How to Recognize the True Gift of Prophecy | Benny Hinn

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and a blessed week and a glorious day and to Jesus be all the praise and God's people said amen and with me today is Chad and I'm so glad he's here thank you sir and we're going to talk about something very important recognizing false prophecy wow well it's needed so needed sir yeah and and it it's time I began uh looking at that with you yesterday from scripture and today I'm going to finish and I pray that the Lord will really bless you with this and dear Jesus I thank you from all my heart that you give us your word to give us the answers through your blessed word to you be all the praise all the glory and honor forever and forever and God's people said amen and amen and thank you for being with me on this wonderful day so let's let's continue from where we left off yesterday and I'm sure some of you missed what I said and so I'll just repeat some headlines so let's go to 1 John 4:1 beloved believe not every Spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God so I think it's it's our responsibility as Believers to really obey that because many false prophets are gone into the world I said something yesterday I said imagine that John said many false prophets in his day you know he had they had many false prophets then think about how many we have now wow and I will tell you that 2024 is going to be one of those years where a lot of prophecies will be given that are not really going to be of the Lord and let me just go back and say something that I should have said over and over but something people don't hear everything you know yeah we say yeah all right so prophecy there are four Realms of Prophecy number one there is the word of Prophecy and that's in second Peter Chapter 1 what he talks about the word of Prophecy which is scripture really and scripture has no mixture there's no human mixing with it secondly you have the office of a prophet now the office of a prophet is somewhat like an Isaiah like a Jeremiah like an Ezekiel like a Daniel that God has raised recognized by the nation recognized by the church as a true Prophet now someone who comes along with 30 people in their church and they self appoint themselves who really are not true prophets they may have the gift of Prophecy Pro prophecy is different the the gift of Prophecy belongs to the whole church all of us can prophesy but profits that's a that's a whole different place and a whole different Ministry then you have the third one and the third one is the spirit of Prophecy the the spirit of Prophecy mentioned in 1st Samuel 19 and also in the Book of Revelation and that is where where someone comes under the influence of the prophetic and God begins to speak to them uh in many of our Crusades when the anointing begins to flow God begins to talk to people and I remember many many times people came up on the platform who were on a wheelchair and someone next to to them was on a wheelchair and because we would put the wheelchair together in the stadium and uh and I will never forget so many of them when the worship began God began to speak to to many of them on the wheelchairs to pray for for the person next door pray for the guy or the Lady or the little boy next to them and the Lord would tell them now tell them I'm going to heal them wow and they would look and say the Lord just spoke to me now they're on a wheelchair think about that a precious lady on the wheelchair God talks to her to tell the little boy or someone next to her God's going to heal you and they were all healed wow we had so many testimonies of people coming up saying oh so and so was sitting next to me on a wheelchair told me I'm going to get healed that's the spirit of Prophecy that's beautiful yeah or they would have a word for someone that the Lord would would would give them something because of the of the atmosphere that's what happened in 1st Samuel 19 when Saul was looking for David and came to neot and the spirit of Prophecy came even on him so that's the third the the fourth is the gift of Prophecy which belongs to all of us as recorded in Corinthians so but what is prophecy for it's for edification exhortation Comfort it's not for fear it's not for bondage yeah it's not for confusion and Chaos yes it's for edification exaltation and comfort nowhere in the Bible does it say that prophecy comes to scare anyone to put fear in their heart to confuse them cause them to question never and it's never outside Redemption never outside Redemption now something very important if someone gives you a prophecy that's not of God you have you must break it or it will happen you have to break it or it will happen in Isaiah it says no weapon formed against you will prosper and every Tong will will arise against you in judgment you will condemn and this is the heritage of the Servants of the Lord so we have to take that seriously if someone says something that we dis agree with we say no I break it a so-called Prophet years ago called me gave me a word that wasn't from God I rebuked him yeah I said I break it and it never happened cuz I broke it and there are people who will say all kinds of things about you and me you have to break it reject it it won't happen if you reject it in the name of the Lord in Jesus name so no I reject it I break it I won't accept it that's very important because sometimes it will happen it will happen if people do not take it seriously because there's power in words there's life and death in them and so prophecy outside Redemption is psychic pure and simple and I'm not afraid to say it nor do I care what people say about me or think about me when I say that because I have studied the word enough in the last few years especially in the last 10 years because it it began to bother