How to repair a scratch in veneer or laminate furniture

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hi this is a vote for once again from moving tips for EUCOM today I'm gonna show you a little trick in fixing scratches that you might get in your furniture now this is based on off a piece of furniture that has the veneer which I explained what I've been here is in one of my past videos and how to fix minor scratches and also deep scratches what I'm gonna be using is lacquer depht clear wood finish depending a lot on the type of finish your furniture has whether is flat or semi-gloss or even class you're gonna go ahead and get a the lacquer that that is that is needed for it feels thick depending on the color you're gonna have for your furniture it's really necessary and something to smooth out you never you put the tool stick on so let's go ahead and see you have people coming over and orchids and they do this to furniture oh you scratch it but don't freak out this could be taken care of quite simple if you were to go ahead and use this which is the lacquer now the greatest thing about a scratch like this is that the scratch has only scratched the dry lacquer that's on top of this it hasn't messed up the vignette so when we spray that on it you're gonna go ahead it's gonna recoat it right in there let me show you of course it has to dry then blowww semana so that scratch that was there you could barely see it it's drying off of course but the question is and seeing and that's taking care of that way just using some lacquer on it but what if the the scratch is something like this where it has gone down all the way down to the particle board all the way down here so it's your pass the veneer went down there how do we take care of that well you do that with some fill stick you pick the right color and you go crazy with it all over the place make sure you fill in all the little holes everyone go sideways once you do that go ahead and get this one I hear my $0.99 spatula is that special I think and you smooth it out which is equals nice and flat with the stresses get a cloth wipe the excess off and as a finishing touch rocker right over it and sort of wallah you see them now you get to keep your kids you get to keep your friends you don't have to kick them out but at the same time you know maybe not having over as much but that's the way you go ahead and finish a scratch you take care of a minor scratch or something that's a little bit more ether if you want to buy the lacquer or the fill stick you will find it in Home Depot but the ones I use to go ahead and repair furniture i I just get them off my website moving tips for you calm under the page and the page repairs so please like the video comment and I will talk to you afterwards thank you very much bye bye
Channel: adolfo
Views: 807,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scratch on furniture, Fix a scratch, Mohawk fill stick, Deft Lacquer, Fixing Veneer furniture, quick fix scratch, repair a scratch, repair scratch on veneer, teak repair, teak scratch repair
Id: UpOgI5LlUbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 31sec (271 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 07 2014
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