How to reset Multifactor Authentication in Microsoft 365 when users lose their phones

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hi my name is Carlos and in today's video I will show you how to reset multi-farter authentication for users in Microsoft 355 admin Center if you are a small business owner or IT professional you know how important is to keep your account secure but sometimes users can lose or break their phones which can prevent then from accessing their account in this video I will show you the steps to reset multi-factor authentication for users so they can regain access to their accounts by the way if you want to see how to enable or disable the security defaults in Microsoft 355 which include the multi-factor authentication here in this video I will show you how so now let's jump to our computer first let's have a look what the user will see when he tried to access his account when multi-factor authentication is enabled we will try to log in and we will enter our username then we enter our password and we click on sign in at this point our account is expecting to get the approval from our phone when we approve it from our phone we will enter our account we have now approved and we enter into our account so now we will access the Microsoft 335 admin Center and we will reset the multi-factor authentication for this user we will open a new browser we need to access the Microsoft account of the user that has the admin role and then we click on admin within the admin panel we need to click on the three little dashes on the upper left corner we click on users and then active users we will find all the active users within our Microsoft 335 account above the users we'll find this option multi-factor authentication then we click on it here is where we can manage multi-fract authentication for all users we now will select the user that we want to reset multi-factor Authentication we find that here on the right we will see manage user settings we click on it and we will find three options require selected users to provide contact method again delete all existing app password generated by the selected users or restore multi-factor authentication on all remembered devices in order to reset multi-factor authentication for this user we need to select the first option require selected users to provide contact methods again and then we click on Save updates successful and then we click on closed we are now going back to login as the user by the way we may need to wait a few minutes before the multi-factor authentication resets take effect we will enter again our username and click on next and we enter our password and click on sign in as we can see here the user is now required to enter more information your organization needs more information to keep your account secure then we click on next the user will have the opportunity to set up again his Microsoft authenticator application on his phone this way the user who lost his phone will be able to regain access to his account if you want to see how to configure the Microsoft authenticator I will leave you here a video that shows you how to configure your phone with a Microsoft Authenticator now I'm going back to the Microsoft 335 admin Center and I will show you a different way to reset the multi-factor Authentication this second option you will need to access Microsoft Azure active directory for that you will need to click again on the three dashes on the upper left corner and then you need to click on show all and you will have the option here Azure active directory here we need to click on users and all users on the right we'll see all the users within our Microsoft 335 subscription we need to click on the user and on the menu that we have on the left we'll click on authentication method and then we will find the option required re-register multi-factor Authentication as we can see here on the right requires user verification operation complete so the users will need to configure the authentication app on his phone again this operation that we have just done here is exactly the same as we did in the first method Microsoft is enabling security defaults for all Microsoft 365 payments around the world these security features include multi-part authentication it means that all users are required to use their phones to access their accounts you as the administrator need to be prepared for this type of event when users are not able to access their account because they don't have their funds I hope you find this video useful and I suggest you to keep these instructions handy so you will know what to do in case you have a situation like this one an easy way to find this video again is by subscribing to my channel remember it is free thank you and I hope to see you next time
Channel: IT With Carlos
Views: 94,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reset multifactor authentication in microsoft 365, MFA microsoft 365, mutlifactor authentication in microsoft 365, 2-steps verification in microsoft 365, reset mfa office 365
Id: fnUyTwLfA8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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