How to Review Your Year 2021 ✨

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reviewing your year is kind of like tying your year in a borough and saying goodbye it has all of my favorite ingredients it has reflection planning and ideally a little bit of action in this video i'll be going through a really simple yearly review process to inspire you to do the same we'll be looking back at your year creating almost a yearly recap reflecting on what worked and what didn't work and deciding what we want to do going forward something new that i started doing last year that i want to carry on is creating almost a summary of your year kind of like a spotify rapt but for your life i'm doing this in notion and i will have a really basic template linked below for you to grab but you can definitely do this in whatever tool you use because it's so simple and so easy my 2021 rap starts with a list of words to describe my year so i've got words like self-healing discovery resolve me as in like embracing who i am but i've also got words like burnout and sadness bad feelings and good feelings from your year can absolutely co-exist something you can include on your 2021 raft is global moments that mattered and life moments that mattered this is also a really good way to figure out what the things were that you really enjoyed doing during your year so that you can recreate more of those in the year to come keep in mind there are a lot more global moments that mattered i actually googled like biggest news stories of 2021 those lists aren't out yet these are the ones that really like stuck out of my mind lots of pop culture stuff this is more just to help me to remember okay this was the year when that happened these are all my life moments that mattered keep in mind these are only the good moments i haven't put any bad moments because we need boundaries but also just significant moments the affirmation bathroom news i talked about that my video on how to plan your new year's that was so nice i went to wet n wild this year which is the theme park honestly one of my favorite moments of the year a really nice picnic with my friend sam i went to this weird seance at the arts center it was like a display it wasn't really it but the night was it my sister got diagnosed with adhd so it's not even my moment but it's still like significant in the year i want to go through this list and probably try and put like little specifics and maybe even link to pictures because obviously in five years time some of these are a little bit vague and it might be hard to remember them then you can look at the things that mattered these are all of my things that mattered and i'm sure that there were more i'm gonna do a quick little pic of a few of my fave faves you can start with the stuff that mattered so the physical tangible stuff in your life that really mattered in 2021 peli bags are practical but also cute alternative to a picnic basket so with that i'm talking about these they have been so helpful and i've used them so much this year they're cute and they look okay in the background of photos but they're also super practical look at the books that mattered invisible solutions by stephen shapiro such a good book especially if you like me have gone on a real questions deep dive this year as you guys know i have think about the ideas that mattered ideas that mattered not me first but me too i heard about this concept from a tick tock creator and i can't remember the creator's name but she talked about how recovering people pleasers often told to put their needs first before other people which is valid and in a lot of cases that's what you need to do but she talks about the idea of instead of saying me first say me too so how can i get my needs met as well as you getting your needs met and that's something that i've been trying to implement probably in the much later part of this year if you listen to podcasts note down the podcast that mattered i have listened to so much of the matter with my husband podcast while i do recommend it it is a good time it's interesting to listen to i also think that it's just made me a little too anxious so i'm going to stop listening to it as good as it was note down the movies and the shows that mattered life after death which is a documentary show that's on netflix skip the episodes that are about psychics i have a completely unfounded fear of the people that i love dying terrifies me i hate it can make me anxious at times it's not too bad but if i think about it too much it's too much watching the show may be so much more comfortable just with the idea of death in general if you're a foodie you can write down the food that mattered this year pistachios and grapes ugh such a good food combo really write down any of the stuff that mattered in 2021 if you have specific hobbies create a category for them if you have kids you might want to write down the moments that mattered related to your kids now you're moving towards reflection and the first question that you want to ask yourself is what went well this year what were my wins and before you say that you don't have any wins i know that that's not true i have this conversation with my sister every single week when we review our wins for the week amy or me will always be like i can't really think of any wins but by the end of our little session we're like oh we have more wins than we can count once you start looking for wins you will find more wins remember that a win does not need to be anything related to your career or to your productivity a win can be that you were nicer this year a win can be that you made a friend this year if anything if you're someone who ties