How To Replace The Automatic Transfer Switch On An RV

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[Music] hi folks its Darren with my RV works and today we're in swim Washington we have a special treat we're working on techno RVs re yeah but what we're going to be doing for them is we're going to be swapping out their transfer switch okay and so basically we're taking the old one out but then they went in for them what's the purpose of an automatic transfer switch well it's a convenience for you if you don't have an automatic transfer switch then every time you go from generator to shore power if you didn't have an automatic transfer switch then you have to come out here and unplug and plug in and do all that kind of stuff so this does that for you and so these be contacted in here you're gonna let the power go through so here let me do this you've got your two phases the a the black and the red here's neutral okay and so one of these let's just for purposes of instruction call this from the generator and let's call this one shore power okay and then you have all these electronics and everything that basically makes a decision for you this one was generated right okay so right now they're not sealed in it's what we would call that if you can see this they they will seal themselves in okay and here this one will seal itself in now when you are on shore power then you'll hear this clunk sound and this contactor will seal itself in okay it'll lock itself in now when it is sealed in it is both electrically and mechanically isolated from this one so if I try to push this one in I cannot okay but when I'm pushing pushing pushing pushing and pushing I'm gonna release this one now I can push this one in so see I'm pushing this one but I can't push this one in this and as I now I can do that so there's a mechanical linkage in between the two that will prevent both of them from being sealed in at the same time not only is there mechanical linkage but there's also an electrical linkage through these contactors on the side these normally open normally closed contact errs that are exhilerated a contactor the bigger the contractor that electrically will isolate one from the other okay so it's not possible for them both to be sealed in at the same time if you were to take the cover you'd see these little spring-loaded pads that that that pressed down so what's the purpose of this I'm gonna turn this thing over because I want to show you something okay so look let's slip on the top red white black they're all the same okay now we're going to tie off of one of these and it's gonna go out this hole and this is the side that is gonna go to your coach so it doesn't matter pretend it was always this way and this one was still generator this one was always short power let's just pretend it might be just go with me on this okay because I'm trying to explain what these things do so we need to get power to your breaker panel in your coach so we're gonna come out of here we're gonna connect the black wire to your coach panel to the black white red and then ground right here okay so this hole right here is gonna go to your breaker panel now if you look at these wires it doesn't matter which side fed these wires so let's say this is generator and let's say this is Shore power so here I have my Shore power wires connected guess what just like up here it goes through black white red and then this is my generator black white red okay so these are my wires coming from a generator these are my wires coming from my Shore power through the two holes in the bottom I'll look right there on the bottom it says Shore power and generator right there so let me change my story let's make this one generator why because it tells us right there generator power and let's make this one Shore power because it says right here for power that was a sticker I was looking for inside I finally found it so now that we know that that's kind of important now that we know that Shore power generator power if my power is coming in from my Shore through the hole right here okay black white red and ground right here then when this gets sealed in power will pass through it to these wires here and then they're going to jumper on top of this one now this one's not sealed in so there these screws are going to be in but these will not because he's not sealed in and the big idea is that wouldn't this pulls in it connects the screws okay it connects them on my website resources tab go down to my gallery cruise my gallery and you will see some pictures that I've made of these taken apart where there are some weld spots on it and I will explain in just a moment where those weld spots came from okay short power comes in passes through because this is sealed in loops over to this side energizing these top screws and then the wire comes out and goes up into my coach and then here comes generator power we've unplugged we've unplugged from shore power now we're going to turn our generator on the generator will spin up steel this guy and this is that clunk you hear which we'll hear here in a minute okay so generator powers feeding down here the black the white the red and over here is ground okay it's gonna come through and now it's gonna hit these screws they're gonna be hot and so are these on the top but the ones on the bottom will not be why because this isn't sealed in okay if all that makes sense now that's the purpose of this so one side of the other is gonna be sealed in it's automatically their isolated lee aysil electrically and mechanically separate from each other it makes a big clunk sound when it pulls in okay and they're big because they can handle the amperage that you're gonna be feeding them 50 amps per leg 50 on this 50 on this for a total of 100 