How To Season a Cast Iron Skillet

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what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with me av i'm smiling because listen i'm finally getting ready to answer all of the emails and all of the comments on how i keep up with my uh my cast iron skillets right super easy i want you guys to take a look at this right here look this is actually my favorite one i just like let it be any old kind of way have cleaned it you can see right here we got a little food on it you know i mean uh look you see the rush right here i'm gonna show you guys just how to bring this back and then my small one right here you do these are just going to be my examples you know what i mean and then this one right here needs to be re-seasoned you know over but i'm going to show you guys how to just like break them down go ahead and you know bring them to the original listen to this nobody thinks about this but the cast iron skillet is the original non-stick pan hey super easy we're not gonna over talk it i'm finna get prepped and get everything going and we're gonna make this happen okay so look we jumping right into it i just want to show you this right here look got like a wire scouring pad right we got this and look i got this right here they call this a cast iron you know skillet cleaner but it's like a little chain maul you know but look i want you guys to take a look at this right here look at this discoloration and all that and you don't know this but this right here it's kind of like sticky that's from putting oil in here and then just putting it up but i'm gonna use the scouring pad and this chain mall right here and we're gonna scrub this all you're gonna need is let me go ahead and get started you're gonna need a little water and then we're going to use some mild you know dishwashing detergent right so look we're going to go like this i'm just going to put a little water in here like this right i want you guys to pay attention i just put a couple of drops in there and that's it now i'm gonna go ahead and get my skyrim pad and we're just gonna work this around like this look that you know the uh the dishwasher detergent is gonna break everything down [Music] you guys getting the message right now you're getting the just of it this is it we want to strip this all the way down because we're going to start at zero and then i want to say this too never ever once we finish this process never ever hey look at me when i tell you this never ever and i mean ever once you have everything seasoned seasoned do not use soap on this when you finish cooking with it look get yourself some hot water and get yourself a cough and just go ahead and wipe off everything on there and then you want to dry it i gotta say that and i'm probably gonna say it ten more times in this video do not use soap on a cast iron skillet once this season okay so look i've cleaned the other two this is the third one we're at the end now right this right here hey listen this is gonna be gratifying to you guys look just lay it down and this is the one that had like a little food that was down there that was burnt on the bottom look i just lay it down flat take my hands just like this and just work that area and then i work it all the way around and what i like about it look you can get right here in the corner in the scene you can go like this and it just it hey it's perfect make sure you get the sides all of that now i'm just gonna rinse this out and make sure it's completely you know clean of all of the uh the soapy water anything that was left in there and then look at this right here that's nice and clean now you want to go ahead and get yourself a you know a dry towel and you want to keep running this across here because you want it to be free of all water right we don't want it to rust but i got a little trick right here to help you guys with this part right here also let's move over to the stove okay so as i'm ensuring that this is dry don't forget to dry the under under carriage too right we'll do like that and just in case we have dry and sometimes when you wipe it you'll see a streak look no worries we turn on the fire i turned it on high i let it go ahead and like cook put some heat in there so the rest of it just evaporate okay so look now that i'm getting ready to take the you know the skillet off of here now be a great time for us to preheat our oven so i'm gonna preheat my oven to 500 degrees everybody doesn't go to 500 it'll probably go to some people got those that go to 400 you can do excuse me 450 that'll work too but for me i'm going to 500 and we're gonna preheat okay so this is done it's a little warm right i got a pot holder holding the handle this right here this is called a trivet you guys want to get one of these because listen you don't want to put nothing hot on your i do all the time you know i mean good practices to have some of these you know one or two you can put it on your counter that way you're not putting this on your granite or corian or whatever you guys are using but for me i'm gonna start with it right there okay so look everything is ready this is still kind of like cooling so what i did was i did this is my barbecue setup right i got some cut resistant gloves right here and i got you know my regular black gloves over the top this allows me to be able to you know touch this without burning myself it shouldn't be this hot and for you guys that don't have this kind of setup just go ahead and let it cool at least cool enough so that you can do it now let's talk about the oils look this is extra virgin olive oil actually this is from branson vine you know what i mean this is my scallion but listen you guys probably have this you can use look this is crisco everybody might have this and then for those of you guys that are around my age let's talk about when we was growing up our grandparents had a can that was on the uh stove that stayed there permanently hey anyway this is old school right here now the reason i'm i'm showing you the oils right listen i didn't really tell you you know what to use because i'm gonna be honest with you listen i just seasoned mine with whatever i had in my you know my cabinet right now everybody's saying cause i looked up some videos to see you know what's hot anybody doing anything differently than what i was talking and uh only thing i can tell you right now is uh everybody's saying using that flaxseed is probably the best you know what but i'm going to be honest with you listen i've used whatever i have whether it was vegetable oil canola whatever i have available that's what i use but right now you saw i got extra virgin olive oil you know what i mean it just happened to be a flavored olive oil and then i got this crisco right here which that's what i'm gonna be using now you want to go ahead and get yourself a paper towel right because i'm gonna be using you do it however you want to do it i'm not trying to over complicate it i've seen some videos out there just talking about all kind of stuff right so we're gonna do it like this this is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna take it get a little bit of this right it doesn't take much and remember this is already warm right so we're just gonna go ahead and just hit it like this before i even do anything there i'm gonna turn it over like this we're gonna do the same thing i'm gonna go ahead and give me a fresh piece just something like this some of you guys might think it's not necessary to do the back but i do it all for one we don't want nothing to uh to rush right you want to get yourself another paper towel right and again look not trying to over talk it and tell you guys how to do it you do what's best for you for me i just fold it down like this everything that i put on there i got my in my mind my mindset is to get it all off we just want to take everything that we put on here off we want to wipe it get it completely free of what we