How to replace a refrigeration compressor

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love the all right all right all right YouTube it's  two compressor day maybe so the uh the one for   the takaria I got the green light for sure I'm  on my way to the parts house now to go get it   it's like 6:30 in the morning I got about  a 40-minute drive um the other one I got   to give a price on but I'm going to do that  from The Parts House so hopefully they have   them in stock so if not there's other parts  houses over there to go check but let's see   how we make out up there I'll tune back in  and uh we got our nice little winter storms   going I think there's a flood warning but hey  Refrigeration doesn't stop right we got to do   it we got to do it so let's get out there  right now right now it's not looking too   bad I got a little break in the weather so  I'm going to head out there and let's go do it all right I got two compressors  and a microphone two compressors   and a microphone where it's at all right  I'm just leaving the parts house with the RSD man compressors are expensive now check  it out for refrigerant you can get so 448   it's not too bad now it's like 300 bucks a  jug but man 404 and you still got to get it   cuz I've tried it before I've tried to put  448 in ice makers and it just doesn't work   um I had no luck with it so you still got to  buy 404 for your ice maker jobs excuse me and uh 400 almost 440 bucks so $140 difference be nice  to get everything off 404 and over to 448 or 449   except I I tried it on I tried it on a hosaki and  it just was not happy it was flooding back so I   don't know if you guys had tried any experiments  like that had any luck with it let me know in the   comments but let's get on with our two compressor  day there's big city of selenis getting break in   the weather I'm getting so lucky right now I need  to haul ass um the second compressor change out's   going to be a little more entailed because uh  I got to do the evaporator fan motor and the   and the evaporator on that one is absolutely  plugger but I'll bring you guys along let's go oh we're getting closer we're getting there so  round trip for me to go get parts it takes a few   hours it's like 45 minutes up 45 minutes back and  then you probably burn about a half hour at The   Parts House bullshitting but and loading up all  your stuff and whatnot but man hopefully I get a   break in this weather while I'm doing my jobs man  be super super lucky let's see how we make out   here all right I'll share this little app with you  that I use it's called my radar it's free app you   could pay for a paid version too uh really good  look at all that snow we're going to be getting   in the sieras right there all that purple break  the snowboard out next week for sure um that's   the radar app although sometimes it's not showing  any rain right here but dude I don't yeah it might   be all right but that is the app I like to use  it for the motorcycles I like to use it for work   I can zoom in there's a little Sandy cruise maybe  I'll tell you what what's going on with the rain   my radar right pretty good app it's almost feels  like a Race Against Time for the rain but who knows I'm going to get this  dude back there let's get extension cord going look at that double  compressors double compressor atitis might as just start grabbing  stuff we're going to use it all right where's the nerd bro don't forget the nerd oh the nerd just got [ __ ] blocked by   the propane tanks here is a  little nerdy nerdy but tury okay let's go the nerd this been a good recovery machine all right we got power I got that  I got this let's go up to here we'll go up   to fast and we need to purge our little line  through the machine let's do that real quick quick that's probably good enough get that open   I'm going go from the high side  start the nerd let it work its magic all right we're starting to get down there  0 - 4 -3 at the machine you can see we got a some   liquid right there maybe that's going to boil off  give the compressor a good Shake we got our new   dryer here dryer compressor let it rip see how  we make out um I got the uh transducer wires off   with the double wrench out backing wrench wrench  get this off we can probably reuse this stub and um 4ft bolts not a whole lot to it rock and roll  oh there we go we're getting somewhere it's going   to be a while I did say it before I'll say it  again I love getting products where I can use   them on multiple applications um like this is my  rain suit for the motorcycle and then I can reuse   it for work and it has two uses so you're not  just buying one thing you know what I'm saying   for one job so it's starting to get a little  chilly so I'm going to put my rain jacket on   we'll work in this thing today and it's like  motorcycles and then it's like Refrigeration   it's like your work jacket hey there he is it's  like your work jacket and then you can use it for play and uh here we go get her in there the next job I'll probably swing by the  house and grab my easy up I think I could put   the easy up at the next job on the roof up  there and uh we'll have that as a shelter   all right there we go little rain jacket it's  getting a little chilly and uh let's get after   it recovery's done I know I got crap weather  I'm going to get this stuff back into the B   before I carry on I just bring it up and then  put it back as we go that's how I like to to   move it then we'll start taking this apart  716 backing wrench know that's going to go   that way that one's going to go this way see  we get the transducer off let's see there it   goes all right transducer is on a shraer too so  you could change those out look at that you can   change those out without you know having to  do any recoveries