How To Scan 35mm and 120 Film - IN DEPTH - Epson v600 - SilverFast - Negative Lab Pro
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: 1willcobb
Views: 22,284
Rating: 4.8819361 out of 5
Keywords: film photography, negative lab pro, scanning film, howtoscanfilm, film, film photography for beginners, film photography tips, silverfast 8, silverfast 8 tutorial, tutorial, 120 film, 35mm film, scan film at home, 35mm film scan, film scanner, 1willcobb, vuhlandes, willem verbeeck, linus and his camera, how to digitize film negatives, filmnegative, digitize film, digitize, dslr scanning, negative supply, epson, epson v600, v550, v500, v850
Id: 466N7sK8Syw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 18sec (3138 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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