How To Recover From Hip Replacement Surgery

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[Music] [Music] hi I'm Dr Jonathan noff I'm board certified Orthopedic trained uh I'm going to be telling you a little bit about how you're going to be recovering after your total hip replacement that you just had uh we're going to go over the different aspects of your therapy and what you should be concerned about during the time that you're rehabbing hi my name is Don Wilbur and I just had hip surgery and I know what your what you're thinking or what you what you're going through I understand the pain the pain that you have before surgery some of the pain that you're going to have after surgery I can tell you A year later actually 3 months later I was painfree my one request from the doctor was because I am fairly active that he keeps me in the game uh I like to be outdoors I like to do things he looked at me and he said I can do that for you here we are today a little over a year later and I'm active I can do all the things that I did before playing golf hiking backpacking mountain biking biking life fishing traveling I can do things with my knees and my hips now that I couldn't do before I mean my hip is I there is anything I I don't do I can play golf I can climb Hills mountains ride a bike anything anything I was doing before you're going to be wondering why am I doing this I can tell you why why you're doing it is because you will be painfree and you'll have Mobility you will have better Mobility than you had in the past I can tell you one short story about my experience with drugs the drugs that they gave me from the hospital I tried to quit cold turkey I had a reaction I go back to the doctor and the doctor tells me no you can't do that you need to follow a certain regiment on the drugs he said go home get in a happy place and uh a week and a half later I was not having any reactions uh 2 weeks later I was away from all the drugs so if there's anything to be said you want to listen to the doctor and what they tell you as far as how to uh manage the pain now the doctor's going to talk to you about the things that you need to do to make the surgery successful [Music] after surgery you're going to put on some anti-inflammatory and pain medication the first two to three days are the worst and after that your pain should be getting better and better each day by day 14 you should be somewhere between 30 to 50% better pain-wise your old pain that you had before the procedure should be completely gone this should just be a healing pain from the surgery itself you should be able to be up and about walking anywhere from to 400 ft by day 3 to day five and probably dancing The Jig within 2 weeks you should expect to have somebody at home for the next couple of weeks helping you uh with driving with shopping with cleaning with all the other activities of daily living that you would otherwise be doing on your own that you might not be able to do on your own secondary to a complicated surgery of this nature if you experience any uh drainage uh from the wound site itself any redness or any kind of pus coming out of the wound site you would need to contact your physician immediately as that might be a sign of an infection any kind of fevers over the uh temperature of 100° or any severe pain in the hip that does not go away or continue to get better could be an indication of a complication you should also limit yourself from tying your shoes or bending down too much as as that might uh tear some of the uh healing wound that we are trying to solidify uh where we did the operation some of the medications that you might be put on may cause you some constipation or some uh gastritis some stomach ache If you experience any of that you should call your physician they can put you on other medication to counterbalance those side effects be limited from doing anything that would require strenuous activity as we want you to preserve your energy for the healing process for approximately 2 weeks uh certain other things that we would want you to limit is taking a shower for the first 2 to 3 days after surgery and then submerges submerging yourself in water for up to two weeks by the time the Staples or the sutes come out then you could actually swim and bathe in a bathtub you should be wearing relatively baggy clothing uh clothing that's easy to get in and out of you can drive uh after about 3 to 5 days after surgery as long as somebody is there with you and it's not your driving leg that was operated on if it was your driving leg you're going to probably be limited from driving for approximately 2 weeks till you are comfortable enough to actually get in and out of a car you're going to want to have a car that is much higher up than a lower seated car so that you don't bend too far when getting in and out of that vehicle there are sometimes readmissions in the hospital and those readmissions are most commonly from either dislocations or infection that are usually superficial or a fracture around the prosthesis itself if you do something that causes your hip to pop out you will need to be brought by amulance to the hospital for it to be reset and relocated that's usually done in the emergency room sometimes the patient gets taken to the hospital no incisions are made uh for the most part the hip is just popped back into place and that person would need to have a brace for about 6 weeks but if you follow the rules that are presented to you today those risks are substantially lower to less than 1% uh your body is going to pretty much tell you when uh too much is too much so if you're planning on exercising uh after this type of surgery that is fine and it's recommended but if you start getting uh winded or if you find that uh you're starting to experience some pain you should limit yourself uh and let your body uh kind of tell you how far you're allowed to go [Music] some tips from my experience have been that when you walk with a walker if you put a couple of uh tennis balls on the Walker it'll give you a little bit more traction and uh you'll feel the proprioception of the actual ground that you're walking on you'll be using a walker for the first week or two and then you'll transition over to hopefully just a cane and he eventually nothing when needing to bend over if you have the graspers to pick things up from the floor or from a a shelf that's up high that's very helpful uh other tips uh if you have PE family members in the house who are willing to help you I would definitely uh uh use as many people as possible during the first couple of weeks after surgery hi my name is Michelle lero I'm a physical therapist and I'm going to tell you a little bit about what you need to know when you come home after a