How To Repair Your Mind From P*rn

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if you want to beat your porn addiction you have to repair your mind I'm going to tell you exactly what I did to repair my mind in the time that I spent away from porn so first and foremost you have to remove the triggers I cannot stress this enough most of the triggers come from social media bottom line Tik Tok and Instagram is probably the worst one Twitter is horrible right remove the triggers unfollow those accounts block those accounts dislike those accounts report them if you have to delete social media stop scrolling if you have to scroll bad just get on YouTube you know what I'm saying I know it's some bad stuff on YouTube as well but it's way too sexualized on Tik Tok Twitter and Instagram but you got to remove the triggers the triggers are anything that influence sexual thoughts anything that get you aroused anything that's like damn any of that those are all triggers because it's gonna influence you to open up the Hub and do the deed so you have to remove the triggers number two learn to hate porn and your time away from porn when you're successfully you know going on retention for a day two three learn to hate porn list out your goals list out who you want to be in life list out all these positive things and then associate porn with never reaching your goals so let's say you you want to be a Hollywood act you're like okay I want to be a Hollywood actor I want to have a nice body I want to have a happy family blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and then you're going to write beside it porn is stopping me from doing this porn is stopping me from achieving this in order to be an actor I need some sort of confidence I need this in order to have a happy family you know certain needs had to be met but porn is stopping those things from Happ porn is stopping me from developing porn is making my mind a jungle it is making me a stranger in my own mind right associate porn with never reaching your goals learn to hate it learn to resent it because it's disgusting truly right stop using it as a coping mechanism right and what you can do to kind of fill in those gaps because all you essentially having you know when it's appointed to any addiction really it's just dopamine you're addicted to that dopamine whatever activity you're doing you know it's most likely negative activity you're conditioning yourself to receive dopamine from low vibrational activities right so instead of watching porn find healthy habits go work out go learn a new skill do something else to reset your dopamine let's say instead of watching porn you learned to play guitar and it was hard at first but then you end up learning the song your dopamine is going to be going all over the place you go to the gym you working out everybody knows what the jam does for you I don't have to explain all that but the more you go the more focused you'll be you'll have different goals you'll want to be doing more things in the gym rather than being on page 64 trying to find the perfect video replace habits with habits okay replace bad habits with good habits it's just a habit at the end of the day just like you can use delusion against yourself or for yourself use delusion to believe in yourself you are the best you are the greatest you're a success uccessful blah blah blah blah that's the delusion but it's the truth because you got to believe it in order to change okay and now to the next point you have to get real world interaction talk to people look people in the eyes ask people out on dates do things the proper way you have to get real world interactions and I'm really emphasizing that real world because I'm not talking about porn interactions don't order pizza and then expect a girl delivery driver to come to your house and be swindled by you you know what I'm like bro be real with people be present with people as men you need women around women just do something for your brain they do something for your biology because we're meant to be together we're meant to be around people there's nothing like going through problems and then being isolated the worst thing you could do is be uh trying to be a porn addiction and then going and sitting in your room in the dark by by yourself stay up to 4:00 in the morning by yourself you don't want to be in that room with those demons alone because they will hold you down and they will make you cream okay now we got to get out of the fabricated experiences we got to repair our repair our minds because porn has messed up our dopamine receptors it has messed it all up many people watch porn and they get so caught up in this fabricated world that they get in the real world and don't even want to talk to women because it's not stimulating right they become very low stimulated to real world things but they are highly sensitive to the stimulation of porn and all this fabrication you got to reset all that stuff your mind is messed up okay so some things you can do like I said you can replace it with healthy habits and most of these healthy habits are healthy because they Del gratification like going to the gym you just don't go to the gym and get stronger by tomorrow you got to work your way up so do things like that go to the gym challenge yourself find things that you suck at and become good at them if you have a box of cookies eat one of them instead of 25 because what we don't want to do is get a sugar addiction out here cuz sugar is the new cancer also sugar and porn are the new cancer and cigarettes it's just like that right I I'll make some content on that too so so um just make sure you delay in gratification don't be so quick to please yourself don't be so quick to cheat yourself out of situations and just give yourself all these things just delay gratification my friend go on a run go on a hike go climb something go climb a tree cut a tree down if you have to just mold your mind into being something solid something admirable like the answ is all inside of you man and it really touches me because I was there I've been there I've been in that Darkness now I can stand in the light because that's the duality of life that's just what it is but you just got to repair your mind man A lot of people are hopeless a lot of people just keep caving in and they keep losing the fight to the urges but you are the one controlling it my guy put those urges to sleep delay that gratification take record of what you do and how you do it and how long you do it and document how many times you said oh I'm going to stop I'm going to do this record a video I'm going to stop watch your porn if I don't stop watching porn then I have to go to the gym five days a week right punish yourself take things away from yourself if I relapse this week I can't watch TV if I relapse this week I can't do this I can't do that if we have to reset your reward system by punishing yourself and giving you negative reinforcement to why this is not good then you have to do that you have to do that because it's relatively easy to get away from something and stop stop doing it right like getting away from porn I see a lot of people like I went months without watching porn and then all of a sudden I relapsed and now I can't stop it's because you didn't repair your mind even people like me have slipped up and I I'll be honest with you I've slipped up many times on my journey right present day but I don't like after it happens I don't just sit there oh no that so disgusting me I just like yep that was a mistake let's move forward right but my mind is repaired do I still have things that are wrong you know what I'm saying things that are not right about my mind or do I slip up absolutely I'm human it's and that's not an excuse either that's just reality we are not perfect we can strive for Perfection and the idea of it but we all have flaws and we're all going to mess up in some way somehow okay so just be real with yourself hold yourself accountable help yourself you are the one that's going to have to save you okay prepare your mind and your time away from it so when you do get around it or you do have urges and things like that you can be more rational about it start to ask yourself why the moment you feel like doing it ask yourself why when you see that video oh you think you like it ask yourself why you like it why you like this type of King why do you like this type of porn like just ask yourself why and you'll get to the root of all these things why do you watch it oh well why why did that happen why did that happen why did that happen that is the way to becoming more aware of your decisions if you are on a diet right and you weren't supposed to eat donuts and I bring a box of donuts around you why would you eat donuts and if I seen you reaching for yo why you getting one of of those man they taste good aren't you on a diet yeah so why are you reaching for it um it tastes good you already said that give me something else um I well I I like them okay you like them but why because they taste you already said that um well when I was a child I couldn't have Donuts uh-oh we're making a breakthrough so you're deprived you're deprived child and this is your way of coping eating these Donuts okay but are these Donuts good for you no aren't you on a diet yes and on this diet you're not supposed to have Donuts right yes because Donuts are bad for you right yes so why do you want them why because it makes you feel good or my friend find something else okay that's going to be it for the video my friends I love y'all stay strong on this journey man we are going to conquer this if I have to go to the end of the Earth to beat this epidemic myself I hope y'all riding with me I love y'all I believe in y'all go ahead and give me that fist bump cuz I know y'all going to make progress and I'll see yall on the next one by the way I have a stepbystep video on you know how to stop and you know videos about all this stuff so check that out I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Shimon Davis
Views: 1,573,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ItCcL0uJbcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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