okay does that make sense no let's explain why one might fail and best practices well if you have one of these in your best practice when you are going to transition from generator to shore power make sure you turn off your air conditioners okay if you don't turn off your air conditioners and you make a habit of not turning off your air conditioners then you're gonna be burning up these transfer switches again on my website I have a resources page with a gallery and I've got a couple transfer switches on there that I've got fire that have failed that show arcing on those contactors and that's all because the air conditioner was running I have an update of the gallery page in like two three years but they do have a couple pictures on there of some transfer switches I did back in the day when I was doing pictures now we got video on YouTube yeah so make sure you turn off your air conditioner when you're transitioning from shore power to generator power okay if you're gonna swap out one of these things make sure that you feed it properly on the bottom and we found this stuck on the bottom make sure you torque your screws to the rating that's placed listed on here make sure that if you're going to hook one in you do not mount it like this um out this way this way this way this way or this way but never this way you never want to put it where the look of the sticker is face up anything else is fine but not face up okay so if we can remember all those things let's get busy so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go tell Eric inside like I said it's exciting is tech-noir baby I did a good job for it and let's go turn them off he's probably on his computers and playing with all of his his techno stuff to do all the wonderful stuff he does for tech-noir to be business let's go tell him to turn off all those power and then we'll get busy spinnin wrenches out here okay okay I'm gonna get set up right there and we're going to try to get some work done with you staying right where you're at the first thing I'm gonna do I'll unplug the short power I'm gonna use one of these little gadgets and I'm just gonna touch it around all these things I'm looking for any power anything if this thing was hot this this little trip or thing would be point us okay so apparently it's not so now we know that this one's gonna go to the feed the the breaker panel in the coach okay I'd love to move this core drill here but I might consider that now we're gonna be reusing these nuts right here another thing I like to see is these little ferrule crimps and I've got a set and I'll put a link down below but if it's not done like that it's always good to do that it just kind of keeps all the things from whiskering out on you so we're gonna keep all these perk together okay now at this point I can safely remove everything I don't really need to use paint pens or anything let me get a picture I don't really need to use paint pens because on my new box on my old box I've got black white red you know so whatever these colors are I'm gonna transfer them over to this we've done some other videos in this RV park so we do have a bit of a fan club so people are giving me shoutouts whoo that wasn't tight at all I wasn't very good so I've even done videos for you guys um what I'd like to see you do is frequently I'd like to see you tighten all your screws now you'll notice that see this guy does not have he's black so that goes on red so I'll make it some red marking tape and I'm gonna tape this so that when I put it back together I know that this is red then what that'll do is it'll keep all the phases the same inside the coach right here it's red okay so now he's the red one okay and then he's got enough white on other to let me know that that's white and then here's black at this point we have all the wires loose sometimes I'll have an external ground but this one does not so now I'm gonna take these nuts off and those ones the Mac are gonna be kind of fun so these are great like I say I'll be putting with links below in the description and here comes doing now you'll notice in the corner there I've still got these screws in here it's gonna make it a little easier to feed it back in also I want to feed this back in right here because he was kind of hard to get out so feed him as we go [Music] okay then that's acceptable see on that upper right hand corner there the screw was there [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so now at this phase thought we're gonna do now I'm going to tighten up these rings I'm going to move the camera so I can get in a little bit better we're going to tighten up all the Rings and then we're going to reconnect all these pretty wires back where they go okay so but I'm going to probably move the camera over to the other side that's next okay I moved you down a little bit so we can both get in there okay so here's where I've tightened these nuts okay they're all tight all the way around I've made sure all my four screws are tightened and so now we know that our boxes is fixed to the wall and all of our our conduits are bonded to the box okay so let's I always like to start with ground first just an old rule I've developed over the years because if I want to forget anything I don't want to forget my grounds and so whenever I'm doing any wiring of any type now I'm gonna come back and hit this guy with a 35 inch pound torque you driver and I've got this at 245 inch pounds right now so I can get these up here okay so I'm gonna loosen this guy and I'm gonna loosen this guy and so it's like what I was talking about at first because these wires are bonded or bussed to the top that means that whatever gets through this it's gonna bust on the top that's okay because whoever it's not open is dead on this