me when I had people come to my Crusades and give people so-called prophetic words that were really psychic more than prophetic so when someone says your address is you should say hold it what is this got to do with my Redemption because if it's outside the realm of redemption reject it reject it so your account number is what is this got to do don't even let them even go there don't even let them say it your phone number is don't let them even say it because if it's outside Redemption you don't want to hear it so the question is what do this got to do with my Redemption nothing so someone said not long ago few years ago so and so will be the president of whatever country I said what do this got to do I'm thinking what is this got got to do with Redemption and the response was well he'll be a blessing to the country I'm thinking well wait wait what country his country or somebody else's country will will will he being president fulfill the redemp plan of God for the Chinese people and the Indian people and those who don't know anything about America come on forget it so no no no what has it got to do with the Redemptive plan of God so when the lord gave words to Isaiah or Jeremiah or Ezekiel or any of of the of the prophets about let's say Nebuchadnezzar raising Nebuchadnezzar was the the king of Babylon or sarus it was his plan for Israel his Redemptive plan for his own people yeah he raised Nebuchadnezzar to punish Israel for their sins and then to punish him for actually punishing them later on he judged Babylon and destroyed Babylon for what they did against the Jewish people so there's a reason why God would give someone a prophet in the old Covenant a prophecy about fath Pharaoh or about Nebuchadnezzar or or anyone because they fulfilled his plan for his people that's it so anyways I had people disagree with me well God told Elisha what words the king of Syria yeah but it had to do with Israel didn't it to protect Israel yeah nothing about the the you know anything else so there's a lot of confusion out there today it's got to be based on scripture and all prophecy must be influenced by the Bible or don't even accept it so you have to ask yourself what does it have to do with my Redemption number one number two is it edifying me am I exhorted am I comforted if the answer is no get rid of it rejected completely so now um yesterday I said a little more about this and I want to just repeat real quickly so number one they have a form of God godliness but deny the power in 2 Timothy 3:5 we discussed that yesterday so if you missed yesterday please go back and see what I said about that number two Jesus said in Matthew 7 listen to what they say because out of the heart comes covetousness and the things that are negative so how are they saying it what what's the what's behind it is it money behind it is it their greed behind it is it their pride behind it is it that they want to be like the atropus in charge see number three I I also said something very important from Jeremiah I said uh in Jeremiah 23:14 it talks about how those let's actually go to it quickly because there's a lot in that I want to really show you look at their life what kind of Life are they living because the the prophets here that are that are talked about in verse 14 it says I've seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem a horrible thing they commit adultery they walk in lies they strengthen evildoers and they're not and and and here's something that is quite uh you know interesting about them it says hearken not verse 16 hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy to you they make you Vain and the vain means worthless they don't even make you feel right about it they make you vain they speak a vision of their own heart I showed you yesterday there's three sources of the prophetic one when God speaks second Peter one which which I showed you I talked about yesterday secondly when the when the when the when the devil speaks like in 1st Samuel 18 when Saul Prophet had under the demon it say yeah and three when their heart is speaking here it says they prophesy from their own heart out of their own mouth so you can tell what kind of Life are they living are they really pure and holy and you know one big thing is does it lead you to Jesus that's it does it bring you closer to the Lord or does it drive you away from him amen does it cause and you know what another scripture says they are not feeding the flock they feed themselves true prophets feed the flock they're giving people scripture the word of God not something from their own mind and heart that's in Ezekiel 34 let's read that for him Ezekiel 34 Verse 2 and 3 they're not feeding the people with the word of God they feed their own their their own self it says go ahead Chad son of man prophesy against the Shepherds of Israel prophesy and say unto them thus saith the Lord God unto the Shepherds woe be to the Shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves that's it should not the Shepherds feed the flocks you know Pastor Benny I it's amazing by the way you were going to ask something it's amazing people of God please hear what Pastor Benny is saying because I I look at 1 John 41 beloved believe not every Spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the world that is scary to me that is a fearsome warning and our heavenly father wanted to protect us my question to you was going to be was going to be how how do we try or test the spirit and what you're saying now breaking it down is so powerful because I believe some people have not learned this therefore they a either Fallen by F by false prophets or be completely rejected the gift of Prophecy so what you're doing is so powerful sir look I'm so excited just to sit in sit in on this sadly people today are looking for a word they're