end and then in isaiah 38 we read about hezekiah hezekiah was a great man and he was sick unto them and isaiah the prophet came and said put your house in order firsthand the lord you shall surely die and isaiah turned his face to the wall and he started crying he said oh lord remember and the lord sends the prophet to go back and tell him i have added let me pause ah let me pause and talk a bit just give me one minute to talk about this listen do you realize that it is important not just to share what god said yesterday but what he's saying now [Music] listen god's plans does not change his purposes does not change sorry but his plans can change please i needed to say to get this i really wanted to discuss this thing extensively but i apologize god can plan that you take a flight to lagos but because of evil he can decide that you go by road so the destination you arrived but the way to get there can change many of us die ourselves down god said this yesterday and we never open ourselves to find out could it be that god is saying something else we feel if you bend to something else that god is saying it proves that you did not hear god i'm showing you now in isaiah 38 a true prophet came with a word from the lord are you hearing what i'm saying this is very important [Music] you are in business with a guy you started the business you was born again and he loved god now he has entered into ambrosian witchcraft and occultism but in the vision you saw you saw that you are partners in progress and now god has been speaking to you get out cut yourself away from that devilish association you started ministry with a man you were both genuine but now he has doubled his hands into a lot of things and you have already said we have awesome friends and we are destined to help us but god is speaking currently severe yourself from that relationship listen it's not enough to hear what god said yesterday the word of the lord can change to suit his purposes he is still god when he says i am the lord i change it not you better understand what he said my purposes remain eternal listen if god has destined that dosing works in a prophetic ministry and she refuses to work in that prophetic ministry god will not allow that position vacuum he will raise another person his plans changed but his purposes remain eternal are you getting what i'm saying isaiah 38 tells us that so that many of us do not die in egypt was it not listen [Music] do you know it was hunger that took man to egypt that's a message on his own joseph it was farmers when farmers keep the whole world hunger drove them to egypt and they went and became slaves there but now god was telling them you people go out of egypt they had been there and they rejected the word of the lord when they came out to egypt now watch this god told them start moving you are going to a promised land but at a point god told them mark time is that true remain there while moses goes up the mountain for 40 days there was no advancement and they got angry they were waiting they said god gave us an instruction to move forward is it the same god now that will tell us to stay brothers and sisters god who talks to you in the mountain is still god in the valley you must learn to understand the current rhema that the word of god is saying concerning your life this already somebody's word this night and then finally prophet agabus in acts chapter 11 from verse 27 to 30 that's the first time we see that prophet came into a city so the ministry of prophet has been there long in the bible not a prophet prophet i wish we can just see that scripture acts chapter 11 proverbs 27 prophets came out that was prophesied foreign that was coming and the church prepared for the famine and in these days 10 prophets not one many prophets from jerusalem to antioch 28 and there stood one of them named agabus and is signified by the spirit that there should be great dart farming throughout the world which came to pass in the days of cloud your caesar 29 then the disciples every man according to his ability determined to send relief onto the brethren we dwelt in judea let's stop there so we see that agabus came and he gave a prophetic word and it saved the destiny of the nation the second time we hear about agabus is in chapter 21 verse 10 to 11 just right here where he entered and he saw paul and he took paul's gadget and tied himself he says whoever owns this gadget this is how the nation of israel this is how the people of god in jerusalem they will hold you untie you it be that many of us have not been divinely directed because we have not tapped into all of these other news but i told you it starts with admitting that you are limited and you need help in your life and then number two you must engage in prayer and we're going to pray our time for prayer has gone into the teaching but then we will pray we need to pray and cry and all through this week listen never make any decision in your life you are not sure god is part of are you hearing me whether it's decision for relationship decision for marriage don't listen to people who speak carnally and say just do it no there are different ways god directs you but i want to know that god is involved with everything i'm doing in my life don't just get up and say except jesus is not lord i must marry december [Music] who asked you is that in the blueprint of god's purposes for your life oh i must marry a white man any nigerian that comes to me back to center it must be a white man that is your desire but is that the purpose of god for your life i must settle down in abuja there are people who are in abuja living like animals whereas they would have left them quietly gone to a place of honor where god has directed and lived like kings hallelujah i must walk with cdn god is saying start with government your secondary school start from there there's nothing funny about it it's not an embarrassing thing is it not a school god is instead there i want to teach you something my younger brother one month ago he got a lecturing job he has been trusting god for that lecturing job for a while and nothing seemed to be happening you know fry tried tried that kept him and he was getting frustrated and one time we got talking and i said look young man listen you do the job the job he was doing he was teaching in one school guess his salary five thousand era per month and if you don't come to teach the students they will still deduct something from it i told him remain there he's teaching you discipline he's teaching you submission god is preparing you so that you will be honored when you become a lecturer i told him the lecturing job will come but wait for god's time it's amazing how if you share god it will sponsor your being patient [Music] you want to start a ministry god is saying there is no doubt that i call you but wait you say but god people have been telling me this thing is boring god says see down here fire was burning but it did not consume the bush so it will kill you let the fire keep burning [Music] say god i'm feeling like taking all the souls god is saying just stay i want to teach you keep cleaning the chest like stephen keep walking in welfare department and he said god my anointing is this this department is is he's under utilizing my anointing god said you will do ministry and be tired just wait [Music] i remember one lady many years ago she used to disturb me about marriage it was such a serious issue it was a big deal to her i want to marry i want to marry that was almost all her talk and then she got married and after just like six months or so i called her one day and that joy that you know that whole kinetic nature wasn't there again i called her what's wrong said truly if i knew her i would have just taken my time and don't i said are you