How to reuse Washing Machine Motors [Arduino vs Basic Triac control]

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welcome friend if you're watching this I can almost guarantee you're gonna be able to get your hands on one of these for free it's a universal series around the washing machine motor from adjunct old washing machine now the tricky thing with these is controlling the speed and in this video we're going to look at different circuits to control the speed right from from very simplest all the way to an Adreno controlled closed-loop system that regulates the speed very tightly now with the motor like this you can normally just trace and get a very good idea where things go for example on this one there's two red lock red contacts that I know lead to this part at the end which is the tachometer the brushes here they have colored wires and you can normally trace them I'll put a table of the different values you can expect between different contacts or across say for example the brushes or across the windings about three-quarters of a horsepower normally these things so they really can kick out some good power certainly you can use it for various things in your workshop like a small lathe or a pillow drill or crazy rotary machine as I've been making in the previous two videos let's just do a quick theoretical if I had a string wound round this shaft coming down with a weight attached if we imagine that being the load on the shaft if I divided that weight by four so I took three quarters of the weight off and let this pull it up it would go but twice the speed theoretically now if we think about that for a second what happens when we get rid of the load altogether it's cut almost like dividing by zero and the the speed of this goes up without the arete achill limit although there is some load on there just from the bearings and things like that you get the idea and what happens is if you connect this directly up to its rated voltage it'll spin so fast that it can tear itself apart and the Varens will be ruined I'm going to talk through four different circuits the first one is ridiculously simple all you're doing is putting a 1 kilowatt heating element in parallel with the armature which means a connection goes to both of the brushes having this in here means the motor weren't going to run away speeds but it's not a great permanent solution because you're wasting one kilowatt of energy the whole time it's good for testing the motor out on the bench the second circuit is a triac based circuit I made in the past also runs universal motor and that's just one in this belt sander universal motors are often in these kinds of things they're not so usable as a big one like in a washing machine though because they're kind of built into the plastic housing and they're quite under sized and they require lots of fan cooling which is why on tools like this you have noisy fans and especially angle grinders same sort of do your food mixers like this you can only use them at two minutes or so at a time before they burn out and that's all because the motors are quite under sized let's talk about this circuit then it's very simple and a version of it's used in the arduino based system as well the linchpin of this circuit is a singular power triac it's a simple semiconductor device that prevents current from flowing and less it's triggered by a current at the gate if and when it receives that trigger it will remain on and conducting for the rest of that half cycle of AC current only when the voltage passes through zero or does the so-called zero crossing will it turn off again by controlling when in the cycle we trigger the triac we can control how much time the motor sees any voltage it's this part of the circuit here that determines when in the cycle the triac is triggered the db3 Dayak is a clever little device that blocks all current and no less the voltage rises above 32 volts and at that point it suddenly turns on and conducts you can think of the Dayak as a mischievous door it opens in both directions but only very suddenly and when you're pushing on it really quite hard in our case when it does open it will trigger the triac and send current through the motor these two capacitors and two resistors and especially the variable resistor v r1 all determine how soon in the half cycle the Dayak the one reaches break over voltage and therefore triggers the triac the remaining components are part of a snubber network which is there to prevent dangerous voltage spikes or transients which could phantom li trigger the triac I have that same circuit in the pillar drill here the variable resistor can control the speed anywhere from pretty much off very fast is that this is actually running from an old treadmill motor there's a 240 volt DC permanent magnet motor and they are much better at speed regulation and when you apply the load it's much less likely to slow down and store if we want this kind of performance from the washing machine motor with the addition of just a few components to our previous circuit we can really improve the speed regulation under varying loads to do this we add in the little transformer tr1 to supply the field windings with a high current low voltage rectified supply by running on direct current you're essentially turning into something of a permanent magnet in combination with the center tap diode d2 and d3 are doing full wave rectification to create this DC current if you had a transformer that didn't have a center tap you could substitute in a high current bridge rectifier here you'll notice the live voltage coming from the triac once rectified is still going through the field windings as well as the armature of the motor this isn't strictly necessary and you could attach it straight to brush 1 and 2 but by doing this way you have the benefit of lower starting current and higher ultimate talk now that's a really great circuit but when you come to the low speeds or indeed if you're turning down the speed what can happen is you get phantom triggers of the triac and you get these little blips of speed that you really don't want to get around that what we can do is and I haven't built this circuit but it looks very promising the only difference being the addition of a sensitive track t2 just like in the previous circuit the variable resistor oh just how soon in the half cycle the diet creatures break over voltage and triggers the triac this time though the track t2 also turns on apparently sending the gate of t1 a trigger post train that keeps it going on variable inductive loads like these washing machine motors this is said improves the consistency of the performance again I haven't actually made this circuit so I'm not going to go into all the details of how exactly it works I'll leave a link for further reading in the description along with all your links let's move on to the fourth kind of circuit this is one I just made and it uses an Adreno microcontroller in a closed-loop system to trigger that triac fine components for this project is fine and I'll leave a link in the description below to all of them but it's a little bit of a pain to have to wait for delivery so old boards like this really help and you can get some of the more pricey components off there's not there any of them are very pricey but you can get some of the computer components off old boards like this and that's