How to Schedule Recurring Tasks in Microsoft Planner | Microsoft Planner Tutorial

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hi my name is nick and today i'm going to show you guys how to schedule reoccurring tasks in microsoft planner using microsoft power automate and this may come across like a complicated process to follow however is actually really simple once you understand how this logic flows through power automate into microsoft planner so as always if you do find this useful and informative do go ahead and subscribe to the channel by subscribing you'll be kept up to date with all of the videos that we do here for that office guy and with that said let's jump on over to the desktop and take a look at how to do these reoccurring tasks in microsoft planner okay so first thing that we want to do is just navigate over to and from here what we're going to do is scoot down the left hand side this app bar and find power automate now if you do not see it directly here you can go ahead and just open up the app launcher and find more apps and if you still do not see it you can go into all apps and then find it from the list here and so for me power ultimate is you can find on the list right here okay what you'll do is open that up so i've opened that up into a new window just here and this is what you'll be presented with um so down the left hand side you'll have all of your kind of main navigation controls and such as you know action items the flows you've created or you know you want to create a new flow um templates connectors data and ai builders all those kind of things down there on the main window here you'll find that you can search for you know various different templates uh tasks or you know by app etc and also there's some top picks down at the bottom here now i'm going to show you guys how to create uh this reoccurring task um from scratch not using a template but you'll be able to find a template for this uh no doubt as well because they've got quite a extensive library of different templates to use and so what i'm going to do is go over here and actually click on the create button just on the left hand side i'm going to give that a click that's going to then open up this new window where we get the options here to create an automated flow an instant flow a scheduled flow a ui flow or a business uh process flow so ignore those last two they're a little bit more complex and we're not going to use those in some of these tutorials for a while yet um but we have three other options here there's the automated which basically means it's triggered by an event that happens so that might be that um you know say a task is completed uh when a task is completed you could do something here right um the instant flow and instant flow requires you to manually trigger it trigger that particular scenario by pushing a button and then there's the scheduled flow uh which was what we're going to look at today in terms of these reoccurring tasks okay so we're going to click on scheduled flow to start with then this will give you the building uh the template the uh i guess wizard this is build a scheduled flow the first thing we need to do is actually give this a name so i'm going to say test planner task okay as my name and then i can set a time for this to start right so if i go into the calendar here i can say i would like just to start on a monday uh the 30th and i want this to start at let's say 9 am find it here 9 a.m on monday and i want us to repeat every one uh a week okay and then obviously on these days so i'm just going to deselect everything uh once a week on the monday it will run so every monday this will run if you want it to be every monday tuesday every single week then obviously you do that every other day and you could do that as well and if you wanted to be a weekend only thing you could do that um but for this example i'm just going to say every monday i'm going to want this flow to basically um create me a task okay for for someone that works in my organization say so it doesn't really matter so much about the time here other than the fact that we can adjust that later but it's a good starting place um so we're going to start on monday at 9am and if we want to adjust that later we can and obviously we can also adjust the days but this is nice and easy to say every monday at 9am uh this is going to go um you can skip this but we're going to just create it okay so we can click the create button and that's going to open up our flow okay so this is the occurrence the reoccurrence okay so it runs every monday uh every week and we can edit this like i'm saying and we can change these if needed and for the most part you're going to want to leave that as you had set it up previously underneath there we get to add in the next step okay so this is where we'd go ahead and add in uh step two in terms of you know creating the the task so if we click on the plus the step what we want to do here is actually find all of the things that we can do with microsoft planner so i'm just going to type in planner and then i'm going to click on this section here by clicking planner there it will load up everything you can do with microsoft planner from microsoft power automate and so we can create a task okay which is what we're going to want to do and but also we can add assignees to a task we can create a bucket and get a task get task details list the buckets list my task um we can obviously list plans for a group list the tasks unassign users from a task update a task update a task v2 and so you know as things progress through and update task details as well and so what we're going to do in this example is we're going to create a task okay and then it's going to sign in to create say there we go it's signed me in and we're going to first of all