How To Raise Godly Children

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hey folks welcome back to the vlog my name is bracken and i'm lindsey and this is tiny notes from home we hope to challenge encourage and inspire you on your journey with jesus and we recently asked you guys our viewers what topics you'd like us to discuss in our upcoming vlogs and you answered so this week we're going to discuss how we lovingly train our children and we'll share with you some helpful practical tips along the way before we jump in we have two quick family announcements in case you missed it be sure to check out our latest music video from our endless praise album it's called blessed assurance and there's a link in the description below our endless praise album will be available as a free download or as a cd at the end of september so stay tuned for details there's one more music video from the ammon coming soon look right here at the lens and say stay tuned that's right we are excited to finally be getting this album finished and out to you guys as soon as possible we've been working on it in our pilgrim road studio for the past year and we hope you guys have really been blessed by the songs we do have a new music project coming up after this one is over so lots of exciting things to come be sure to subscribe and stay tuned for the rest of the journey yeah you special boy so lindsay people have commented on how our children are so well behaved right but what's the truth behind the scenes well we do have well-behaved children but it did take us 20 takes to get our intro done this morning and all the announcements we had to deal with behaviors and issues that came up even with ourselves myself included so it's not always easy but yeah we just edit the best parts and show you the best parts yeah because we want the vlog to make sense and be easy to follow i'm forrest and i'm 11 years old and i like playing in the woods and building forts i'm joseph and i'm nine and i like building stuff i'm ezra and i'm seven and i like my brothers my name is alice and i'm five years old and i like apples what's your name um and how old are you noah are you two years old and who do we have here this is baby elijah he's almost six months old and he likes to watch his brothers play you want to go play so we believe that evidence of good child training can be seen in teenage children and obviously we don't have any teenagers yet we only have a child that's our oldest is 11. like many other parents we've read a few parenting books we've observed other godly families and we've just experimented with different styles of parenting over the years but like we said earlier we feel we have a long way to go and we're constantly learning and the lord is teaching us things as we raise our children so before you leave a comment below just keep in mind that we're here to learn and grow alongside with you we're here to edify and encourage you and we by no means condone harsh punishment on children or any form of abuse these are just common sense practical tips on loving and nurturing your children and raising them into godly young men and women and now four quick pieces of child training philosophy to set the stage for the rest of our tips lindsay what is the difference what's the difference between child training and discipline so training is proactive it is when we are intentionally teaching our children things that we want them to learn setting up times of practice discipline is reactive but not in a bad way children sometimes need some form of correction um perhaps for disobedience or for displaying bad behavior or bad attitude so both of these things go hand in hand but we're going to be focusing more on the child training aspect of parenting that's great lindsay and what's the difference between child training and parent training well before we can train our children we really have to be trained ourselves we really have to be disciplined and diligent be ready to follow through with what we set out to do with training our children so a lot of child training really starts with parent training another underlying thing that we should keep in mind when we're dealing with our children is the coach versus the drill sergeant mentality and this is something that i absolutely struggle with my personality type is one that's easy to direct people around and make sure that things happen which is which can be a good thing in the right circumstances we'll have better results with our children if we come alongside them as a coach rather than bossing them around as a drilled sergeant and lastly we have come up with sort of four different stages of the child training model that we're going to introduce to you here today this is just something that we came up with it's not scientific or anything but it starts out with training our children in terms of their actions and that would be for silas is at that age and noah is at that age where our hope is for them to follow just basic commands like sit still or come here or be quiet or play nice things like that then we get into a stage of attitude development and right now ezra would fall into that category our seven year old where where he very easily follows our directions but now he's learning to do that with a happy heart and to have a good attitude about things then we get into the next stage which we call the character stage or phase and right now joseph falls into that category joseph uh generally has a good attitude about the work that he does and now we want to develop and instill in him things like integrity and honesty and deeper character traits and then finally we get to a stage of discipleship and that forest would be in that age right now where we're trying to go deeper into into their souls into their hearts to teach them the ways of the lord of course we do that from all ages but right now forest is prime for being able to really soak up things from the word of god and start to apply them to his life in real and meaningful ways so those are the four stages and it might be helpful to think through those different stages as you consider training your children because depending upon what stage you're at you can adjust your your methods and your approach with your children and hopefully not get frustrated about the outcomes because hopefully you're being realistic about where your children are at so now we'll start into our 10 tips our first tip is to start early just from the time your baby is an infant just establishing that bond with eye contact and lots of snuggles and hugs and kisses and at what age is a child ready for to start into like serious intentional training usually when they start you know reaching grabbing for things you know it can be an issue of safety if they're trying to grab something that's hot like a pan or something you know you can just just let them know hot and you know just give them a little idea of that word is is a strong word and they need to listen elijah's just not quite there yet but we're getting close tip number two is to set aside intentional time to actually train your children this could be a 30-minute time slot in a day depending upon their age to have fun with them and to teach them certain things that they should know how to do or or to not do so i'm going to show you what that looks like right now with our two-year-old and this will be tip number three which is to start with the basics noah come here buddy good boy so you you came when i called you thank you for doing that noah do you see these scissors those are fun to play with sometimes aren't they are they sharp no yeah they're sharp oh don't touch good boy good boy these can hurt you don't touch the scissors so this is something we would start with very basically this is a a pair of doll scissors but we'll set them in front of the child and the first thing they want to do is to pick them up which is fine if they're supervised or whatever the case may be but we will literally leave it here and as they reach for it we'll say don't touch and if they touch it we'll we might thump them on the hand or give them a verbal cue