How to Re-Program Your Subconscious Mind to Get What You Want - The Hidden Power

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peace infinite waters diving deep once again we're here in nature how to reprogram your subconscious mind I was brainwashed spoiler alert how many of us ask ourselves where we get our thoughts from well we get our ideas about the world from every single day along my journey is a process of self exploration because I realize that I am still under mind control and in freeing our mind we have to stop questioning our reality what's freed me is to see that only 5% of all our behavior is conscious 95% of all our actions what governs our behavior is coming from the subconscious mind so I have overcome panic attacks anxiety attacks the only way I've been able to do this was to reprogram my subconscious mind in the words of the great psychologist for it spells lose your mind and come to your senses that is my daily mantra but there are two things we have to do first of all we have to ask ourselves what is the conscious mind and how does it work the conscious mind deals with the past the present and the future so it's all about visualizing it's all about our own personal identity our nationality our religion where we were raised it's a sense of self the subconscious mind and I always say the body is the subconscious mind lives in the present moment it is nonlinear which means that if something happened to you five years ago the body will experience it like it's happening right now so we can all use this information in a practical way whether it's to build our confidence to stop smoking to stop drinking you're having the midlife crisis hey it's so powerful number one is all about the images because the subconscious mind works through images that is why it is so powerful in asking ourselves I'm also taking responsibility for what we are watching because a picture is worth a thousand words everything we see is being stored in the subconscious mind and the subconscious mind is habitual it works through habits so therefore if we're watching a TV program the television which tells lies to your vision which isn't serving you we end up losing our power and becoming a clone that is why it is so powerful to start telling our vision Edward Bernays the father of PR public relations and what he did was he helped increase the sales of cigarettes he inspired more women to start smoking just through subtle mind control techniques because it was working on their subconscious mind through images through words so we have to place ourselves not only in an environment which complements our own energy we have to have images which help clear negative energy to help us lead the life we want some examples of how subconscious mind work is that you are someone how are you and they say I'm fine I'm fine fearful insecure neurotic and emotional so the conscious mind is a very good liar but the subconscious mind will tell us the truth because that shows itself up in our body the tightness the tension so it is our loyal friend also you want to talk to a total stranger the conscious mind wants you to but the subconscious mind does not want you to why because the subconscious mind learns through repetition just like a great guitarist it learns through muscle memory so that's why even when we talk of the law of attraction the universe does not give us what we want it gives us how we feel in our body number two the second tool I use is total body awareness meditation which is in my perspective absorbing yourself into the present moment because once we tune into the present moment that is where our subconscious mind lives because the subconscious mind is the body how many of us are in busy cities cars are going by we're in a hurry to get nowhere fast we're being bombarded by information from all angles but we have to see the secret by always being in our mind we move out of our heart space hard math they have some excellent research saying that the hearts electromagnetic field is 5,000 times stronger than that of the brain that is why I always feel most empowered because I've overcome so much every day I'm still in the process by moving more into your heart space seeing that the more you put into your mind the stronger it becomes but the heart does not have to think it only has to feel because that is our true birthplace meditation gives us that clarity of mind it helps us change our habit because we are now becoming more sensitive to our own impulses many of us we are somewhere else I was and every day I am becoming more aware to see that once you begin to let go and surrender to this persona which is the mask you have adopted from society now you free yourself because underneath it all we are not only pure energy we are nature's indefinable and meditation does that taking time to walk through nature and that's why we have to ask ourselves to reprogram the subconscious mind what environment are we in because through epigenetics everything happening in our body is based on our environment the breathing practice I use is in 4/4 hold for for released her for because getting matchy helps us oxygenate our blood it helps free us it gives us that vitality that pure boost of confidence energy and glow but what is the air like around our immediate environment because we have to see that it's all connected it's a lot easier to change our emotional and mental state if we are breathing and if we are seeing how tight or tense our muscles are that is how to reprogram the subconscious mind by becoming aware of how we breathe because we're all breathing the question is how deep number three is break your routine this is what I tell myself along my journey every day I love doing videos and guess what it's becoming the routine but is serving me it's not about changing and forgetting about all habits it's about forming new habits that serve you that work in your favor the more we do something the stronger it becomes whatever you focus on grows and that is why if we are all taking the same route every single day if we change our route something happens in our brain that is what we call neuroplasticity where our brain changes based on our experience because within 30 days we can create a new neuro pathway in our brain because the subconscious mind knows that there are infinite possibilities the conscious mind is all about limitations so in becoming free along my journey what's helped me is to not only move out of our comfort zones but to embrace them to see that the more we can become like the bamboo when a storm is coming the bamboo moves with a storm and the wind but the tree just gets uprooted because it's too rigid so is this flexibility even if we're dealing with so-called negative people which are really a projection of what we need to work on ourselves we have to see the secret it's all about how we react to them and saying are we a prisoner of our mind or a pioneer of the future because the attitude is the key here and breaking habits in terms of lifestyle eating the same thing every day junk food that was me and the more we can see that if we start eating more food more fruits more vegetables which have a lot of antioxidants that work for us the more we do it one step at a time it's not about feeling overwhelmed to do everything at once but once we can take that one step we are putting the things in motion which will lead us to become the greatest versions of ourselves because we have that momentum a lot of us we might be complaining to say I hate my job I don't like where I am but once we see that we have a choice we begin to break that habitual way the subconscious mind takes in information because I was in Venice skating talking to a construction worker who came from New York he'd been working there for 30 years and it was hard