and stuff so that's good to know I'm going to take that shraer core out  of there I'm going to try and reuse that stub yeah that's how much  rain we got overnight that's brutal tight tight one excuse me I'm almost over the crud all  the way oh look at that spracked out my my R did the old spacker spacker JIA ah she's done done for let me go get the other one this is a nice little tool right here  shraer valve tool all right that's looking better all right do the old uh NorCal Dave flux  trick come on I'm sure you guys have   seen my videos long enough if you haven't  tried it yet it really does I think it works for sweating out fittings  getting dangerously low on flux   there's a big chunk in there I  need to need to poke it with the screwdriver just leave that Chunk on there that'll  work all right let's get these out of there maybe make it a little hotter came out pretty clean now I leave the Bolton until after I unsweat the   pipe so that the compressors you  know fix down when I pull on the pipes there we go I don't know how much  room we got to wiggle on this dude let's see try and pull this out  of there but see how we make out yeah I knew that was going to  happen it's kind of hard to get in there all right here we go let's try that again we got her don't sweat the dryer out you're  going to put all that moisture back   in the system well bro ain't I  going to do some nitrogen and a vacuum I think I am God I hope I am all  right that's all it takes to unsweat all   that stuff all right after I sweat the pipe  out then I like to get the bolts out like I   said I like to have it rigid while I'm  tugging on those things sweating them out like the flex trick dude I'm telling you it works oh coworker showed me that when I was a   dumbass kid Oldtimer I than  thankful he shared that with me all right here we go we got one  more and this dude's out of there oh yeah one more can we get in there she  ain't got much room right there huh   might have to grab a rat let's grab  a ratchet I had a little ratchet set   for the rollar around tool bag and  it's got all the metrics and some standards so that's a nice  addition to the old roll around you had everything at your fingertips right there this dude's about out of there  now one thing I like to do so I don't   make the Exxon Valdes in my truck  is to pinch these off and and weld   them up this dude's done so pinch  them off weld it up that's our next move go ahead and heat these  little dudes up a little bit get the old pincher seal them up that way you can't spill  in your van you know what I'm saying how many   times have you knocked these over in your  truck or your van and you've done the Exxon Valdes young guys are all what the hell  is the Exxon Valdes you got to look it up the Exxon vald is kind of like  Kyle Shanahan head coaching a Super Bowl I just work on getting this dryer fit  it first look at that and because I   used the noral Dave solder trick look fit  right in there I got to massage this dude   back in there probably's not going to  be super easy but I think we can get it see what I'm saying yeah there it is your papy okay arrows go in the right direction  let me get the nitrogen rig cuz I want to   fit excuse me I'm going to fit all  the pipe up and then solder it one   time okay new compressor came with the  start components so that's nice I got   the feet here I'm going to put it up here  and do a little build out with the rubber feet now if you have the bolts with  the sleeve on them already like this   you don't have to use these this is  taking place of those nor house tip of   the day all right we got the rubber feet  in let's get it over its little openings   and we'll get the bolts back in before  we take the plugs out right it's pretty close that's the one going in  the back I just like to get them started just get them all started so they'll line up let's see how we look in there  close little bit right there okay there we go just get them all started  and then we'll reath them down that'll   give you wiggle room to line them up all  right all the feet are in pull them place plugs pulling PL plugs and fitting pipe okay look at that Berry the Herman because   of the noral Dave super duper flux  trick get that on the outside there bring that dude right down in there let D go right back in there oh yeah look at that straighten that out after we braze it okay hook up the nitrogen and  we'll be ready to braze here we go we'll go hook up we'll go wide open we will go hook up open let's go braze double check we got some sauce coming out oh yeah we got the sauce going and we will be ready for action  okay let's see how we make out here all right start the timer let see how we do look at that factory factory Dave you can see the nitrogen purging out of  the fitting he's coming around like that   she looks pretty good the backside  yeah she looks good get the I side here pull it right around from the back side yeah not bad bad not bad there okay that looks good make sure  that's not a little hole right there okay let's see how we make out on the bottom here it's usually where I burn the paint on the dryer oh yeah okay not too shabby let's pressurize  this thing and see how we're doing oh we got to   put the transducer on then pressurize it I think  we're ready for some pressurization let's go here okay let me see how we make out 50s least like to get it over 100 right we'll  get the soap bubbles I need to check this all my welds o 90s okay we're over 100  see get to a buck and a quarter is okay where are we at somewhere in the 130s  let that equalize and then we can put all   this stuff back in the truck now one thing I  did notice before my next job my tanks need   to be replaced they're low so check it out  that one's low this one's about toast you   don't want to go to