side okay and another another benefit of this is if you have your generator on and you're connected to shore power you're not going to back feed power back into the utility okay and there's a thing called bucking phases you won't be doing that where your Sutton your AC sine wave and their AC sine wave might be off a little bit in your book phases and you have a big explosion that's never fun around you here there we go okay so he's in found that's a four millimeter a four millimeter seem to fit the best Arius okay yeah he went it nicely nicely okay I'm talking screwdriver in action so here's how you set these things that when you buy them you're gonna it's gonna come with or it's gonna come with these two pieces okay I don't know if you can I'll make a link go down to the description you'll see a link for this so basically you put this inside here and let me take a clip off we go okay where's everybody so I want to get so there's there's a part number okay again link below but look in that little window right in there okay so as I turn this you see how it says 44 I know I'm having our trouble time foe here's 42 and so the cover plate says torque the screws to 45 so we're gonna go to its goes by 2 so we're gonna go to 40 between 46 and 44 to see yeah okay so let me back out right there about that okay then this is another part if you will and what it does is it gives me an open quarter-inch end and so this goes in here like that and then I've got a four millimeter allen he snaps in makes sense so now we're set to 45 inch pounds I've got an adapter that fits in there that allows me to put a quarter inch drive in it our tool and now [Music] clubs are back on and now we're gonna turn this until it snaps and you'll know when it happens so Alyssa it's not even ready yet 45 is a good two-handed grip okay we go you'll hear the thing snap here we go I know my arms anyway sorry there you go so that's 45 right there okay so that is torque to spec so you notice I'm trying to turn it and it's just not turning any tighter now this guy is 35 I'm gonna reset him to 35 in the end so let's get over to this side now I've matched what my colors red white and black okay so up on the top I got black right oh so here would be a something that would have been nice to have done and if you're watching this and you're about to do yours do this loosen these out before you put it in and kind of peek inside to make sure that it's open enough because right now I can't really see if I don't unless I get a mirror so it might be a good idea to loosen all these before you put it in put it in the hole okay so and I've just found it and here's my ground and here's my ground okay there he goes let me you see what I'm going for here let me move the camera so I get my body up in there look basically I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna connect my ground put all these in I've demonstrated on this so let me move the camera and get my body in there and when I come back I'll have all this connected does that make sense and then I'll take you to the next step of this okay folks so what we've done is we've got everything torqued out here 3045 inch pounds on all of my four millimeter hex head screws 35 inch pounds and on my grounds okay now we've gone ahead and energized it now what I want you to look at is notice how this side is sealed in okay and this sides not and it won't even let me I can it's like I was saying it's mechanically and electrically isolated so that I can't even push this in even if I tried to okay but I was demonstrating this little earlier okay let me get the heart beat on it and now up here see how he's beeping okay so I know I got power on my black power on my red and stay with me on this I'm gonna just show you something this is a generator we're gonna start to generate around here but look the generators dead generators dead so if this is sealed in powers gonna come through I've got it here I've got it on red and got it on all these top screws all these top screws well not neutral but all the top screws are energized and you might say well wait a minute how come it's not through because this guy's here is not sealed in it's dead on this side therefore power is coming in through the top but not going back to the generator and now I'm going back into my coach see that now we can start the generator and you'll seal this guy steel seal in and this guy relax so here would be a question well let's say I have Shore power and generator both on both available to me generators available and Shore power is available well the way it's set up as a generator is going to be the primary and the shore power is going to be the secondary so you could say that if if you have both available generator is going to win over the two okay okay so Eric's gonna construct a generator for us and so now you've seen how this little jewel works here and I've also like I was talking about it comes through here now the whole top of this is energized so it wouldn't matter if my red was here or here because as long as red stays on red black stays on black and white stays on black okay now he's gonna start his generator generated okay now look I got power right when he started this generator see that and look I got power on there too now watch what happens after about 30 seconds or so the generator is gonna spin up okay and you're gonna hear this thing click and him relax okay see if turns a liar I'm gonna move that things beeping on me so right now we got everybody available okay it's even down here he's even coming through the short cord so usually you have about a 30 seconds spin up on the generator now there is one thing I want to look at though I did keep the wires in the same location but remember that sticker on the back folks that