How To Quickly Maximize Your Credit As New Parents Using SmartCredit!

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having a new baby can be one of the most exciting times in our lives but it comes with significant financial responsibility from buying a home to covering the cost of child care there are a lot of expenses to consider and if we don't have good credit then this whole thing becomes a lot more challenging so bad credit can affect a growing family in multiple ways it can affect our ability to get loans or credit cards that can affect how good the interest rate is on those things you would then pay more in interest over time which can get costly in addition to making it hard to secure credit it can also impact our ability to rent a home or an apartment because often landlords are running credit checks on their potential tenant and a low credit score can make it harder to pass their screening process this can limit our options when it comes to finding a safe comfortable home that we love for our family bad credit can also make it harder to qualify for affordable insurance policies this can mean auto insurance life insurance health insurance because often the insurance companies are looking at our credit report to determine whether or not we are high risk and they may charge higher premiums according to a lower credit score they also may deny us coverage altogether all of these are important to consider because as our family grows we may run into unexpected medical bills or Auto bills and we want to be on top of our finances so we feel confident going forward pause this video this is an awkward transition but what you're about to see now is a zoom call that I have with Ximena Cortez where she's going to explain to you how to use Smart credit and here's why so I started using smart credit recently and Ximena is the reason I had a meeting with her she explained it to me I was so into it and so excited about the Simplicity and the amount of stuff that it does for me and now I'm sharing it with you but I'm not very good at explaining it so I asked Ximena if she could just explain it to you guys the way she's explained it to me so that's what you're about to see and then at the end I'll explain what happens if you use my link okay bye bye thanks so much for having me here and so this is a test account everybody and there's a few ways you can work on your score within our platform first way is going to be on the score boost this is going to be where you're going to get the results the quickest so I'm going to start there and this deals with your credit utilization which is 30 of your overall credit grade and we can see here this test account has fifteen thousand dollars in credit card debt now your situation might be different but this is this person um and then depending on their budget they can put you know how much they want to pay next month so this is my budget I would add potentially around 36 points to my score and then you see here it tells you how much to pay on each card it tells you when to pay by and it calculates the points that you may go up if you make that payment now it's at a hundred percent accurate but it's close and what we've done the way that this works is we've mined when every single financial institution is going to report your credit score to the bureaus or your ballot system bureaus and then we have you pay four days before that happens smart credit it's gonna gather all of our information when it comes to our our credit cards and our bank accounts too right we can input all of this I'm new to Smart credit so this is I'm learning alongside these viewers but we we put in all of this information so then you guys do the hard work for us of figuring out exactly when these things are due and the advantage to paying earlier because they tell us a certain date to pay but what you're saying is there's an advantage to paying four days before that that's correct right so um for example um your due date is not necessarily the date that you should pay because you want to pay before they report right so every institution reports in a different date so you want to get in ahead of that so that you show the lowest balance as possible and so I'll give you an example before I started working here I had for the longest time I was at a 7 4 40 credit score I had no negatives had cleared up my score everything was fine I'm paying everything on time but I couldn't get it passed any higher than that and I was confused as to why and then basically what I was doing is I had changed when I paid my cards to the last day possible so by the time it was reported it was reporting the higher balance before I paid it and so all I did was change my payment dates and when I did that and started following this plan I went up to a 790. now I'm not saying that's going to happen to you like that was my situation you have to check yours and see how many points you have available but it was like that big for me and then I'm actually at an 800 now but um but yeah but there was like this was like my last missing piece and so um so you definitely like it's this is a quick way if you're about to go in a loan process or you want to go you want to buy a car you want to buy a house you gotta want to get anything I would say you know go in here first you can try it out for one dollar and then see how many points you have available get all your points and then go apply for whatever loans because you're gonna pay a lot less than interest and that's that could be a huge savings in you know certain ways totally okay that's awesome yeah now the other way that we can also help you work on your score is going to be the score Builder now this deals with your payment history this is 35 of your overall credit grade so when we go in here it's going to give you a bit of a tutorial in the beginning it's going to show you the accounts that are helping your score which is awesome and then we're going to show you the accounts that are hurting your score now most places would stop there and then they would give you some advice as to um you know what you can do but you still need to have to do it yourself or hire someone to do it so it's not necessarily like you're going to get a result with us we can keep going and then we can take what's called an action so with the four instances that you see on the screen we can actually help you you know request a Goodwill correction fix a credit reporting error negotiate a debt or report identity tax on an account so this first one that we see Citibank it's a 90 day late so let's say I actually was 90 days late I could click on Goodwill correction select the reason or you can type in your own and then when I hit confirm mail delivery we're going to send either a letter or a fax but it's a physical piece of paper it's a Citibank on your behalf to request this Goodwill removal wow I love that this these are the things that sold me on it when we first had a call about this together because it's so hard to know what to do when something goes wrong I don't even know who I'm supposed to be in touch with and it feels like it's such a lengthy process it's intimidating so to just have this where you you not you personally but the company does it for you it's so nice yeah it saves a lot of time so you don't have to call anybody write anything it's easy you can check I've never spend too much time on this because this is more like you know you can track your score over time against being pulled from Transunion and you can see other scores here so you can kind of you know to track it as you do things and it hopefully goes up um now down here