How to save emails to Notion from Gmail using Quicktion

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hi everyone my name is Leandro and today I want to show you a question is a Google workspace alarm that runs on the sidebar of Gmail and lets you save email from Gmail to notion let me open along you can see the the icon in here once we click we have some information I will leave you the the link to solve the alarm in the description of the video but basically quick Sean allows you to save your emails to notion you can map the email information to the different properties of your database you can save the email body as a column or as the content of the page you can set default values to any of your audit properties you need to forward your emails to anyone it goes from Gmail directly to notion your attachments are saved to Google Drive in a specific folder called question and then you can also share that folder with other team members that way anyone can access the attachments from notion and you will be able to save the emails with just one click so the first thing I want to do is connect my notion workspace I will select notion right now notion is the only one that is supported but in the future airtable and Coda will be as well I already have a contacts page and emails and contacts database selected I will allow the access uh now I have my notion workspace connected awesome so you can see here I have an email database right now with empty I have different properties subject URL bully email date labels face and media status and contacts so these emails database is related to a contacts database and I will show you how how we can automatically save those contacts in that database as well once we we save the emails so the first thing we're going to do is to create an action these basically we can have as many actions as we want we can have some action that save emails to a task database to our information to a read later that's the good thing about Bookshop you can have different actions with different configuration two different databases so I will change the name here which I save to emails we can select the color that we want for the bottom in this case I will select let's but someone and you will see a preview of the of the color in there we will select the integration I already connected the notion workspace and the next step is gonna select the database so if I go in here I have the two databases We're Gonna Save the emails to the emails and contacts database cool so now it's time to create the mobiles so what we're going to do is work we're gonna map the information from the email to the different properties that I have in my database already created so for example we want the URL of the email to be saved to the URL column in my device and we will basically do all these mappings it takes some time because basically reads all the information in place from your inertial database let's do also for example let's do subshit as well and we're going to save that to the subject of the email these are the other options that you have you can save the sender name the sender email the recipient emails the CC and the BCC and we also can set the default value I will show you that in another video so let's go with the subject of email you have URL we have a subject and let's save the body of the email to the page content do you think about this once you define your actions I will show you later you can also if you want duplicate the actions so for example you can create a bare bomb of the action and then just duplicate it multiple times and then just edit and add or remove different properties and let's do one more let's do also attachments Familia We're Gonna Save the attachments uh awesome we have our action ready so we will finish great injection awesome so we see we have one action now what I'm gonna do what I have the I don't open is to open one of my emails so let's say daily data will open the email maybe resize a little bit this one yeah there you go so you can see everything we are in a trial and we have here the action that we just Define we can see the subject and a preview of the content of flame now we're gonna click set to it let's see how this goes so the other one will try to to keep the the format of the email as much as possible including images and links the only problem is that sometimes images are are in the email display with weird URLs that notion doesn't support in the API at least so in that in those cases you may just see the link to the image instead of the image display so we can see we have the subject we have the URL to access the email and we also set well this one there's no attachment so if we open the the page we can see the content in here so as you can see this was is corresponds to the Daily lab image and we can see all the content we have the links we can click on any of those and we can read it when we want we even have the unsubscribe uh let's try with another one let's go for example with one with attachments this one I bought a trackable module and key cluster for my ultimate hacking keyword I have an invoice in here so let's save that as well uh let's see this one as you see is with a a table there are a couple of images in there order number the other thing notes is that you can save the the content in the body property here in database instead of in the content of the page and that way you can play with notion formulas to extract specific information from the email but let's open this email Let's see we have the invoice order number with a click the link to a liberty status we have one of the images and information and now let's check the attachments there you go if we go to find some media we can see our attachment we can even open it yeah there you go awesome and it works just fine now let's try with another one uh maybe more to that yeah but to that hey friends we have some images links quotes let's try to save this one it will depend how long it takes to save the email on the content so if it's a short email it's gonna be super quick if it has a lot of different type of blocks images and everything it's going to take a little bit more so we got to even save and if we go we have the old information so we have the look of the image of all the content you see that everything is also using different H1 H2 H3 we have different styles on the links that's awesome now let me show you another feature that Adam has and it's basically be able to also save contacts at the same time as you save your remote and that will work with contacts mapping this is super simple the only thing that you have to do is to select the database that you want to use and which property to use for the email and which property to use for the name I will select the contacts the device that I mentioned previously we will also change the name itself customer contact instead of custom and let's call it plus contacts and where do we want to save your contact's name so we want to say that in the name property look up in the database and for the email we will want to save that in the email property today is not my day with my internet okay email so once we have that ready we we can create a mapping and I will show you how you add that into your existing action now we go to edit my action by the way once you have multiple actions created you will be able to reorder the actions so they are in the order that you want and you will be able to also duplicate actions if you click in the action you can edit it you can see the usage in here how many times you use the action to save emails and I will now I will now add the mappings to automatically save contacts so we're going to select the contacts relation property I will show you in here above a relation property to the contacts database and for this one we have different options one of the options that we have is to set a little value in that way you can use a page ID to directly save a related database page as a relation or you can use the contacts module if we use the context mapping you can you you now will be able to select which mapping you want to use contacts the one that we created an abusive step cool that's ready let's save the action and now it's time to try this one up let's open a different email let's go with scroll intellects so every time you click on an email you uh quick jump will basically render these actions option and you will be able to save it one thing to note is that Collision only has access to the emails that you open while you have that one open so apart from that the the add-on is not able to read your emails at all unless you have it open let's save the email this one is Big we have tofu cat litter magnetic power bank YouTube automation what's next and silicon scar tape okay so the image has been saved we can see the subject the link as we mentioned before and look at this we have now exploding topics created as a contact in our device so let's take a look contacts scrolling topics we have the name we'll have the email address and look up the emails so that way if we are saving emails from different people at the same in the same database we will be able to see the information all in a single place I think that's pretty awesome I hope you like this quick Showcase of quickson and in next videos I will be showing some additional options for actions how to duplicate them how to reorder them and everything you can do with quick shot cheers
Channel: Leandro Zubrezki
Views: 1
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Id: 8_FeVCjfNyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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