were looking at okay aspect it's gonna work because I used my mirror here to look in the back and this sticker on the back like we were talking about earlier it does say sure and this one does say generator so I'm expecting there to be a clunk and it'll switch sides here in just a second your conditioners aren't all nothing they're better mommy okay good good you may have just heard okay we could demonstrate a fiery no switch okay I would have expected it to switch over right out okay what hey say hi to my yeah yeah okay mom we're waiting for this clunk we got an Eric with dr. Harvey he's gonna say give me a shout-out yeah there he is Harvey worked so and all this work I needed doing squid Washington and I got the referral to Darren here and so super pleased getting this done getting an air conditioner replaced what are we doing we're gonna fix my back use your vacuum briar yeah man it was pretty much there was nothing I could say that Darren one like yeah we can do that so yeah happy with that cool thanks for the shoutout yeah yeah now we can get this thing to work for us I'm expecting clunk I do have power sitting on here so at this point we can start troubleshooting we got power on both leads so now in a bonus feature folks we're gonna actually try to troubleshoot this thing so for that I'm gonna use my meter okay remember me and we're gonna follow the trail of 12 volts so you can see the meter there yes okay so you watch that and whatever is on the ground once I my meter - what am I gonna ground it - I'm gonna grind it to the same thing the box thinks it is ground I might think jassi's ground for example but maybe the box doesn't know that jassi's ground so I I want to use the same ground that the device I'm troubleshooting thinks is ground okay and so now okay I'm just gonna hit this thing I want to expect my meter to go to one so I meant 118 on that side and so black is 118 red is 117 so let's go over here and see what the generator is giving us one nineteen point nine and over on this side I'm at 118 so if this black up here is about 119 even 119 even okay so the black circuits get it from the utility okay the generators giving me 119 9 on black and one night went 119 120 on red now this red is 117 it's okay so we're getting it to the utility let's try something let's see so what I've confirmed try something this sticker right here says Shore power in this top one right here is a short program we're gonna plug our store power let's see if this thing clicks just unplug it I want the air conditioner off air conditioner off air conditioner off and that's what we were talking about folks with that air conditioner being off Eric's gonna go for an air conditioner all for us making sure that we don't buck phases making sure that we don't weld our contacts [Music] so he's gonna turn off the air conditioners and what we're gonna do real simply this is shore power I'm whittling this court down here that goes here let me let me pan you back a little bit give you a better view of what we're troubleshooting here you might be a little crooked hold on bear with me I'm ready yes sir powers not turning off that seal in okay everything let go okay so this one never sealed in right here so even though so this this cord that goes up this one is generator and he's hot so I'm gonna move you guys let me turn you off and move you and I'll tell you what I find out but I'm gonna go trip home and you're gonna benefit from watching me troubleshoot so we're gonna see what's going on here so here's what I'm gonna troubleshoot there is a what's called a coil voltage on these contactors okay and the coil voltage so there's two parts there's what's called a three-phase these are like three-phase contactors you got l1 l2 l3 but we're using them in a single phase for the three wires so that's great but there's a power side of this and there's a control side of this the control side is what's going to create an electromagnet and suck that blue thing inside okay basically this is a big magnet when you hit it with 120 volts it's gonna suck it in okay call it sealed in now in here somewhere down in there I've got this yellow wire so right there I only have sixty five volts okay and right here I got sixty five so I'm supposed to have my coil voltage is supposed to be so what I want to do I want to figure out what wires feed these coil voltages see there's 120 and I'm Way back inside here is a red wire and red wire goes where so remember I was saying they're electrically and mechanically isolated from each other what's happening is this guy here is not sealing in and so we need to figure out the coil voltage where did that connects do you got another box with a box I took out we're gonna look at I just need to get my eyeball up in here it's gonna have an a1 and a2 writing on it and it's so crowded up in here I've got a lot of wires what they're gonna be doing is gonna be pulling off of the primary side this is the primary side of the contactor the secondary side of the contactor they're gonna be pulling off power from the primary side to go run the control circuit okay so that's why on the primary side you do have all these on the wires and everything and I just I can't get my head in there just took my eyeball to see where the coil voltage is I think it's way in the back and if that is the case right there save all I got 68 can you see that and we turn you down a little bit I don't know if you can see that or not six here let me do this you look at 65 volts what we do is I'm gonna look let me bring you here and show you what I'm looking at okay okay so look in okay there's that anyone I was talking about let me dig in there a little deeper let me go in through the top hold on wait for it okay see this a one right here and opposite