How to Repair Windows 11 Without Losing Data or Programs

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what you guys got another video how to repair windows 11 without losing data or programs this is quite a common question I get on Discord and also I see it uh on the internet where people are constantly asking for help and questions now a lot of people like to change things on Windows maybe their start menu is changed or maybe they've been tinkering with Windows tweaking and things like that unfortunately things get broken sometimes and it may be due to the fact of some malware or something like that that's happened on the system you've removed the mware and it's broken windows so how can we go about uh repairing Windows 11 without losing any data or programs now if you go into the system settings here and you go into recovery and you look for reset this PC this is quite a destructive way of rebuilding uh the operating system by reinstalling it and what's going to happen is it will say keep my files but you'll see here when you go through the motions here it will say cloud download reinstall Windows when you click on this one here it's going to basically go through uh the process of completely reinstalling Windows on this computer this means all your programs are going to be completely removed from your computer all your bookmarks will be removed inside your browser all your password settings and stuff like that you can see here remove all apps and programs it will completely be removed from the PC so we don't want that to happen and most other people don't want that to happen so I'm going to show you what you can try to try and fix and remedy a lot of problems that you might be having with your Windows operating system so let's cancel out of this and I'll quickly show you uh what you can do now once we go inside here you may have settings all turned off here as you can see we've got some settings in here that we've been messing around with and uh these are all off and what would do is we'll quickly reset this PC so let's go ahead and first what you need to do is go to the internet and go to the windows 11 website we're on Windows 11 here you can use this method for Windows 10 as well if you're on Windows 10 system and you're having the same issues you can use this same method so type Windows 11 here and make sure that when you're searching for Windows 11 you are looking for this one here so download Windows 11 it's going to take you to this location here what you want to do is come down and look for the actual ISO here now if you're on Windows 10 you're going to need to download the media creation tool which is this version here because it doesn't allow you to download the iso directly so make sure you're downloading the uh media creation tool for Windows 10 and download the iso through there so we're going to download the uh multi Edition here click download and this is going to validate your request we can now choose our language in this case we're just going to go for English International so we're going to go ahead and get the international version here and we're going to click download on this one it's going to validate and there we go we can now click on download So once we've got that done it's going to download this ISO and I'll be right back once it's downloaded and I'll show you what to do next okay so the download is now done so what we're going to do is we're going to go to our downloads folder and here we are right here so you can see we do have some stuff inside here so what I'm going to do this is how ISO we've just downloaded so I'm going to right click on this and we're going to mount it I'm going to open this up like so so we've now got this mounted and you can see DVD drive it's mounted this one here so we're going to hit the setup.exe uh file here and click run and what this is going to do is it's basically going to install Windows over the top of windows so it's doing a an in place upgrade of the operating system that we already have on here so it's not going to completely wipe out any data it's just going to replace all of the files and settings inside there and put this version of Windows on so let's go ahead and do this going to click next here and it's going to check for some updates and we're going to let that do its thing now if your Windows updates is broken or maybe you've broke some other part of Windows what it's going to do is it will check and it will go ahead and reinstall this over the top and hopefully fix a lot of that so what we do next is we're going to click accept here and it's going to get a few updates and what it's going to do is it's going to go ahead and reinstall Windows over the top of Windows we used to call this a uh repair install and it's also called an in place upgrade of Windows and you can do this for Windows 11 Windows 10 Windows 8 Windows 7 it you could do this for all of the versions of Windows and this is what a lot of PC repair Tech should be doing in instead of using the reset this PC because if they're inconvenience In You by resetting your PC and use losing all your programs and all your bookmarks and stuff like that then obviously they're not a great uh repair shop so you want to be looking elsewhere and you can do this yourself as well before you take it to a repair shop you can try this method and hopefully this will repair your version of Windows it's always advisable to back up your data first uh before you do anything like this just in case something goes wrong but if you try this first and it fixes your problem you've just saved yourself quite a few uh dollars or pounds if you live in the UK or whatever currency you are if you're look watching this video somewhere else in the world it's just making sure you're ready to install so it's just checking the system now and once it's done this it'll go ahead and install uh windows and you can see right here it says install Windows Pro for workstations and keep personal files and apps so it's telling us right here that we can keep our personal files and apps so let's go ahead and click on next and install there we go and it's going to go ahead and start installing Windows so we'll just let this go through and uh I'll come back once this is getting to the end now your PC May restart a few times so bear in mind that might be the case so we're just going to let this go through here and once that's uh installed you'll see your PC will restart in a few moments and you'll probably notice this process is a lot faster doing it this way than it is through the reset this PC feature just going to let this do its thing as you can see here you're now 25% you may get your computer restarting a few times during this process so it's just working on updates and updating the system so just let that go through its thing it does take a bit of time and once this is complete it will do one final reboot and boot back into the desktop and you should have uh just just done an in place upgrade of your Windows operating system so we'll just let this finish off okay so let's take a look so we got our programs uh still installed here everything is working the way it should be and again what has happened is it's put Windows over the top of windows so any files that were broken or corrupted would have been replaced and you should have now a working operating system and again like I said all of your settings should be still in situ they should still be working correctly uh after you've done an in place upgrade like this now of course if you did a reset this PC it's going to completely erase everything you're going to lose a lot of programs and things like that but you can see a lot of the settings are still in place here but all the files would have been uh replaced of the operating system to make sure everything is fixed if you had corrupt Windows files those would have been replaced with new working uh windows files anyway if you check inside here you should now see there should be a windows. old folder and this is your old operating system here you can remove this if you wish and this will be just all of the windows. old procedure that we just created uh by doing that uh in place upgrade it will leave this right here so if you want to remove that you can do if you do remove it you will lose the ability to roll back which I'll quickly show you right here let me go back into settings one more time and you will lose that ability to roll back so let me just quickly go in here when this is populated it's still uh updating a few things here so let it do its thing there we go so we're going to go inside here and we're going to go to system and we're going to go to recovery and you will now see the go back feature is added in right here and again this you can roll back back to your previous uh installation if you wanted to by clicking on this one here if it was broken it wouldn't be advisable so you could literally theoretically remove that windows. old folder from your system anyway that is how you repair windows 11 without losing data or programs using the in place upgrade or repair install as it's known as well uh so this can save you a lot of money if you're looking to send your PC to repair shop and you've got a problem with your operating system then try this first hopefully this rectifies all of your problems and uh that's going to be about it for this one my name is B Brian from bch computers. co. hope you found this video useful just want to say a quick shout out to all my YouTube members I do appreciate the support and I should catch you in the very next video or I'll see you on the Discord server for chat thanks again for watching bye for now [Music] n
Channel: Britec09
Views: 72,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to repair windows 11 without losing data or programs, repair windows 11, repair windows 10, repair windows 12, fix windows 11, fix windows 10, fix windows 12, britec09, pc repair, repair install, in place upgrade
Id: Xp48T0HLo2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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