How to Rotate Access Keys by AWS CLI | How to Create AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key 2024

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everyone welcome back to my channel this is Samu from cloud Tech today I going to show you like if you would like to rotate your access key AWS like access key and secret key then how we can rotate by using AWS CLI or if you would like to rotate your access key by using AWS console these two part I am going to demonstrate today and in my next subsequent video I will talk about if you want to rotate your access key and Secret Key by automatically how we can do that that part I will talk about my next video okay guys so I am in this already in this AWS page and this is my AWS console and if you want to rotate your access key right then there are two way we can do that either one by using CLI by CLI how we can do so let me show you that there are steps bunch of command we can use that for that what we are going to use we can check the list of uh Hotel access key is available in your account then if you want to create access key then we can create that access key and once you created then we can update that access key to inactivate access key and once that is inactivate then we can delete that access key also okay guys so this is how we can do this this is the one part so let me show you that one by one so if you want to check this list of access key right I will keep this all this command to this video description okay guys so let's try so for this particular user what the access key is there let me check that so I have only one access key here okay and if you want to create another access key right so let me show you that part also so one access key is created right here want access key so let us check the list so now I have a two access key here for this particular user okay guys now let me show you that in UI also how we can create our access key so let's go to user and go to theer and go to the security credential and here we have one option access key now I have two access key just now we have created one right this is just created now right and this is the old one it was there right so what we can do if you want to create one more so guys keep in mind one thing this is my free TI account right and here I can have only Max to Max two access key I cannot create multiple uh more than these two access key so that point just keep in mind okay so suppose I have created this access key and this is the my old access key right so what we can do we can rotate this access key right suppose maybe now this is created by 37 days ago right now if you want to rotate this access key then how we can rotate maybe we can delete this access key and then we can keep this access key as it is right then what we need to do first so first what we need to do we need to make it inactive this access key how we can do that let me show you that so this is the command we are going to use for make it the inactive the access key let me show you so just come here let's copy this try okay so this is the command we are going to update now this key is active right so let me show you that here key is active right so let us try to make it inactive here how we can do this is by CLI we are doing but in this machine I have already configured AWS C so how we can configure the CLI that part I have already demonstrated in my previous session so I will request you guys please refer that video for more understanding okay now I am checking this access key now let's see now I have one inactive right here let's see status is active inactive let us refresh this page now this key is inactive we cannot use this key anymore right now once this key is inactive and this is the active key is available right then what we can do this key we can update all the application whatever application either is a CLI or any other ec2 instance or whatever application is using this key right all the place we'll update this new key and then we'll wait for few days uh like we'll check that this access key is working fine or not all the application is working fine or not once we have we came to know okay everything is working fine as it is whatever it was there same thing is working fine then what what we can do either we can delete from here also we have option delete suppose why basically we need to keep this one uh for few days because some of the application you have configured and that application you don't have access like manually right so if you delete this one then maybe this new key if you cannot update due to some XYZ reason right then the problem will come that application will down right so then what you can do we can easily make it active then that application will be functional because of that we need to keep this key for few days once everything is up and running all the application whatever application using this key it is working fine right then we are going to delete this access key Either from AWS CLI or maybe AWS console here is the delete option go to the action and delete option or or activate this key right and if you want to do the from CI then this is the CLI delete let me run this command let check the list now it is a one right from CLI it is deleted let us reface here so if I reface here then I I can able to see only single access key let me check see here I have only one and now my create access key button is activated now now from CLI we have showed you how we can create right if you want to create from that this AWS console then this is the place we can generate the new access key just click on here and then what you want to select CLI or or whatever you want to select and then understood that then go to the next and then if you want to keep any description then description then click on create then it will generate the key guys one more Point keep in mind this secret value it will be one time it will display either what you have to download this CSV file or maybe you can copy somewhere where you you can keep this uh your safety okay otherwise once you uh if you forget to download right and once you click on done then this uh option won't come or this will not show you that what the secret value actually that's the problem okay guys this point just keep in mind there is no way we can get here that secret value in this place okay guys so this is how we can rotate our access key and another approach is that this is the Wiki page aw page you can refer this whatever I have shown you all the command I have referred this document only to make you simplify I just note down all this thing and so that you can understand easily and we can rotate this automatically also by using uh Ro B we can do that in my maybe next subsequent video I will talk about this thing Moree okay guys I hope this session will helpful to you guys and if you feel this video is valuable then I will request you guys please like this video subscribe my channel and share surrounding with your friend that will really Inspire to me to create this kind of video okay guys so see you in my next video
Channel: CloudTech AWS & Azure & GCP for Everyone 🤝
Views: 114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AWSCLOUD, AWSLAMBDA, EC2, ECR, ECS, DOCKER, S3, IAM, VPC, How to Rotate Access Keys by AWS CLI, How to Create AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key, How to Rotate Access Keys by AWS for an IAM User using AWS Console., list-access-keys, create-access-key, update-access-key, delete-access-key
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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