How to Read Golf Greens | AimPoint Visualisation

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thank you [Music] hit that hard and that's going in yeah so that tells us two things yeah first of all your start line was manageable if you can hit that disc well your your face control was with it within a degree of perfect welcome back to the channel guys Kerry gray here today at Woburn Golf Club standing next to me is Jamie Donaldson Jamie thanks for coming along thanks for having me absolute pleasure Jamie is Europe's senior lead AimPoint instructor and one of the elite putting performance coaches out on tour today we're going to be running through the trifecta of skills that you need to be working on to really upgrade the quality of your putting performance you don't want to miss out on this one foreign [Music] even if we look at uh the average make rate of that for recreational welfare it's not great it's not impressive no so how do we actually go about this process of reading it okay so so AimPoint relies on understanding the amount of tilt you're putting across we already know the stimp of this green that's not going to change while we're here and this isn't particularly uphill or downhill Park so all we need to do is to feel the slope in certain places and rate them so if you were to come and just feel the slope here just literally stand there and just tell me which is your lowest foot so your left foot's low which means it's a right to left braking Putt and now we'll come and measure it here yep yep so this is a right to left braking putt now which of these two was the biggest slope uh I'll probably say the first one there okay the first one so if I come in here and I'm feeling a good two and a half percent which means we would play two and a half fingers yeah Okay so two and a half fingers in this case would actually be a thumb and a finger okay and my arm Bend the amount I bend my arm pertains to the the stimp and these are things that you'd learn in the class so you'd have to attend a class to understand feeling slopes but what people can do to start with is come in and just literally which is their lowest foot yeah now when you're feeling which is the lowest foot is it a big slope or a little slope if you're feeling a lot of side tilt you're gonna have to aim quite wide if you're feeling not much you can aim nearer to the hole Okay so we've you know obviously my rating will be two and a half so if I'm now going to come in here I would put a t-peg here for this part yeah so so that's where you need to weigh this part based on with where you're at because I do definitely do a variation of this yeah I uh I do mine a lot more through I'm very visual golf yeah myself right so when I'm walking along I'm always looking at the part of the putt yeah that the ball's rolling along so I'm narrowing my focus right yeah visually and you can see for me that High Point low point but in AIM point it's really really beneficial to feel it with your feet right because well to be to be fair your eyes are going to be tricked you know visually things around the green Shadows what you see other people's balls do they'll affect the eyes now we know that the average read is half of what's really there so so there is an alternative to seeing the curve now seeing the curve is a great strategy but what you'll find is are you fairly comfortable with where that t-peg is there yeah yeah absolutely right well you know that would be called a linear Aim so this would be we aim at the t-peg we hit the puck gravity takes it towards the hole Yeah so linear aim would almost be where everyone sees every putt as a straight line to their aim Point yeah and they just hit the putt yeah now what happens is I see a lot of people set up to this and then hit the ball higher and the ball finishes near the t-peg yeah because they are what we call non-linear so those are the guys that would benefit from seeing curves and it's a bit like saying if I said to you hit a fade around that tree you would see a ball flight like a shot Tracer you wouldn't say right my shoulders need to be 30 degrees left of that and the face needs to be one degree open yeah you would see a line and you'd kind of feel the path and the face control to make that curve non-linear would be that person okay and another example would be football's non-linear the ball comes in the player traps it positions it kicks it all in a second or two with an amount of curve to a player that's running with a fairly High delivery rate sure in the professional game that's non-linear you know it's like a decision made in a split second without too much focus on what shape is the boot what's the time that bloat's going to be there it's a reaction yeah uh put the ball on a penalty spot and it's now linear yeah and only three guys step forward they're all amazing footballers in the professional game but it becomes a linear spot kick where they they think about where their body is they think about the angle they're coming in the ball they think about the shape of the shoe and they've got a Target in mind so so non-linear would be the shot maker yeah or the art history yeah strict linear would be you aim at that point hit your pop let grab to do the work yeah I'm definitely the former well let me show you something because I'm going to come in here now and I'm just going to trace a line to my aim point and I've got a line to the hole as well which creates a v-shape and and what we teach at aim point is how to predict curve so this ball will roll over that spot there in this part yeah so is that is there a general or thumb for I suppose it depends on the severity of the slope right but yeah how far inside absolutely yeah that absolutely is so that's the aim Point yeah is this halfway between Apex well it's after the Apex the Apex would be about here the thing about the Apex is the Apex shifts around a huge amount yeah and what we did was we used the aim point computer to look for patterns and