is gonna be one called A to C so there's a 180 way in the back okay that when you energize those you are energizing the electromagnet okay so now I know where they are they're on the white part in the back okay and then okay so this is a good shot so these wires right here was where black white and red went and you'll see that they breed they're gonna piggyback off of white red and black off of these control wires what does that black white and red and they're gonna go down to the control board to do all their magic but at the end of the day I need 120 volts on a 1 and a 2 don't I if I get 120 volts on a 1 and a 2 then this contactor is going to seal itself in and so what's not happening is we're not getting 120 volts on a 1 and a 2 okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna verify where does it come from it should come from right here it should go through the control board and end up on that a 1 and there's a 2 right there okay so now we know what to look for never don't moment okay so now now we're gonna go way back up in here okay so I've got 65 volts from the gener okay so what that's telling me now here's a deal here's the deal I got 120 from the generator is black wire that was piggybacked off the generator black wired a little control wire he has 120 volts he's gonna go down to this little clip can you see where I'm pointing to you kind of can he's gonna go down to this control board right here to the clip and I'll bet you this guy is gonna come from the short cord and this guy is gonna come from the so let me probe alright the meter just shut itself up let me probe right in here I don't know like that sound like meter just made somebody trying reset him so I get way down to here home on a 2 a 2 only has 65 plug us back in for a second a 2 only has 65 volts yeah on shore power because I'm going to compare the two and a one only has sixty five volts see that so that's not a hundred and twenty and it takes 120 to seal these in curious about this board right here now watch this let me get to the same spot there is a 2 now look a two only a 65 holes and let me get a flashlight I need this court okay okay I see I see so we're going to I'm on AC and I'm gonna probe right in there so you've got 65 votes on that you get that thing so the coil voltage get it to be AC or DC I expect it to be AC why would they make it anything else yes I mean let me show you what I'm looking at right here okay now when we look inside you see the the coil voltage now we're not talking about the big contactor we're talking about the control side remember there's a power side and a control side so now on the control side and that's a problem we're having with the generator so I have an A one and A two and the control side is 120 volts you might find something where it's 12 volts DC that is your control side that's sealing in 120 volts okay through a relay so this would be a relay the reason it's called a contactor is because it's bigger so you have a relay a contact or a solenoid they all kind of operate on the same principle they all have a coil voltage so now we needed 120 volts now I'm having a thought remember my ground reference let's go back to ground reference because I'm only getting 65 volts but maybe I need to get a positive pin here my red pin on my meter here and the black lead okay of my meter on a 2 let's see if I get 120 between these two because maybe their ground reference is not the same as the as the ground going to the coach does that make sense it should be but maybe it's not so let's see if we get 120 the bottom line is we need to get 120 here to seal him in and 120 on this guy to seal him in make sense back here okay so I'm gonna take my ground off now I've got two little pro pins and now here's a trick finding a spot without getting electrocuted okay come on anyone and I think that's a too that right there so you know me would let me make sure I'm plugged in right okay man I have newer probes yes I'm gonna go with newer probes I'm gonna prove my probes are working and give me a good reading by reverencing ground here to that under 19 and I'm gonna go to here okay so good I know my probes are connected to my meter correctly because I got a good reading on my meter yeah I'm not worried about polarity here so I'm gonna go to my a to lead way back up in there okay and I'm gonna go to my 81 lead right in there and for some reason I'm only getting 5.4 so let me reference a ground there's my 65 and let me go down here to this guy reference ground 65 but somehow I'm getting a hundred and twenty because it's Sealand in and I just really pushing up my ball on that thing and so here I have a two you know Erica I am about to move record wheel so I can see inside of this thing I just can't get the angle on it I can see a 118 see I'm only getting one point two amps so my readings are consistent between the one that's working and the one that's not working if that makes sense but when I reference ground use this round sixty-four amps ac no no it closed the coil coil once 120 it hasn't written right on the thing all right let me do some figure I'm gonna stop the film and do some figure in and see if we can't get this figured out we'll bring it back and whatever I find out I'll share it with you okay but I don't need to keep burning film and wasting your time while I try to figure this out okay folks so here's where we're at we have made the I made the call a commander's decision that I think we have a defective unit there what led me to make this decision is that two things one I've got consistent readings from top to bottom in other words my coil voltage which is supposed to be 120 is 65 but it's consistent from the top and it's also on the bottom I am very curious why I'm not why this thing is sealing