for him to leave the airport because he was so addicted to what he had been doing for 30 years he had built up that neuro plasticity so when we see that we have a choice that we are creators we are not victims we are co-creators of our own reality then we liberate ourselves from that routine which is no longer serving us I have not been more in peace with myself because I have now seen the power of the choices I have to help create my reality number four is all about changing our belief systems because it's all bs and the first seven years of our life when we talk of parental advice what did our parents tell us we were just downloading information but this is still with us today the question is how is it serving us so to reprogram that we have to forgive ourselves we have to love ourselves a hundred percent to say today's a new start it's a new opportunity I don't have to blame them because now I know what I have to do and now you take back all your power because the secret is not in externalizing your power many of us we want to attack what we hate instead of promoting what we love and I saw the secret that why fight fire with fire become the water become the super alchemist because in changing our belief systems I look at it like this the words we speak form our belief systems but once we can lose our mind totally we move out of belief and we step into knowing many people do this through self-hypnosis tightness the Greek meaning sleep in essence hypnosis is deep relaxation and this is where we are at our most fluid state this is where we can reprogram the subconscious mind we can do this by listening to beautiful music 4 3 2 Hertz a powerful frequency google it we can do this by being in a loving relationship by so many ways to bring more calm into our whole core but it's about throwing out everything we think we know about the world because my oh my we're all gonna be in for a big surprise I am still every single day because I realize how much I don't know anything I say is only coming from a limited perspective because visible light what does it make up naught point naught naught naught naught naught 1 on the electromagnetic spectrum so we are not even seeing anything so anyone that claims to have the whole truth really but we can all learn from each other's perspective that's the beautiful thing because once we see that right now a new world is being formed a new earth and it's all about not only embracing the power now tuning into the moment well we free ourselves from all dogmas all belief systems and we are just like curious children the quote now you know why Peter Pan didn't want to grow up it's liberating it's a beautiful time and every day I am moving more into knowing where I lose my mind and I become my senses pure awareness and that helps reprogram the subconscious mind number five the greatest tool I use which has helped me is to move daily is to see that our whole body is our subconscious mind so when we are tight when our jaw is tight when our eyes are tight when we are not sleeping and in our natural biorhythm this is gonna affect us on a mental and emotional level once we start exercising having fun spinning around smiling again loosening up because smiling we're expanding frowning we are contracting plus we are using more muscles but the beauty of moving into your body is that now we are speaking the same language as the subconscious mind because we come to see that the subconscious mind does not work through words it works through imagery so once we become the image we want our subconscious mind to portray it can't help but be there that's why I love yoga because those movements are so powerful so we end up becoming them we developed this total relaxation in our whole body we stop thinking so much and we start feeling more what's helped me along my journey in terms of manifesting whatever you want is that we don't get what we want we get what our body wants that is why none of us have to worry because it was written within our body and any time we can stop changing the story some people say love yourself love yourself a hundred percent who says that I do but talk is cheap because it doesn't matter what I say it only matters what I do because along my journey was help me is seeing that when your words thoughts and actions are in divine alignment now we have this congruence now we are in the process of becoming the greatest version of ourselves because once we start reprogramming the subconscious mind we upgrade we improve and we update just like windows are we embodying this self-love in our actions in every single cell within our body seeing that the subconscious mind lives in the present moment what are we doing right now you yes you behind the screen to cultivate that self-love for yourself what's helped me along my journey is to skate every single day I am reprogramming my subconscious mind and it is a healthy habit it is also to experiment with more raw healthy food it is also to travel to a new country to let go of fear by doing more yoga pushing my definition of what is possible and realizing nothing is impossible whatever we do there is always going to be a challenge in life and a lot of us it's just a matter of where we place our focus to free ourselves how are we going to focus in on the negative energy or are we going to be an alchemist and change that into something which serves us to a greater degree many ancient traditions talk of how the conscious mind is a new add-on it is an extension a new member of the family but in our original state there is only the subconscious mind hence it making up 95% of all our behavior maya the Sanskrit word for illusion many ancients saw that we're living in a holographic universe what we see with our eyes is not the truth so we have to see that to reprogram our subconscious mind what's helped me along my journey is to let go of this idea of perfection to say that I am good enough to realize there is no I anyway because the eye is based around separation but more so it is to see that whenever we say something is perfect this is more per than that we are placing it in a hierarchy whenever you have a hierarchy now you are in competition and this is how the subconscious mind learns so we we train it to always be competitive to live in survival mode so to free it we have to start deleting these survival programs and say that abundance is our natural state in essence there is more than enough to go around but that's it we are here in nature there are so many great things happening on the planet yes we have to wake up and smell the coffee I don't drink coffee wake up and smell the green tea to start freeing ourselves the only way we can free our mind is to move into our heart space and to see that all of us are under mind control because the first level of reprogramming the subconscious mind is the awareness of everything around you to see that yes we can liberate ourselves once we acknowledge that we came here to be free at the end of the day the only thing that matters is who had the most fun we're here in nature reprogramming infinite waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy you [Music]
Channel: Infinite Waters (Diving Deep)
Views: 828,973
Rating: 4.9270916 out of 5
Keywords: Motivational, Motivational Video, Subconscious, Dealing with Panic Attacks & Anxiety | Zoella, Confidence, Infinite Waters, Jenna Marbles, Success, Happy, Meditation, Your words and thoughts have physical power - Will Smith, Inspiration, Love, Your Body, Relax, Chill, The Secret, consciousness, Pineal Gland, How To Get What You, Fun, Work Out, Healthy, Mind Control, THE NEW WORLD ORDER, Ancient Knowledge, We found love, Secret Ancient knowledge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 22 2014
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