your value strongly to your productivity then focus on the wins that are not related to productivity one of my favorite non-productivity wins this year is becoming a bumble bff gal so in the middle of the year i can remember distinctly sitting on my couch in my office with my friend and i'd said to this particular friend before it's really hard to make friends like i don't really know when i meet people i've talked about this before but i want to normalize it it could be hard to make friends as you get older and you get busy off some of the best places to make friends are places like university i didn't go to university work i worked with mostly older people i did make a few like two really good work friends that i'm still in touch with but other than that i found it pretty hard to make friends in my 20s and i am a great friend to have like i bring a lot of value to the table and i sincerely believe that great person having your life we'll support you through anything we'll cheer you on no matter what you are doing we'll celebrate your wins probably more than you celebrate them anyways i'm not here to sell myself to you as a friend i know we would be friends because i just know i would vibe with most of my subscribers but this year i sat with my friend on my couch and i was like by the end of the year i am going to have one new friend and you know how i'm going to do it bumble bfe i've heard good things i know some people are weird about that kind of thing but i was just like i'm doing it i never got the whole dating experience because me and luke got together after tinder was a thing we met each other on a drunk night out like all of the best couples do but i feel like bumble bff from what i've told people about it they're like oh it sounds exactly like dating so i met with a few girls on there and everyone i met with was so nice it's a much nicer experience than i imagined dating would be because literally everyone you're meeting with is lovely and girls are just generally better i feel like i'm definitely a girl's girl i love women i don't vibe as easy with men but i really connected with one girl on bumblebee a fair bit her name's tess and she's absolutely lovely i feel like saying that this is like a win makes it smaller than it is because the new friendship is like a big deal i am really proud of myself for getting a mumble bff because little socially anxious me struggles with those kind of things on my first day i was so nervous after a while i was like no i can do this and i did it and i really value my friendships and i really value my new friendship and i just feel very happy about it another non-productivity related win is sitting with my feelings which i feel like i've talked about a lot in the last few videos of mine just because it has become a big part of my life i feel like sitting with my feelings is something i definitely was not versed in pre late this year and like i've already said multiple times i feel like it's been really healing for me i feel like it's been really good for me not a traditional win but a really impactful win on my life this year i had a few really lovely weekends away as well as just getaways in general so i think last year i can remember saying i don't even think i've gone on a holiday this year this year not the case we did do short little holidays love a little four-week getaway here and there but i think i'm really more of a little break here little break there kind of gal and my little getaways have been some of my favorite memories that i've created this whole year and i'm going to call that a win this year i got back into creating and i got back into crafting so if you've followed me for a really long time you know that i used to do diys all the time i used to always be creating stuff and i don't really know why i stopped at some point i just stopped doing creative things for fun there's some creative stuff that i don't enjoy doing like sewing despise but i love a paper craft love making a card love putting together a halloween costume this year actually i made a halloween costume and i did not even have anywhere to go i was talking to my sister and she was just like you really need to start doing something that you enjoy because i was just feeling in the dumps and she was like halloween's coming up why don't you make a halloween costume and i was like look i have nowhere to go i'm not really interested in going out like i'm just not at that stage of my life and she was like screw it do it anyways and i was like fine i will i ended up going out just with me and luke like we had a cocktail it was more of a cute on-brand night for me just dressed up in my little fairy costume which is something that i probably would not have done in previous years because i would have been like no i need to have somewhere to go this year i was like no we're being creative for the sake of being creative and i just dived into it and recently i did a christmas afternoon with a friend and i made these cute snowman cards and it sounds really trivial but getting back into little things like crafting i think it is really good for me it's really good for my heart it makes me happy creating is actually one of my values and i do it a lot obviously making videos but i think that it's important to do stuff that i'm bad at i don't need to be being creative and monetizing it i don't need to be particularly talented at the stuff that i am creating i just need to create for fun a little bit more not something i want to bring into 2022 as well another thing that went really well this year is my digital products namely my notion pack that is probably my best performing product that i have created and