How to replace Drum brake on Nissan sentra 2014 and other

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all right guys i got a 2014 nissan central here rear drums we're gonna replace the shoes and the drums i'm gonna be taking off that drum so you can see also i'm gonna be taking off this drum but remove one at a time okay so you can come back look at it how the rotting is here because these are no joke these brakes are no joke but we're gonna go step by step and we're gonna do it all together there's many different ways to do it i'm sorry if you um don't like the way i did it or if there was a better way to do it but i'm gonna show you one way okay you don't need all those great amazing tools i'm gonna use a few tools they do have spring hard to get to but i'm gonna do it we're gonna do it together and i'm gonna have my camera up close so you can see okay also i'm gonna give you part numbers on all the drums and the shoes okay all right so here goes nothing what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take off this drum okay on this drum you have this little plastic piece you can remove this from the back end just push it and it will come off put it onto the new drum all right inside you have shoes let me take my camera clothes and let me show you the shoes so pretty much these shoes i'm trying to get my light these shoes you see this it's pretty much these shoes are finished and look at that it's down to minimum barely there's nothing left here look how thick this brick this is normal these brake pads do wear out crazy like that all right and we have the adjustment kit in there so what i like to do first is to begin with i like to spray some cleaner on this so all the dirt and debris gets out of the way okay so take your cleaner all right this is a hazardous material here so use a mask and i like to clean all this beforehand before you make a big mess there you go very simple okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna remove this retainer here remove this retainer here we're gonna remove this spring and then we're gonna get all this out of the way okay very simple procedure and this big spring is gonna be hard to take off that's the big problem there but it's okay we'll get it off somehow someway all right so what i like to do is i like to use this little guy and what i like to do is you can just go around it and i like to pop this little guy and i'd like to bring it forward just like that same thing this one just bring it forward up front of this lip right there and after that your spring is pretty much has no tension and there you go the spring comes right out also what i like to do is with these retainers it's the same procedure on this side here one thing i want to tell you i did not remove anything on the opposite side because just in case i get lost or not forget i have backup i know what to look at so try not to do that try to do one side at a time so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna push this these are harder retainers they do sell tools for these but i don't think you're gonna need it all right let me just twist this off this way there's many many different ways everyone that will watch my video they'll be like okay could have done it that way yes you could have done it that way [Music] all right just want to tap it a little bit so i can get a better angle all right i'm gonna get something to push this out all right so this is a critical tough job so this is something that i would let your mechanic do but if you want to tackle it if you started it and you can't finish it you need some guidance you can follow along and these retainers are something okay it's coming out it's all about squeezing this guy and getting him out of there and there you go got the retainer out putting it back gonna be hassle but it's all right they changed the design that's what they did here usually they have like a little cut to it and they turn right in and this one they made it like a little head all right no worries no worries all right i gotta get the second one out double the trouble here just be careful with your cylinder brake cylinder you do not want to damage that cylinder you see how where it was sitting at we're gonna put it back in the same spot so it cannot move so pretty much with these what you do is you push and you pull it down and that's how it comes out [Music] all right and this little guy right here we're gonna do is i'm gonna maneuver this right here and just don't want to damage the cylinder and this comes right out okay very simple and easy right so this big spring here is going to be trouble but if we unadjust this screw right here let me in my camera down we just want to keep everything in order that's one thing i like to keep things in order things don't go your way yourself there you go all right so we need to take out this little guy oh there goes the spring pretty pretty that was pretty easy all right this little guy just tried to keep it in the same position you see how this was this was just like that so we're gonna leave it just like that all right so i'm gonna put this somewhere safe just like that you do not want to lose the order of that so there's our shoe done down to nothing finish this little guy we're gonna have to take this little guy out and i believe the new one i'm gonna see if it comes with this new because i don't see anything that we can take off here all right so there's the part number oh there's the part number i'm using z1046 wagoner's that's the part number inside the box we do have shoes and it comes with the new army okay perfect all right so let me set things up what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna clean this area right here and i'm gonna grease it up a little bit let me gather the rest of my stuff all right so what i'm gonna do is i am gonna brush here brush here be careful from the dust brush there brush right back here where the shoe is gonna sit same thing here same thing on the opposite side and after that i am gonna throw some parts cleaner give it a few minutes let it dry off you can blow some air on it do the magic and i'm gonna go get some grease but before i get the grease what we're gonna do is we're gonna remove this little guy this guy is no joke this is another problem here to take this out this is another bad setup by nissan all right i'm gonna have to figure that one out there you go that comes out but i'm gonna hold it just like in that position because we're gonna get another shoot all right and if we hold it just like that you see that this is the wrong shoe you see how this is the front so we're gonna get the other shoe still holding the same weight so we're gonna put this shoe in because if i hold this one that would be same as zach all right here it goes nothing where's my needle nose where dropping my needle noise so we're gonna yank it same way i think i should be able to do this by hand the spring is easy to push back there you go it's in all right now if you lift it up this pad would sit in that manners but before that let me get some grease we do need to grease up here here on the proper area all right here comes some grease bam bam a little bit there you don't have to be crazy just a little bit a little bit there where the shoe is going to touch on this backing plate some people i don't even see they don't poke no grease they just let it go just like that but you don't want to take this apart twice