How to Push a Pool Ball Through the Rail and How to Spin it Into a Pocket!

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hey guys I'm Jayden do free and today I'll be showing you how to compress the rail with a ball and how to throw balls into the pocket what I mean by throw we're going to start off with a throw shot here so let's say we're in this situation right here where we need to pocket this 9 we've played a bad positional shot this usually comes up because of positional errors or your opponent leaves you in this position if they miss a 9 leave it hanging or something but this ball cannot be cut into the pocket just because of the layout it's not a credible ball now you could use a bunch of left spin come off of this rail and have the cue ball spin into it or if you don't feel comfortable with it you could kick up table and try and have your cue ball come back and make the 9 but again that is a tough tough shot and you could easily sell out there so the shot that I'm going to show you is actually very very simple does not take a lot of practice and it has a really simple concept so the shot I'm going to show you is throwing this object ball in into this corner pocket using a but your right spin now whatever spin is on the cue ball the opposite spin is transferred to the object ball so if I want this ball to go left I need a right spin on my cue ball so right spent how much right spin do we need just a little bit of right spin don't over kill your cue ball too much right spin you see where that three is that is where we are going to contact our cue ball just a tad bit of right spin some outside spend I'm going to show you the shot from a bunch of different angles but this is not very hard you got to hit it pretty full in the face maybe just a touch on its right side but hit the ball fairly full with a good medium hard stroke I I like to shoot this for the medium heart stroke it just helps me pocket the ball I find but you can shoot this as soft or as hard as you really want don't shoot it too soft or too hard if you shoot it too hard it could rattle the pocket a hit this rail and kind of go around the ball is going to go off of these two rails and into the pocket it won't go directly into the pocket so you need to hit it slow enough to where it will go in but hard enough to where it doesn't hang in that corner so here's the so now this shot is about compressing the rail in order to make the object-ball now let's say this ball is over the side pocket and it's on this rail right here and we cannot cut this now only shoot this if the cue ball is fairly close to your object ball you do not want to shoot this you don't want to shoot this if your cue ball is way back here it's a lot harder shot to control and to make so we want to shoot if it's fairly close now what we're going to do is we're going to aim to hit this nine ball to where it pushes through the point of this pocket this point can actually be compressed if you take a slow-motion camera and film a ball going into a rail you can actually see the rail kind of bends and then rebounds the ball back out it's a really cool thing to see search it up on the internet maybe in fact get a slow slow motion camera one day I'll show you guys but it's a really cool thing to see so I'm gonna try to play it in slow motion as well but this shot right here all we're going to do is just aim pretty straight at the nine ball just a little bit to the left with a little bit below center and we're gonna hit it pretty hard we don't want to hit it as hard as we can because the nine ball could fly off the table the nine ball could go into the pocket hit off the back and then just spit back out which is very common unlike diamond tables or gold crowns that's a common thing that can happen so watch out for that especially if you're playing on one of those like tight tables but this shot right here is something that comes up very very often a lot people don't want to have to cut this so like instead of pushing it through the rail belt trying to cut it down table but you hit this point right here which makes this shot so much tougher but compressing this rail right here is actually very very simple all I got to do is hit hard a tad bit below Center on the cue ball not too much we're hitting about right in between the two ones so right below Center right here through ever contacting our cue ball hit it fairly hard and here's the now this shot is the same as that first shot but I just wanted to show you from a different side to show you that this can be done pretty much anywhere so we're gonna take our cue ball right here and I want you to pause the video and think what spin we're gonna need on the cue ball so we're trying to throw the three ball into this corner pocket which is to the right so what spin will we need on the cue ball so if you pause the video I got asked you to and you came back you probably have an answer by now and the spin that we need to use is left spin whatever spins on the cue ball the opposite spin is transferred to the object ball so left spin on the cue ball is right spin on the three ball right spin on the cue ball is left spin on the three ball so we're trying to throw it to the right so we're gonna use the left spin hit it pretty full cut it a little bit to the left cut a little bit to where it cuts towards this pocket just a bit and you should be able to make this shot no problem and hear this now while filming this video I also thought to add a double kick shot to this video so I'd like to demonstrate that now so let's imagine that we got stuck in a situation like this where the three is directly across from the cue ball threes frozen to the rail and we cannot make it into the side pocket because and if you put another slow-motion camera on these two when the Hilo comes in hits the three the three rebounds off the rail and the cue ball still going forward the three hits off the cue ball all the energy is transferred to the cue ball hits it directly into the three stays there where it cuts the cue ball this way three ball goes that way leaves an open shot for your opponent and also on this shot if the three balls frozen to the rail you cannot play this little push shot like that because no ball hits the rail after contact if this ball is already touching the rail it does not count like so if it's already touching the rail you can not play that shot it will be called a foul because no law hit the rail although you could play the double kiss and try to leave your opponent in the same situation and have your cue ball come back and hit a rail but that is very tough to control as you can see and you couldn't leave an open bank shot so this shot right here we're just going to play a little bit to the left of the three ball use some draw the cue ball and the three ball will actually hit each other twice so I'll do that double kiss and use all the three : this way afterwards what we're going to try to do is get the cue ball give the three ball to come this way into the corner pocket but the reason we're using drawl is it's kind of a two way shot so if we draw a backwards off of this rail and end up with our cue ball down on this side of the table if we miss this three ball it'll end up on this side of the table most likely on this short rail so then we'll leave our opponent with the same shot that we faced but going across all eight feet nine feet or seven feet of table or find snooker twelve feet but you'll leave them a tougher shot than what you had most likely unless you just hit it completely wrong but we're just gonna hit it with some draw cut it a little bit kind of cut the three ball a little bit this way but still enough to get that double kiss and I should put a little bit of top on the three ball and it should just follow right into that pocket it's really a fun shot to watch and here it is thank you guys so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed if you did please click the like button down below if you want to be notified when I post a new video you can click the subscribe button then the bell icon right next to it thought I'd just send you an email and a notification saying I've uploaded a new video if you are interested in proving your game I'd like to introduce you to a product called the IQ training ball this is the ball about our reference to every time I showed you what's spin I was using and as you remember it has different contact points on it that are used in every pool game the recon comment points so what it does is let's say we're trying to hit it directly in the center of the ball so we have a marking for center here so we're gonna shoot a ball straight in and then what we can see from the ball is we can see where our tip contacted so you see I thought I hit center but I actually hit above center and a little bit to the left so that can actually throw my whole game off so that's something that I really want to work on so you can use this tool to practice with yourself and you don't have to have a coach there to help you you don't have to have anyone there to help you just set up some balls shoot this straight in put a aim at a certain target point on this you have a ton of different target points tons of different shots that you can practice aim at a certain place chalk your tip up shoot see if you hit where that is and do the whole process over and over over again it's building that muscle memory so if you like the order eiq you can click the link in the description or go to WWE cue clinic com that's ICU vcli and I see comm also check out my other sponsors down in the link below check out brutal game gear also check out pool shot org down in the link below check out their protractor that I did a review on thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Dupree Trickshots
Views: 4,238,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pool, Billiards, Snooker, 9ball, 8ball, 10ball, How, Tutorial, Spin, Throw, Jaden, Dupree, Trickshot
Id: 6TEkuL8-w2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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