How To Ride Your Bike Solo | GCN's Guide To Cycling On Your Own

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riding in the group is so much fun i mean you can chat with your mates it's social crack jokes you know what i mean man yeah but riding solo is just as much fun really fit peace and quiet but in me time you know so if you don't mind today i'm going to do this one solo really man on yep sorry hi cute hi i'd like you to go yep now there are a few things you need to know about riding solo so coming up our top tips [Music] so seniors manon's left me well we better crack on our first tip for riding solo is plan yourself a route be well prepared you might be really used to going out with a group and relying on those people for playing the route for you and just following the wheels but when you're on your own you're on your own you're relying on yourself so making sure you have a well planned route is absolutely imperative the last thing you want to do is head out for a two hour ride and end up having done a five hour ride because wait at the wrong turn you got lost ended up getting freezing cold and you're stuck in a hedge all what all you're wanting to do is a phone home i mean we've all been there so plan yourself a route that you know is well within your reach you know the roads or maybe it's a route you've done with the group so you kind of recognize the roads you know exactly where you're going on and you can't get lost and then the better you get and the more solar rise you're doing you can get a bit more adventurous with your route planning the amount of times i've gone out on a solo ride and forgotten to take my spares and my saddlebag i've lost count it's important to remember these when you're riding solo because you won't have anybody else in the group to lend you a pump when you puncture you don't want to be stood on the sides of the road in the middle of nowhere waiting for a taxi an inner tube pump and some tyre levers and a multi-tool will get you out of most mechanicals out on your ride another really important part to riding solo is letting your loved ones know exactly where you are just in case of an emergency now you can get some really clever head units like my wahoo here that shows exactly your location so your loved ones can follow you every move and even know exactly what time you'll be home for dinner yeah i know that clever one thing i would say is though make sure you take a mobile phone with you while riding solo they're not just great for taking a great selfie but they're also good just think as emergency to phone home or even the emergency services now you can also get some really clever apps on this that can ping your location or that can track you that way even if you don't have something like a computer or a head unit that does it your phone can do it for you there are a whole load of gadgets out there there's even a helmet that can track your location and detect when you crash so it can ping your location to your loved ones i know it's clever as that but make sure you find one that works for you that way you can keep yourself safe and you can give yourself peace of mind but also your loved ones mom knows exactly what time i'm coming home for dinner that makes me sound like i live at home yeah that's all good remember to pack snacks and hydration any kind of snacks we'll do bananas or an energy bar like this one there is nothing worse than running out of energy on a ride and bonking why not take some money in your saddlebag so if you need to stop you can get something from a shop and if it's a nice day why not stop at a cafe there's nothing wrong with stopping at a cafe on your own [Music] riding solo means you don't have a luxury of wheels to sit on to tow you round yep you've got to push your own wind now i am massively guilty of this going out on your own smashing it and going out too hard but don't go easy slow and steady wins the race not that uh i've got many people to race with but it's all about pacing and you could do so by using a bike computer like this one here and if you've got a heart rate monitor or even a power meter you can work out your zones that way you can sit within yourself not push it too much which means you don't blow now if you're feeling really good on your ride you think fresh energized and you really want to push out a good session why not chuck in maybe some efforts at 10 minute above threshold now this will really test you but it's a good thing to do on your own because you can't really do it in a group there's different abilities this means you'll split up the group so use this solo riding time as a way where you can push your boundaries do the efforts and go flat stick when you want to no effort for me though not today [Music] another perk of riding solo is that you can stop as many times as you want you don't have to worry about anybody else if you find a pretty view stop and take it in and maybe even a pick for the gram not of yourself hank of the view what the view sheep god man left me ages ago determined to have a solo ride and actually kind of enjoyed it but where earth is she all right hank oh here you are how was your ride actually not as bad as i thought it was going to be i enjoyed it i enjoyed the peace and quiet look at the views and i even got the chance to take a few selfies oh yeah solar rides aren't that bad after all are they really not actually no if you guys have a few tips for us that we haven't mentioned or we missed off the list then make sure you put them in the comments section below and if you like this video make sure to give it a big thumbs up yeah and why not let us know what you would prefer group riding or solar riding what would you go for solo i think i quite like it yeah see i'm a fan of group writing do you want me to tell you why i know you are no job we tell you why go on well we can be in chicago chat you can chat jokes take selfies with other selfies with other people you can even get people laughing at your jokes which doesn't happen you can half wheel you can you like a bit you like a bit half wheeling see there is loads of good positives let me hear your positives right uh you should be right back in the group yeah a big group yeah should be right back in twos or uh are you gonna single file determined to write solo again thanks for watching guys see ya
Channel: Global Cycling Network
Views: 859,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo, solo ride, riding solo, solo bike ride, riding your bike on your own, effert, interval, training, navigation, route planning, mapping, komoot, wahoo, angi, specialized angi, tracker, group ride, bunch ride, drafting, GCN, Global Cycling Network, Sports, Cycling, Bike, Bikes, Bicycle (Product Category), Road Bike, Cyclist, Road Bicycle, How To, bike skills, cycling skills, GCN Cycling, velo, manon, lloyd, hank, sec-how-to, gc21s, ិ, gc11shs, ଐ, gc11sas, n1, ඡ, ニ, Ղ, ཋ, ሙ, ସ, ଙ, ホ, ィ, ළ, Ա, Է, Լ, Ծ, Հ, ፕ17, ェ, ዾ, ጎ, 4048
Id: -twBFPrFhOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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