How to run a workflow at application startup with Geocortex Workflow

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[Music] hey this is Jonathan I work on the products team here at latitude today we're gonna take a look at running a workflow on application startup using geo cortex workflow 5 all right let's take a look and dive in all right so here we have a site that I'm editing in essentials manager and if we go to the viewers and edit the viewer that it's attached to this site we can go to the workflow 5 configuration pane down here at the bottom and you can see it's enabled and we have a button here to add startup workflow so let's go ahead and add a startup workflow there's a box here for the URL of the workflow and there's a box also for the inputs of the workflow if it has inputs you can put a JSON object in here that represents those but today we're just going to demo some workflows that don't have inputs alright so the first one here I've got is just a little demo of showing some results put the URL in the box now it's configured so after we save that I can go and launch this viewer and that workflow is going to run there you go we've got an alert box that says what the workflow does click OK and we have selected some results and then I think in a second it's also going to clear them like that all right okay so um you can see you can add multiple startup workflows if you like as long as they're not trying to do the same thing in the same area the viewer like both display a workflow form that's fine if they both display a form though it's only going to be execute execute one and then the other but we're fine here because one is selecting results and the second one that I've added that one's going to display a form so let's save that save the site you can also reorder these to change the execution priority if that ends up being an issue let's reload this and our select Sam results there we go it's gonna clear those just in a second here yeah we can also see that we've run the other workflow as well which is showing a simple demo of showing and hiding a text box based on what I select here all right and that's configuring startup workflows in geo cortex essentials Thanks [Music]
Channel: Geocortex
Views: 537
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: lp1TQk79-ZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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