How to Schedule a Meeting in Microsoft Teams using Power Automate

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hello guys welcome to the channel my name is B and I'm a Microsoft mvpn SharePoint in today's video I'm going to explain you how we can create a uh meeting by using uh Power automate so uh we will see two scenarios on this where in one scenario there will be a manual trigger flow where user will enter the meeting title description attendance uh maybe the start date and time same way the end date and time and then uh when the flow will trigger then it will create a uh meeting in the Outlook calendar in the same way we'll also take another example where we will uh create a meeting from a SharePoint list so basically we'll create a SharePoint list where there will be columns like meeting title description attendance start dat and ended and then whenever user will uh you know add an item to the list then uh a flow will trigger and then it will create a meeting like these two scenarios will do it in the last video I have explained how we can create a team in you know Microsoft teams by using power automation I'll put the link in the video description also I have written a complete tutorial on the same where I have explained step by step how we can create do these things whatever we are going to um you know do this demo now and you can follow the tutorial if you want to follow as a article as well and also if you want similar kind of videos then subscribe to the channel so that you'll get all the notifications whenever I'll make any video on SharePoint Power Platform all these things okay so now let's go to the system and then we will go step by step okay so now let's see how we can schedule emitting using power automating teams as I explained here so the first one we will try to create a screen like this where user will enter the subject attend is description like meeting description start date and time uh so in data and time this thing we will do it now why you will see here two things are there because in power automate you know we need to uh choose this kind of time format so I'll show you that okay so now let's let me go to the uh here in the browser so I'll go to I'll open make. power and here we will first we create a or we will create a flow which will uh be instant Cloud flow so what will happen is you can instantly run that by just clicking on this now click over here and then I'll give a uh name for it so I'll say sedule flow for meeting okay and then I'll say manually trigger this click on create so once you click on create you will come up with this kind of screen here click over here and here we can give the inputs the first input I'll take uh next I will take uh this as title like the meeting title second one I'll take a same way I'll say the description so this will be going to the meeting description third one is uh uh I'll take uh now let me delete it so if you'll see here the third one is we will take the start date and time uh okay third one we'll take the attage which will be a email column so I'll say attend this okay and then here I'll take uh date column so it is the start date and you can see here it is coming in y y y y uh Das mm and sdd format should not have the time so what I'll do is I'll take another text column and I will say it uh like you know start time of the meeting and we will tell user to put in a particular format if you see here it is in h so in this format they'll put HH like hour minute and second why it is because while uh you know providing the parameter for uh you know while creating the team we'll be I'll show you how we can concatenate both of this and then we can show it and the next one I'll take the same way I'll take another Dee field which will be uh the INB and another one I'll put as the text like know um end time right so we'll just tell the user like to put in this format let me tell you I have not put any validation or anything we will now what we'll do is now you can see here this is what we required so that user can select this thing and they can flow Bel next one is I will come here and click on add an action and then uh create uh Team so it is you can click on show more and you'll be able to see here there's a flow action called as create a team meeting select this and then you can see here few things are quite simple I'll select go here and then uh I I'll show everything and you can see here the title body will be we will take the description time zone you can select any time zone for it and then the see look at here the start date and time so if I'll show you now look at this what uh you know the this is expecting in this format now look at here it is coming in this format you can see here T and then your time like this this format it is expecting right so we need to now concatenate and do that because we have a start date field and we have a Time Field we need to concatenate it so select here go to the formula and then just uh search for concat you can see here so this just we con cutting I'll take the start uh bit and uh with that I'll put a comma and then uh we need the P here and then I'll take the start time here I cck so all here if you'll see here there will be start time you can see this so now this is what is going to be our start time same way I'll go here I'll say contact and uh here also same thing uh the first parameter we will take this time is um end it you can see here end it and I'll put a t here and next one I'll take the end time right and I'll click on that so if you'll see here now this is how it is I'll check calendar here the calendar ID right I will now save it if you'll see here that has been saved now it will just take a couple of second and it will save so now you can see here the flow is saved now I'll go to my flows and uh you can see uh the first one schedule flow for uh Team uh for meeting I'll click on the Run button once I click on run button