How to RANK UP FAST with ASHE - Full Guide on Builds, Matchups and Laning - LoL ADC Guide

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ash is one of the oldest and most classic champions in league and for a long time was the only champion available in the tutorial all the way back when the game came out until almost just kind of recently in this guide i'm gonna go over everything that you need to know about ash to get started and learn some more advanced things as well to make sure that you're smashing your games with her and to smash even harder you should go check out our website where we have more guides that are actually almost exactly like this one where we get to go really in depth on champions or skills that you need to be really good at league we're releasing tons of new content every day and all of our videos are done by challenger level players who specialize in the things that they're covering the first thing that you need to do before you play ash is to hit the like and sub buttons because if you don't you're gonna miss every single ultimate i guarantee it and if you want to take that risk then by all means take that risk but one thing that you always must do on ash is make sure that you use your q as an auto attack reset auto attack resets are very very powerful in league and on ash it's even more so because her q gives her attack speed let me set up a direct example for you that shows you how important this can be you're sitting in lane with your support against the enemy 80 carrying support and you're picking up cs and you hit four stacks on your q passive and then all of a sudden they try to engage on you you get one auto attack off and then immediately use your q resetting into another auto attack and getting your bonus attack speed off right away this is important on ash because her passive always allows you to do extra damage to people who you've slowed with your w and your basic attacks it's not about just getting one more auto attack in it's also about the next auto attack and all the ones following doing bonus damage so if you don't do this then you're missing out on two auto attacks in the span of one's time and you're also missing out on bonus damage which is a completely awful thing to do make sure you do this as much as you possibly can and this happens at all points in the game too don't get it twisted it's not something that's just for the lame another thing that you must always be doing on ash at all times in the game is always always kite i don't care what word you use to describe it you could say orb walking you could say attack moving kiting whatever it is you must be doing it you must be moving in between every single attack ash's passive is a slow on the enemies that she's hitting with her q and her w you do not have any mobility your mobility on ash is other people being slower than you and the ability for you to walk in between your auto attacks just in case you aren't familiar with this concept when you start a basic attack there's actually a shorter delay than you might think before you can click away and still have the auto attack fly your enemy right after ash launches the arrow out of her bow you can click away and start moving without worrying about interrupting the attack and not hitting your enemy mastering the timing of your auto attacks without your q and with your q is extremely crucial to mastering ash because it changes how you can kite with her completely it also causes her to directly counter several champions like warwick garen or even darius to a certain extent champions who all have issues being able to walk around a battlefield that has slows easily for some people that might seem obvious but if it was super obvious then wouldn't everybody do it tiding is important in two different ways it shows that you know how to deal the maximum dps that you possibly can while also keeping yourself safe and in the best position at all times and considering that ash has no mobility other than the flash summoner spell that you're going to take you need to have good positioning otherwise you're going to get destroyed another thing that you always must do to make sure that you're helping your positioning and movement even further is using your abilities in between auto attacks almost as if they themselves were also auto attack resets if you cast your abilities at the wrong time and interrupt your auto attacks it is actually super super bad i can't even explain how bad it is it can mess up your patterns your kiting and just about everything about your champion really really quickly all it takes is one miss click and then suddenly you don't get an auto attack off your rhythm's thrown off you move before you get the next auto attack off so you cancel it again and then you try and go back to hit somebody but now they're out of range so you actually walk forward you overextend you get killed this chain of events is a lot more common than you might think and you can simply avoid it by timing your abilities properly and the only ones that you really need to worry about are your w and your r because those are the only two abilities that you're going to be using in a fight 99 of the time and your q doesn't count because we already went over that talking about it being an auto attack reset it definitely still is possible to make a mistake with your q but because it's actually a full auto attack reset and you'll still be used to the timing of after you hit the button when your next auto attack is going to come out it's not going to completely shatter your pattern you're just going to miss out on some damage at this point i've given you a couple things that you need to be doing all the time so let's take a step back and take a break from that and talk about what you need to not be doing because that is equally as important the first thing that you don't want to be doing is taking a point in your queue early on in the first three levels of the game unless you 100 know that you are going to all in your opponent this is because getting a second point in your w is actually insane value not only is it going to do more damage but the cooldown reduction is two and a half seconds per rank in the ability it's a lot more than getting an extra one percent damage on all of your auto attacks in the early game getting two points in w and a point in e is extremely important you can shove waves really quickly and the next things we're going to be talking about are actually directly revolving around how you use your e so the next thing that you don't want to do is that you don't want to wait to use your e the moment you get that thing throw it into the enemy jungle and make sure that you aim it at the middle of the side of the jungle that you're trying to reveal don't just throw it on top of the blue buff don't throw it on top of grump make sure you make it travel through all the camps on that side it might sound silly but if you make that mistake you might be missing that one piece of information that can keep you safe this is one of ash's major strengths you can get enough information to keep track of where the enemy jungler is going to be for like the next three minutes maybe even longer in a really best case scenario and you should be getting a point in your e at level 2 because you aren't