really useful so I'm just gonna take off some of these now and the way I like doing that is with hot air gun this method can be harsh on small components if you linger there with the hot air but it's great for getting big multi-legged components off this is the one part I don't really bother reclaiming it just so many different values and you need them so often queue ridiculously fast making montage [Music] [Music] Teemu control board with arduino nano there is there's the back of it it's pretty messy because I was making up the layout as I went along from the schematic but I think it worked out okay some of the components like the capacitors and resistors I've doubled up to make up the correct value because I'm using so hodgepodge of what I've got now this is way more complicated than the previous circuits discussed but bear with me here and I'll go through each part of it in turn the audrina itself is running what's known as a sketch and I'll link to that in the description below the sketch or Adreno code makes use of a PID library written by Brett barriga so big up him and also celaya spans vecchia's and apologies if I'm butchering your name soleus has paved the way here in terms of putting together a working schematic while I'm mounting this front panel let me interject just a slight warning there's plenty of mains voltage an opportunity for death here I'm going to assume that if you attempt any of this you know exactly what you're doing with mains voltage and just how deadly it can be it's worth noting that the heatsink mount of the triac is also live voltage so that means your heatsink itself will also have live voltage so don't be tempted to touch it to see how hot it is here's solises circuit diagram let's take a look it's all centered rounds the adrene own nano of clarity none of the pins actually linked up instead in the individual sections the pins are lay board let's take a look at the motor control section of the circuit just as with our previous circuits the power to the motors delivered through a triac the triggering signal though comes from this opto isolator which is in turn activated by the adrenals pin a3 hopefully if you understood the previous circuits this is all making sense to you essentially the Arduino is taken over control of when the triac fires and when the motor receives power the opto coupler allows there to be an air gap between the mains voltage and the 5 volts the Arduino runs from the only other new thing here is the relay k2 which just has the ability to cut power to the motor the relay is energized by the 5 volt power supply but it's controlled by pin 5 on the Adreno the digital pin can't drive the relay directly itself instead an NPN transistor is used to switch the power into the relay diode D 5 is there just to take care of any transient voltage spikes when the relay is turning on and off the set speed which is just the speed the PID program is constantly trying to home in on is adjusted with this rotary encoder these are the posh knobs on your stereo that just turn round and round or in my case I salvaged one from the scroll wheel on a mouse the schematic calls for the three nose pin b4 to be connected to the push-button part of the rotary encoder my routing code didn't have this so I used a separate tactile switch which does the same job of turning on and off the motor the range switch here just selects between whether you're in the fast set of RPM or a slow range let's look at the LCD display itself despite how it looks connection to the Arduino is really simple if you have one of these ones with an i2c interface in fact all you need to worry about is for connections to that supply the power and two that connect two pins a 4 and a 5 on the Arduino you can ignore the rest for the PID algorithm to know how much to trigger the triac we need to know how fast the motors actually running if it's already overshot its set speed for example we need to know that or if a new loads just been applied and the motor is slowing down it so the algorithm needs that information in this part of the circuit the LM 393 comparator takes the tachometer input the AC waveform and turns it into a digital signal that the Arduino receives on digital pins 3 now I believe the Arduino has an internal comparator on pin 6 and 7 and if you're keen on hacking and tinkering you might be able to use that instead of this part of the circuit but the LM 393 is a very cheap chip and for once I thought I'd go the route already traveled to properly time the triggering of the triac the Arduino needs to know what time the AC sinusoidal waveform is crossing through that zero point in the previous circuits that timing was taken care of for us because the Dayak was activated by the waveform itself in this circuit the AC voltage is rectified by the bridge d2 before being passed through the photo coupler pc8 1:7 this little chip isolates the microcontroller from mains voltage digital signal is sent to d2 of the Arduino using this pull-up resistor arrangement in my rendition of this I'm using a 2.1 amp 5 volt phone charger to power the Arduino pretty much the last thing to do on this is to split up the USB power so we just into 2 wires coming positive or negative and put that into the board and then I think we're about ready to roll with this hopefully that's enough for you to have a good crack at making this ad we know based circuit there's loads more information in the description just have a look at the links there it's worth thinking about whether you really need the microcontroller to control the motor if all you're looking to do is control the motor in a fairly straightforward way for a pillar drill or something I personally would recommend the first or second circuit that we looked at the simple triac based ones there's so much simpler and easier to make and you don't have to worry about all the tuning parameters that can be quite tricky to get right way back when I was first getting into woodworking and setting up a workshop I made a wood lathe using one of these machines to drive it the second triac circuit that I showed you in this video certainly wasn't the easiest way to get started and build up toes but it was very cheap and I learned so much from the experience and now I can I know I can drive pretty much any machine this sander pilla drill lathe of crazy multi machine or whatever it may be with an essentially a free source a washing machine motor so if you do have any friends or budding woodworkers or just tinkerers that are looking to get a new tool build new tools and do share this video with them I hope this video was useful to you as well if so please consider subscribing and hitting that little notification bell apart from that I'll see you in the next video
Channel: FloweringElbow
Views: 138,073
Rating: 4.8044887 out of 5
Keywords: Floweing Elbow, re-use motor, Wasing machine motor, Washing machine motor with Arduino, universal motor circuit diagram, Universal Motor, Arduino Motor control, series wound motor, electric motor control, triac control circuit, motor control, washing machine motor wiring, Closed loop motor control with arduino, PID Arduino control, motor, control, How to Reuse Washing Machine Motors, used washing machine motors, how to, DIY Speed control, triac
Id: xI6CF2nYf_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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