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[Music] hey guys so I'm finally back I know it's been forever I have been working on projects in my home and this is one that I am 99 no let me just say 95% done with there is still one part that I have to do on this beautiful oversized armchair I actually have two of them I thrifted them I got the set for $65 I believe it was okay so yeah so what I'm gonna do is just get into it I'm gonna strip it down say hi to Lucy remember Lucy from my very first couch video and she's a puppy look at her now many ways these are the tools you're gonna need needle nose needle nose plier okay a staple remover you can get these in Walmart or you can go to a craft store okay and a box cutter alright these little things are gonna help you out a lot I promise that works oh also unit you're gonna need a drill because the base of this chair is attached to the part where you actually put your button and crime so I'm gonna rip out the old lining I'm not keeping any of the original fabric because this couch had a good amount of dust on it and it's super old so I'm taking off all of the fabric not going over anything old you know that was already there so all of this is being trashed but I am going to keep the fabric on the actual part of the couch where there's upholstery fabric I'm going to use that to create new patterns in fabric to recover this Tennessee couch this chair alright my fabric is from E luxury supply I am hope you guys can see that box right there that's I got my fabric from they always have sales and coupon codes and I got some really really good heavy-duty pet friendly pet resistant fabric from them and so far so good you guys I don't even need a vacuum to clean this fabric like I literally wet a washcloth or a paper towel and I rub the fabric and all the pet hair comes off if there's any onyx super super easy to take care of so I just wanted to to know that I'll have the information to their website down below in the description box okay so as you guys can see I'm just taking out the screws that's holding new legs on to the chair and I'm gonna take that off these legs are super super heavy they're solid wood beautiful work on them but I'm I wanted to keep them the way they were stained but then I decided to go ahead and change the color so that's gonna be in part two of this video this part of the video is mostly the stripping down of the fabric and taking it off I've gotten a lot of comments emails and DMS on Instagram on how to strip a chair or a couch down to its studs so in this video you're pretty much going to see the entire process so if you have a couch or chair with this front part it usually just pops off with no problem and you can use your needle nose pliers to kind of get in between the area and its pop it out and then this part is basically the piping that's covered in upholstery fabric I just use my needle nose plier to kind of get it in there and pull it out okay and then go in with your staple remover and use that and try to get out staples okay the needle nose plier also comes in handy to get out those staples that maybe break or won't come out and you can just hold on to it twist it and just take it out and as you guys can see I'm just shoving it in there and easily getting this part off okay we're gonna keep that part okay this is the part that covers the front arm part of the chair there's two parts so we're gonna keep that we will remove the fabric we're not keeping any of the original fabric in my old video I did cover some old fabric just because that couch was never it was just ugly fabric in my opinion it's my couch if I think it's ugly it's ugly some people were highly offended by me calling the couch ugly but that's just what it is this fabric is ugly too it looks like vomit so just not my taste so we're gonna do a more updated color something a little bit more neutral and not so busy and this is a little trick that I figured out if you guys can see the needle nose plier I'm kind of twisting it to get the strip off of there and that really really helped and now I'm gonna go in with my staple remover to pop off the rest of the staples because the front pad was attached to the bottom of the chair and then the piping was stapled on top of it so I had to kind of take that off first and then take off the front part of it okay so here I am just removing the staples using the stapler remover it's very easy you just slide it under the staple and pop it up I'm gonna slow the video down so you can get a closer look it's really not that hard to do anybody could do it just take your time if you're having a hard time try angling the staple remover down pushing down and then glide like gliding it under the staple and then pull in back that should help okay there are some staples that are very stubborn so just take your time and half patience and there's mr. Jack as always he's grown up quite a bit since my last upholstery video my first and well this is my second one all right but yeah he's he's always in the mix anything I'm doing he needs to be there he need to supervise cuz he thinks he's my boss I guess Nicole cats do alright also get yourself some work gloves so you don't get you know pricked by staples or splinters because I did get a splinter from that wood there okay so this is the back part of the chair and chairs that are shaped like this usually oh by the way keep that that is what holds the middle part of the fabric onto the piece of wood there okay anyways like I was saying um chairs that are shaped like this when they have a curved back even square ones usually have cardboard holding holding the shape okay so we're gonna keep the cardboard we're going to keep the batting because it's in really good shape you don't have to replace it if yours is in good shape don't have to replace it but if it's like yellow and dingy looking or rotting or whatever it definitely cut a new piece and cover up that cardboard so this is the back and