How to Save (Export) Video From CapCut To Gallery

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hey guys Welcome to our channel in today's video is we going to learn about how to save or expert video from Cap Cod to Gallery so for you to be able to save an expert video from cap cut to Gallery this is a step-by-step guide for you so you'll just have to click onto the cup cut up and then once you're already in onto your projects you'll just need to go ahead and click onto the project that you want to go ahead and Export so you'll just have to click onto that and then right after onto the upper part of the screen you should be able to see in there the resolution frame rate code rate and smart HDR that you could go ahead and try to adjust first before exporting so this is an important step so that I could go ahead and Define in there what is the quality or resolution of the video that you want to export so you'll just need to go ahead and swipe it like that and then once you have already chosen the right quality is you're just going to go ahead and click onto the other button onto its site to go ahead and Export this so it will just need to wait for this and don't close cop Cod or lock your screen to finish its exporting and once this is already done you should be able to go ahead and see automatically the save or exported video from your cap cut to Gallery so just head onto the gallery of your device and you should be able to see the video in there and that's just basically it on to how to save expert video from Cap Cod to gallery and if you think this has been helpful don't forget to hit the like subscribe and we'll see you on to our next video you
Channel: Mobile Guide
Views: 2,668
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Keywords: how to save capcut video in gallery, how to export video from capcut, how to save video from capcut to gallery, how to save video in capcut into gallery, how to export video capcut, how to save video from capcut, how to save or export video in capcut, how to make save video in capcut, how to export videos in capcut pc, how to export long video in capcut, how to save video in capcut, how to export video capcut pc, how to export video in capcut, how to save long video in capcut
Id: t0ce4_m44Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 31sec (91 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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