so desperate to hear from God so they run after prophets because they want to be comforted about something to do with their family or finances or future or whatever and that's why they have crowds because people are desperate the problem is nobody is giving them the Bible wow the word of God is lacking in their heart you don't need these prophets if the word of God is really in you if you know the word you don't need it yeah would you say then a I'm so sorry I say would you say then a a prophecy or a word from the Lord will come to then therefore confirm a word that God has made already stirred in your heartt totally totally and the thing is this look we all need the gift of Prophecy that is scriptural but the gift of Prophecy is full of the word it's still the word yeah remember I said there's four Realms okay yeah one of them is the gift of Prophecy but all of them are are are grounded in the word of Prophecy the word of prop the word of Prophecy is the Bible Bible yeah yes sir second Peter one it talks about the word of Prophecy the word of Prophecy has no human mixture the office of the Prophet does the atmosphere of the prophetic does the gift does but it all must come from the word of Prophecy so true prophecy is full of Lord amen it's full of his word amen it draws people to Jesus yeah it brings them closer to Jesus and it's all Bible it's not well there's a an envelope in your pocket that says no it's all about the Bible not not about that address it's about the Bible not not about their bank account it's about the Bible yeah and and it it it it builds in you that's why it says it's for edification what edifies us the word is not what the guy says or the lady it's the word of God that's it simple yeah so now we're in this time e has got a prophecy about 2020 24 is it scripture is it based on scripture or is it because somebody feels something's going to happen because whatever dismiss it is it edifying you if it's not forget it is it exhorting you is it comforting you is it within the borders of redemption if it isn't don't even think about it it's not important the word of of God is more powerful than any Supernatural experience you'll ever have remember what it says in second Peter 1 where Peter talks about how they they saw the glory of God read that for them please yes sir they saw the glory of God they heard his voice the Lord Jesus was transfigured he he he he began to shine like the sun his clothing became brighter than bright whiter than white and Peter says but we have a more sure word of Prophecy that you should take heed as a light in darkness is the word of God yes today you know people don't know what the bible really says about the Lord they know what the guy says and don't you know what the thing is do you remember what that man said to you if you forget it how can it be from the Lord unless it scared you then you remember it but it's not from the Lord because it doesn't scare it doesn't bring fear yeah Pastor Benny can you explain that difference because uh I've I know there are I believe you've mentioned it before that those who have the office of a prophet can bring a warning to turn to Redemptive God Redemptive about God's Redemptive plan look I have I have known wonderful prophets like Bill Hammond Kathy lechner Oro Roberts all of them were prophetic especially Bill Hammond and people like it Bill Hammond came with me he's he's up in age now he's a wonderful man of God he is full of the word yes sometimes they'll give you a warning but with love from scripture too it's not it's not oh you're going to die or or you're going to lose your business because I said so come on forget it this is crazy stuff it's scripture there's a reason behind it there's a reason for it and it's biblical Ally based not because someone hears the word is it in scripture has God done that before like that if if if he did pay attention to it okay and when when we say scripture we also mean how did God do it in the past not what only God said but how he responded to something how he did something in scripture it's all about scripture so let me just say one one quick uh and and by the way you you want to just read that quickly absolutely yes sir for we have not I'm reading 2 Peter 1:16 right for we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but were eyewitnesses of his majesty for he received from God the Father honor and Glory when there came such a voice to him from the excellent Glory this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and this voice which came from heaven we heard when when we were with him in the Holy mounts we have also a more sure word of Prophecy where unto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a light that shines in a dark place until the day Dawn and the day shall arise in your hearts knowing this first that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation for the prophecy came not in Old Time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost let's talk a little more about Jeremiah 23 let's go to Jeremiah 23 and in in verse 15-1 17 there's a lot about that Jeremiah 23 yes sir verse 15 yeah therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts concerning the prophets behold I will feed them with warmwood and make them drink the water of God for from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all all the land wow thus saith the Lord of hosts hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you they make you vain they make you worthless they make you feel like you're not worth much wow they speak a vision of their own hearts and and if and if you feel that dismiss it break it in fact go ahead they speak a vision of their own hearts and not out of the mouth of the Lord they say still unto them that despise me the Lord hath said ye shall have peace and they say unto