How to Remove Water Spots on Glass (Best Product I Have Ever Used!)

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what is up guys welcome back to the channel my name is Travis of course this is TWA Motorsports and today thought we'd do something a little different we're in the middle of projects uh well we've got some drawn out ones that we're still working on that I'm making videos on but I came across this product and guys um look I've always prided myself on this channel to never recommend something that I don't believe in um that goes for like when I did the brakes on the OBS truck I told that company I told little shop manufacturing I said look if they don't work I'm not going to post this and tell people to spend money on it and so they actually did promote that video but this video is not promoted I'm not getting paid by anybody I can't link you to any way to get paid this is just me out of curiosity trying this stuff so all the time guys stuff comes up on Instagram Facebook all these ads of products like let's try this this works um nothing's better than this blah blah blah blah all right so I wanted to try this because the windows on this truck are absolutely nasty hopefully you guys can see the amount of water spotting this truck has it's absolutely crazy and I've never had one quite this bad now with that being said this thing came from Florida and um I think that's a lot of it I think there's some maybe more acid rain as far as down there in Florida than there is here this generally isn't an issue where we live occasionally you'll get rained on and if the sun comes out relatively quickly you'll get some spotting but never to this extent never to the point where you can't just like get it wet wash it and wipe it off or even use like vinegar so I've been experimenting with some stuff as far as like I came out here with vinegar vinegar wouldn't take it off I've tried to buff on it a little bit with my buffer that loosened up some of it but it still didn't go away and as a matter of fact I use the buffer on a section like right here and it did lighten it up but it didn't take it off so today I've been experimenting with this product that I saw online and I thought what the heck it's it's not stupid cheap but it's not crazy expensive and we're going to try it today I've tried a couple areas just because I'm so impatient when it came in I didn't have my camera going and I think it's gonna work but like I said guys I won't ever tell you to buy something or recommend something that I won't personally use myself I just I I'm not one of those guys I just think that I work hard for everything I've got I don't want somebody telling me something's good and I buy it and then it sucks so that's just the way I am so either way I've got this stuff and I'm sure you guys have seen it um it's water spot remover off glass so there's two different versions there's like a paint version and then there's a glass version now I don't know I've seen people use like the paint one on glass and the glass one on paint I don't know if you're supposed to do that we're not going to concern ourselves with the paint today because chances are we're going to buff this thing down and a majority of the water spots should come out if we buff on them I don't know that but we're gonna try that down the road and the hood needs resprayed and whatnot but today we're just going to use the water spot remover for glass and this is made by Suds Factory and guys the only way you can buy this I believe is directly from them which generally tells you that their products probably not been retailed out to a bunch of people you can only get it certain places directly from them and I'm going to do I'm going to use the old piece of tape I've seen this on multiple videos I researched it several times before I bought it myself but we're going to tape off a section on the window and uh we're gonna do like a side by side we're gonna see how this stuff works you know you watch the videos and you're like okay whatever we're gonna grab some Windex uh we're gonna grab some different window cleaner we're gonna go over it and see if it makes a difference and then we're gonna try it with the water spot remover now as I said just so we can get a good side by side let's tape this thing off down the middle we'll do that big reveal like everybody does you know and like I said guys I'm not getting paid by them they don't even know I'm doing this I didn't reach out to them and say hey you want to give me your product and I'll try it on my YouTube channel um I've had a lot of that especially as the channel has grown I got a lot of people that reach out to me and say try my headlights or try this or try that and I'm I generally don't respond to most of that stuff guys I buy stuff try it on my own and then let you guys know where it works or not so anything you see in my videos um like I said you know that it's legit so I'm gonna go grab some window cleaner and a couple Rags we're gonna go over this to see what we can get off with just the window cleaner then I'll take you off the tripod we'll look at it and then we'll um I've already went over this once with Windex so I won't show you that I've got some other cleaner over here though I will show you we'll go over it with it and see if you know it takes any of this stuff off and then we'll start with this this product and so this stuff is just Stoner invisible glass the main reason I use this guys is because it doesn't have any ammonia in it and as you guys can tell on this channel uh or maybe you're new I tint everything so every windshields tinted and so I like this because I I generally the outsides I clean you know with the car wash or whatever but on this um it doesn't hurt the tint so that's why I use it but so we got it