what we found is there's a very high concentration of the ball rolling over this area yeah now this is about 66 of the journey between the ball and the hole Yeah so what happens is at 66 of the journey between the ball in the hole it's halfway between dead straight and the aim point on just about every part yeah which is amazing right there's one area where you can almost guarantee where the ball will be so we used aim point to find out where this is now if we come and stand back here and we're now looking at this part if you and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this teapeg away now okay so if I move the pin out and take the t-peg away how does that look to you well if you see the thing is like with this my eyes are instantly drawn to that to try and really hit that right and yeah I I know I need to hit it a lot further yeah well here's the thing right in my opinion I'm testing with players and working players we take the t-peg away because I don't care how well you aim at this stage at a dress yeah I care about aim at impact yeah okay so the the trick hit well not the trick here but the this most likely is someone with no line on the ball yeah sure and what happens is we test your ability to start it high enough to hit that disc at a speed of the hole all right so this person probably won't use a line on the ball and once they've got their own point they don't become obsessed with that spot near the hole Yeah and what I find is when I show people the correct curve most of them say that that disc is too low yeah so visually it looks low which tells us that the curve Sears are also expecting it to be higher yeah yeah so we've got another Double Jeopardy yeah people that like to see curve think it breaks more than it does yeah people that like to aim near the hole also think it breaks less than it does so it's quite an exciting area that we've kind of developed here because people have two patterns and sometimes they're practicing the completely wrong one yeah totally wrong one so now with you I would say the if you're a curve Seer we've used AimPoint to give us the drop point yep and now it's a case of you rehearsing the the stroke and the speed to roll through that so I'd get you to stand about where you are now and kind of play that Tiger Woods 2000 and whatever it was the Tracer and and then hit that putt yeah okay so we'll hit this part and just just kind of visualize the curve you've got ball to disc to hole and there's a thing called entry angle which is how it enters the hole but for now start it right enough to roll through that disc at a speed of the hole all right give it a go and see what it does the reason I'm not on tour so let's see how we go well that's good just speed so it came off pretty good hit it harder hits the disc it was low side of the disc so you'd rather be right half of the disc if anything hit that hard and that's going in yeah so that tells us two things yeah first of all your start line was manageable if you can hit that disc your face control was within a degree of perfect yeah yeah okay which is world class on that part on that part yeah small sample size if the player can hit that disc without me telling you where to aim yeah it means that you've got this creative start line yeah yeah that flare if you like um so people that like to see curves we've got to put the curve in the right place yeah okay okay so um with that one there if we think about what you were saying really I'm looking to to leave the ball about a foot past the cup yeah that would have probably just gone on the underside of the center line it still probably may have just missed I think you could have made that part so what you find is when a part misses low yeah it misses by a lot yeah because the high Miss if you miss high you could we've done the maths on this but it's like three times as much yeah it's just because it's the rolling further down gravity because it's so because the overeat's always moving nearer the hole and the underreads always moving away you know it could be as much as um three times or four times the the Miss value yeah for example if if you miss three inches high yeah the same missed low will be up to 9 10 inches perfect through the middle of the disc perfect speed yeah I don't know it just it based on the way that I see a putt and even though my variation of green reading at the moment is a combination of a few different I would say experience it's got a lot to do it from what I know of ampoint I've done the class right I can see how beneficial it is for the students but that kind of just it puts it all together where it just made it very easy and gave me a bit of an idea in a system to follow especially that last little bit there and just gave me a lot more confidence well that's it and if you if you if you want to visualize curves you've got to measure to where the Curve will be because otherwise it's just a guess you know the thing about visualizing curves it's just it's a story yeah no it's you can't measure it you can't we couldn't measure it before you couldn't tell someone how to change their curve value because it's a picture in their head we can't adjust that but now we can use AimPoint to give us drop point yeah and now you've just got to get that disc in the right place and you're good to go hmm [Music]
Channel: Kerrod Gray Golf
Views: 17,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Golf, Golf tips, golf tip, Putting, short game, green reading, putting tricks, golf putting, putting technique, improve putting, golf instruction, golf lesson, golf videos, how to read greens, reading greens, Improve Your Putting distance control, golf advice, learning to putt, putting speed, golf swing lessons, How to read greens like a pro, AimPoint Visualisation, How to Read Golf Greens, how to read golf greens, how to read golf greens for putting
Id: EX60-R_efKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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