How to Push Code to Github

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hello my name is Maggie I am a web and graphic designer from the Philadelphia area in this video we are going to learn how to push code to github in this video we are going to cover github as a tool to manage our web design projects we are also going to take a look at how we go about pushing our code to github before we go further let's talk about github what is github github is a version control system we can work on projects and github will keep track of all of the different versions of this project we've all experienced working on projects where we have folder after folder after folder of different versions github will do this for us github is a publishing tool and a great way to collaborate with others on a project what are the benefits of working with github github is a great way to track our codebase to share and collaborate as well as to save our process and go back to earlier points in our projects we all have experienced or will experience when we get our project to a point where it's working really well and then we go three more steps and it no longer works with github we have the ability to go back to that earlier version and work from there one of the major benefits is github makes it difficult to mess up our projects let's try it out your door is an interactive web project on code cad amis platform now that i have worked through this project I have taken the files the HTML CSS and the JavaScript file I have created a local folder on my computer with the code I can see the path to this project on my computer let's take a quick look at the project the goal of this game is to not choose the door with the chore bot now I'm going to take this project the HTML the CSS and the JavaScript and push this code to a repository on github I open github I make sure that I am all logged in and I begin by creating a new repository I hit the plus sign and select new repository I give my repository a name I will name my repository chore door I come to my description which is optional and I am going to add a description code Kadim e chor door project my folder is sets of public and I'm going to skip adding a readme file I create my repository my next page has a lot of really good information on how I will push my code my project to my github repository working with the terminal step 2 we open the terminal we come to step 3 here we are going to set our local project as the current directory we type PWD this will find and locate the present working directory I need to change my directory I type CD and then I specify the folder where my project is located next I will type LS this will list the files that are inside of this folder step 4 I initialize my local directory as it get repository I type get an it and hit return in step 5 I'm going to add the files in my local folder to like git repository I am staging my files for their first commit I type get add period this will add all of the files inside of that folder I'm going to type git status and hit return I will now see all of the files that I have staged for commit now let's commit the files from our local repository we type get commit - em and inside of quotation marks I type first commit now we need to specify the remote repository URL so we come back to our github repository quick setup page and we copy the URL in step 8 we'll add the URL for the remote repository we do this by typing the following get remote add origin and we paste the URL I now can push the code in my local repository to github I type the following get push - you origin master I hit return now I will be asked to enter my username and password once I've completed all of these steps I can come back to github and I can view my files inside of my repository we have successfully pushed our code to github over the course of this video we took a look at how github is a great way to track our code base we also follow the steps of pushing code pushing a project to github thanks for watching this was Maggie with code Kadim II join the conversation by subscribing to the channel or dropping a comment below if you want to take your skills to the next level start learning on code Academy today thanks so much
Channel: Codecademy
Views: 948,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: codecademy, coding, learn to code, github, programming, github tutorial, learn git, git tutorial, github 101, yt:cc=on
Id: wrb7Gge9yoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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