then the sides and I put all of those to the side because I will be reusing them so you have to take apart the chair in steps I suggest starting with the front part of the arms and then starting on the bottom working your way up hi jack say hi hi since you want to be all in the way okay alright then I went in with my vacuum cleaner because once I got the back part of the fabric off a whole bunch of dust came out of there so I was vacuuming that out taking it out and this is the chair down to the studs now we're going to need some protective eyewear I got these from the dollar store so you have no excuse to not get you some eyewear okay these are the staples that I'm using and the staple gun that I'm using is from Walmart okay so you can get a sample gun pretty much anywhere hardware store craft store wherever also I took a few days to do this so you will see my clothes change and yes I did my hair I don't pay to do my hair I do it myself and I decided to get new batting okay for the chair just to redo it and cover it over just so I can have like a nice fresh base to work with even though there was nothing wrong with the batting that was already on there I just wanted to put a new layer on there just to kind of you know freshen it up a bit just a little bit okay oh also kind of spray your couch or whatever it is that you're working on with some Lysol just in case just in case and let it air out okay the batting I did get from Walmart and I believe it was a dollar ninety-nine per yard I could be mistaken it could be cheaper you live but yeah if you can get it for cheap that would be great try not to overpay for this stuff okay so basically what I'm doing once I have it stapled down to the back part of that curve I'm gonna try and smooth it out with my hand just gently pulling it you don't want to pull it too hard or else it will rip and get a hole in it because it's basically like like a fiber okay and it's very very delicate so you want to take your time with it it looks like it can be ripped but it's really delicate so take your time and gently pull to smooth it out any excess cut it off all right so as you can see I folded it over well under and stapled it in place you don't need to put a lot of staples because you're going to go over these areas again when you put on your new fabric okay so just cut off any excess to staple this enough just to hold it in place and to get it nice and tight but not you know tight to the point where it's ripping you want it tight where it's smooth but not ripping okay remember that don't pull too hard all right so here you'll get a better look at how I do it and if you can get an electric staple gun that's awesome I don't know electric staple guns and nail guns freaked me out I still have to get over that fear and hopefully I can get over it soon because I have so many projects in this house that require require nails and like the hammer is just not going to be doing it for me so I'm gonna get over my fear one of these days if you guys have any suggestions on staple nail guns or that you want me to try that or you you know not scary this thumb down below okay I do know there are some men on this channel that watch me thank you guys for your support if you know of a nail gun that's not scary that's you know lady friendly let me know okay okay all right also be careful stapling upward like this make sure you're actually going into you know wood and not going password' where it flies through the fabric and hits you in the face and make sure you have on your eye protection don't forget it okay don't so here I'm gonna put on my first piece of fabric which is going to be the front right here I'm going to do some hand stitching and I'm going to do the stitching a little bit I would say in Reverse it just makes sense okay so this way I can have that seamless look so I'm using a very long upholstery needle to do this you can find these in the dollar store I believe this is where I got this pack of needles from it had like 20 needles in it and it's super huge one so this is what I'm using and some nylon thread use any thread you have available the thread is great so we can match the fabric so as you guys could see I'm going from underneath up and under up and under up and under so that I don't have a seam on the top and I'm trying my best to go all the way into that corner underneath that arm so when I pull it over this is how it looks well I was about to show you how it looked but then I decided to go to the other side so just just give me a second okay give me a second so that's how it looks okay so you guys could see it looks really nice and clean and seamless and you can see where I stitched so I went over this about three times to make sure it was secure because you know from sitting in it and the dog and people and heavy people and multiple people all at once I don't want this popping open okay so I did go over it about three to four times so this is how it looks I also pulled on it to make sure it was strong this big roll of fabric I got from a luxury supply it is over 30 yards okay so if you need a lot of fabric definitely check them out they will order it for you if they don't have all of it so they were really good with that and got me all the fabric this piece of fabric is from one of the the this is from the back part of the chair okay so if you look at the chair there's three panels the middle and the two sides this is one of the sides so I'm gonna use the pattern to cut out the same exact pattern because it has a curve to it and you want to go with the curve the original pattern of what the chair has you can't you kind of don't want to freehand this yourself because you might end up wasting a lot of fabrics so try to keep your patterns so you can use those you know keep an extra maybe inch or two extra fabric on there so that you can you know have enough pulling room okay this fabric from a luxury supply is not stretchy but I did realize if you put it in a warm room