you can see here I need to just refresh it I don't know the reason why it is happening like this but uh uh once you refresh it then it will start working I'll go to my flows again where I can see the flow now click over here and uh next you can see here continue once you continue it is asking for uh the provide the input which we actually added on this case right so I'll give the input I'll give uh like test meeting from flow I'll put the same description here without wasting time I'll put um here the name for attendees I'll put the start date here so suppose meeting will be 15th and I'll put the time let's say it will be 03 uh 0 and 0 same way I'll put the end date as 15 and I will put here is 04 and 0 like this is what is the uh start and end it I'll click on run flow now you can see here the flow run successfully what we will do now is um we'll have to see whether the meeting first of we'll see whether the float trigger successfully or not now you can see here the floor trigger succeeded here so if I'll go to the Outlook calendar now I'll click on this guys if you are seeing a if you are just hearing a background noise some work is going on here I don't want to stop this now I'll go to the Outlook you can see it here and I'll go to the calendar now there should be a meeting okay so du to the time zone it is coming on this way like you can convert to UTC all these things you can do test meeting from flow this is what we created uh based on the time Z you can see here it is coming on this dat right so again uh it is up to you if you want uh uh to convert to other time zones you can do that so this is one way uh where you can uh go here and then you can uh uh you know create a flow uh which you can instantly run it on a button click and it will create a you can fill the details and it will create a meeting the other one we will do here is I have a list you can see here there's a you can see here there's a meeting request list and in this I have a title column thep start date end date and attend this column what I'll do here is I will just delete this [Music] flow like so I will we will create another flow now like see here this list you need to create and then I'll cck come here and I'll select automated Cloud flow I'll give a flow name meeting request flow and then uh when a new item is created we want the flow to trigger and you can see here now when when an item is created we need to select the site and list name so if you see here the site is sp guides the list name is uh meeting request so if you'll see here this is the list name so I selected this next option is we need to go here and uh same action is same uh create I'll just create a team meeting you can see and same parameters it is asking subject we will take it uh as the title body I will take as the description time zone I'll select a Time Zone on this like based on the time zone you are selecting uh you know the that way it will take the um you know the format now look at this so here it just needs to take care of one thing but you need to provide the uh you need to convert the time zone to UTC format uh for the start time and end time right so go to the function and if will see there is a UTC function is there so if will just UTC Now function is there and from here uh you can just select uh the date here which is the start date right and click on add second one also same way uh go to the formula select the UTC UTC now and then uh this time also we need to choose it which is the end date these are two list columns so just we need to convert into it format and then I'll say calendar right so now this is what is our flow about um subject message time zone I selected start date start date and start time basically start time and end time this is what it is so if you have if you select multiple uh tend also it will create so this one this column like attend this column I have choose the option so that user can selected multiple options here H multiple selection is true so you can even add multiple person on that I'll say meeting for SharePoint and uh I'll put the same description here and then the start date I'll put it here uh let's say 16 I'll put the time little bit on that let's say 6:30 a.m. end it I'll put same 16 and then I'll put let's say 7:30 R this I can put single multiple whatever I want I have this option I select both and I click on save so once you click on Save now the flow will trigger we can see this I'll go to uh the my flows I'll just go here this is the uh flow that we created now meeting request flow now it might take some time to reflect it I'll just pause it once so now you can look at it uh the flow trigger successfully and if I'll go to the calendar you can see here 16th there meeting that we have scheduled on this time right so uh yeah you can even you can uh convert to the time zone whatever you want I have also explained that in the tutorial so you can have a look at it and this is how we can create a meeting or we can schedule a meeting uh from Power automate in Microsoft teams and if you want similar kind of videos then subscribe to our YouTube channel uh so that you'll get notification whenever we'll make videos like this on Point Power Platform spfx all these technology videos I usually make so you'll get notified on that thank you and have a nice day
Channel: SPGuides
Views: 1,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EnjoySharePoint, power automate, microsoft power automate tutorials, create meeting in outlook using flow, create a meeting in outlook for teams, create a meeting in outlook 365, power automate create teams meeting from sharepoint list, schedule a meeting from a message power automate, power automate create teams meeting, power automate create meeting in outlook, create teams meeting in outlook using power automate
Id: Pit4_cUU3J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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