in wow that's sucking itself in at 65 here's the other part of it my meter is on AC volts I touch a 1 and a 2 with my red and my black I expect 120 because that's what the coil operates at it states on the coil voltage it's a 120 volt coil which is a magnet that pulls this thing in so I expect a 1 and a 2 between my 2 leads to read 120 volts I'm reading 0 when I reference a 1 to ground I get 65 when I reference a to the ground I get 65 what's up with that I don't know but what we do know is that this one and this one they're consistent I'm getting consistent 65 amp reading from a wonder ground in a tutor ground and I'm getting 65 volt reading from a1 to ground and a2 to ground on both of these now the board here is what's different and maybe there's it's it's there's something here I don't know but what we've decided to do is take this transfer switch out and put the other transfer switch back in so I'm going to stop the camera you've seen me do that I'm gonna put it in and once the new ones in we'll do a demonstration on interlocking with generator being the primary okay so let me move you out of the way because you're right where I need to be and I know a lot faster if I'm not reaching oviya so I'll be right back okay folks so we have put the old transfer switch back in I've worked on my screws 45 inch pounds 35 inch pounds and so all my grounds I always do my grounds first they're done all these are tight so then everything set so go ahead and plug us in to store power please okay the lovely Miss Ann is going to plug this into Shore power okay I didn't do it I promise good all right so this guy is going to seal in there we go okay now let's try generator yeah okay so Eric's gonna go we got in doing short power but gotcha Eric's gonna steal in the generator and ceiling the generator my brains going a thousand miles an hour folks so we have 120 okay now when the generator starts we should see it here and then it did better transferred now let me get my meter because remember we were playing with a 1 and a 2 I want to see what our readings are gonna be on this cuz that was very strange the coil wants to see 120 it's doesn't care what kind of a fancy control board it goes through it just wants to see 120 to seal itself in [Music] waiting for it there we go did you see that folks so this one released there was an interval and then this and sealed in okay that's what it should have done now I'm gonna let me here right here can you see that good okay there's a bit of a glare let me go it's even worse I don't know if you can see I'm gonna put it right there oh that's lovely okay remember our a 1 and a 2 now let's find out where our voltage is I got it on the red and a black on the generator also the shore power red and black let me I'm dying this is the million dollar question here okay here right through here is a one okay I see it all right let's go in here with a to the thing is I can't see it so I'm blind here it's got to be right there so note to self if you're gonna apply play with live electricity make sure you see it there I got 81 and 82 it's showing me 118 point 8 volts between a 1 and a 2 which is what I've been expecting to see this whole time so I'm happy about that now let me get up here I'm on anyone up on top okay I'm on a 2 at the bottom now my meter right now I'm on a 1 and a 2 on this top contactor my meter is displaying a whopping 2 amps so let's go ahead and kill the generator I'm gonna leave can you see that want to make sure you see this this is the money shot I'm going to leave this on here and when my meter displays 120 or 118 or whatever it is is when you're gonna see this coil energized ceiling in the top contactor so let's just wait here he's turn off the generator okay there 100 and I get my meters in there right I've got 120 a minute ago you saw that right saw 120 now I'm really confused for those of you know my background I was a professional engineer for 25 years dealing with stuff just like this there it is I didn't have my meter set in the right spot there we go so my a 1 and a 2 is 120 volts steady ok so there we go it's working as advertised all the more convinced that there was definitely something wrong with that other one so it was almost worth taking that one out and putting this one back in there never was anything wrong with this one no they've got some more bells and whistles you know Eric he likes his bells and whistles you want everything again to provide a good product for you guys so we're gonna put the cover back on this one and move on to the next task well folks I'm gonna wrap this one up if you found value in anything that I did here give me a thumb up that's how you can thank us if you like these types of videos where I take you along on troubleshooting and repair videos subscribe to our channel on YouTube it's YouTube my RV works and happy camper say my ivory works and I think Eric's gonna be a happy camper well once we get the right video my right thing in and so we're gonna end this video here but stay tuned there's many other videos we're making on the same exact unit next we're gonna be working on an air conditioner up on the roof I'm going to demonstrate my crane so stick around look for the other videos like this and Happy Campers environment work so this is Darrin from school Washington's signing off [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: My RV Works, Inc.
Views: 114,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: My RV Works, RV Tech Washington, RV Repair Washington, RV Transfer Switch, RV Auto Transfer Switch, RV Electric Transfer Switch
Id: MYrh8gdM7Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 10sec (3010 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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