How To Resurface Exposed Aggregate Pool Deck with COOL Pool Deck Coating

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what is going on pool deck people i hope you're doing well uh it's late july it's jeff with encore coatings here thanks for tuning in again uh exposed aggregate pool decks i've been wanting to do this video for a long time uh because i feel like those people out there with exposed aggregate are just dying for a solution because the big three is what i call it the big three reasons that they call us is that exposed aggregate gets hot it gets sharp to walk on over the years and they're also a little outdated a lot of times so cool can accomplish you know it can tackle all three of those big three things and that's why i wanted to do this video so what i did since i couldn't find a pool deck with exposed aggregate that i could find time to go out there and do the video i made my own okay a little like two foot by three three foot uh simulation of an exposed aggregate pool deck by way of you know pouring epoxy in there and then you know i'll show you a little bit about how i made it but i will tell you it is the exposed aggregate from hell okay it's absolutely brutal to walk on it's so sharp it's so contoured it's you know it's the worst case scenario worst case scenario for sure and uh if you know if your pool deck is anywhere close to that you know you you might just consider getting it ripped up but i doubt it is because yeah i mean you'll see it's just brutal if you were to run across this thing you know you'd be leaving a trail of blood and toenails everywhere it's just brutal so i think the cool did a fairly good job it certainly made it better but just to to preface this video that thing is just absolutely gnarly so um you're going to see you're going to see that i recommend three coats on exposed aggregate so you know estimate your material quantity quantities accordingly but that's what we're here for so 888-776-2242 if you haven't exposed aggregate pool deck give us a call we're here to walk you through it but cool is a great solution for these things and we have a lot of happy customers out there who have transformed their exposed aggregate into something they can actually enjoy so thanks again for watching and uh i hope you enjoyed bye bye welcome back to the channel today is a really cool video that i've wanted to do for a long time and it's all about exposed aggregate or pebble decks or washed concrete river rock that goes by a lot of different names but these things were pretty common back in the day 80s 70s 80s 90s there's a lot of them still out there and they still do that install new aggregate decks still today but there's a lot of them out there that are worn down and i've been trying to find a pool deck that i can do a video about this on but i just can't find one that i can get to and do a video so i made my own and i'll show you what i'm talking about what we have here is a box then i poured epoxy in it and then i got a big bucket of this river rock locally and really dusty rock i didn't even wash it off i should have but i poured epoxy in here port epoxy in here it's clear you can maybe see it right here okay and then i just loaded it up with the rocks and i loaded it until rejection so i had a lot of loose pebbles that i eventually scraped off of here and what we're left with is just the rocks that are embedded in the epoxy but it's a pretty good simulation of what you may be dealing with okay so these uh this is definitely a minority as far as you know pool deck surfaces go but i think this video is well justified because uh these pool decks have three big things that people are looking to fix first of all they get hot second of all after decades of pressure washing and weather and degradation foot traffic chemical attack all that stuff they get sharp to walk on because the cream of the concrete is eroding leaving the pebbles overexposed and they get sharp on your feet and i will tell you that this right here is very sharp okay hope you like my socks i will tell you this is not comfy to walk on and if i was barefoot it'd be even worse so it's very sharp uncomfortable to walk on and the third thing is that a lot of people just think it looks outdated okay so if you have an older house an older ranch home that has one of these these are big out in texas mississippi and really all over the place but if you have an older home and you're looking to spruce up the aesthetics there's nothing more impactful than doing the pool deck that will just it just sets the whole thing off it just changes the whole environment so i'm gonna show you how to do this with the cool pool deck coating if you're new here this is uh this is our place i might give you guys a little tour later but we manufacture the cool pool deck coating okay and this is the the most logical solution when it comes to resurfacing a lot of different pool deck toppings but definitely exposed aggregate or washed concrete or the pebble surface so i'm going to show you how to do this get a brand new surface in any color you want using the tools you see here i mean brushes rollers painters tape drill and i'm going to show you how to activate the bucket to any color you want i picked a tan color from sherwin-williams i'm going to show you that but what i've done is i taped it off here so it's pretty good simulation so you're going to see me cutting in first just as you would on a real application okay i've taped off this can be considered the side of your house or something and i'm gonna cut in the edges then i'm gonna roll out two coats at least two coats and that brings me to my next point if you have one of these that is certainly sharp to walk on you may consider three coats of cool um i always float that idea out it's like because it's gonna encourage a more comfortable surface simply by filling in the low spots a little more so let's get to it i'm gonna mix this bucket up and we'll jump in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everyone so it's um about 48 hours later i wanted to give this thing a good amount of time to dry because as you could probably tell that first coat was super thick the second coat was pretty thick and then the third coat went on you know i'd say the most modestly and eat the easiest so if you have one of these things first of all i want to say this is not an instructional video this is simply a demonstration video of what you can do with your exposed aggregate pool deck if you want an instructional video i have a step by step that includes surface prep and everything you could ever want to know so i'll link that here but i wanted to give this a good amount of time to dry because there's a lot of thick spots that stayed kind of gooey and soft even after the third coat which uh there was gooey soft spots even after my first coat i therefore i put my second coat over top of something that wasn't necessarily ready to have a second or third coat but just for demonstration purposes i wanted to get this video done that's what we did so again this is not an instructional video um so if you have one of these give each coat if you're putting it on thick if you have a really highly contoured exposed aggregate deck give each coat ample amount of time to dry the typical protocol with recoat times on our product is not necessarily going to apply with this special kind of surface so this might be something where um you know first coat one day give it a whole day to dry second coat so on and so forth just be a you know use good judgment there feel it out and things but i'll show you what i got i got i went to the paint store just now and got some a roller because i'm gonna put the third and final product on here at seal back clear sealer i'm just gonna do uh two coats of this but let's take a look at how it looks now um without the sealer i took the tape off of it and look at that let me adjust this camera real good look at that so it's obviously filled in the low spots and things and again guys i want to say this is the exposed aggregate deck from hell okay this thing is the extreme case scenario and you would never ever ever want to walk on this okay because it's just not a real exposed aggregate deck it's just a simulation so which is good because it it kind of throws us the worst case scenario and shows us really what this product can do i'll tell you man all these all these low spots that were thick they're just locked in now and that's the difference between a paint or a stain and a sealer compared to this you know true coating so look at that pretty cool so i'm gonna put the i'm gonna put a couple coats of sealer on here but you get the the gist of it and i'll let you know so again this is the clear clear sealer called seal back two thin coats it's kind of cloudy today so i might allow for a couple hours in between coats at least but uh stay tuned [Music] [Music] bye so [Music] uh [Music] you
Channel: Encore Coatings University
Views: 58,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sPsNwhGwyXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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