that's something that i want to lean into more in the new year if you somehow don't know i did launch an app this year it has a whole bunch of meditations on it really good journaling guys that are actually excellent for any of you i actually just went through two of the journaling audios on the app perfect for this time of the year i utilize this stuff as well i make sure to make stuff that i actually would enjoy and use i actually adore creating the content for intention because it's so actionable i think i talk a lot about doing stuff on my youtube channel whereas on intention everything there it's like the actual journaling exercises that i tell you to do it's the actual thought exercises that i tell you to do in meditation form it's the challenges it's pretty much taking my channel and the stuff that i talk about and turning them into little actionable steps and that's what i really adore about intention and i love the process of creating attention content something about that just lights me up and launching an app obviously a huge win and i launched my skillshare class which is also an intention i'll have a link to that down below so much work went into that skillshare class actually it took me a really long time to put that together that was a really big win i think it's so packed with value also a really good class to be doing around this time of year you also want to ask yourself what didn't go well this year what were the things that sucked what were the things that i wish i could have done better with an alternative way to look at this is asking the question and what would i do differently if i were to do this year over i know that a lot of people will be like oh i wouldn't do anything differently that's not how we're thinking imagine that someone has come to you and they've said hey you need to do a readout this year but you need to do it different you need to make some changes and do it in a way that feels better for you what changes would you make what didn't go well my biggest what didn't go so well this year was a lack of clarity around what the priorities were i've referenced this recently in a few videos but in essentialism by greg mcewen he talks about how don't think about what you have to give up think about what you have to go big on and at the end of the day if you want to go back on anything you have to give some things up i feel like this year i didn't look at all of my priorities and go what do i want to go big on as a result i felt scattered i felt spread thin and not even necessarily you know oh my god like i'm wildly busy and so much to do more just you know nothing was getting all of my attention and so i didn't feel like anything was exceeding my expectations or doing really really well which is fine it's okay when things aren't like thriving and blowing up we don't need to be on constant growth growth growth mode but i feel like if i just ask myself the question what do i want to go big on i think some things could have done a lot better something that didn't go so well this year was trying to manage my emotions all on my own so i know that i've literally just said that feeling my feelings is one of my big wins this year and i definitely do think that it was but at the same time this year i feel like some very to be clear very little tea trauma has sort of come up in my life and it was stuff that i didn't think that i'd ever have to deal with again or full stop it's just stuff that i don't think that i can work through on my own i mean i can try as hard as i want but i do think that i just need guidance from an external professional who knows what they're doing which is why my start stop list i have therapy because gorgeous gorgeous girls get therapy this year something that didn't go well is i feel like i've spent more than other years if you follow my channel for a little while i definitely used to impulse spend a lot i had a lot of packages coming to my door i'm not back there however this year i definitely spent more on just frivolous less intentional purchases than i have in other years and if you watch my decluttering challenge you probably picked up on that i'm kicking off 2022 with a no spend challenge and i feel like that's going to be a really good reset for my spending now you want to create three lists a start a stop and a continue list i do this activity pretty regularly and every time i do it i always find that it creates little tiny changes and it creates focus on what i want and what i don't want as well i always say never expect yourself to actually start and stop all the things on this list but it's a really good way to put your mind in the right direction what you write down might be inspired by the prompting questions we've just gone through but they also could be totally unrelated so things that i want to start in the new year firstly really embracing that idea of what do i want to go big on not what do i want to give up that's actually going to be my guiding kind of like theme guiding question for the year next year we are doing some intense house saving luke and i are saving for home finally he has graduated i have a physiotherapist partner he's employed we love to see it and that means that we are in a position to start saving for a house so that's what we're going to be focusing on i'm probably gonna be making a few money related videos next year because that's something we both want to dive deep on let me know if you do have any recommendations when it comes to money related books any money related courses because we're very open to learning more about financial freedom that's a really big thing for both of us and just creating a lot of financial security