just put on there right same thing in here just take it all off wipe it all you don't want to see nothing pooled in the side nothing like that right you see all of that that's okay that's what you want to see we want to get it all off you think you're taking it off but you're not this is so porous right it's got oh i'm gonna give you an example like this this is how i would look under a microscope this is what we feel with our hand but listen you got all of these little crevices inside of the cast iron what we're doing is just imagine us pouring something here and it's starting to build up once we got it build up over the top it's going to be like glass right and that's why we're going to come up with the original non-stick pan okay check this out i don't know if you guys can see that from back there but look this is at 500 degrees everything is preheated and it's ready to go right so you can see that i got all of these done now i'm doing three at a time so this one will look a little different from that one and this is the one that i've done last remember we put the shortening on and what i did was i tried to wipe it all out everywhere we applied it and you just want to wipe it out you think you're wiping it out but you're not now what we're going to do is we're going to put this in the oven now notice i just flipped this over i don't want to get ahead of myself turn this upside down like this put it in the oven like i said i'm doing three but when we put it in the oven we're gonna put it in there for one hour then after one hour we're gonna shut off the oven and we're gonna let it just rest in there for about 30 minutes hey super easy you guys and you know what i'm gonna say this part too if you clean this and got everything out of here putting it upside down ain't gonna do nothing because you're not gonna have nothing pool but the purpose of that is in case anything runs down or whatever you don't want it to be all getting lumpy and clumpy and liquidy all on the side but for the sake of argument we're gonna put them in upside down remember one hour 500 degrees and for those that got for those of you guys at your oven don't get to 500 450 works too okay so listen i already was in there for an hour all i did was turn off my oven right and we just let it naturally start cooling down right so it's been 30 minutes now i'm going to take them out and i'll bring it over here so you guys can see look at the color and you can see it's starting to get a little bit on the smooth side but look now we're on our way to seasoning and then if you rub your hand right here you can just feel that it's got like a little layer on here but we're gonna leave it alone what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna get my shortening and then we're gonna repeat that process we're gonna put as much on here as we can and then we're gonna take off as much as we can so let's get something like this just like this just got a little heat in it already as soon as you do it look how liquidy it is so i'm gonna go ahead and hold that even though i got a set of cut resistant gloves here and i got these on top it's still a little warm but we're just going to take it like that hey there this is how you can see it's still hot look at that right there you see it melting right there in front of your eyes just makes it easier when it's warm for you to just apply so we're going gonna put it on just like this once we got it done again look i'm not gonna bore you guys and keep talking about it and telling you you got the adjust of it we just want to get it coated then we want to take off as much as we can then we're gonna go back in for one hour then we're gonna turn the oven off and we're gonna go ahead and let it just cool naturally for 30 minutes and we're gonna repeat this process i like to do it four times it's something i forgot to say look after you turn off your oven and you let it rest for that 30 minutes right when you take your skillet out turn your oven back on and we want to get back to 500 degrees right so i've done these already these are done you can see front and back what i'm going to do now is we're going to put them back in the oven upside down and we're gonna come back and i'm gonna show you what they look like after being done twice now again i'm not gonna bore you with the same old wipe on wipe off or some of us know that's my area what's that that wax on wax off right i'm not gonna bore you i'm gonna show you three and four what they look like and then we're gonna wrap this video up super simple and this is a great project i'm gonna probably tell you that again at the end look it's a great project for like the weekend you know what i mean uh when you're at home you can just do this when you think about it by the end of the day you'll have something that you can pass on like a family heirloom so take a look at that right there you see this this is what it looks like right after you know your second time so this is number two and this is number three and number four look look at that it's a little bit of a process but look at that right there ah yeah and this right here my friends these are the original non-stick pans okay so you can see that they all done right here right these right here already you can put the eggs on here you can put whatever and now let's go ahead and talk about like to clean up right so when this when you're done with this right what you got to do is you just get yourself some water look it's already be hot and all of that you can get yourself one of these look this is just a stainless steel scotch brite right or you can get one of these uh chain malls you know great for cleaning you know it's cast iron skillets everything that you see in this video right here i'll put down in the number one comment you guys can get them you know get them from amazon that way they come right to your door now even all the way down to these trivets you know what i mean uh these are here great to put this on top but all of this is already cool now i'm gonna talk about your oils remember i'm giving it to you 100 honest i use whatever i have in here to do it you got to remember every oil that you use is going to have some type of uh it's going to have a number meaning you know for the smoke point some smoke it 375 some smoke it 450 stuff like that so listen it's going to make your house a little bit on the smoky side but i promise you you're going to go ahead and make these then you can make you know eggs inside it won't stick none of that and listen this is a family heirloom you know you're gonna pass it down from generation to generation now listen if you like this content and you want to do something a little bit more than that don't forget look underneath this video you're gonna see a join button right all you gotta do is click that video's gonna play real short video it's gonna explain the memberships that's where you get a little bit more personal you guys can vote talk to me and tell me what you want me to do and i can do it and we can talk real-time now with that being said listen if you're new to my channel i want to say thank you for watching this video don't forget to smash that like button hit that subscribe and ring that bell right that way you can be you know notified anytime i drop any of these how-to or fire recipes and with that being said now you know how to season your cast iron skillet and i'm out peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 628,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, cast iron, how to, how to season a cast iron, cast iron care, cast iron cooking, easy cast iron care, seasoning cast iron, cast iron skillet, cast iron seasoning, restoring cast iron, cast iron restoration, cast iron skillet cleaning, how to clean cast iron, cast iron pan, how to season cast iron, how to restore cast iron, lodge cast iron
Id: 5bTDwi-ddjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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