to remind them that they that they can't touch this so there's a there's a very simple command and a very gentle correction so they know not to play with this because this could be dangerous for them and the same would go for the wood stove or anything else in the house that could present a harm to them so this is what i mean by starting with the basics just simple commands like come here sit down don't touch and if they can if they can master those things with you from an early age or don't touch then you will have a better success with them as they grow older right nowy [Music] okay the fourth tip is to be consistent and that is challenging that's where the parent training comes in um i think it is one of my most struggled moments as being consistent but i would say especially like if your child you know you're saying come here with a small child and they start to go the other way whatever you're doing stop what you're doing and get up and make sure that they come to you because if your child can come to you then you can talk to them you can uh keep them out of trouble keep them safe if they're about to do something dangerous and so that's one of the commands that we've really worked very diligently on with each one of our children is come here and i've been thankful to do that i need to actually work more with noah on that one if you wait until the fifth time you called your child to get off your comfortable chair and go get them then guess what you've just done you've trained them to only come when you call them five times so consistency looks like saying the command once expecting them to respond and there should be some gentle consequence if they don't and literally it doesn't take very long sometimes just a couple of days or even just an afternoon for them to learn something simple and start to implement it it'll be a blessing to you i promise silas can you pick up those trucks please good job buddy good job silas thank you for cleaning those up you did a good job you were fast and efficient and you worked hard good boy and our fifth tip is probably the most important which is to praise your children always praise them always lavish words of love and and praise and care for them when they do good things when they obey you when they're happy and helpful that will really strengthen their hearts and encourage them to want to continue to obey and love and serve and honor you as a parent so praise praise praise right another way you can praise your children is to catch them being good tip number six catch them being good ezra is a good boy ezra i appreciated the way you worked hard on your chores this morning and you did the dishes without complaining and you helped your brother pick up the toys thanks for doing that i appreciate that if you point out things that your children do that are good even without being asked again it encourages them so always be looking instead of looking for what they're doing wrong throughout the day and instead of looking for opportunities to to discipline them and and and and correct them instead look for opportunities where they're already doing what you're asking and encourage that in them instead i feel that the more that we encourage our children praise them and catch them being good the less that we should have to to to discipline and correct them along the way but it's not just about doing the right thing all the time isn't that right lindsay that's right because behavior is not always going to be our focus we need to always be looking at what's the deeper issue what's the underlying heart issue that our child is dealing with and a lot of times behaviors are coming out of that if a child is has a reoccurring problem look for what's the heart issue what's going on in their heart what's something that you can draw out of them by just having some alone time with them or a conversation where you can ask them some deeper questions and that's more appropriate as your children start to get older so that was tip 7 focusing on the heart issues and tip number eight is to remember that you are raising not just children you're not raising children necessarily you're raising young men in young ladies yes you do want your children to enjoy their childhood and be children and experience all the things that children experience but in the end they're only children for a short amount of time and ultimately we want to get them into and through their teenage years so i commonly think i'm not raising boys here i'm raising men right we don't expect our children to be just be boys we want them to always be striving for that next level of maturity and excellence as young men amen amen joseph i'm sorry if i was getting on you a little too hard earlier when you were doing your chores i might have raised my voice a little bit i'm sorry about that so tip number nine would be to be humble and acknowledge when we are wrong toward our children if we've done something said something the wrong way just be willing to acknowledge that and i think it's gonna soften their hearts and also just be an example to them of what it means to to to be humble and to apologize when we are wrong along those same lines our tip number 10 would be to pray with your children we all need god's help and so when we mess up as parents when our children are having a reoccurring problem just to stop and ask the lord to come into that situation and just to help us that right there is probably the most important tip even with small children all the way up because when we start trying to do it in our own strength that's when we start failing but when we call upon the lord he is faithful to come and help us that's his that's what he loves to do so amen that was not what i wanted to say and a bonus tip would be to smile more and have fun with your children that's something that i struggle with i mean we have a whole crew of boys there's a lot of things to do there's a lot of commotion in the house there's a lot of commands flying around you know trying to to keep order otherwise it would just be absolutely insane here and we get lost in that and forget to smile and enjoy the moment and have fun but you are good at having fun with the boys and i enjoy watching that but i'm learning sometimes to just have a sense of humor if things are going awry and i'm just starting to feel frustrated or overwhelmed instead of doing that sometimes i think it's helpful and healthy for everyone if we can all just laugh it's not always easy but it helps it does boys do we enjoy having fun yeah do you guys like to smile and have fun yeah so what's it like to be one of my kids it's interesting interesting fun yeah what's it like to to raise up in this house ezra do you enjoy your life yeah you do what do you enjoy about it um stuff [Laughter] stuff huh okay well we enjoy you being our children thanks for being a part of our family and thanks for everything that you do to keep this house running it's a lot so we're going to close out here with the whole family lindsay boys everyone let's gather on the couch together if you are struggling with any of these things we shared or just with parenting in general we would encourage you to seek out um just a mentor like an older family that you appreciate that you can learn from so we've really enjoyed having you guys in our living room this week we hope you'll be super blessed as you consider these things in training your children as well what do we say boys we love you guys god bless you and we'll see you next time see you next time and don't forget to check out our latest music video i'll leave it right over here for you to enjoy we think you'll be blessed by it and there's a cute baby in it too so be sure to check it out
Channel: Tiny Notes From Home
Views: 346,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlog, family vlog, tiny house, tiny house family, tiny notes from home, sounds like reign, brackin kirkland, musical family, family music, shed house, shed to house, christian vlog, christian music
Id: gBGScbr8IZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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