How to Sand, What Paper to Use and Recommended Poles

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okay hey we're going to be seeing this today we're going to be seeing on this job likely to take a look at some of the stuff that I'm doing I really like these sand poles if you look at them this goes on there really nicely I really do like examples I actually posted a video of me singing with this thing on my Facebook page and it just everybody's like wow this is an old standpoint look at the size difference there is such a size difference and I seen it with this one this particular head here 2530 years old this particular event here and it even still has the sticker on here but this is a really really old head it's really worn out it's it's very very old when I'm doing that I'd like to get my sandpaper and rolls I don't particularly care for the time that are pre-cut because they're they're too wide but this one here I get it in a roll and it's not too wide and if I'm going to cut it for that for that what I will do is I just do two sixes so roughly about 12 inches so if I cut it like this one to come up here cut it fits this perfect size and then I'll take it this one's a little dirty no this is it there's being very like that it might leave me scratches so alright so there's my few pieces of sandpaper now I'll take them and I'll just rip a little bit just a little bit out like that so it'll rip so just like this I'm gonna take this piece of sandpaper off here just just so I can show you how I like the load by this hand pull this game pulls here is hitting 1 and L 2 always rip on me like it should so now I'll take one side completely off just one sec completely off of here I'll stick this in on the other side I'll take it up make sure it's straight and look at it see it's a little crooked I straighten it out a little bit just you really want to make sure it's straight on there that'll make it very tight then I just take it and fold it over and just rip it on that screw just like that this one here I made a little bit was short but it's still fit and if you look I've got two pieces of sandpaper on here now so when one gets dull I just tear it rip it off and I still have another brand new one right underneath it III don't like to do more than two because you have a tendency when you're going on the light boxes or you're doing stuff um you have a tendency to get a little chunk of mud under here and then it starts to leave a scratch and it's easier to do that when this is thicker now this one here this seen pull here this one is actually pretty old too it's tearing off part of it but you just peel that off its off the velcro and and then you put this one what I like to do with this one is I try to line up an entire moon half moon in there so yeah we don't moon here good and now that was ready that one's ready to go for these I'm gonna see in I usually use the stand everything with this everything got sanded with this this butt joint if you remember I showed you on an earlier video how to kind of take this butt joint make sure it's flat here I ended up taking this with derp by because I wanted to show you and then I put a coated rubber band on here and then a couple of coats of topping and it looks really really good right now so this is very very smooth what I really like about these samples now I understand there's still some touch-up to do around here but when I'm going to stand this might happen here but you're mainly trying to hit these edges if you look very closely I don't have an edge here anymore I still have an edge here then it's just gotta go but this one's gone if you were to paint this and they didn't see in this you would see that right there not it wouldn't be hard to see that off but here I got a little imperfection here and I always like to go with the grain so because this was seen because this was all pulled this direction I like to go this direction since this was done this direction I like to go sideways [Music] your fingers I have a problem right here and I want to show you that to a little bit of money right this is a really visible wall I've got a big window here I've got a big skylight here I have a lot of light China down this wall so this is a very very best visible wall and if you look really closely right here when I see into this I hit a high spot of paper sticking up right there and if you notice I roughed up the paper a little bit when I did that now I found in order to fix something like that might happen in I don't bash it in I just tap it in just a little bit and then I can take a little bit of mud just a tiny teeny tiny bit of mud on there and I can pull that tight and what I've done to say I've gotten rid of the paper Rock and I didn't I didn't tap it in and it's done now this edge will still show when you paint it okay so what I'm gonna have to do I'm gonna have to come back and very lightly sand this edge I probably don't now because I just ran my finger on it and took took the edge away so I probably don't know but that's how we see in today ah this is this will all see it up very easily I really like pulls to these polls today because they extend and I can reach this big high this big my thing way up here from the floor paper doesn't even need to get up there and see in it I can do it off from the floor this one [Music] that was the California hot pan by the way that I did earlier you can see that on the hem of your video but that's it that's it it's all done Donna thank you for watching I hope it's educational I hope you've learned something so if you really like what you see please subscribe
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Keywords: how to sand drywall, sanding drywall, drywall doctor, the drywall doctor, drywall taping and mudding, pole sander, drywall sanding, what grit sandpaper for drywall, sanding pole, drywall pole sander, sanding drywall mud, best sandpaper for drywall, drywall sanding pole, drywall sandpaper, sandpaper grit for drywall, drywall sanding grit, drywall sandpaper grit, sandpaper 101, what kind of sandpaper to use on drywall, how to finish drywall
Id: XxOz4jsPKJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2017
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