How to reactivate your Disabled Discord account

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hi everyone and welcome back paul here from  techlink and this will be a quick video in   which i want to show you how to reactivate your  discord account if for some reason it has been   disabled there are two scenarios under which  your account could get disabled and we're going   to have a look at each one of them and see what  options you have so make sure to watch through   the whole video to find out how to reactivate  your discord account but before we get into   that i would like to introduce you to djrt who's  been kind enough to sponsor this video the winix   hd video converter software is an all-in-one  solution for video processing so you can now   convert edit and compress 4k videos without losing  the quality while reducing the file size by up to   90 i'll leave a link in the description below  so you can check out the software for yourself   now as i mentioned previously there are two  scenarios with two different solutions in the   first one let's say you disabled your account by  yourself simply because you wanted to take a break   from it or wanted to stop receiving notifications  from them or whatever well this is a very happy   case and you can regain access to your account by  following a few easy steps all you have to do is   head over to their website on  and try to log in with your credentials you should now see a notification saying that  your account is disabled and you cannot use it and   option to return to the login page but if you look  closely there is another option that says restore   account so click on it and that's it your account  is back online that's how easy it is now in the   second scenario your account has been disabled  because you violated their terms of service or   community guidelines or at least that's what they  claim i'm not saying you necessarily did that   because sometimes what might happen is that even  the simple fact that you were part of a server   that did break their terms of service could get  your account disabled even if you weren't active   in that community if this is your case you should  also get an email that looks like this or close to   this where they explain vaguely why they decided  to disable your account the good news is that most   of the times you can appeal their decision and the  success rate is high enough so it's worth trying   in order to do that you need to head over to  their website on and click on support   there are many ways to get in touch with  them but this method is just better than   sending a random message to their facebook page  or twitter account so click on submit a request   and from this drop down  menu select trust and safety you then need to enter your email address now  it is very important that you insert the same   email address that you used when you register  your account moving on on the how can we help   select appeals age update other questions from  the next drop down menu select appeal and action   taken on my account or bot and finally select  an action was taken on my account you will now   see three statements that you need to confirm by  ticking these boxes obviously you might want to   read through them so you don't submit any false  information also if you register your account   using a phone number rather than an email  you now have the option to insert it in here   in the end in the subject tab insert something  like appeal regarding my disabled account   or something like that and finally explain them  your case obviously this will differ from one user   to another so if like i mentioned earlier you were  part of a server that broke their terms of service   just explain them you are unaware of this and  you won't be joining any of those channels in   the future if you know you did something wrong  just mention you won't be doing that anymore   and kindly ask them to restore your account and  that's pretty much it you need to wait for a reply   from them and unless you did something really  bad you should get your account enabled again   also another thing worth mentioning is  that once you receive that email saying   that your account has been disabled you have  14 days to submit an appeal after which your   account will be permanently deleted and at  that point there is no way to get it back   with this being said it's time to end this video  if you found it useful please give it a thumbs up   and if you did manage to restore your  disabled discord account i would like   to hear from you in the comment section thank  you for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: TechLink
Views: 224,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord disabled account, your account has been disabled discord, discord account disabled, discord disabled, how to get your disabled account back on discord, how to reactivate discord account, how to restore discord account, how to recover disabled discord account, discord disabled account recovery, discord disabled account for sexualized content, how to get into a disabled discord account, discord account disabled appeal, discord account recovery, Discord account disabled fix
Id: Vj6Eywqhb50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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