it makes the fabric relax I was actually in the cold room if you could tell I have a sweater on okay so or if you're doing your couch in a warm room it's easier to kind of manipulate and pull this fabric so that's the pattern that I just cut out and I cut it the exact same way it was on the chair even from the cuts in the bottom okay this is the middle part so we're gonna put that on to just to see how it looks I cut this one a bit more perfect to size but I did leave a little bit extra on the bottom so that's how this one looks so what you're gonna do now is get all three of your pieces together if you have a couch like mine sort of chair like mine's put them all together and pin them together by the seams okay make sure you have your sides right you don't want to accidentally pin and sew the wrong side so I'm gonna put them together and pin them together and then I'll sew them together the machine that I'm using is a very affordable brother machine I believe I paid like $79 for this thing in Walmart if you can find a different store to shop at besides Walmart go right ahead I know a lot of people don't like Walmart so if you could find another business go right ahead or check online alright guys so I start stitching I do a double stitch I go all the way down and then I go over that same stitch again I do take out the pins and check on my seam to see how it looks so if you've never you know used a sewing machine or anything or stitched anything and you know somebody that does have them help you or practice on a couple pieces of scrap fabric before you attempt to do this okay definitely watch your fingers it is gonna be a little bit tricky trying to sew around those curves without the fabric bunching up so just you know have some patience and take your time so this is my seam and I did a double stitch and this is pretty much how it looks from I guess a distance of me sewing these pieces together so this is the other side the other panel - the three piece three pieces that come together to form the back panel of this armchair since it's a very rounded curved shape the panel's do have a curve to them they are also cut in a curve so that they can you know fit that shape okay you definitely don't want to make straight cuts because it's gonna be a little bit hard for you to smooth that out so the wider side is gonna go over the arm area or the headrest area and make sure you mark your panels if you you know get confused just mark them just so that you know you can keep track of where certain panels are before you start stitching so here I'm just putting it on just trying to see how it looks okay and also here's a big tip while you take off the fabric I completely forgot to say this to you well you take the fabric off of your armchair your couch whatever it is that you're working on take pictures of how it was installed you will need to use these later okay especially if you've never done this before you want to try to put the fabric the new fabric back on pretty much the same way the previous installer you know put it on so definitely take pictures while you're taking fabric off take pictures of certain areas where you feel like you're gonna forget take pictures of how it was installed of how the staples were of where it was stapled how much was stapled in a certain area how the fabric was pulled in a certain area this will help you out a lot I promise you it will cuz I went back and checked my phone for reference pictures of how the fabric was fold in certain areas especially here in the back it really helped a lot so I'm back to my reference pictures to see exactly where the fabric was pulled where it was stapled so this is gonna you know bring it closer to where the original person who upholstered this chair stapled a piece of the first piece of fabric that I took off okay so this will be my middle part this is in the center part of the headrest I guess part of the chair or the arm part of the chair cuz it's one big arm curved thing I don't know exactly what you call it I call it a headrest but I'm sure somebody else would call it something else okay but try not to staple too much okay these are just these are just let's call them preview staples because you may have to take them out and Reese muth the area so don't put a whole bunch of staples right away you can go back and forth and check and make sure things are coming out smoothly and another thing you guys you don't have to finish this project if you're starting a coach you don't have to finish it in one day take you know your time do this in a room where it's away from people if you don't want them to see I actually did this in what I call my fireplace room it's the only hot room in the house with a fireplace I actually did a video on how I redid my fireplace and my house is pretty much like an ongoing project everywhere so I really don't care if my projects are out but you know if you don't want people asking you questions or bothering you about your projects you know do it in a room somewhere where you can just kind of lock it up take a minute from it and then go back to it fresh because it can get super overwhelming to start a project like this if you've never done it before and then trying to finish it don't try to finish it in one day just take your time I promise you it will be better that way okay I did take my time and do this it took me about three days to do both chairs okay if I add all the time together the first chair did take a while to get all the fabric off because I've never done a armchair like this before so I did the first chair first so I can see exactly what it was that I was up against okay so that would be the best thing to do if you have two of these the one first to see exactly what it is that you're going to have to deal with if you only have one definitely take a deep breath breathe take those reference reference features and you'll be alright and you guys can see I'm smoothing the fabric as I go and stapling this in place