my next one's on the roof  so you don't want to go up there with an empty   torch so just things to check while you're  working for the young guys I'm going to put   the nitrogen rig away and I'm probably going to  put some fresh oil in the vacuum pump for this   one this one needs a good vacuum going  all right I'm going to put my nitrogen away yep so I'm putting this away there's still a  ton of work to do I need to do the starting   components now this is all going to happen  while we're on the vacuum pump after our   pressure test I got the starting components to  do I still need to check the indoor coil make   sure it's clean clean the outdoor coil and  I'm going to put a fresh charge in it just   because whenever I have compressor change out  like that unless I know for sure what's going   on I like to put fresh gas in that's where  I'm at so let's see we'll grab a fresh one of these we'll grab a fresh one of these this  is stuff I can do while it's on the vacuum   pump as well I need to grab these dudes you know  there's a lot to be done I'm just trying to talk   you through it okay oh come on Mr Bubbles  did you puke on me I think you might have   [ __ ] the bed let's see I got another  spray bottle we can adapt this is real life the actuator has left the building let's see   if we can fix them oh maybe  oh surface call on Mr spray bubbles there we go I like to see him I  want to see him him all the way around   town oh yeah this guy too my little friend  back here so far the pressures are looking good we'll get a good look at those then it'll  be vacuum pump time pressure test was good I got the ballast open we're going to evacuate  this dude yeah I'm doing it through the gauges   that's how I do it I'm over all the  Blue Smurf boner hoses and all the [ __ ] I do have a micron gauge I don't know where I hook it up out  on this so I'm going to let this rip star   components next next then I'm going to work  on the evaporator coil the compressor did   come with the starting components yeah I'm  going to switch these over too so that was   nice I don't need the can because it has the  can there so I just need to scab these out of   there and switch them over all right star  components are done let's go take a walk   and see what the back of that evaporator  coil looks like get my flashlight here love this flashlight dude the O light arfield all right almost there boys almost there  hey amigo hey amigo yeah okay we'll get a gasket yep Amigo the amigo oh yeah look at this take a  picture of that for the customer it's time   to do the coil again it's [ __ ] let's  see if we can clean it up a little bit   look at that that's all the crap that was in  the coil for what fins are left in it that   box needs a new evaporator coil a door  gasket we got them right where we want them in the meantime we got to get this thing  working so hang in there all purged out we're   ready to put some stack charge through  the high side scale zeroed out let's do it probably put about 2 lb maybe three three lbs  to start let's try that there's a one burger right here this was a partial J  too so that's cool there's 2 lbs here we go excuse me almost 3 lb there it is three Burger that's a good   static charge to get started with  we'll let that settle down for a minute all right let's see let's grab  another thing too when I pull the vacuum   I was taught by a guy that we used to  work on ultral lows and freeze dryers   to always put your caps on when you pull  your vacuum in case the packings leak so   that's that's another little uh little  tidbit I'll throw in there okay here we go wait for our pressure switch oh I I didn't plug   the compressor in yet hold on  my bad stupid Dave stupid Dave tricks I did everything so good and  I forgot to plug the compressor plug in we'll get her yes we will think crisscross applesauce on  here okay let me get the screwdriver   now we got the compressor plugged in let's  see how we make out right for the pressure switch there we go not worried about the charge at the moment  we're going to let it run I got 3 lbs of gas in it let's let it do its little magic there for  a minute going to put these over here yeah 3.17 see what our compressor super Heat's  looking like okay I want to go ahead and   close off my king valve right here I want  to test the pressure switch that it's going   to pump down and turn off off units that  run in a vacuum usually kill themselves   so let's see how this one makes out the  transducer and the gauges are pretty darn close usually these ones uh cut out about five  it's where I used to like to set them out let's see here she is coming down the mountain yeah five shut out all right I'm cool with  that so we about got the charge adjusted box   is hot so I'm at a 31° evaporator and I'm at  57 coming back so 31 41 51 26° super heat at   the compressor that's fine that's above our 20°  minimum so we're not starving we're not flooding   out I can live with that all right that's going  to be a wrap on that one I'm going to go to the   next one um it's up on the roof we'll see if I  get some video on the roof of that next one and uh see if I can get you some shots up  there and that's basically a little   compressor change out it's like 10:30  in the morning I did pretty good on   it I wasn't breaking records  or nothing but we did okay on it oh yeah big money big money big money little money look at this is that nice I like that little tool  bag that thing ain't tipping over
Channel: Nor-Cal Refrigeration & H.V.A.C
Views: 11,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hvac, refrigeration, repair, GoPro 12
Id: Ov3HP5AlxWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 49sec (2329 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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