How To Run a Pipe Under a Slab or Sidewalk With a Garden Hose

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hey guys welcome back to the channel today's video get this pipe under that slab of concrete this is about a four and a half foot sidewalk and we got to put the pipe under here so i'm going to show you the simple method of hydro excavation using common hose and a piece of pvc pipe so let's get started the first thing i need to do is dig a hole on this side of the sidewalk and that side of the sidewalk so the grass side and the mulch side so let me go grab my wheelbarrow get the shovel in and spare you the details okay i got a hole dug on this side approximately three feet deep that's about all i'm coming out on that side got another hole dug here approximately two feet deep and the trick of this is to come out a little bit longer so this little trench is probably two feet deep at its end closest to the concrete and it goes about three feet long now name of the game is to use some schedule 40 pvc pipe and use that as a ram rod to get under the slab or in this case sidewalk so what you want to do is start off with a nice long piece of pipe you can't do this with a short piece so you bring it back and you're basically going to use the end of the pipe and you want to get this as lateral as possible or as or as horizontal i should say as possible the less angle you have going in on this side the less deep it's going to be on that side so the reason why this trench is so long is it allows me to gain much more pivot or actually much less pivot that i need to go through here so i'll demonstrate if i'm not explaining it correctly so now what i'm going to do is take a hose normal common garden hose and i'm going to duct tape it to the end of this side so let me do that now so you're going to take this end and this end and join these together i don't care how you do it if you've got a fitting that you can install in the pipe you can use that most of you guys probably don't have a bunch of fittings laying around so i'm going to do with the redneck way with some of this duct tape okay so a taped up end just like this is plenty enough to make the connection and you're not looking to get this completely sealed because remember it's not going to pressurize it's just acting as a flow so you're just basically directing flow from the hose to something rigid like this pipe to jab through and at the end it's just open so now we're going to use the magic of hydro excavation to get this long piece of pipe under this slab here all right so i just turned on the water you can see water's flying out of that pipe no leaks over here i don't expect there to be because it's not pressurized so now let's get this as close to the slab as possible with it running so you can see the edge of the slab there and i'm just going to start pushing and you're going to just basically push and pull back push and pull back and you may hit a root that's okay just keep doing this it's gonna force all that dirt out kind of let it run a little bit and there we go i just felt it break through so let's look on the other side now we got a pipe so let me shut the water off okay so the water's turned off these have successfully trenched onto the sidewalk and if you've made it this far please thumbs up the video if it helps you figure this out and please consider subscribing because i'm trying to get to 100 000 subscribers and that's it guys so now i'm going to put this pipe underneath this slab so the pipe i want under the slab ultimately is this black pipe and right now we just have our hydro excavator under here so instead of pulling the hydro excavator out same method take your duct tape tape that end to that end on the hydra excavator just pull it through so watch this okay there it is taped on there should be good enough let me try to persuade this thing through here it's gonna want to peel because it's wet and it already ripped let's see okay there it is that's how you pull the pull the pipe so guys remember please subscribe like comment all that good stuff i'll get to the next video hope this helps you out later
Channel: Fix It Now
Views: 484,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KKTvln1lKBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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