once I have you know figured out where exactly I want my staples to be and I'm happy with them I feel secure on where I've placed them then I give them an extra couple of staples okay so here I'm gonna cut the fabric and this is going to slowly when I slowly this is going to wrap around this area right here because when you put on the front part to the cover of the arm it's going to cover this cup you won't be able to see it okay so certain cut you're going to have to make so this is what I'm telling you to take pictures of things okay in areas where you may have to cut staple a certain way fold fabric over a certain way so it can be nice and seamless and remember breathe take your time you can do it okay you don't have to get it all done in one day you don't have to get this all done in two hours three hours 24 hours just take your time do one step at a time one day you strip it down to the studs the next day you put on the new bedding the next day you cut onto your patterns the next day you stitch them together whatever makes it easier and less stressful for you okay so here you guys can see I did my first staple pull in that fabric around to the front and this is where I'm gonna start folding my fabric to create those little like they're like little pleats that's what I want to call them okay so here's where I'm gonna fold them over and I'm going to fold inward and then over and staple once just in case I have to take it apart and redo it okay once I'm satisfied with how it looks then I'll give it one one or two more staples okay I also take a picture of this when you are completely done so you can use that as a reference picture to make sure you fold over enough on the other side so you have the same amount of folds in the same direction on the other side so I have some going up and I have some folding inward so some folding up and some folding inward so hopefully you can see that okay also make sure you try to pull on the fabric and staple down so here I'm gonna start pulling and then just stapling as I go the electric staple will definitely make this much easier for you but I'm still trying to get over that fear so just bear with me okay at first when I put these first couple of staples in here I realized that it just wasn't laying flat so I took those staples out I was about to kind of rush it and rip it up and then I just like I don't want to rip my fabric so I just took my time and got it out of there with the pliers and the tweeze be not tweezer staple remover just to readjust this area to get it exactly how I want it to be okay so if you make a little mistake it's okay to take the staple out and restart if it doesn't look good it's okay to take it out so I put in two I should have just put in one and looked at it but I think the reason why I put in two was to see how it would look because I did do this a while I'm literally doing the voiceover today July 9th and I filmed this I feel ashamed to say it is about two three months ago okay so I'm sorry it took this long to put this out for you guys but I am a busy person you know I have three kids in school and school was closing and you know all the stuff that goes with being a mom and I also run to other YouTube channels one of which I'm also neglecting my cooking channel I will be getting back to that soon and then my main channel which is actually beauty related believe it or not I go look at kinda I could look kind of decent but I want to be okay but we're not talking about that right now okay all right so I went in and pulled this piece of fabric inward and stapled it just to make it a bit smoother for me we it just wasn't acting right so I also went back and cut the fabric again because I was off by about an inch so I stapled that part on the inside of the arm to keep it nice and tight and then I went back and stapled my piece of fabric and got it the exact way I wanted it to be all right so now I had a little issue here with this piece of batting that I put here it wasn't going down as smoothly as I would like the seams weren't matching up correctly so I just went in and kind of stapled this part down to flatten it I have to kind of like tuck in there the piece of fabric and then go over it and see if this would work and make it look better because I definitely didn't want it to look forced if you know what I mean so then I tried folding over the batting just a bit more and they seem to look a bit better than before I didn't want to cut it out completely or else it would look off once the entire thing was stapled down so this looked better to me and then this is the part where I stapled it on to the chairs frame and then I'm just gonna go ahead and staple it down or on to the rest of the chairs frame all the way to the end okay well not quality but most of the way until I have the other way folded in just like this side okay but here you guys we're nearing the end of part one I hope you guys enjoyed the video I hope it helped a lot if you are curious about you know stripping a chair down to the studs and to its frame I hope this video was helpful and I hope I explained it in a way for you to understand if you enjoyed this video don't forget to thumbs up comment down below subscribe to this channel hit the notification and yeah I'll see you next time in about a week I love you guys bye [Music]
Channel: LifeWithQueenii
Views: 61,490
Rating: 4.9160838 out of 5
Keywords: how to reupholster a chair, thrifted chair, chair makeover, how to cover a couch, how to cover a chair, how to take old fabric off chair, how to remove old upholstery fabric, upholstery video, life with queenii, cover a couch, how to reupholster a couch, ARM CHAIR, HOW TO REUPHOLSTER A CHAIR, HOW TO REUPHOLSTER A COUCH, reupholster, upholstery, how to refurbish an old couch, flea market flip, salvation army flip, salvation army make over, queenii rozenblad
Id: oeA5lx76qnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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