the first option is a group id so this is the um plan that we're going to add the task to so from a drop down menu we have these different plans i'm going to click on g key now i'm not going to click on that office guy okay and then i'm going to choose a plan which is a test list and then i'm going to give it a title so we're going to say um runs on a monday okay and if we wanted to we can then choose it in to add it into a bucket okay so we're going to add this to let's do bucket obviously if you've got a whole different list of buckets you'll see them all there the start time this is where we get a little bit more complicated and so from here what you want to do is actually head over to add dynamic content which gives you this little pop-up box and then over to expression from the expression and what we're going to do is actually scroll down until we find the date and time and what we want to do is the utc now okay and then click ok so now that is basically starting when this flow starts this is when this task will start and then we can obviously go into the due date now depending on how long you want to give this and you might say you want it within one day two days three days or in this example i'm just going to use the entire week and so i'm going to do is go back into here make sure we have that dynamic content enabled gives you this pop-up box and go to expression from the expression we're going to scroll back down again to time and date this time what we're going to do is we're going to add dates at days okay um here so we can add days then we're going to go into when in between those two brackets we're going to go for the utc now okay and then after the two brackets of the utc now we're going to put a comma and this is where we add the number of days that we would like to actually add in here and so for me i'm just going to go ahead and add five days and then i'm going to click on ok that now gives me a start date and an end date for this particular task so when we know when it's due this next box down here is where we can add email addresses of people that we would like to add and assign this task to okay so if this is a recurring task for a set amount of individuals you go ahead and add their email addresses in here so for me i'm just going to go ahead and type nick at that office okay so that's going to just be assigned to myself in this instance now the other thing that we can do here is obviously this creates the the basics uh basic i guess task the next thing we can do is actually hit the next step and then from here we're going to go ahead and type planner again and this time we're going to go into planner and what we're going to do is we're going to update the task details okay we're going to give that a click so now what we're going to do is actually you know grab the test task no we want a custom value okay what the custom value is going to let us do i'll just do that again and show you real quick and when you click into the task id which is mandatory it's going to list out all the tasks that you have inside the bucket that you've referenced already and then what you want to do is click on custom value by clicking custom value it will open up the um dynamic content box over here on the right hand side and what we want to do is actually scroll down here and find the create a task section which would be the the task that we just created and we want to find the id of that task which is just here okay so we find that id and we hit and click on that right that puts the id the dynamic id of this task in here then we can do is add a description to this okay so i can say this task runs every monday um and lasts for five days okay and likewise here we can add in uh different things such as adding attachments and various links to other other other information but for now i'm going to leave that blank okay and i can collapse that one down the other thing that we can do here is if you really wanted to you could then send yourself an email and it's saying that you've um you know this task has been successfully created um you know just as a way to make sure that everything is flowing through as you would expect it to in which case you would add that action and go email and then you want to find your um find the email sent in email v2 this is the one that i usually use and then it will basically wait for it just to sign you in and then you could actually just write an email to yourself i can just uh go and type my name should find me so i'll do that and then i can just say flow sucks uh yeah success for i'll do um and if i wanted to i could then obviously and just say a b c and x y z uh in there just to know whatever notes you want to add you could just add that into into that box so now if we just have a look at this uh in brief every one week on a monday um we are going to create a task okay that runs on a monday is what it's going to be called it's going to get assigned to the to-do bucket and it starts when this whole thing kicks off and but lasts for five days it's assigned to myself or that could be a list of different users and from there we're going to update the details of the task and we're going to run the task and we're just going to call this a description here of this task runs every monday and lasts for five days if we wanted to we could add additional information in and then we're going to send an email to myself just letting us know that it has been successful then we're going to click on save okay and that will basically save that task down now what i'm going to do very briefly is actually just change this to run every minute okay and it's going to save that down very briefly and then i'm going to flick over to microsoft teams just here and from here i'm going to see if i can find the test list okay and i'm going to wait for