How to Ride Bit-less Safely and with Control
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Tao of Horsemanship
Views: 181,532
Rating: 4.8842907 out of 5
Keywords: caroline rider, rider horsemanship, intuitive horsemanship, natural horsemanship, technique, training, relationship, bonding, partnership, trust, respect, aids, contact, control, light hands, softness, soft feel, timing, bit-less riding, bareback riding, safety, confidence, backing up, mounting, flexion, rope halter, bosal, dr cooks bit-less bridle, bit-less bridles, OTTB, Off the track thoroughbred re-training, re-training and rehab, calm, responsive, relaxation, rhythm, fluid movement
Id: gus0aS6-0p4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 57sec (2337 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2015
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