for ourselves like i said starting therapy has to happen next year i am going to really dive deep on smart notes by songk aaron i made a book guide for this in intention and i really really enjoyed this book and i really want to implement this system and make it a regular part of my life basically smart notes are just notes that you take on content that you consume but it's more based on how you react to the ideas that you read and your ideas from the things that you read i explain it much better in the book guide the reason that this is important to me is because i'm a content creator and the more notes that i create the more original ideas that i have the better my content is and the more easily i can create content which is why i want to really ritualize taking smart notes in my life next year another thing that i want to start next year is really embracing a stop go lifestyle so i've realized that i am not a go-go-go gal i am a ghost stop go stop kinda gal i really like working deeply and intensely but then i really enjoy stopping and letting my mind rest and i really want to integrate that into how i work into my days and into my weeks something that i want to stop immediately almost right now even if having my phone at my bedside table i don't know how i fell back into this habit i hate that i've fallen back into it i know how much it affects my sleep how much it affects my routine i just haven't had a home for my phone to live while i'm asleep and when i don't have a designated space for it it just ends up sitting on my bedside table it's bad for me it doesn't make me feel good i don't like having it this that's something we're stopping in the new year another thing i want to stop in the new year is waiting for other people to join me when it comes to my plans i feel like i am a person that tends to enjoy doing things with other people more than i do with myself i know some people are vice versa and that's sort of changed over time and i feel like i'm just in the mood to go on more dates with myself to get to know myself a little bit better to do the things that i find fun with myself when i wake up on a saturday and i want to go thrifting and i want to go to a bookshop and i want to go get starbucks i want to just do that stuff but i don't want to feel like i need to have plans with other people to do that fun stuff i want to be able to do it confidently on my own and enjoy my own company i think that's what i want to work on in the next year so this is kind of a start really but stop waiting on other people to make plans just make plans with myself do a lot of self dates another thing that i want to stop in the new year is drinking fizzy drinks so pop soda wherever you're from different words just because i love giving up liquids i gave up alcohol for one year quite a while ago if you follow me for a long time you might have seen that journey i still don't really drink too much alcohol but i do drink it on occasion i'll have like one maybe two drunk nights a year it's just not really a problem for me anymore like it used to be when i was younger i think as you grow older people just don't care that much if you don't really drink and people that do just aren't really worth your time i've also given up coffee i did that after i came back from europe i had a really bad experience with coffee when i was in germany and i was like no coffee makes me anxious it's awful i'm stopping now i will have a coffee every once in a while only usually when i go out if i'm getting starbucks or something i'll have a coffee if it's a chill day honestly most of the time it just reminds me of why i don't drink coffee though because i don't have it very often when i do have it it hits me really hard i know some people don't feel anything from coffee but i just get all anxious so sometimes it's good to drink coffee because it reminds me of why i don't drink it anyway back to my point is this year i want to give up fizzy drink we don't keep soft drink in the house like i never buy coke or anything like that for our household we're always just drinking water or oat milk pretty much but i will get um a coke with a takeaway or if we go out for dinner firstly it's caffeinated so it's really not good for me secondly it's just so filled with sugar and i don't mean that from a like uh sugar's unhealthy perspective mortise from a sugar just makes me feel bad perspective and drinking so much of it is just not good for me so in 2022 what we are going to try is giving up fizzy drink we'll see how i go with this this actually feels like it's going to be difficult i'm just going to replace it with water this is something that i've tried to do in the year of 2021 and it actually went really well until i was like you know what i'm gonna do if it's a special occasion then i'm going to just have a coke like when i'm out and about that turned into me getting a coke with my takeaway etc etc gretchen rubin talks about the idea of either being a moderator or an abstainer so i want to completely abstain and just cut out all fizzy drink in the new year we'll see how we go if you liked this video you're going to like my reset your life playlist which is going to be linked on the screen in it there are a bunch of follow along activities that you can do to reset your life in preparation for the new year or after new year has already begun and you're just like look i need some new year vibes intelligent critical thinking kind of subscribers that there are
Channel: muchelleb
Views: 55,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michb1, muchelleb
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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