serious what about all of the things you said to me all of the joy you want to raise your children a godly home where did he go he said he's still there but i i found out that any time you spend in taking your time is watching i said really wisdom from experience [Music] could it be that this is a revelation for someone you've finished school you've done everything for one year you did not get a job people think you don't have faith god is teaching you the art of waiting it will be relevant when you see the kind of job he gives you and you sister nobody has come to ask you out you are godly you are virtuous oh lord i did not see me god is saying i shot your eyes because the quality of the man i want to bring requires preparation keep preparing yourself and you will say god if you don't help me i'm going to help myself god he says it was okay but if you can wait and follow through with me the end is peace peninnah kept mocking hannah but the day hannah had her own child he was a prophet hallelujah [Music] we are going to pray rise up on your feet in just five minutes that we have left listen before we pray i want you to examine in one minute all the wrong decisions that you have taken because you did not seek the assistance of the holy spirit god told you pray about it you said it does not matter if only you prayed if only you took out time you probably would not have started the ministry now you started the ministry and is killing you if only you took out time to pray you would have known that that friend is a deceitful person he looked like an angel when he came he told you he was a man of god little did you know that he was a wolf in sheep floating but god was telling you pray but you said i'm in love lift your voice and begin to pray and say lord i refuse to move without you i refuse to take decisions in life without you no matter how achievable they look you can become successful without god but let me tell you something brothers and sisters it pays it pays to be divinely directed there is a way that cement rise unto a man there is a way of doing ministry that seems right there is a way of doing business that seems right there is a way of getting a job that seems right there is a way of getting a husband and a wife that seems right but the bible says the end thereof are the ways of them there is a way of trying to get the anointing there is a way of trying to access revelation that seems right lift your voice and say lord i don't trust myself outside of you i need you to help me [Music] help me help me end confusion from my life and darkness from my life i'm tired of making stupid decisions i'm tired of doing the wrong things go ahead and pray i'm tired of circle after cycle of mistake it's okay to make mistakes for as long as you learn the lesson so when it becomes the theme of your life you need divine direction in one year you have entered ten relationships they have all landed you in trouble you need different directions you have entered ten businesses they've all landed you in trouble you've started ministry everywhere for you ended up with scandal after standard tonight is the time to slug it out to destiny go ahead and pray lord i'm tired oh i can't go anywhere without you my destiny is at the mercy of your voice my destiny is at the mercy of your word coinnodia is at the mercy of your direction go ahead and pray just two prayer points tonight where is the place of my feeling of god direct me where is the place of power where is the place where i will access life [Music] hallelujah the last prayer point tonight is we're going to say lord the direction i need to break the current limitation of my life to a new experience listen brothers and sisters i submit to you that the difference between where you are right now and the next level of your life is just one direction a journey of 40 days can be turned into 40 years when you do not know the road are you hearing what i'm saying if only you were divinely directed you would have gotten a job by now you would have even been maritally settled there are many people who are barren if they can be directed to the right ministry bodiness will bow at once you are going to pray you know the areas of your life when you are tired of confusion submit yourself tonight and lift your voice and say let light come [Music] let light come lead me to the place of light of god are you praying tonight inside and outside some of you you're coming here tonight is the answer to the voice of god in your life where you will hear truth that will connect you to the next level of destiny [Music] lord lead me to the place where i can let authentic ministry lead me to the place where i can find mentorship and building [Music] directly show me light from scripture show me where i need to settle down i'm trusting you where is the next place of the assignment pray reveal it to me i don't want to be the place you are not directing lift up your voice and pray directly to my wife direct me to my husband directly to the assigned job direct me to the circle of friends directly to the messages directly to the [Music] encounter yes [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord listen between today and the miracle service on friday listen pick any day of the week it can be from tomorrow pick any day of the week and dedicate it to fast and great and the theme of that fasting is for different direction in your life are you getting me list all the things you know don't pretend like you have everything in order you're going to say lord this area this area this area speak to me i'm tired of silence from heaven i want to provoke your voice the message is you know by different men of god that have to talk about divine direction guess then sit under that anointing first [Music] six to six six to four and settle down not the kind of fasting that you are answering every call and you are doing everything set to pick a convenient day and settle down and i assure you some of you as you are praying you will fall asleep and in that sleep you will see what you have never seen and that's what will connect you to the next level some of you as you are praying for the first time you will see edition a real picture some of you will hear the ultimate voice of god some of you nothing spectacular may happen but one direction from the word of god and if you have graduated here and you are thinking of living don't be there hurry to live set you down and give yourself one day and say lord what is the blueprint for my life the bible says no i come in the volume of the book as it is written of me last prayer point reveal to me the next blueprint of my life oh god go ahead and pray where am i going from here maritally financially ministerially pray and tired of confusion a final yes today in weeks i will be graduating but all lord opened the heavens over me i'm about to stand ministry i'm about to start a business open my eyes i'm about to study a job give me directions [Laughter] oh as you engage in prayer this week i guarantee you that the voice of god will speak for you in my place of prayer this week i will be praying for you from the depths of my heart we need divine direction accurate direction for the next level of our life accurate direction [Music] accurate direction for the next level of our lives accurate direction for the next level of our life you
Channel: Salvation TV
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2020, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2020, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, impactation, god, spiritual realm, how to seek for divine direction
Id: VR6fYtq7Uic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 34sec (8914 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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