everyone that walketh after the imagination or the stubbornness of his own heart no evil shall come come upon you keep going yes sir for who hath stood in the counsil of the Lord and hath perceived and heard his word who hath marked his word and heard it Behold a whirlwind of the Lord has gone forth in Fury even a Grievious Whirlwind it shall fall grievously upon on the head of the wicked now look look at verse 21 I've have not sent these prophets yet they ran I've have not spoken to them yet they prophesied but if they stood in my now watch watch the end result here okay if they stood in my counsel if they were really of me God says and that caused my people to hear my words then they should have turned them from their evil way in other words prophecy is to bring people back to the Lord yes wow and from from the evil of their doings wow it's all about Jesus it's all about bringing people back to the Lord to trust and rely upon the Lord yes in verse 28- 29 read that for me yes sir the prophet hath had a dream let him tell a dream and he that hath my word let him speak my word Faithfully what is the chaff to the wheat sayith the Lord is not my word like as a fire sayith the Lord and like a hammer that break the Rock in pieces okay now so it's the word of God that changes lives and changes Hearts but I I want you to pay attention to verse 25 through 27 of the same chapter yeah yes sir I have heard what the prophets said that prophesy lies in my name saying I have dreamed I have dreamed stop so a lot of people do that Absolut I've just dreamed and I have a dream for you keep keep keep going watch what God says here yes sir how long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies yay they are prophets of the deceits of their own Hearts which think to cause my people to forget my name wow that's the key by their dreams wow it takes Jesus out of the it Tak Jesus out wow see which they tell every man to his neighbor as their fathers have forgotten my name for baale wow so a lot of a lot of them that say well I've had a dream from the Lord and God told me what they're trying to do is quite simple is what God Said here wow they tell them they well let's let's just read it one more time yes sir verse 26 how long shall this be in the hearts of the prophets that prophesy lies yay they are prophets of the deceit of Their Own Heart keep going which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams so in other words if I receive a prophecy and I walk away thinking wow that's a real prophet of God rather than wow I want to love Jesus more yeah if it drew me more to the prophet rather than the you got it than Jesus himself that is not of God you got it if it doesn't bring you to Jesus if it doesn't bring you back to his word it's not the true Ministry of a prophet wow thank because it says they feed themselves are not feeding the Sheep wow so they're looking for Glory they're looking to be worshiped at the end of the day these Prophet more than that more than that have you also noticed how when they prophesy later they take an offering all about money you know the ministry needs money I know that come on of course we you know we're real about that it's God said in in his word to soed into his work but we are not to sell prophecy amen we're not to sell the gift of the spirit amen that's where I have a problem it is a gift when they sell it yeah it's a gift they'll making merchandise of it wow that's the scary part okay so let's ask some simple questions here what kind of fruit does it produce I'm just going to give them things I'm I'm I'm giving you things to to think about for false prophecy or real prophecy both both awesome what fruit is it producing good fruit or bad if it's bad don't touch it number two does it glorify Jesus these are the kind of things I'm going to write them down that that you should ask what kind of fruit is it producing in my life is it is it producing fear confusion chaos questions or peace edification exaltation Comfort number two is it glorifying the Lord if it's not don't touch it rebuke it in fact break it number three does it agree with the word of God does it agree with scripture number four does it come to pass is a bunch of hot air in the air that that doesn't happen that's Deuteronomy yeah uh 18 but here's another one in 2 Corinthians 11 it says does it produce Liberty or bondage wow yeah now in 2 Corinthians 11 let's go to it quickly before I say goodbye here and these are very important because these are you know Ministry fruits it says Paul says if you suffer if a man bring you into bondage if a man devour you if a man take you or take of you if a man exalt himself if a man Smite you on the face he said you you know you you suffer fools gladly seeing you yourselves are wise and he's kind of rebuking them for accepting preachers that were not good wow and he says are they bringing you into Liberty or or into bondage wow because who the sun sets free is free indeed so the question is is it bringing Liberty or bondage yeah these are simple questions to answer and I think finally do you witness with it by the anointing in you in in in John uh he says the anointing that abides in you will let you know yeah so do you have the inner witness of the spirit but really I mean when you think about it there's one answer does it cause peace but I think the biggest one of all does it bring you close to Jesus amen I think it's quite simple yeah and you know Pastor I know you you've mentioned it before what happened back in the 70s with prophecy it became weird yeah destructive it damaged the lives of friends I had in those days in the 70s people that were very dear to me were destroyed by the prophetic wow it became so weird they wouldn't even eat breakfast without somebody saying well you ought to have eggs today because God