How to Replace a Differental Pinion Seal

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[Music] look here the first thing is just take off these four bolts okay there's one side let's just flip the other side into view okay these are half-inch there's two u-bolts hold you joints together here okay now that we got those off I'm just gonna take the lips to driver and just pry it the whole thing just comes right yeah let's just get it out of the way okay so what I want to do is mark this bolt so I'm gonna mark it here and here okay so what do I do when I take this off I'm going to count the number of turns they don't know when I don't after I put the seal on to turn it back the exact number of times and it should be almost exactly in the same spot okay so what we're gonna do is now we're going to just give a socket and a wrench and take this off and here is the basic seal of brand new one so what he did is to stop this whole thing from rotating I put the emergency brakes off and I use this big inch 1/8 socket and there it is yeah or you just have to pull the rest of this off and then we'll have the seal right behind them okay now once we got the nut off I got this old brass hammer [Music] okay there it is all right there is our seal that needs to be replaced so I'll get a screwdriver and see if I can get that baby out of there now to take the seal out what I did is basically take a screwdriver and just went all the way around here and tapped it with my hammer and then it was able to come out now the is putting the new one end and putting it in nice and even so it seals all the way around we're now gonna put the seal on okay I'm going to use this blue stuff I quote it lost the seal but now I'm also gonna use my brass him so I don't screw it up I want to put it on even as I can okay once you get the seal on here Santa straighten it out and just go around nice and easy old brass hammer nice and easy then we can put the yolk back up they just slide right off really nice and easy now give it a couple of taps my brass hammer okay and it goes to washer here's the nut also it's a 1 an 8 inch socket and I use and faint six sided socket so that I don't strip ever offer bid oxo practice okay now that I got it all tightened up I made sure I didn't show how I did this but I counted every one of these of course I put a better block over here and I put some over here so that it would be an exact same spot all right so now I'm gonna put the back to the dry shot back on see I didn't take it out of the transmission so that I didn't have to clean up the grease from the transmissions because there's no reason to take it off right now I'm just thank you this is my chef right back in here get to you get in the hall just one you bolt back on block nah they're just simple half-inch nuts these are just okay there's one side we come around I'll do the other side there's one there's another one okay now yeah I just got to thank me so I just put a little screwdriver here let's stop the rotation okay there's one side tighten up and there we are all set here's the fill plug this one happens to be nine sixteenths no it's located right on the side a little bit [Music] all right so now we'll get some 90 Q oil and fill it up until it's that's how this whole thing is full
Channel: David Lis
Views: 101,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Differential seal, differential pinion seal, pinion seal, real end seal, Chevy pinion seal, Chevy differential seal, replacing rear end oil,
Id: SEesq5Ykhh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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