HOW TO READ 50 BOOKS A YEAR|| Helpful Reading Tips

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone if you are new to my channel welcome I'm so happy you're here to be a returning viewers and cheers to you thank you always for taking the time to watch my videos grab your teacups or your coffee mugs and your cozy blankets and let's get to it mm onward for the past two years I have read 50 books a year reading has added so much value and joy to my life I've learned and grown so much from these stories specifically in the self confidence realm anytime I read a book I kind of see the world through the perspective of that book and this really helps me in decision making if ever I'm stuck or confused I think what would Harry do or what would Peter Jenkins do you know I kind of just see the world through the best parts of their perspective oh man that feels so silly to say but it's it's true that's just what comes with reading and when you take the time to truly enjoy and appreciate another's story reading has also helped to connect me to so many fellow book lovers and grow this YouTube channel it's just all around been one of the best parts of my life so without further ado how can we read more books [Music] the first tip that I have is to design your own bookshelf or master list now I'm not saying that you need to pick all 50 books that you want to read for the rest of the year at the beginning of the year definitely don't do that I strongly believe in just going with the flow and reading whatever best suits your life at the moment and what I do mean is to come up with a creative way to track every book that you read one that makes you excited to read more and check books off your list so in 2018 I designed a bookshelf in my bullet journal where I went in and filled in books that I read throughout the year so it kind of motivated me to fill the bookshelf and then was also just really satisfying to read one write it down and color it in this year or in 2019 I made a master list of all the books that I read and then I hung it above my desk so I saw it every single day and as I read a book I would write it down with the author and then rate it on a scale of one to five stars and then I also recorded how many pages or the duration of the book so then at the end of the year right now I could tell you exactly how many pages I read and how many hours I spent listening to books my next tip is to outline a reading calendar this doesn't have to be super descriptive or detailed for me my goal is to reach 50 books in one year and I know that there are 52 books in one year so I just need to read about one book a week with a little bit of wiggle room and that is my reading calendar next it's important to build a routine so do you miss challenge for the past two years I've learned that I get the most reading done if I read four books at a time throughout one full month so I begin all four books at the beginning of the month and then by the end of the month I finish all four books reading this many books at once keeps things interesting and helps prevent burnout or boredom each of these four books fits in a different category so I cover a lot of ground while staying interested and not overwhelmed this is my day-to-day breakdown so in the mornings I will set a timer for 20 min and read a nonfiction book usually it's a self-help book or as I like to call them best life book or a book on health in 2019 I became really really interested in women's health specifically how to balance hormones through diet exercise and beauty products also I enjoyed books on our biology it's not just a Harry Potter thing basically the medicinal properties of plants or I'll read a book on a theory that interests me so recently reincarnation has absolutely fascinated me once that 20 minutes is up I'll then reset the timer and spend 20 minutes practicing Spanish right now that looks like reading my favorite non-fictional books in the Spanish translation version or reading textbooks and workbooks and studying vocabulary I really enjoy the Spanish for dummies series and then in the evenings before going to bed I'll usually spend about 30 minutes reading an easy fictional book right now I'm reading a gentleman in Moscow and I'm really enjoying it it was gifted to me by a dear friend Thank You Connie and for the fourth book I'm always listening to an audiobook when I get ready in the mornings or on my commute to and from work which conveniently brings me to my next step audiobooks use audiobooks to help you reach your reading goal some people feel that audiobooks don't count and I completely disagree in listening to an audiobook you're still dedicating a significant amount of time to getting to know a story audiobooks enable you to enjoy a book when you're super pressed for time so basically someone who really really would like to read more but literally does not have the time to sit down with a book and just read through audiobooks they can actually achieve their reading goal they're also super fun my personal favorite voice actor is Jim Kay nope that is the illustrator my personal favorite voice actor is Jim Dale he reads the Harry Potter series as well as a really great version of Peter Pan and the book of beginnings trilogy which I love if you have it read or listen to it I so highly recommend that trilogy so I personally love audible it is $15 a month and with that $15 a month payment you get one credit so you can use that credit