you know we get into uh what you were mentioning earlier about like your bank accounts and stuff because we looked at it as you know it's one thing to build your score but now let's say let's say you got your points you're at 807 now what you might say you're done but no you're just beginning because now you you did all the work you got your goal but now you have to protect it you have to maintain it it's just like when you go to the gym you don't go into the gym you get all fit and you're done you stop working out you're gonna lose your muscle like right you know so this is kind of like you know that maintenance um so to help you with that we've done a few things uh well number one uh included in every account you're gonna get a million dollars of identity fraud insurance which covers you and your entire family in your household so that's really cool because you don't have to get multiple accounts for this yeah and then also here you can manage all your finances so you can connect your all your checking accounts all your Investments um if you own any property you would put that under other and your credit cards loans all that stuff and really manage your financial picture from a simple dashboard but like I mentioned you know now that you have good credit you're more of a target for unscrupulous people and credit card that is actually a lot more prevalent than identity theft so what I would recommend you do is you connect all your credit cards you go to your alerts and then you set up your alerts at zero you could put different amounts I like to put zero because if somebody steals your credit card then what they're going to do is they're going to start with as low amount and start charging things and then work their way up from there so if you catch it you could stop it before it gets out of control and what this does it'll send me an email and a text message every day with all my transactions so I can ensure that they're all me or if you share credit cards with someone you can keep tabs on their transactions so yeah yeah and the last thing I will show you um and I do have to log into my personal account to show you guys this so I'm going to do this really quickly because it again goes into helping you protect this great new score that you just got this feature has been blowing my mind the last month since I've been using your your service this one is like yeah it's a little it's a little creepy what anyway I'll let you show it but we have what's called privacy Master it's one of our newer features that's why it doesn't work in the test account but you can see here um I was found on 21 different sites that were selling my personal information and when I say that it's basically like where I currently live all the places where I used to live who my parents are for those of you who have children a lot of times they'll have your children's names and where they go to school they had my age like I was I was so many places I didn't even know that this was a thing until I met with you the first time yeah I mean what what else did you find on yours oh my gosh personal address like they could go find my name my address my age on some places you can see where my kids are like too much and then I love that well I'm taking away from yours yeah I want to hear you guys I just love that once I deleted it then I think it was 14 days later or something they checked again and for some of them I had been put back up and so then I just took it down again but I I appreciate that so much I didn't even know it was so easy to find my details yeah it's scary and especially like women you know well we have stalkers or you're out there dating or you know you have a family in your private you don't want people to know where your kids are going to school and all this stuff you know it's it's all out there and you can have it removed just most people don't even they're not even aware no and this is how your identity gets stolen like why do I need I need your address okay a few other things and I'm good to go yeah what's your mother's maiden name well I could find out on the internet totally security question how do you see yeah yeah so so that is the platform uh in a nutshell um on the main site we don't offer a trial but through Jessica's link you can try it seven days for just one dollar and it includes everything I just showed you guys it's amazing even Ximena I was looking like what you had said in a previous call was that there are different websites that offer these individualized services but your yours is so much more affordable for all of them yeah exactly like for the just just on the identity theft Insurance um there's places charging anywhere from 10 to 25 for that for the Privacy Master feature I just showed you there are companies that charge anywhere between 15 to 28 dollars for that this is per month and then of course all the credit features um there's companies that usually for the credit stuff they're charging around like 39 to 50 a month so if you add it all up the value of what you're getting is at least eighty dollars a month and after the seven day trial you're just paying 23.95 I mean it's less than lunch yeah no it's amazing it's amazing my husband he's like a pretty Frugal guy but I told him about this after because I felt like my mind was blown you really sold me honestly and so yeah he was like wow that's an awesome deal even the million dollar fraud insurance for the whole family there's five of us that's huge so yeah I'm for it this is a genuine this video is so from the heart I really appreciate it oh thank you so much no we're so excited to be here with you and be able to just share our message and help it to the people as we can I mean at this point I mean we've been around a long time 20 years um we've had over 4 million customers so we're not small but I feel like a lot of people just are not aware like even if you have good credit you need to monitor it you need to protect it you know identity theft happens credit card theft happens you know yeah and my viewers are growing families so they're already in a bit of a vulnerable state expecting maybe their first or second child all of this is very grown-up stuff right the adult stuff of Life resulting yeah adulting right it's nice to have a simplified place where we can go to manage our money and see like what changes do we need to make to improve our credit score I mean this is all new to me and I I'm in my 30s and I have three kids and I'm still like I don't know about credit score stuff I need to figure this out so I really appreciate you sharing with us and um and yeah my link for them will be below and they have all the information that they need to be able to try this out so um so thank you thanks so much use my link below you can try smart credit for just one dollar the trial is only available through my link thank you so much I hope you guys are doing well you're doing great that's what that says and we'll see you soon bye
Channel: Jessica Hover
Views: 1,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smartcredit, credit score, how to maximize credit, how to improve credit, improve credit fast, how to prep financially baby, preparing for baby financially, getting ready for baby, how to afford baby, affording new baby, how to boost credit score, i need better credit, parents with bad credit, how to improve credit score fast, how to make credit better fast, jess hover, jessica hover, How to Built Credit Fast as New Parents, smart credit, how to start a business
Id: Q6uPFc3rguo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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