HOW TO PUT PLANETS and STARS in YOUR MUSIC VIDEOS | After Effects Tutorial!!

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today I'll be teaching you guys how you can put stars and planets in your music videos [Music] what's up guys my name is Devin Nguyen welcome to 11 tutorials for this tutorial I'll be teaching you guys a great fun way to just spice up your video settings and make your music videos feel a lot more astrial and sci-fi might add you can do this with pretty much any objects they don't have to be planets or Stars you can add spaceships in your skies floating cities clouds and etc for this effect all you'll be needing is After Effects and the video shots can be either on a tripod or handheld tripod obviously works best but before we get started if you guys please hit the like button and subscribe it's free all this content is free so it'd really really mean a lot if you guys could but without further Ado let's jump right into the video alright guys so now that we're finally inside of After Effects what you're going to want to do is obviously have your clip loaded in now make sure the clips that you have have a nice like canvas area of the sky I guess so right here in this top left corner we have a nice area where we are going to be able to place our planets now you're also going to want to make sure you have your planet what's it called assets going on right here so as you can see I have a couple items right here and now a key thing before you even start is you want to make sure that your planet icons are are have a black background so planets like this this blue one we're going to probably start off with this one um and and this other Saturn one so usually like a dark majority dark picture and and there's like some bright highlights that those typically work best with the blending modes that we're going to be using uh in After Effects and whatnot so I'm just going to delete these for now but the first thing you're going to do is you're going to come over here to your main clip and then hit track camera now you're going to wait for this to load out it might take a minute so I'm just gonna go ahead and speed this up and once that is done then you can see we have you're going to have a whole bunch of uh 3D flowers I like to call them the 3D flowers because that's what they are and if you zoom in you can see a Target hovers above them but we're actually not going to be using the Target today instead we're going to be coming over here click onto your your clip again and then hit create camera now you'll see you'll have a second layer as soon as a 3D camera and you're not gonna be able to see anything because it's you a virtual 3D camera but basically what that means is it's tracking all the 3D motion that's going on in your video right here so now what we're going to do is we're going to come back here to our project panel and we're finally dragging our planet so dragging your planet scale it to where you want it to be hold shift to drag the edges at least that's how mine works and then I'm just going to put in this corner right here position it you know nice how you might like it maybe I want it a little bit more rotated that way just we have a little bit more curvature there we go perfect and now what we are going to do which is going to finally wrap together the whole effect is we're just going to hit the 3D icon the little square this Cube this Cube icon right here and you're gonna see it's linked now to this 3D camera tracker icon and if you play it back Tada it is perfectly positioned in the sky but there is still obviously that that big giant black box around it so to fix that we're just going to come over here to layer and then we're going to scroll down to blending mode and we're gonna hit screen now Tada you can see we have a nice Planet floating in the sky and it honestly looks pretty decent so you see as you can see we can just drag it to pretty much anywhere we like and it works perfectly but now there might be a few case scenarios just because um for me this clip worked out really nicely just because there's not a lot of movement and his arms aren't obstructing the image for say your planet was a different planet I'm gonna drag in the Death Star right here I'm gonna hit the cube icon to 3D track it and then just scale it down to where I want it to be and let's just put it there for now we're gonna hit layer blending mode and screen so let's say for example this is your clip and your subject's arms go in front of the planet which is in the background and obviously creates a sort of dilemma going on right here when you know their hand comes in front of the planet because that you know that shouldn't happen what we can easily do to fix this is just simply rotoscope it so what we're going to do is we're going to create a duplicate layer of our bottom layer hit command D to do that we're going to drag the top layer on top and then I'm just going to go ahead and delete this camera tracker because we don't need it on the top layer and what we're going to do is we're going to double clip the top layer and we are going to hit the rotobrush icon and we're just going to Roto brush our subject now if you don't know how to Roto brush it's very simple we have a lot of tutorials on that but that's just pretty much how you do it and once you have your rotoscope subject in the front just leave the layer as is and you'll have your subject mask out in front of the planet and just like that there we have it it's a very very simple effect but before we head out just remember a key thing about this effect is light this whole effect centers around light so making sure that you have the correct opacity blend mode there's so many blend modes over here and just make sure you have the right one to create the best effect you know every scene is different your videos are different from mine so you know just mess around with it have fun with it make it your own and with that here is the final result [Music] toriel thank you again so much for watching I hope after this you can walk away with an effect that you can use for your future music videos and projects if you haven't already please make sure to like button and subscribe with notification Bell on if you had any questions or concerns throughout the tutorial please be sure to leave a comment down below I always love to hear what you guys have to say and also make sure to follow us on Instagram at 11 prod once again thanks so much for watching and we'll see you guys in the next video peace [Music] foreign [Music]
Views: 12,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4shIGAF5z5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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