HOW TO: Run drip irrigation| drip made easy || GardenAddictz

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hi guys welcome back to my channel today I'm getting ready to put down some drip irrigation finally yeah I'm excited I've been watering my garden by hand for the past three and a half years so today I'm getting ready to put down drip and I just thought I might bring you guys along with me and show you what I'm doing all the supplies that you might need if you plan on putting down drip so let's get started okay guys I apologize in advance for the light the Sun is getting ready to set so there gonna be some shadows dark hair and in light there but this is where my drip will start so this is my outlet for my water this is the outside pipe and right here I'm gonna put a split connector so I can still use the hose to wash my car or to do whatever else I needed for an other side we'll have my timer and my drip line so when it comes down it's gonna split in two which I'm gonna show you guys in a little bit it's gonna go to the left and to the right yeah so that's what I have so far so now I'm gonna get started but before I get started I'm gonna show you guys all the supplies that I have and all the supplies that you might need before it gets started because the Sun is game rate is set and it's so beautiful first we're gonna start with a backflow preventer and a water adapter that looks like this so it has a mesh at the bottom to prevent anything from clogging up your pipes when the water's coming out to clog up your drip pipes so that's two that I'm gonna try to leave all the links below where you can find everything I had right here okay so that's that this is the backflow preventer and then this is the most important part is a faucet time you can get these off Amazon Walmart Home Depot but I suggest you get better price more options and of course we have some connectors these are elbows and tees and straights their plain nothing special of course the hose connector the tool a hose connector that I was talking about this is what it looks like so on one side I'll have my regular hose to be able to water my car bring water to my chickens money - on the other side will be for strictly for my drink once the pipe is like the picture on the back right there and then I will help on my timer then the timer will be hooked on to this the backflow preventer will be hooked on to the drip timer okay and then we have some emitters I have happy these are just regular emitters I have 1/2 gallon a gallon two gallons per hour so that's that and then we have some plants eight staples of course to keep the holes intact on the soil so it doesn't move or anything like that where you put it where you want it in these keep it intact and of course now we have the hose this is by Rainbird this is 100 feet and this one right here has holes every 18 inches so this is the drip tube this is the tool that's gonna feed my annuals this is the true that's gonna be in the front of the bed and then this is the to the black one this is buydig and this is 100 feet as well I got a couple of these this will be the main water holes are the main drip pipe drip tubing that will be carrying the water from the faucet from the main pipe all the way through the bed that's to my right which is your left and all the way to the other side okay guys so I'm gonna connect my pieces and then I'll give you guys an up-close look so the first thing I'm going to do is put on my host connector and next thing I'm going to do it's put on my timer want to put on my timer in then I'm gonna put on my back fill preventer on to the bottom of my timer so I the matter if I'm gonna put it on that right now just put it on excuse my ashy hands okay so it's attached now I'm gonna screw on my timer and that'll prevent her onto the hose connector okay guys it should look something like this you have your your hose connector right there which splits to the left and the right and then you have your timer connected and then below your timer you have a backflow preventer so now I'm going to hook up or push on my distribution pipe which is half-inch so this right here is my hose connector which I have so far and then I have my water I mean my timer and water timer right here and then my backflow preventor is right here and then I hooked on the hose to it right here and this is my coil of holes right there this is a distribution pipe this is gonna carry the water wherever you want it to go so what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna tell you guys what I'm gonna do hopefully you guys can kind of picture it in your mind I'm losing light this so I'm gonna snip it off right about here and then I'm gonna push this T in up this way and then on both sides I'm going to hook up the holes on both sides so I can run it to this side of the garden right here to my hydrangea my pineapple it's been a rough winter it's been in the house all winter and everything back here and then I'm gonna run it to this side and carry it all the way around so this is what I'm going to do I'm going to carry it all the way around here the distribution pipe I'm a carrot all the way around here on the backside of the wall and then I'm gonna run I'm gonna run a two gallon per hour emitter to this arborvitae right here because they love water and then I'm gonna run emitters to everything that's on the back my grass my roses each will have their own emitters and then in this middle section and the front right here that's where I'm going to run my distribution pipe the one that has holes every 18 inches because I have a lot of perennial in this bed and I'm gonna plant a lot of annuals in the front so I need to make sure that they're getting a lot of water that because annuals they love water and they love heat and heat what the lack of water means death to annuals so I'm gonna make sure that this bed is well saturated with water so I'm gonna run I'm gonna go back and forth looping it around which is the brown distribution pipe that's 18 inches that has holes every 18 inches so that's what I'm going to do now with the distribution pipe I'm going to continue it on on the back side of the wall and this will be my biggest hiccup right here once I carry my distribution pipe I need to find a way to get it underneath the step underneath the deck come all the way across and come back out here so I can feed this bed as well my lilies are getting ready to bust open and then I need to carry it along this side in the bed the bed with the Mint's and then over I'm gonna have the carrot over in the concrete and Prabhat down some PVC or something so nobody walks on and step on it and brakes come this way all the way over here and once again once I reach up in the corner back there I'm gonna split it with another tee like this so it's gonna run this way and it's gonna bring water down to my hydrangea bed which is back down there and then down this way and once again each of these plants in the back will have their own imagers and then in the front I'm going to run the then in the front I'm going to run the drip to drip pipe the drip tube in pipe that has holes every 18 inches in the front because that's where I have a lot of my perennials and my annuals same thing for my hydrangea bed each of these plants in the back all my hydrangeas will have their own emitters and then I'm gonna run my drip tubing in the front because I'll be planting annuals in the front of these coral bells so that's it for today that's it for now I'm gonna run the drip and staple everything down and get that prepared so I can put my mulch down tomorrow or maybe this weekend I don't really have time to record myself putting it down because it's a process right now and it's gonna take up a lot of my time so I'm sorry I didn't show that portion of it so thank you guys for watching and if you guys have any questions at all just leave it down below in the comment section and I'll see you guys in my next video bye guys [Music]
Channel: Garden Addictz
Views: 20,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to run drip, how to run drip irrigation, diy drip system, drip, drip too hard, drip system, garden answer, garden addictz, garden obsessions, the rooted gardener, the rustic garden, MI gardener, running drip, water, proven winners, drip irrigation, do it yiurself, drip 2019, running drip 2019, water wise, gardeners supply, drip irrigation made easy, drip supplies
Id: jSubHT-LPP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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