How To Remove Stuck Seatpost In Minutes With Slide Hammer

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hey viewers I got this bike this last weekend and it has a frozen seat post on here the binder bolt was already missing on it but this thing is just in there pretty solid and I've already made a few tips to try to get it out but it's stuck in there so I'm going to try a different method I want to try using a slide hammer to see how that works I've been spraying this with a little bit of penetrating oil Cano crow which is a very good penetrating oil and seeing if that works it it's probably a galvanic corrosion because it's the aluminum seat post inside steel frame so I'm not sure if this is going to do much good anyway but I'm gonna give it a shot and I'm going to just see if I have any progress on this I'm going to go ahead and mark this with a sharpie to see if I get any movement on it at all now what I've done is I borrowed a 10 pal slide hammer from a local auto parts store just have paper posit on it and so I have it for as long as I need it pretty much I stuck a carriage bolt down through the hole in the seat post here it's a stainless steel bolt I got some 3/16 inch chain and I hooked it onto like a little adapter the came with the slide hammer and so there's a 10 pound slant slide hammer I don't think a 5 pound hammer would be strong enough so I try this 10 pound hammer and see if this is going to be strong enough to get some movement out of here so let's see how this works and he does not seem to be moving I'll be this moving got it with a slide hammer anyway hope you found this useful or interesting if you did please give my video a thumbs up if you're not subscribed my channel click the subscribe button you'll see new videos that come out Facebook page or RJ the bike guy go over there like that page I'll put sliced up over there and also web page RJ the bike guy calm go over there subscribe that page have my videos categorized and forums where you ask repair questions oh I'm out of breath anyway thank you very much for watching
Channel: RJ The Bike Guy
Views: 258,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bikes
Id: S3ek2GeZzE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 15sec (195 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2016
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