these um tasks to start coming through into microsoft teams as per that flow so every minute uh we should start seeing a new task getting added into this to do uh bucket here and then by doing so obviously we'll then see how they all look and feel and obviously i'll get an email for every single one of these that gets created as well and so every minute um starting from monday actually so it's not going to work unless i change that so bear with me let me just come back here change these options it's obviously start time as of tomorrow on monday so i'm just going to change that to the 28th so it kicks it off already and then i'm just going to save that down again so like i said you can change these things pretty on the fly as you need and obviously for testing i like to do this kind of thing where i can you know change the intervals and the minutes into hours and days whatever you need and to make sure that things are firing as you would expect them to be firing okay so this is starting basically as of this morning so this should be kicking off very shortly now if i go and use this back arrow here here we can see everything that's happened in the last 28 days as i run history and so i can just basically load this up as all history and what we're going to see is this flow actually potentially starting to trigger through into this section and once they kick off so let's um just give it a few moments and see this kind of come through and once it does i'll basically just fast forward this section okay so here we can see that we have this task running currently and i'm just going to click on it and it's going to show us exactly what's happened so it's created the task it's going ahead and it is basically um you know adding it's got the task id it's going to add this as a description of that um to that particular task and once that's done and it can take a little moment to get going here and once it's finished it will then go ahead and then send me an email to say that that has been completed as well now if i come back over to microsoft teams here and just flick between posts and our team list we should see that this runs on the monday is now actually populated here inside microsoft teams under the to-do bucket for the test list okay so really simple to see that and if i come back here we're just going to give this a refresh make sure that that's still going which it is and shouldn't normally take that long to just do something simple like this but um sometimes it can can cause a bit of an issue and we can obviously see where by troubleshooting shooting uh you know what's going on here um but basically it is um just trying to it's an internal server error so give it a few moments it will come through sometimes it can take a little bit of time to add those details and you can see here that this one was successful whilst the first one was still running if i come back to microsoft teams here this is the first one and obviously it hasn't added any of the the description in and here's the second one where it has added it in without any issue and so straight away every single minute this is going to be running for me and it's going to be creating these uh scheduled these reoccurring tasks based on whatever kind of scenario that we lay out and so it's really really handy guys if you kind of have um some tasks that are being created uh you know every single week or every single day that you just want to get out to your guys and to make sure that they're doing what they need to be doing then ultimately you know start using power automate to automate the creation of these um tasks now there are some limitations you know you cannot add things like checklists etc in here but it's fantastic to be able to just add these kind of reoccurring tasks directly into um your your plan as required now what i'm going to do is i'm going to head and edit this and i'm going to come back to this reoccurrence i'm going to change this back now to once a week um starting here and it will see run on a monday and for example so i just select the monday again um so now we can see once a week on a monday it will um it will do this for me i'm just going to click save on that make sure that gets put in and as always guys if there's um if you ever have an issue with your your power automate flows you can actually turn them off as well and turn them on as needed so really useful features there and so here we go we can see i have three created here the first one still hasn't added this in um from that era but the other two have and say it can take a little while just to come through um but it you know once they're there um you shouldn't have any problems whatsoever and guys it is literally as easy as that and to actually go about adding these um i guess scheduled and reoccurring tasks into um your microsoft planner plans and obviously have them embedded inside something like microsoft teams really useful it saves you having to create very manual repetitive tasks every single week or month and you can get all this set up in planner uh using sewing power ultimate and it will make your life all that much easier going forward so hopefully guys you found this useful if you did then you guys know what to do um and with that said i will catch you guys in the next video
Channel: That Office Guy
Views: 14,351
Rating: 4.9753084 out of 5
Keywords: that office guy, microsoft 365, office, work, microsoft planner, how to schedule tasks in planner, recurring tasks, planner, power automate, office 365, ms planner, schedule recurring tasks in planner, microsoft planner tutorial, tutorial, microsoft planner demo, microsoft flow tutorial, microsoft flow planner task, microsoft flow planner teams
Id: IvrD6agUNfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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