How to say "IF" (conditional たら vs なら) differences

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why japanese people [Music] sure tell me about it it's confusing when i read about the difference between nara and tara i'm japanese but i was like what so it's totally normal for you to go yeah but to tell you the truth once you understand it it's not that difficult and you might have thought eh if they itae tokiwa it's more tala no it's true that tala is the easiest one and it's the most flexible one among all the conditional form in japanese so when you want to say if in english most of the time you can use tara but there are times you cannot use tara but you have to use nara so first i will explain the difference and the second i will teach you when exactly you can use nana in the most natural way so after you watch this video you will know exactly when to use nara and you can start using it straight away and don't miss this video if you want to take your japanese to that next level because this is an important one okay so let's get started so first we should know the characteristic that tara has so when you use tara there is this rule that e has to happen first and then b happens what do i mean so for example if you want to say if you practice every day you can pass the exam you can say nichibenkyo so with tara studying every day has to happen first and if you do that then you can pass the exam or for example if i have time i will do it i will say or if it gets sunny we will go to the beach all these sentences it happens first and then b happens right it's like if this happens then after that i will do this or this is gonna happen but let's say you're saying if i will go to japan it's better to study japanese before going with this sentence it's not like you're saying if this happens this happens or i will do this after this you're saying if i'm gonna go to japan then i should study before a before going here you cannot use tara and say nihoni nihongo this sentence doesn't make any sense because like i said when you use tara it basically means if a happens then b happens so when you use tara b needs to happen after a but with this sentence you're basically saying if i'm going to japan then after that before going to japan i should study japanese it doesn't make sense right so here we would use nara and say nihoni the grammar construction is plain form of the verb plus the plain form okay guys it's totally normal for you to go eh for the first time even a native speaker will be like so please don't freak out you will understand it if you stick okay if i try to explain to you in the more simple way i can tara is more like if a happens b happens or i will do b or i would do b and nara is more like if you will do this or if you are thinking about doing this if that's the case then b let me give you more examples so you get the idea of so here marco wanted to say if you will throw it away please give it to me it doesn't make any sense because if you say statara it means if you throw it away then after that after you do it please give it to me so tala is also used to say when talking about the future for example call me when you get to the station i would say or i will move to japan when i graduate from the college i would say you might be thinking you can use toki to say when talking about the future but we would use tara i already made a video about the difference between toki and tara so please watch it later but anyways tara is also used to say when e has completed then after that is completed b happens so that's why stetharachola doesn't make any sense because you want to get it before someone throws it away right so here you need to say thai okay let's look at these two examples what is the difference so with nara i'm saying if you are coming to kyoto let me know in advance and with tara i'm saying let me know when you come to kyoto after you arrive to kyoto let me know you probably know why already right because with tara it happens and then b happens so when you want to say oh if you're thinking about coming to kyoto then let me know in advance then you have to use nara and say and here i need to mention something very important so please listen carefully in some area it's more common to use instead of nara so instead of people might say this sounds a little bit more relaxed than stereo in some region but in other regions people tend to go with more than nara so in kansai area where i'm from people tend to go with or rather because we change that into ya when talking in kansai area so people would say rather than in kanto area like tokyo they might say stereo nara or stereo i am mentioning this not because is better or anything i am mentioning this because it's important for you to know it to understand people you don't have to use you can just go with nara if it's more simple for you but i just want to mention that in kansai area people rarely use nara so they would go with instead of nara anyways nala is more like if you're thinking about doing this if that's the case then b so that's why nara is often used to take what the other person says and give advice or make a comment about it because when you give an advice and say if you essentially saying oh if you're thinking about doing this or if you're going to do this then this is good i recommend you to do this right so actually there are so many commercials where nada is used the most famous one is nailed it and they use narahira because they are saying hey if you're thinking about selling books go to book off but coffee is the best place so for example if you say like and like i said you can replace this nara with so when you want to say oh if you're going to do it or if you're thinking about doing this then you should do this you