How To Record Screen With OBS - Full Studio

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in this video I'll show you how to record your screen with OBS if you found this guide useful then please consider subscribing and then once you've done that then please consider leave a like and let's get right into this guide the first thing you need to do is go and open up OBS I am going to assume that you've already got OBS downloaded and installed and that you just want to sort of go and configure it to get it screen recording so as you can see here I'd recommend just selecting a brand new blank scene you probably only have one and I will go and add some sources later on but the first thing we need to do is come to the bottom right and go and tap on settings just like this then for General you don't need to change that go over to the left and side and tap on output you don't need to look in the Stream because that's the live streaming and come into here then what I recommend doing is selecting the output mode to be simple because the advanced mode it doesn't really needed and if you're just sort of beat doing basic screen recording a simple is going to be fine then come down to recording because this top part is for live streaming and firstly you need to go and choose a recording path and this is essentially where the file is going to be saved so yeah I have it saved into my screen recording folder you can choose wherever you want it to be then you can go and choose a screen recording go and tap on it to view all the options and personally I use high quality medium file size what's important to know is as well as the file size being bigger it's also going to be a bit more intense for your computer so it's going to need sort of more processing power so you know make your computer like more potentially so yeah high quality medium file size is going to be fine recording format I like to use MP4 because it's the most compatible but of course you could go and use any others and then for the encoder I like to use the nvac hevc now this is because I have an Nvidia graphics card so so if you don't have these Hardware options then you can go and use the software x264 and then once you've made any changes go to the bottom right I'm going to tap on apply like so then come to audio because this is quite important firstly make sure you've got your desktop audio set to default all the output you use personally I use the speakers real techr audio and then you can come down to the mic and make sure you go inside the correct mic that's really important because otherwise you won't be heard and then go and tap apply in the bottom right you can add more months if you want but honestly these two ones are the main things then come down to video and now this is quite important so first we've got the base canvas resolution and that is what this sort of area is here this is the canvas and then we've got the output which is actually what is going to be recorded in the file so because of a 1440p monitor I have mine set to 1440 but 1080p is going to be fine for most people so you could always go and set it to like that and if you have different resolutions set here then what you can do is use a downscale filter but it doesn't really matter and then for the FPS if you don't know what that means this is basically frames per second and this is going to determine sort of the smoothness of your video so if your computer is powerful enough then I definitely recommend using 6D however if it's a lower spec computer u30 and it's fine most things are recorded in 30 FPS but 60 just makes it look a bit smoother like this so then come over to the Press hotkeys and now hotkeys are useful I like to go and use the start recording and stop recording hotkey as F12 so when I hit F12 it starts recording and I press it again it also stops it so yeah and then come back over to the left hand side and go and click on advanced and to be honest I don't really change any advanced settings and then all you need to do is come to the bottom left and tap on apply like so and everything is now saved so now that we've gone and set the settings up let's actually go and get into recording so the first thing so the next thing we need to do is go and add a source so that's going to be something like your computer screen or a webcam or something like that so to do that tap on the add source button in the bottom left like so and then choose where you want to go and add I personally just like to add a whole display but you could add a game capture or even a window capture as well at the bottom for like a specific window but display capture just records your entire screen so tap there and then you can go and tap OK and then what you can do is choose the capture method automatic's fine and then if you've got multiple monitors you can choose which monitor you want to use in this case I want display one and then you can tap OK and then my screen is so then if I wanted to go and start recording I've done sort of done everything what you can do is come to the audio mixer just to go and get your audio levels right you may want your desktop audio quieter than your microphone because otherwise you know your computer sounds are gonna make you you're you can't be able to hear you because it's too loud so then you can go and tap on start recording and there we are we're now recording and that video is going to be saved uh to that file path we selected earlier and when you press stop recording it will then go and say where it's saved as you can see recording saved to there and that's it guys you can go and add more sources by tapping on the plus button and you could go and add say a webcam which is the video capture device tap there tap OK and then what you can do is go and choose a webcam I've only got the OBS virtual camera um so yeah it looks something like that with a webcam in the top right but I don't want that so right click on it and then go and press remove and that's it guys if you found this useful then please consider subscribing peace
Channel: GuideRealm
Views: 149,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to record screen with obs, how to screen record with obs, how to use obs studio to record screen, how to record screen with obs studio, how to screen record with obs studio, how to screen reocrd on obs with audio, how to use obs to screen record, obs, obs studio
Id: j1HIHYRnOfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 38sec (278 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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