getting it in your queue like we just discussed and the next thing that you need to know is that you don't just fire off your e at any time and you don't just fire and forget either now i'm not saying that you must enter the cinematic mode in the league of legends practice tool every single time you shoot off your e and follow it as it flies through the enemy jungle no that's not what i'm saying what i am saying is you need to look at the mini-map see if camps that you fly by are already taken check if the enemy jungler is there what their actual hp is and if you spot them make sure you also check tab and see how much cs they have do the tracking math and figure out how many camps they've killed then which ones they must have killed based off of what's alive in case you didn't know and you need a reminder it's 4cs for killing a full jungle camp so to give an example if the enemy jungler has 24 cs and they're still early on in the game so it's their first clear then you know that they must have full cleared all their other camps because they got 12 on the top side and another 12 on the bottom side before they went to go take scuttle you need to do this because you can't just assume that your jungler is going to do this for you ash is a rare ad carry because she can do the job of multiple roles all at the same time and if you do those successfully you're going to be maximizing all of her potential and feel her strength now let me give you some more general ideas about how you can use ash and start maximizing your potential in terms of mechanics and also even your macro sense of when you use your important ability ash's ultimate is her most iconic ability by far and you need to remember that it has two distinct uses you can either use it to engage a fight or you can use it for peel what you use the arrow for depends entirely on what you and your team needs a nice arrow onto a choke point near baron from a decent distance away can be an incredible engage tool onto an important target who might be trying to follow the rest of their team but waiting for that arrow to help shut down that flanking kha'zix could be the difference between life and death you need to decide for yourself what the right thing is in that moment do you save it or do you fire it do you use it for offense or do you save it for defense i can't be there right next to you whispering into your ear softly the answer of when to use your arrow properly in every situation but if you remember the options that you have you'll have a much better time and you're never going to just panic fire your ultimate or use it in a bad way because now you understand what the best ways to use the ability are and don't think i'm forgetting that ash's ulti is a global range because you can go for those really high plays across map or when you recall back to base down the mid lane those are super super hype but they're also just categorized as an offensive play you can engage a fight like that and it might be the right call if you notice that the dragon is spawning soon and you want to get a numbers advantage for the fight that's about to break out over it another tip that really makes a difference between the good and the great ashes is never forgetting that you need to ramp up your auto attacks in order to use your q always try and keep stacks up before fighting and when sieging by hitting towers hitting wars hitting minions hitting jungle camps over extending just a tiny bit to hit that champion to make sure you keep the stacks up anything whatever you can get your hands on even jungle camps will work having your queue right at the start of a fight can be really really important it could be literally it could be the difference between life or death whether you can dps somebody down fast enough before they get cooldowns back in order to kill you or ccu long enough for somebody else to kill you while it's important to keep your q stacks up it's also important to make sure that you aren't taking unnecessary damage to do so i mentioned earlier that doing it on objectives is really good and on towers or even overextending to try and auto attack somebody to keep the stacks up just in case the fight breaks out or maybe even baiting out the fight by doing that you gotta make sure that you're not being too risky you gotta make sure that you're not gonna just die instantly by doing something like that or take unnecessary damage by taking an attack from something like baron or dragon you might have decent life steal but all it takes is a little bit of damage and then all of a sudden the enemy zoe can just one shot you from the health that you're at or the enemy vygar or orianna or insert champion x that does burst damage here and the statement still applies don't make that mistake once you've really dug into ash's fairly simple mechanics and have really understood and mastered her patterns and her auto attacks both without her q and with her q the ranges of her abilities and how to use her e to scout track people and keep yourself safe then you're going to be an absolutely fantastic ash player and an asset on any team that you're playing on you're going to be able to fulfill the fantasy of being that insanely fast archer who can just throw out arrows at anything and everything in their way and cut them down over time but you can't do that alone you're gonna need items and runes to help you along the way let's start with the ruins first and what you want to be taking is a lethal tempo there are other options but right now those builds on ash with both runes and items that synergize with each other are weaker than going lethal tempo i'll address that again once we actually get into the items themselves but other than that in the runes you're going to want to take presence of mind most of the time the exception is when you notice that the enemy team has a lot of poker burst and you want to be able to defend against that by going overheal it's a really rare case but sometimes it does happen where it's simply not safe for ash to ever walk up and use her w to hit people and so you're going to be conserving your mana and mostly auto attacking which can allow you to have an overheal shield almost all the time and keep yourself more safe than if you had anything else besides that alacrity is a pretty easy choice as attack speed is really important on ash and of course overcapping on attack speed even if you manage to do it isn't that big of a deal because the lethal tempo lets you go over that you're gonna have enough life stealing items so you don't actually need the bloodline for the last rune in the precision tree most of the time you're going to want to go to the grass however you can go cut down if you notice that the enemy team has a lot of people who build hp you will almost never buy an hp item on ash you might see some metas where she buys black cleaver but i can tell you right now in this item build you're not doing that and so you're almost always going to be getting a big damage buff especially later on in the game where many people on the enemy team have way more health than you do for your secondary rooms make sure you take magical footwear and approach velocity this gives you more mobility as you do have some bonus movement speed from the free boots however you also get extra