all wiped down in he doesn't even make a damn like I said I buffed on this I've used some Windex on it nothing's changed anything so I'll uh let's pull you off the tripod and show you here going over it didn't make a bit of difference I don't it didn't take anything off of course in my opinion if the buffer doesn't take anything off you know chances are nothing's going to take it off so now let's get some of this stuff on a rag and we'll try to do this section and I'll kind of show you the process so it says here for best results wash glass surface thoroughly with Suds okay so they want you to use their their wash obviously I didn't do that add a small amount of spotless onto a terry cloth or microfiber towel apply using circular motions once water spots are removed rinse area with water to remove any residue follow up to mitigate future spotting so it doesn't say to shake it up it's pretty thick so we've got just a microfiber here and they say that you can feel when it when it starts to break up the water spots so we'll go in circular motions it makes me wonder if I could grab and I may do this guys I may go grab my buffer my little I've got a little green oats why couldn't I put it on a buffing like a microfiber buffing pad and just go over it and not just wear myself out and it does seem to get a little smoother as you go I just I don't want to a lot of times if you buff on glass it'll it'll put some like hazing in it this is insane all right I'm gonna take you off the tripod and show you just this area I did and you guys saw me clean it with the window cleaner you didn't see me buff it but look check that out now we need to obviously there's still some residue left there but let's try the buffer because why wouldn't the buffer work I mean we got to be careful around this area but I've got a little one inch standoff and I think I have a one inch cutting pad that's a microfiber let's try it on the buffer I'm gonna go grab it just because this would wear you out this thing this entire thing is covered and I just yeah that worked but let's try to speed it up so here's what we got I've got my griotes mini here with the I guess it's a I have a two and a three I don't have a one try this I don't know I'm gonna turn the speedway down and um we'll give it a shot let's turn it down to like really slow I just if it's going on in circular motion why does it matter how you do it with your hand or I don't know excuse me I could get done faster if you're doing it this way you don't want to get glass hot so it took every well I take that back it did do a little better in the area I did it with my hand it looks like but maybe I spent more time there I don't know it definitely is taking it off Let's uh let's just continue with this and see what happens I think it'll probably I think it'll probably be okay we may have to go over it a couple times in certain sections I'm trying to stay off the trim I don't know what it would do to the trim but we'll try to stay off the trim and then just keep kind of working our way down and if we have to go over it multiple times we will I'll try to Time Lapse some of this and I'll cut in and out showing you guys you know what kind of difference we make [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's what we have with one pass I'm trying to catch it in the light so it's pretty streaky I haven't wiped it down with anything Let's uh let's actually wipe it now with some cleaner I know it says to use water but what does it hurt to use hopefully it doesn't blow up or something I'll probably go over it man it cleans a lot better that's for sure I may go over it one more time I noticed I missed a couple spots the other thing guys is um those one inch and two inch and three inch pads on the buffer they don't do you can't put pressure on them like you can a bigger buffer now could I go get my other buffer and do it yeah I'm just afraid I'd put too much pressure on it then and then all this glass would be like all hologram then I don't I don't want that but Jeff holy cow what a difference I'm going to uh it's gonna take it's gonna take some time to do all the glass but there is no arguing like I said guys I've tried vinegar tried buffing on it with just some regular compound nothing takes it off I don't I don't get it I don't there's something in this product that obviously works so uh we'll pull this off I'm gonna go over it one more time and then I'll show you guys I won't time lapse anymore but I'm gonna go over it one more time on this side and I may just do it by hand since we've got a majority of the big stuff off and um then we'll wash it off again clean it and then I'll show you guys side by side went over this side twice now look it's not going to remove the scratches the imperfections but look at the water spots they're gone completely gone look at that like I said guys I'm not I don't buy into a whole lot I've bought a couple of those things off like your Amazon or not Amazon but like Facebook and Instagram feeds and I bought some tire shine one time it was mediocre I mean it worked but it wasn't like you see these and of course they they drum it up like it's the best thing ever but I I've just never had a product I guess work as well as described in one of those little you know advertisements so here's what I'm thinking I can't you know how I told you I was impatient I'm going to uh I'm going to try some of the paint stuff on this section right here hopefully you guys can get an idea and then um we'll just see we'll see on the paint what it does there I really think a good paint correction getting pretty aggressive now in the corners and stuff you don't want to get aggressive especially on these older trucks where the clear is pretty thin here but I I'm gonna try it here in this section