hip replacement surgery [Music] all right now that you're home after your hip replacement surgery there's a couple things you want to keep in mind first off is your hip replacement precautions there are three movements that you want to make sure that you avoid because that can put a lot of strain on your new joint so one is you don't want to flex your hip past 90° so that means not going up past this angle okay and and in the same token you don't want to bend forward because that's also going to reduce that 90° angle so always no more than 90 okay second is you never want to cross your leg past midline so that leg is never going to cross this way when you're um getting in and out of bed and you don't want to turn your leg inward so you don't want to rotate the hip don't cross midline and don't bring it up past 90 always make sure hips are neutral and you don't want to turn your hip inward as well so the same thing no inward rotation no crossing the midline and no flexing past 90 okay if we have our right hip newly replaced we want to protect it when we're going to sit down so we can avoid going past that 90° so you're going to back yourself up towards the bed so you can feel the the surface behind behind you M you're going to take one hand and reach back for the bed so you know that it's there set your right foot out a little bit in front and then you can slowly lower down avoiding bending at 90 degrees at your hip okay perfect Okay so we've showed you we've shown you um how to sit down properly now we're going to have you lay down in bed so you want to make sure that you're scooched back enough um off the edge of the bed and you can use your hand to help support the leg but you're going to turn your body as you bring your leg up to try to keep it in that neutral position okay very nice and then we'll bring that other leg right up okay and then you're positioned nicely in bed [Music] to get out of bed you're going to sit yourself up and you're going to slide your legs to the side but you want to keep that leg from Crossing midline so keep it right in line as you scoot your body around as you're moving your leg with your body good and just one little section at a time is perfect good you can bring it around good and now you're sitting up [Music] sometimes at the hospital you'll be given an abduction pillow and basically it's a pillow that helps keep your legs from Crossing midline if you're not giving an abduction pillow you can just simply use one of your own pillows at home to avoid Crossing midline during the night time if you are um going to attempt to sleep on your side side you need to keep a pillow between your knees again to avoid internally rotating and Crossing midline so if you're going to come onto your side we're going to keep the pillow between your knees and we'll place this right between to keep the hips in a more neutral position if you keep these precautions in mind and try to support the hip with pillows you should have the most decent night sleep you can get minus the pain of your hip but this is going to put your hip in the best position possible to avoid straining there's some great exercises you can do to maintain the mobility of the hip and to start in introducing strength exercises as well one of the easiest exercises you can do for circulation of the leg is ankle pumps so you're going to just point and flex your foot up and down good and with all of these exercises A good rule of thumb is to do about 10 repetitions doing it about 10 times and then building your way up to maybe two to three sets throughout the day the next exercise we can do is to help with knee and hip flexibility so you're going to imagine sliding your heel towards your bottom so you're just going to bend the knee while the heel slides on the bed and then you're going to straighten it right back out sliding that heel right back down to a straightened leg bring it on up and back down good flexing both the hip and the knee and straightening them back down another important muscle that you can strengthen while you're in bed is your glute muscles and they're very important for um standing walking for balance so you're going to squeeze the glutes like just squeeze your buns close together squeeze hold for a couple seconds and then release good and squeeze and release this is strengthening the muscles in the posterior part of your hip one of the precautions we had was to not go midline so you would never slide your leg inward but one of the things we need to do is slide our leg to the outside to strengthen our outer hip muscles called the abductors so you can slide that heel out to the side and then slide right back to that midline if you're not sure where your midline is you can start with our our pillow idea again and keep that hip at a good starting position so you know where to return to so you can slide that leg out to the side we're working that outside hip muscle and slide it back in good and then back out and back in and this one I should take as far as my body will allow about maybe just 45° out and in is plenty okay one other muscle we can work on is the quadricep muscle and what you want to do is Imagine you've got my um hand underneath your knee and you're going to tighten that quad muscle pushing your knee down into my hand so you're squeezing that muscle nice and tight hold and then relax push and squeeze down and relax good and tighten that thigh muscle and relax and if you incorporate these exercises into your daily routine during your recovery you're going to find yourself healing faster and getting yourself back to your normal daily functions a lot sooner in our demonstration we did our exercises on the left leg when you are at home you want to do your exercises on the leg that had the hip replacement when you get home from the hospital you want to take a look around your house and see if there's any objects or obstacles that might get in your way of how you maneuver through your home these items may be throw rugs small appliances pieces of furniture just take a look around and make sure that your pathway is clear so you can get through easily with your Walker if you need any additional information uh here are several resources and websites that you're able to contact uh that might be useful for your postoperative needs [Music]
Channel: HealthcareHeroesTV
Views: 1,100,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: healthcare, heroes, toolkit, video, education, patient, readmission, rate, health, training, hip, replacement, chronic, condition, doctor, nurse, physical, therapy, Health Care, Educational, Chronic (medicine), orthopedic, surgery, recovery, pain, media
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2012
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