How to regulate an automatic SEIKO watch? | Time Adjustment | DIY Tutorial | SPB143J1 | Watch Repair
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Channel: The Watch Doctor
Views: 76,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: regulate watch, seiko, timing machine, weishi 1000, watch service, timegrapher, watch repair, seiko watch, how to regulate mechanical watch, app vs timegrapher, weishi, spb143j1, time adjustment, diy, watch service tutorial, seiko watches, mark lovick, seiko 5, grand seiko, automatic watch, timegrapher 1000, how to regulate watch, how do i regulate my seiko?, watch tuner timegrapher app, watch tuner timegrapher, weishi 1900, weishi 1000 vs 1900, watch repair lessons
Id: XehbtkcDUUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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