How To Remove Wasps Easily ● Using Suction ( without getting stung once ! )

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] no [Music] the other day i was doing some work on my front door and i had the screen door open as i walked through to come outside there was three yellow jackets flying around they all seemed to be flying right around the bottom of the door and then they all flew downwards and disappeared then i could see under the threshold of the door the concrete was a little bit broken up and they were going through a small opening so i took my iphone and i did a time lapse to see how many were coming and going to give me an idea of the size of the nest by the look of it there were quite a few so if you're wondering how i did that i just set up my iphone on time lapse and i got it as close as i could then i just used this little remote that you can get for your phone it was great for getting some slow-mo shots of them coming and going i'll have it linked in the description if you're interested in getting one so the next thing i wanted to find out was when did they get up in the morning and when did they go to bed at night so i use this little security camera that i have it's cheap takes 4k video notifies your phone record time lapse record anything normally detects motion or sound has a speaker to talk to people a siren alarm and it has really good night vision and it'll be perfect for doing this and all you need is somewhere to plug it in and wi-fi for me i find it very useful for many little things i'll have it linked in the description below if you're interested it detected motion and recorded them leaving the nest about 53 minutes before sunrise on this day the sunrise was at about 6 30. you can see the time stamp in the lower right corner every few minutes another one would come out to see if there was enough light to fly this continued every few minutes the first one decided to fly right at about 40 minutes before sunrise sunset was at 8 o'clock and the last one seemed to go in at 8 14. so to be totally on the safe side you could check out a nest up to an hour and a half before sunrise and up to an hour and a half after sunset you can see from this slow-mo footage that they like to land directly in the opening and before they take flight they like to be about a half an inch away you'll see shortly how they can use this to their advantage [Music] so let me show you a simple way to get rid of wasps and the chances of getting stung are next to zero so the first thing you'll need is a shop vac it can be a big one or a small one a roll of any kind of tape a ladder and you won't be using it for what you think and you'll need eight feet of inch and a half pvc or abs pipe you can pick this up at pretty well any hardware store for a very reasonable price or instead of eight feet you can get 10 or 12 feet depending on your comfort zone so the first thing you want to do is use the tape and attach the hose to the pipe if you do this part later moving the pipe around could disturb the nest it's best to do it now so now the ladder the ladder makes a perfect device to attach the pipe to if the nest is in a tree or if it's on the porch like mine or if it's in the ground you can pretty well attach it to the ladder at any angle that you like you can tape it to the side of the ladder you can point it down midway or point it up and anywhere in between and with being eight feet long it keeps you away from the wasps if you're dealing with one of the tree it's good to have a spotter to let you know how close you're getting to the nest so first put out your ladder and now patiently and calmly position the pipe about an inch away from the opening and i say patiently because you don't want the pipe to touch the nest to disturb them and once you have everything in position use the tape and tape the pipe to the ladder and if it happens to be just a little bit too far away gently move the ladder to get it into position and here's a tip to make it even easier just get yourself a 2 liter pop bottle and cut out the center portion attach it to the front part of the ladder and this helps to make it easier to adjust you can attach it higher up and then adjust it and tape it and then move the ladder or lower down if you have a nest in the ground if you have a smaller vacuum like mine you can go ahead and take the filter off some of the larger ones you don't have to now put about two inches of water in the vacuum [Music] take some dish soap and put about this much in and then gently stir it with your hand i had put out a small piece of female bacon for them at this time of the year between summer and fall they're after protein they really love this leftover chicken and they're pretty cool to watch as they hover and even the ants were getting involved trying to move this small chicken bone okay so we're ready to go we've got our vacuum hooked up and we've got it just over an inch away from the opening and the best part about this is that you can now walk away and be out of harm's way and do whatever you want and let it run for the next four hours like i had said earlier when they approach the nest they like to land right on the opening this is their downfall as they're trying to approach they get sucked right up the tube the ones that are leaving the nest have a chance of flying away because they're able to crawl along the surface but after they come back a short time later to return to the nest they get sucked up the tube you can see that the odd one is able to land and get back into the nest there was about 10 to 15 seconds between each of these landing i edited that part out you can see that one of these two was luckier than the other you can see in this shot how two of them got sucked up at the same time so i've had it running now for four hours from 11 o'clock in the morning till three in the afternoon so let's have a look and see what we've got okay so that looks substantial i know there's nests that have got way more than this but let's have a count and see what we've got looking at this i'd estimate probably around 120 or so okay so a total of 143. so i'm thinking that any of them that left the nest today probably returned to the nest today but let's find out i'll put my motion camera back up and we'll leave it here overnight until the morning and i'll make sure that the motion detection is set right on the opening so this morning i got about eight notifications on my phone but these ones were about a half an hour apart yesterday they were a minute or less apart so there's probably a few that escaped so i left it going for another hour between 11 and 12 and with a quick count we got 13 more and then 20 minutes later i got one more notification so i left it going for another hour let's have a look and i'm pretty sure at this point we've got the last two and that brings our grand total to 158 so not bad for doing a little bit of setup and then standing back and doing nothing and in my case i let it run for four hours the first day and two hours the second day it doesn't get much easier than that use common sense stay calm and use patience well i hope you enjoyed this video if you did like subscribe and hit the dinger to get notifications and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Chris Notap
Views: 83,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wasp, wasps, bees, hornets, yellow jackets, yellowjackets, nest, infestation, infested, honey comb, worker bees, queen bee, honey bee, trap, capture, get rid of, remove a nest, bald faced hornets, ground wasp, extermination, exterminate, removal, how to remove, shop vac, suck up wasps, drown wasps, bee sting, vacuum, vacuum cleaner, no sting, diy, do it yourself, how to, remove, queen, shop vacuum, suction, bee hive, paper wasp, hive
Id: IESR1wEjqfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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