How to Refurbish a Mission Style Rocking Chair

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hey guys jessie here from urban legends antiques  and this week we are bringing an old mission   style rocking chair back to life we're going to  recover it i'm not painting it as promised i'm not   painting it we're just going to give it a little  cleanup boil it down and see if we can revive it   here's the chair how we picked it  up it looks like a stickley brothers   but i'm not sure we're going to try  and verify that it's a really nice   chair it's got good bones on it  and we're excited to work on it we're not going to paint this chair we're just  going to try to bring it back to life with   some oil so i did not wash it originally i just  started to oil it down the wood was so dry that i   was concerned that if i used any type of soap and  water the water would get into the wood and warp   it or crack it so the first cleaning is with lemon  oil and i'm just clean doing a quick wipe down of   the whole piece to try and get all of the dust and  dirt and grime off and then i want to see where   we're at i've done the one side and now i'm moving  over to the other and you can see already the   wood is getting a lovely hue to it as i'm cleaning  it the wood is actually absorbing in the oil and   as i'm wiping it you'll see occasionally  that i'll touch the wood because i can feel   the dust coming out what happens is the wood will  absorb the oil in and then push out any dust that   is in the wood and the oil will condition the wood  and just bring back that beautiful color of it   already with just one passover with the lemon  oil and a wipe the wood is starting to warm up   and look really really good it's absorbing the oil  nicely and i'm working my way through getting into   every nook and cranny and crevice inside and  out to get the wood a chance to absorb it all i saw this when i was cleaning   lifetime furniture grand rapids bookcase and  chair cupboard company houston's michigan   and that looks like it says number chair number  six nine zero so i thought this was a stickley um   because of this where these look it's very mission  style so i'm going to look it up online and see   what it's worth so while i'm working on finding  out the name of this company on the internet and   doing a search of the brand and the value of the  chair chuck has taken it into the garage and he's   working on the second cleaning of it he's using a  fine steel wool scrubber that's made specifically   for refinishing wood and the lemon oil and he's  spraying it down and scrubbing it it's important   to note that when you're doing this type of work  it requires a gentle touch and a lot of patience   two things that i don't have this is a perfect  job for a chuck he has oodles and oodles of both   gentleness and patience he's scrubbing it  nice and slow and bringing it back to life   look on the left side to the right  and you can see the difference   we're going to do a close-up here so you can  see exactly what i was talking about the black   on the edge of the chair there he's going to  scrub it he's going very gently taking his   time and you're gonna see all of the grime come  off and the beautiful color of the wood slowly   get restored into the piece after he's done doing  that he's going to return with a paper towel and   wipe back any of the leftover dirt that's  on the piece and give it a good cleaning we can move back in the kitchen and i'm  going to recover the seat now the velvet   is frayed and so is the padding underneath  it's just falling apart so i bought some   padding from walmart and then i bought the  piece to go over it as well to smooth it all out   and that is all going to be underneath this  lovely faux suede fabric that i purchased that   i think is going to be perfect for this piece so  now you're going to see me just start to take the   velvet off and it's disintegrating in my hands  it's just falling apart as i'm cutting through   it i don't think this is going to be very hard  to take apart i think i should be able to just   rip it off once i get it open i was right it's  really easy to take off the fabric is literally   disintegrating in my hands as i'm pulling it off  it doesn't take a lot of muscle it doesn't require   any special tools or equipment and i'm just able  to pull this off really really easily sometimes   i like to save old fabric for other pieces but  not this one it's going right into the trash   now i'm going to inspect this and it looks  like the horse hair underneath is still in   really good condition so i'm just going to  take off this top layer of padding and again   it's just coming off really easily it's  falling apart in my hands look at that i   don't have to do anything it's just coming off  you can find me on facebook instagram and tick   talk now at urban legends antiques and you can  see my news a little dog over there hey sophia   the price of this padding for 2 yards was 13.94  now i'm just gonna put it on to my piece i always   try to measure twice and cut once so that's what  i did i was measuring to make sure that i could   safely tuck all of the padding around to the  bottom for when i staple it and now i'm cutting it   off and i'm going to add on another piece to the  top just for a little extra padding for comfort   now i'm just measuring and cutting that extra  piece that i had talked about that i wanted to put   just on the top of it i don't want to have a lot  of bulk on the sides because when i fold it over   it's going to be harder to like staple and fold  and pleat the edges so just a little bit extra   on the top just a little extra cushion for comfort  for when you sit on the chair now that i have that   extra bit of padding measured and cut out that  is going to be my first layer so i'm going to   put that one down first and then i'm going to use  the rest of the padding and i'm going to put it   over the whole piece and that is going to be the  part that i fold and tuck and use when i staple   onto the third layer of padding 748 for two yards  of this one and this is a much thinner padding and   it sits between the the thicker padding and then  your fabric and it helps for both pieces to grip   together without having to use glue and you get  like a smoother finish when you're done and it's   also you know it's more comfortable to sit on with  the more padding you have the better i think here   we go with the third layer measured and ready  to be stapled my favorite part now we're moving   on to fabric i'm just checking to make sure that  i have enough on each side to fold and tuck and   staple at the end all right i've got it flipped  over and i'm getting ready to staple i'm using my   handy dandy harbor freight stapler my favorite  i like to use staples that have teeth in them   i feel like when i staple through with the staple  gun that they have a better grip on them and they   can push through the fabric easily the staples  go teeth up when you put them into the staple gun   okay i've got all the fabric pulled up and  stretched turning the gun off of safety so that   way i can use it safety first you never know who's  going to run around and touch your staple gun and   staple themselves by accident so one staple on  one side and then i'm going to turn it around   and i'm going to put a staple on the other side as  well and this will just hold the fabric in place   as i pull and stretch the fabric and staple it  and now for the fun part now i'm going to start   really reupholstering the piece i'm just going  to continue and staple along the edge there   and get the fabric pulled and stretched  nice and tight and recover this chair seat   i'm just trimming off the extra bulk on the  edges i don't want that to get in the way   when i fold and pleat and make my corners  okay this is the last side i'm stapling the   padding onto the inside of the chair so it  stays out of the way and then i'm going to   pull really really tight onto this part this is  the front of the chair so i want to have a nice   smooth front so i'm going to make sure it's  nice and taut for a good even finish at the end   i always add a dust cover onto the bottom  of my seats for a finished professional look   home stretch last couple of staples in before  the seat is done last but not least online the   chair is worth 1250 in its original form since we  ought to recover it we won't charge that much i'm   thinking somewhere in the 250 to 400 range okay  so once again we recovered this chair in this   uh faux leather it's like a tooled saddle look  to it we oil the top and then we used a fine   steel wool scrubber and we sprayed it  with oil and scrubbed it again to get   more of the dirt and the crud off of it and  we just brought it back to life it's beautiful   thanks again for following don't forget to  like and subscribe to my videos i'm jesse from   urban legends antiques and thanks for coming  along for the ride look at that look at iraqi
Channel: Urban Legends Antiques
Views: 2,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mission Style, Rocking Chair, Wood refurbish, Chair refurbish, Lifetime furniture company, Stickley bros, Mission style home decor, Mission style chair, So Cal style, Palm Springs style, Midcentury modern furniture flip, Arts and crafts furniture flip, Craftsmen furniture flip, Furniture flip, Furniture save
Id: GJEfjqD0utM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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