have to do this or i recommend you to do this you'd use nara okay now you know the difference between nara and tara if you are saying if a happens then i will do b or b happens then it's tara and if you want to say if you're thinking about doing this or if you're going to do this then b it's not and nada has a human usages and i really want you to know when exactly you can use nana with this video so stick with me a little bit more so when do we exactly use nara like i said you can use nana when you are recommending something and you can also use nara when you want to say if to emphasize while giving some conditions for example if a shop is having a cell they would say something like [Music] m or when a company is having a campaign they would say ima nara a lot so they are basically saying if it's now only now so they are emphasizing the condition right for example if someone says and you're kind of busy but you want to say i'm available only on wednesday you can say so you can emphasize i cannot go other days but if it's wednesday i can this is the condition or for example if someone says and if you want to say only after 2 p.m i'm free not before i would say so nada can be used with particle as well also nara is used to show the contrast so for example your partner says inukawanai inukawanai and you are a cat person and you want to say well if it's a cat i mean you can say neko narayo neko nara iyo not dog but cat so you can also use nara to say not this but if it's this so if someone says for example you newaru and you don't really drink milk but you have soy milk you can say tony nara or if you want to say if you will go i will go you can say mikuga ikunara it's like me going only happens if you go here if you say it means i will go after miku goes so the meaning completely changes right you probably know why already right because of the rule that tara has with tara b happens only after it happens right also we use the word sorenara basically means if that's the case but i feel like it's more like if that's the condition that is giving to me then so i would use solenara in this kind of situation skitto meet [Music] foreign your friends is like let's go to the party and you are like and your friend says sometimes people omit this sole and say or not lastly you can use nana to express one's ability while showing your trust let me explain for example if i say and you want to say you can do it i believe you can do it you'd say it's like you'll be fine i know you'll be fine so you can use nara to encourage someone and show that you trust they can do it or they'll be fine so we often say someone nara de kiriyo or someone nara to encourage people okay i hope this video was helpful to you and minasan would you like to improve your japanese fast they did so i've been using miku's real japanese products for a couple of months now and they are incredible so i had no idea how beneficial it was to be speaking and saying our loud japanese words and sentences until i started listening to her shattering audio on the way to work and and while i do get a few funny looks on the train for whispering some japanese phrases i actually have my progress is shot up crazy amounts so if you are looking for a way to improve your japanese 100 recommend looking into sensei miku's products just watching a couple of videos and seeing what her teaching style is like and honestly she's so lovely and you will not be disappointed so arigatou gozaimasu i consider myself to be a between a beginner and an intermediate in japanese i felt like i've made a lot of progress using miku's products they have helped with my pronunciation and my memorization a lot more than other products i've used i feel like the biggest difference between her products and others is that she explains a lot of cultural nuance that don't exist and the other ones that i've tried so far especially with the difference between when you are formal and casual what level casualness you use with certain people what phrases you use to sound more natural i find the call and repeat cadence with the shadowing audio something i don't really see in a lot of other products as well that's very helpful both for pronunciation memorization and understanding why the sentences are built the way they are and what word choices are used i find the the anki cards very useful for having the audio recorded with them the hiragana and kanji both separated each phrase or each word used it helps a lot with the reading and memorization of kanji as well uh yeah i feel like i've progressed more with these products than any of the others i've used so far they're very fun and easy to listen to it's very easy to follow along how useful it is in everyday conversation at any level formality and uh yeah i've i feel it's a amazing product eminem if you learned something from this video please hit the like button and leave me a comment this is going to help me so much to reach out to more japanese learners okay so it's more attaching video tech arigato gozaimasu see you in the next video that was the last mustache i had i don't know where it is i'm screwed i cannot do anything if i don't have mustache [Music] i mean it should be here it's here found it what's this
Channel: Miku Real Japanese
Views: 69,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: なら Japanese, nara japanese grammar, Nara Japanese, The difference between tara and nara, tara vs nara, たら VS なら, たら or なら, Tara or Nara, How to say if in, how to say if in japanese, Japanese conditional form, たら と ば なら, to ba tara nara, If in japanese, If that's the case in japanese, conditional form japanese, if sentence japanese
Id: -A0jr21n4ZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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