and maybe that'll keep me from having to get so close to The Ledges it may be one of those things where I go around the ledges and do before I buff this thing down the road but let's give it a shot I'm gonna try obviously the paint one as opposed to the glass one and we'll see if it's the same consistency here and it doesn't say it all says the same thing like as far as instructions I wonder if it's the same product I mean this came in like a bundle deal and I'll list um their website in the description guys like I said though I don't I don't get paid for using their product I'm gonna have to open this up let me go open it up and we'll try this section so interesting this stuff is a spray so what happens this is the same rag probably probably should use a different rag but this is the this is one of the ones I saw on the advertisement as far as oh my gosh it smells like my car Pro um Iron X smells like my mom does used to do hair well she still does hair but like perm solution is kind of what it smells like it literally smells just like Car Pro iron X and I have not tried that on this well definitely took out the water spots huh let's come down here a little further the Hood's not going to matter because it's toast maybe we can get this section here definitely takes a lot of rubbing hmm well it took a lot of them out but I don't know you guys can probably still see a little bit but it does work it makes me curious let's see here applied a cool surface let's try it on this back glass here what if we use the paint stuff on the glass does it work be nice if it just wiped off foreign I feel like there's a video out there of a guy using the paint stuff on glass and he said it worked but it took quite a while no no didn't even touch it maybe if you scrubbed really really hard it would but yeah I can't tell the difference there guys I went over this a couple more times and it definitely works um I had to scrub a lot on the paint more so than I did on the glass however the texture of the glass one is it it's pretty abrasive so I don't know that I touched the try to get on the paint with it um like I said guys I really think buffing this would take those water spots out on the paint generally don't have an issue getting water spots out on paint it's always the glass that seems to be the problem for some reason I think because you're removing clear whereas the glass you don't have any clear to remove to get down further underneath that but either way I'm I'm happy with the results to me it was worth the money more so on the glass and boy do I have my work cut out for me I feel like it probably takes just as long because my my buffer here I've got a foam pad on it if I had a like a more abrasive like microfiber pad I think it would work a little faster as far as like applying it definitely by hand is going to wear you out it might be one of those things you want to do a little bit each night and so that's kind of the way I'm going to approach this guys I don't have um this truck is currently we're doing some other videos on it so um that's why I figured I'd try this stuff right now because it's setting and maybe I can come out and do you know maybe one glass a night but this will come in handy on other stuff because I've got uh I think I've got a few water spots on that guy over there the green truck and then just occasionally you know just something sitting outside like I said if we get a rain and then an immediate some a lot of times it'll spot up and sometimes there's like certain areas down on the Cracks um you know up here where you may not get it wiped off good that may spot up and then over time um it just kind of this the spot stays there if you don't get to it I noticed that on several vehicles that I purchased especially Trans Ams um their their mirrors come down and kind of cover this section of the window and so a lot of times you'll see a lot of water spotting right there because it never gets wiped off or cleaned uh so either way I I think we found a product that I can attest to being good guys I know this is a relatively short video but I wanted to show you guys you know occasionally I'll get products like this and this one was kind of exciting to me I generally don't have stuff like that that's like super exciting but if you guys did like this or think this will work for you I will list the griotes polisher if you guys don't have a small polisher to get in those small areas I use this a lot on the Trans Am when I was doing that convertible Trans Am in here but I'll list that down in the description but this stuff I will list their website if you guys want to try it out for yourself let me know if you try it come back to this video go down the comments and let me know what you guys think of it did you have to scrub as hard as I did or maybe your spots haven't been there as long but if you did enjoy this video guys like always smash that Thumbs Up Button if you are not subscribed guys go down there hit that subscribe button of course ring the bell icon that notifies you every time we drop a new video and stay tuned to see what we work on next foreign [Music]
Channel: TWA Motorsports
Views: 60,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Remove Water Spots on Glass (Best Product I Have Ever Used!), how to remove water spots on glass, how to remove water spots on paint, best how to remove water spots on glass, how to remove water spots on windshield, how to remove water spots on side glass, how to remove water spots on rear window, best water spot remover for glass, how to get rid of water spots on glass, twa motorsports, water spots on glass removed, water spot remover for glass, removing water spots glass
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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