said that you became ridiculous that is bondage to bondage that is not Liberty that's a great passage Pastor wow that's a great they could not even marry without a word literally they couldn't even marry without someone getting a word first that was crazy what happened I saw it with my own eyes with my friends in my church yeah thousands of young 3,000 young people in that church and that prophetic thing began and it got out of hand and that's why I'm I'm you know look look I don't care anymore what people think of me I'm 71 years old I don't really don't care because I've seen it yes and I don't want and I don't want to have to see it again yes and it's something that is that's happening again with the prophetic and you people know that absolutely I think it's time to say you know what is it in the Bible if it isn't I'm not going to accept it yeah amen and remember this words are powerful so you have to break them no weapon formed against you will prosper every tongue that will arise against you in judgment you must condemn if you don't it'll come that's in Isaiah 54 you've got to do what God says condemn it and breaking Lord we break every word spoken against your people yes Lord we break every word you you got agree with me on yes Lord we break every word spoken against any of your people and ourselves too Lord we we break it we bring it down yes your word declares every word spoken against us we can condemn and we condemn it now this is our heritage from you blessed wonderful heavenly father thank you Lord and we apply the blood on your people protect your saintes in Jesus name Jesus name God's people said amen and amen amen now I want to bring balance because we do need the prophetic yeah as long as it's based on scripture hallelujah amen yeah amen all right it's time now to give to the Lord's work because giving has become more important today than ever before giving now secures our future financially it doesn't secure our future spiritually it doesn't secure our future with health it secures our future financially yes because some people pay and say well if I give the Lord an offering I'm going to get healed oh no you won't you cannot sow money to receive a healing or salvation or anything spiritual if you need something spiritual you s something spiritual if you need something physical you s something physical like move so if you need a financial Mir if you need a spiritual Miracle use so spiritually if someone wants to be saved they just they come to the Lord and believe in for salvation that's a seed faith we we we agree with God that we that we're going to see salvation come or in in our own heart we all had to act by faith to receive Jesus it's an Act of Faith so we do something spiritual if we want a healing or a miror call we do something physical Jesus said get up and walk stretch your arm he he has you to do something physical but if you need a financial Miracle you do something financially you so seed in the Kingdom that that's how it happens and so Jesus said when you give you receive so yeah it's time to give and it's on the screen for you right now you can sew your seed and listen listen if you care about your future financially this is the time to S this is not the time to say I don't believe it or I'll do it later this is the season to S so God can protect your future financially so you can go to our website or you can simply text vhm 45777 and tomorrow I'm going to teach on fasting prayer because this is the time I think well you just came out of a fast oh you're still in it I think I came out of it oh you came out of it yeah yeah all these wonderful young men that work with me and Chad who been traveling uh have have been fasting the last few days and it looks like Today Was Your Last Day fast day yes sir I'm very proud I fast every day by the way I fast every day I I I don't eat anything till about late afternoon then I eat but I pray I can't even pray right if I eat eat I I I wait I pray then I eat all right much love to you and I'll see you tomorrow for a very powerful teaching byebye benan Ministries has stayed on The Cutting Edge for the past five decades the Lord made it clear that keeping and storing all archives and resources should be a top priority thus far we've rescued and digitized 10,500 of the 13,437 tapes from the past half century Pastor Benny's Legacy life's work calling and anointing will be preserved for Generations Yet to Come nearly 50 years ago this great adventure known as benyan Ministries began with one voice today that one voice continues to be Amplified over and over through every possible means what happens next will be the greatest blessing of all isn't it wonderful What the Lord Has Done and to Jesus be all all the glory I wanted to show you this beautiful report about the digitizing of thousands and thousands of hours already of the great meetings from the past because we want to keep them for our children grandchildren and great grandchildren so we need your help still so thank you thank you I just wanted to show you that your money is doing the job what you gave in the past is is really making it happen but let's keep doing it for the Lord please this is for His glory cuz now it can go to Every Nation on earth in every language on Earth because of your help all right you can give right now on the platform you're watching me on you can go to our website or you can simply text BHM 45777 so thank you for loving thank you for giving and let's keep glorifying our one wonderful savior much love to you thanks [Music] [Music] again [Music]
Channel: Benny Hinn
Views: 15,384
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Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer
Id: NrVxUX1-n4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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