because it's not friendly this is not friendly all right next step we're gonna match up another shoe to a shoe right so if this shoe this shoe was sitting in this way all right so we're gonna do is let me just confirm it it was sitting that way all right that's the one mistake i made always keep your shoes as you take it off put it down nicely so i remember this worn out area was in the bottom remember that okay so you always could look on the opposite side that's why i did not remove the other side yet so what we're going to do is we're going to try to get the spring and the hardware kit in before we drop this in so what i'm going to do is because i am not going to struggle with this spring i am going to put this spring in now and also remember the hardware kit same way we took it out same way we're gonna put it only thing one thing you can do is you can tighten it up and that's gonna let it go easy inside this guy right here another thing that i made a mistake on is which way this goes so what i'm going to do is i'm going to check the other side and i'm going to take a look all right so i took a look so this is gonna sit exactly like that you see that it's gonna sit exactly like this long side is facing outwards so pretty much let me see if i can maneuver this i'm down below but i'm gonna bring it right back up these springs are always trouble but like i said if you can get it in beforehand you should be good or what we can do is we can get this in and we can put this little guy in later that's another step okay i'm gonna do it in that manner so what we'll do is we'll put this in here so what i did was i took the adjuster in there so i got it to sit on this side and don't use the force on this cylinder because you do not want it cylinder to leak all right so all i'm gonna do is i'm gonna yank this okay i'm gonna yank this and i'm gonna get that this end of it i still gotta get it on okay so now i can use the force from this side you can even use it fry bar and i had to get this guy in just about now all right you see that it twists us right on i'm at the wrong spot see that watch this bam it's on guys that's how you're gonna do it you're gonna put one side on and then get this add on and twist it on pretty much let me grab my other so i put the adjuster in there i got it to line but on this side what i did was the groove i made it come this way and i just twisted it on just like that very simple and it's in now if i adjust it it will open up to the level where i could get this onto the cylinder you can even probably do it by hand but before that what we're gonna do is go back down and let me take my light right here what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put this here and that there and if you do have a spring in the bottom so this spring you can put on now so watch how i do this [Music] bam there we have it now all i need to do is open the top without damaging the pistons i just need to get everything in place and you can you can adjust the adjuster and the whole thing will open up so that's what you know what that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna adjust the adjusting all right i'm gonna show you a small little clip here because i cannot have the camera too much for the same thing i don't want to make the video 40 minutes so what i'm going to do is i'm going to adjust this so what this adjustment is going to do is it's going to open up this and these shoes are going to open up and they're going to go right onto the cylinder so i'm going to keep adjusting till i know this is a perfect place where i could get it to but after that i do need to adjust these to put the drums on did i get that enough nope still not enough all right so give me a moment guys so adjust this you see how it's opening up i could see the threads sticking out coming out from right there so i'm gonna adjust this probably five six threads should be able to see five six threads there there you go all right so i'm gonna get this on up here only thing i'm trying to avoid is pushing pistol from one side and they come out from the other end so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna adjust them more but once they're on together that's when you don't have to worry about if you have strong arm and you can just open them use a pry bar but i'm not about to go crazy and kill myself so let me just open up this adjuster as to the all right so let me open it up and then once i'm done i'll show you how i get it on all right what i did was uh i figured out something else i took off the bottom spring it's okay but look you can play around if the bottom spring is out of the way okay but once you have it right there you can simply and easily put the bottom spring without struggling with the bottom the bottom spring is very easy to put on even if you have everything in place and then you can open up the back end and there you go very simple i like that mechanism all right so now we need to put these on so i'm pretty much done here but we do need to adjust these i do have the little clip back here and these amazing things needs to go on yeah amazing right but if you work with them they work with you so i'm gonna just i got it to sit there and i'm gonna oh there you go tap it on bada bing bada boom i need to get another one in did i drop that and there's the second one right there let me find my retainer this is the holder right here but let's put the light here so you guys can see i noticed too much light is not good either it makes everything shiny and bright all right okay that's the side that was back oh okay okay buddy i'm about to do with manpower here i don't have that good angle because where where the camera is this where i should be but then that's where you guys are so you can see there you go and it drops dead but make sure it's locked in right to the center there you go and then like i said i'm gonna push them back to the spot where we took them out at which was like right there that's where they were sitting at i believe that's why they got these right here there you go perfect bada bing bada boom adjust yours brakes make sure they catch on to the drum pretty good and i'm going to show you the drum the part number so this is the drum i'm using right here that's the part number and do clean out your drum with the parts cleaner before you put it on all right so double check everything everything should be nice and solid and you can always check if the cylinder is leaking just by pushing this boot out of the way but i'm done here i'm gonna adjust and put the brakes on but anyway guys thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe share and like if you have any questions send me a message and now i'm going to do the opposite side and then i'll finish up the job
Channel: RB The Mechanic
Views: 20,331
Rating: 4.5514021 out of 5
Keywords: 2009 nissna sentra drum brakes, 2010 nissan sentra drum brakes, 2011 nissan sentra drum brakes, 2012 nissan sentra drum brakes, 2013 nissan drum brakes, 2014 nissan drum brakes, 2015 nissan drum brakes, 2016 nissan drum brakes, how to replace drum brakes on nissan sentra, how to replace rear drum brakes nissan, nissan drum brakes, nissan brakes, 2017 nissan drum brakes, 2018 nissan drum brakes, 2019 nissan sentra drum brakes, 2020 nissan sentra drum brakes, 2021 sentra drum
Id: zjCgypjW9F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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