How To REVIVE a SLOW Old Laptop - DON'T Buy a New One.

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so you have an old laptop that's getting slow and it's not keeping up with the work and it's taking a long time to start and it's just giving you a hard time and you think you need a new one if you only use it for web browsing or light work or using some light software you don't actually need to buy a new one and i'm going to show you exactly how you can check for that but the two major slowdowns in a laptop are actually upgradable so you can upgrade them yourself without the need to buy a new laptop because the cpu is most likely still enough for your work unless you have some major big softwares that require a lot of cpu like video editing or gaming but in most cases if you just use it to browse the internet or do some light work or typing or whatever it should be still enough so here's how you check when you are using your laptop hit ctrl shift and escape at the same time so ctrl shift escape and then the task manager is going to pop up you look at the metrics on the left side and you see which one is maxed out which one is that 100 and most likely if you still have a hard disk drive the hard disk drive is going to be at 100 most of the time because it's an old mechanical part that has to spin at the maximum speed and the rams if it's two gigabyte it's most likely is going to be maxed out and if it's for four gigabyte it's it's maybe okay but the ideal is eight gigabytes plus so this is my laptop this is about six years old it's from 2014 and it still has a mechanical hard drive and it has two gigabyte ram now for the mechanical hard drive as you see in the picture here it's maxed out at 100 percent this is an ssd this is a replacement for mechanical uh hard disk drive this is a solid storage drive there's nothing that spins inside it it's just a solid storage so it gets to maximum speed instantly it doesn't have to spin fast and get to the maximum speed until it works properly after like five minutes after startup so here's a comparison between uh boot time on hard disk drive versus an ssd and it almost took one third of the time and that's how fast it's gonna act all when you're doing all the tasks on your laptop so it's that much faster and the next major upgrade that you want to do is the ram this is an eight gigabyte stick ddr3 for laptop and this is gonna give us plenty because i have two gigabyte and i have an empty slot so i'm just gonna add this i'm gonna have 10 gigabytes of ram so you can add the ram no problem or replace the existing stick if you don't have an empty slot but for the for the hard disk drive you can just remove it and put this one in because you have windows so before you remove the windows you want to recover the key for the window so you don't have to buy a new one if you don't have a sticker at the bottom of the laptop so you go to google you search pro do key that's the software that can recover the key for you and you uh go to and you download the software and you run it when you run it it gives you the exact key for your specific windows so you take a picture of that or you you write it down you keep it and then you copy your files so now you want to install fresh windows but you don't have a cd or flash drive to do it so you want to grab a flash drive and you want to plug it in into your laptop and then you want to go to microsoft and download the media creation tool that's going to turn this flash drive into a windows installing bootable flash drive now when it's finished you can remove it and you can now remove the hard disk drive to replace it with the ssd okay now this is the bottom of the laptop in some cases you have to tear the entire laptop uh that's a a big of a job um maybe you're not comfortable doing it yourself maybe you can take it to a professional to do it for you but in this case most laptops they have panels on the on the bottom side so you can remove each panel at a time to work with the laptop in my case here this is a lenovo laptop i just have to remove one panel here okay so i removed one panel and there's the hard disk drive this is the mechanical part that i told you about and there's the ramps i have an empty slot for rams so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna grab the ram and as simple as that i'm gonna put it in sideways line line the notch up and just push it down clicks and it's perfectly installed now okay for the hard disk drive we're gonna have to remove the caddy which the carries the hard disk drive so this where the hard disk drive plugs in so i'm gonna push back so i'm gonna grab the caddy i'm gonna push it down it unplugged itself now i can pull it out [Music] now there's screws that hold the hard disk drive in the caddy they call it the caddy this carries the the uh the ssd or the hard disk drive so i'm gonna remove all these four screws i'm gonna install the ssd okay i'm gonna remove the hard disk drive this is the ssd i'm gonna grab it and i'm going to install the caddy on it so okay now the ssd is ready to go now i'm gonna put it down i'm gonna push it in place so it plugs itself in watch here just like so now i'm gonna put the screws back in okay now that the new ram is installed and the ssd is installed our upgrades are done there is nothing else here that you can upgrade upgrading the cpu takes major work and it's most likely not needed for uh light work so just make sure that the fan for the cpu doesn't have any dust in it so it stays cool and we are absolutely done over here so i'm gonna put back the cover okay now you have an upgraded laptop that's going to keep up with the modern work now you're going to plug in the windows flash drive yet that you just created and you're going to turn on the laptop it's different some laptops you have to hit f12 some laptops you have to hit delete so i'm just gonna hit f12 and here asks me which drive you want to boot from see it's it's uh it detected the new ssd here but i wanna boot for the first time from the flash drive so i can install the window so i'm gonna go down to the flash drive and hit enter now it's gonna boot uh the of the the flash drive so i can install the windows and that's how it boots to install windows so you just hit next you hit install now and here where you put the code that you recovered with the produce that's your windows code you want to put that in here that can be used on one pc so you put in your key over here and you hit next next next next next and you have a fresh copy of windows okay now it's installing windows while it's installing windows i'm going to close this video this is a full guide on how to revive an older laptop so you don't have to buy a new one these older laptops are so durable they have very strong plastic they have very strong components and in most cases you don't have to buy a new one so this is how you upgrade yours add some ssd add some rams and you will be on your way with a fresh copy of windows is gonna be a lot faster than what it was before and you're gonna be pleased with it so with that being said i hope this is helpful to you if you have any questions drop them in the comment below and leave a like subscribe and i'll catch you in the next one peace
Channel: GK7 DIY
Views: 6,299
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Keywords: laptop, revive, upgrade, fast, slow, slowlaptop, slowpc, faster, windows10, hardware, key, windowskey, recovery, recoverkey, installwindows10
Id: IOwW8Psu0vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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