mobility when chasing people down hopefully after they fail to engage on you properly approach velocity on ash helps her do this really really well as you get more movement speed towards people who you have slowed from your passive or your w while it doesn't help you if you're moving away that's fine because the slow should be enough and if it happens to not be the case well you have your summoner spells to help you with that as you most of the time are going to be taking flash and heal and you do have the option of taking cleanse if it's appropriate because you know there's a leona in the bottom lane with like uh varys or something which you just you have to get away from that you need to cleanse and get away or maybe you take exhaust to try and be able to survive 1v1s against people who are constantly diving you who have a ton of mobility who don't care about your slows and even beyond all of that little spoiler alert for the items here later the rune king as a first item allows you to steal movement speed from people and have even more powerful kiting you should never need to use the blade of the ruined king for offensive purposes since you have approached velocity which means you could save it entirely for defense and never have to worry about getting chased down and of course to round out the runes don't forget about the minor runes which you should be taking attack speed adaptive and armor if you happen to be up against like a double ap bot lane don't be afraid to swap over to magic resistance as that will help you out a lot getting poked in the early game can feel really bad on ash because you might not have any sustain moving on to the items like i kind of spoiled a little bit earlier your first item should be blade of the ruin king the active when you use it in order to kite people is amazing and you already have approach velocity for the offensive uses if you really wanted to and you felt like you needed even more yeah sure you could use it for offensive purposes but 9 times out of 10 you're not going to need to use it that way because you have no mobility as soon as you get your magical footwear and your first item completed in the blade of the rune king you want to make sure you upgrade your boots and get those berserker grease getting any extra movement speed at all is really important on somebody who has no actual mobility spell other than flash not getting hit by skill shots while you're kiting being able to kite more in between every single auto attack having more movement speed than enemies in general so you don't get caught out all of these are super important and once you're feeling comfortable with that movement speed now you can begin to ramp up your damage and your ability to aoe people by buying a renonce hurricane which will let you multi-attack enemies around your main target and that still applies your passive slow and also your q so you will be multi-hitting them for extra damage it's a really effective way to keep yourself safe especially against multiple people diving you all at the same time hitting one person and having the other bolts fly at them in a quick flurry and slow them down insanely hard is so satisfying but that won't save you from everything people do have abilities and ranges that might just get you compromised even when you try your hardest and because of that the third item that you need to get on ash is a death stance getting this makes you so much harder to kill it's insane and you already do have decent lifesteal from blade of the ruined king but add on the omni vamp from death dance and it's a whole different story ash is one of those machine gun attacking champions and so if you have even maybe two seconds of uninterrupted attacking with death dance when you're low hp you're probably gonna be almost full unless the enemy has grievous wounds to round out the build you should grab an infinity edge and then a phantom dancer and if you really really need it because the enemy team is super tanky you can decide to substitute out one of those two items for a lord dominic's regards or a mortal reminder depending on what you need infinity edge is great on ash because it affects the scaling of her passive and makes all of her auto attacks deal extra damage against people who are already affected by her frost flow crits are also nice on ash because they double the strength of your slow which is very powerful for both kiting and chasing if you feel like you simply don't need the extra damage in general and would prefer to have the armor penetration because the enemy team has so much armor that you're basically doing nothing anyways then you could substitute out the infinity edge and keep the phantom dancer for its really good defensive properties especially when combined with that death stance if your goal is to do more damage though buying the phantom dancer isn't the right choice because yes the attack speed is great but the infinity edge giving you a constant damage increase against anything that has your frost shot applied is greater than what the attack speed will give you you already have insane attack speed with all your other items and lethal tempo so getting that much more isn't making as much of a difference as you might think and you're still getting the same amount of crit chance as well so you have a similar amount of kiting ability but if you can manage to afford to go both an infinity edge and a phantom dancer you're going to do an insane amount of damage to pretty much anything other than a full armor tank and even then you do a pretty considerable amount of damage because you scale so well and that's just about everything you need to know and more in order to take ash and dive into your next games to find more videos like this one where we get to go really in depth on a specific champion or specific topic make sure you go check out our website where we have tons of videos that are all done by challenger level players who specialize in what they're going over and even if you're looking for more generic stuff like the basic skills and knowledge or the macro knowledge in order to play league of legends better and more effectively we have that too and if you made it this far thanks for watching the whole video and to all the ash mains out there who might be watching this video for something new did you happen to learn anything new and if you didn't do you have anything to share for the people who are coming here looking to first time ash that might be really important and really advanced and anyways as always my name is ace windstorm and i will see you all later you
Channel: GameLeap LoL Challenger Guides
Views: 170,269
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Keywords: league of legends, lol guide, league of legends guide, lol gameplay, league of legends gameplay, lol gameplay guide, lol pro guide, league of legends tips, lol, lol ashe tips and tricks, lol ashe tips, lol ashe guide, lol pro ashe, ashe lol, ashe adc guide, lol mid guide, fiddlesticks rework, fiddle pro, adc guide, lol ashe kr, lol ashe montage, lol adc tips, lol adc tier list, ashe lol guide, ashe lol tips, ashe, ashe league, ashe league of legends, challenger ashe
Id: VZjyjRDZgas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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