How to Publish Your Game For Sale on The Game Crafter

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hi i'm alicia and i'm going to teach you how to publish your game for sale on the gamecrafter to start let's head over to the game you want to sell click make at the top of the site and then games now click the name of the game you want to sell first up make sure there's no orange exclamation points next to any of the images in your game that'll make sure your game is fully proofed now click the cell tab up here to publish your game for sale in the shop you must have purchased a copy of your game if you have purchased a copy of your game less than 10 days ago you can still publish it for sale in the shop but you will either have to wait 10 days or you can pay 10k crafter points to skip this waiting period the waiting period is to make sure that you've reviewed your game for any issues before you sell it to other people when you're ready to publish your game and you've done all the required steps we're going to go through you can simply hit the publish button here now let's look at the vitals vitals are where you're going to enter the addition of your game if this is your first time making this game you can leave it at first you can also enter how many players your game can play for example if your game plays two to six players you can enter two to six or maybe it's one to ten you just enter that here you're going to enter how long your game plays and the ages you'll notice we only offer 12 plus and 18 plus this is because you cannot make games for ages under 12. now let's move down to pricing if you want to have a specific markup for your game you can leave automatic pricing on and enter the specific markup here if you want a specific sale price for your game or an msrp you can turn off automatic pricing and enter that msrp here for example i'm going to enter 54.99 your msrp or your sales price needs to always be higher than the manufacturing cost here where you see tcg here and designer is the profit split so tgc is how much profit the gamecrafter makes and designers how much profit you're making per sale of your game let's go ahead and move down to marketing you'll see that this is a required section here's where you're going to enter a short description for your game three cool things about your game this can be like the hook for your game a little pitch about your game or just something cool about your game you can also enter a website for your game or company make sure to include the http for your game for your game's url you're also going to enter an ad for your game the advertisement needs to be exactly 216 by 150 pixels i made an example advertisement here you simply drag and drop the advertisement into this upload box and this is what it will look like in the online shop let's go ahead and move down to analytics this is specifically for the goat counter code if you don't have one of these you can go ahead and skip this step let's move down to safe search use your best judgment when filling these out these are just going to help for anybody who's using safe search options on their account if they don't want to see games with these kinds of things you can enter these for your game just to help filter them for other people let's move down to professional review if you have a professional board game review for your game you can enter those informations here let's move down to shop page this is also a required page there we go you can enter a shop backdrop and a game logo again these also have specific sizes 1600 by 600 pixels pixels for your shop backdrop and 350 by 150 pixels for your game logo i've made some examples for these as well you again are going to simply drag and drop them in i do have some recommendations when designing these for your shop backdrop these will be cropped when viewing them on different devices like a mobile device on a tablet or if your window is being made small let's say you made your window small when viewing it so it's important to keep in mind that you may not want to have text on your shop backdrop and your logo should have a transparent background so it's viewed nicely against your backdrop something like this for your shop description we have a great text editor here so you can change the size of your text make it bold italic add quotes you can also auto embed a video url from youtube it'll automatically embed by just posting in the url you can also automatically upload images in here by using this drop down box down here for example i can take this image drop it in here and it'll automatically embed here on the shop page make sure to save it you can view your shop page at any time by clicking the name of your game here you can see your banner your logo and your shop page here let's go ahead and move down to shop preferences these preferences are great if you don't want to publish your game to the online shop but you still want to sell your game to other people you can allow sales of your game even when it's unpublished you can set that to yes or no you can allow your game to be viewed even when it's unpublished you can set that to yes or no this one's a little specific if your game requires a box when it's published you can set that to yes or no if your game doesn't have a box but you still want to sell it anyways make sure to set that to no let's go ahead and move down to taxonomy this is going to help people find your game in the shop so if your game is a game if it's an upgrade playing cards self-improvement or tarot and oracle and then you can also help set that category even more specific so let's go ahead and set ours to game we'll set it to board game and you can even add additional tags for your game to make it even easier for people to find it let's go ahead and move down to another required area of action shots you can see that these also have a required size of 800 by 600 pixels i have a couple of these as well we're going to select all three of these and upload all of them you can set the sequence you want these to arrive in we're gonna set this one to three so this will be first second and third and these will appear towards the bottom of your shop page and a little slideshow and these are great for showing live action shots or renders of your game now let's go ahead and move down to related games now this is great if you have expansions for your game or maybe different types of boxes or rules things like that you'll be able to add and remove different types of games you'll simply click the plus button on any related games and they'll show up here in the related games and on your shop page they'll show up over here as related games now let's move down to this last option of bof this game bof is short for bulk order fulfillment and this will allow you to download a spreadsheet if you plan to make a bulk order of this game for something like a kickstarter or pre-order once you're done filling everything out but then once your game is ready for sale you can go ahead and hit that publish button and your game will be live in the store within just a couple minutes and that's it that's how you publish a game on the game crafter thanks for watching
Channel: The Game Crafter
Views: 1,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1iuV14R1Dis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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