to buy any book audible has to offer and then beyond that you can just buy books you're not limited to one a month you just buy however many you want it is wonderful beyond that if you have a public library card you can download there's so many apps that I the two that I've used are Libby and hoopla these are great apps that will allow you to check out an audiobook but if it's currently being used you have to wait a significant amount of time and then you only have it for a specific amount of time not sponsored by the way on the topic of apps another super helpful app I have to get me through my reading is Forest this app is so great for productivity it's great for when you don't want to be distracted by your phone so basically you set a timer anywhere from 10 to 120 minutes and choose a plant or treat you'd like to plant during that time the longer you set your timer at the bigger the plant becomes and the more points you earn when you start the timer you have 10 seconds to change your mind but once it's set you cannot close out of the app or access anything else on your phone for your plant will die and you'll lose all of your points this makes me so sad when that happens if you succeed you'll have a lovely new plant by the time you've finished your reading gradually you can grow a forest and win all sorts of medals and awards eventually when you collect enough points you can actually have a real tree planted in an area in need I am so close I'm also totally addicted to building my own forest and my next helpful tip is to tell people tell your close friends and your family you're not bragging you're just holding yourself accountable the more people you tell the more inspired you'll be to actually get it done you can even challenge your friend try and read 50 books with you and you probably inspire others to read more tip number 7 a great way to read more is to learn something new I know that sounds backwards but what I mean is pick something that you're really interested in whether it's a hobby a new topic a popular trend whatever something that interests you and then treat yourself to a visit to your local book store where you can have a peruse and pick out a book on that topic one of these topics for me in 2019 was backpacking I read many how to's and then lots of autobiographical accounts of people and their backpacking adventures oh man it was so inspiring this year I'm excited to learn how to draw and I've already started a how-to so I'm about I don't know seven pages in of that flow book that I bought at Powell's it's a I think it's how to paint your beautiful ordinary life and it's very basic and therapeutic and I'm so excited to see how I improved by the end of it a really exciting tip is to read in fun places this has totally helped me through any sort of reading slump that I've fallen into research local tea and coffee shops are maybe a cool public library or a quirky local bookshop make a list of the top ten places that you would like to visit and then throughout the year spend a day go there and just breathe ahh I always feel so cinematic anytime I do this and frankly it's something that we just don't do enough it's so therapeutic to just go and sit in a coffee shop and read your book and sip your tea mmm and play French music that definitely adds some great ambiance and for my ninth tip this is a super important reminder you do not have to finish a book if it bores you to death seriously if there are so many books in the world dabble here and there and figure out what you love do not limit yourself if you're really not enjoying a book then it's just not worth finishing continue on to the next one efficiency is key and for my last tip just build my teeth and for my last tip you don't have to read 50 books I was having a lot of trouble coming up with a 10th tip so I asked Landon for advice and he said exactly that I don't want to read 50 books 12 it's more my speed so his goal is one book a month and I totally agree with that step back and take a look at your life and determine what's most realistic it's important not to set yourself up for failure by setting this insane goal it's good to be optimistic but also reasonable for me I spent four years studying books and that really trained me to prioritize reading you've been through a hectic schedule you just do you because you know what I think that you are amazing the fact that you're here watching this video and you're interested in improving and just learning more speaks volumes and to that I raise my tea mug [Music] so those are my tips I really hope you found them helpful and if you're still here thank you so much for taking the time to sit through this video I really hope that you gained something if you want share some book recommendations I'm really excited to build a list for 2019 I've also just created a Goodreads that I will link below and I'm thinking of doing a monthly book club so there are many good things to come if you enjoyed this video feel free to subscribe I post two videos a week one bookish video and then usually a vlog of some sort that also includes reading and tea and all the good things so again thank you so much for being here cheers to you my dear friends [Music] you
Channel: Morgan Long
Views: 41,507
Rating: 4.9837637 out of 5
Id: t7dvDsg6OOo
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Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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